988 resultados para food preferences


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Despite occasional trips to the ground and feeding in trees whose canopies touched the river, mantled howling monkeys were never seen to drink from any ground water. Drinking from arboreal cisterns was observed, but only during the wet season (meteorologically the less stressful season but phenologically the more stressful season). The lack of sufficient new leaves during the wet season forced the howlers to ingest more mature leaves which contained significantly less water. To compensate for the lowered amount of water in their food, the monkeys utilized arboreal water cisterns. The cisterns dried up during the dry season, but the howlers maintained their water balance by altering their time of actiivity and selecting a diet comprised largely of succulent new leaves. The effect of plant-produced secondary compounds on drinking also was discussed.


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Primate species often eat foods of different physical properties. This may have implications for tooth structure and wear in those species. The purpose of this study was to examine the mechanical defenses of leaves eaten by Alouatta palliata from different social groups at Hacienda La Pacifica in Costa Rica. Leaves were sampled from the home-ranges of groups living in different microhabitats. Specimens were collected during the wet and dry seasons from the same tree, same plant part, and same degree of development as those eaten by the monkeys. The toughness of over 300 leaves was estimated using a scissors test on a Darvell mechanical tester. Toughness values were compared between social groups, seasons, and locations on the leaves using ANOVA. Representative samples of leaves were also sun-dried for subsequent scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analyses in an attempt to locate silica on the leaves. Both forms of mechanical defense (toughness and silica) were found to be at work in the plants at La Pacifica. Fracture toughness varied significantly by location within single leaves, indicating that measures of fracture toughness must be standardized by location on food items. Monkeys made some food choices based on fracture toughness by avoiding the toughest parts of leaves and consuming the least tough portions. Intergroup and seasonal differences in the toughness of foods suggest that subtle differences in resource availability can have a significant impact on diet and feeding in Alouatta palliata. Intergroup differences in the incidence of silica on leaves raise the possibility of matching differences in the rates and patterns of tooth wear.


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Although recent research has investigated animal decision-making under risk, little is known about how animals choose under conditions of ambiguity when they lack information about the available alternatives. Many models of choice behaviour assume that ambiguity does not impact decision-makers, but studies of humans suggest that people tend to be more averse to choosing ambiguous options than risky options with known probabilities. To illuminate the evolutionary roots of human economic behaviour, we examined whether our closest living relatives, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus), share this bias against ambiguity. Apes chose between a certain option that reliably provided an intermediately preferred food type, and a variable option that could vary in the probability that it provided a highly preferred food type. To examine the impact of ambiguity on ape decision-making, we interspersed trials in which chimpanzees and bonobos had no knowledge about the probabilities. Both species avoided the ambiguous option compared with their choices for a risky option, indicating that ambiguity aversion is shared by humans, bonobos and chimpanzees.


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Introduction: Les aidants des personnes âgées (PA) atteintes de la démence de type Alzheimer (DTA) sont confrontés à de nombreux défis lors du soin de leurs proches, y compris ceux liés à l’alimentation. Cependant, ces défis restent méconnus et les stratégies créées pour les gérer sont encore peu efficaces. Objectifs: Identifier les difficultés rencontrées par les aidants pendant la gestion de l’alimentation des PA atteintes de la DTA ayant participé à une intervention nutritionnelle (l’étude NIS) et dégager leurs opinions concernant cette intervention. Sujets: Trente-trois aidants des PA avec DTA du groupe intervention de l’étude NIS ont été ciblés. Méthodes: L’approche qualitative a été employée lors des entrevues individuelles auprès de ces aidants. Les entrevues ont été transcrites et le verbatim fut soumis à une analyse thématique. Résultats: Vingt-quatre aidants ont été interviewés. Quelque 58,4 % avaient 70 ans et plus et 58,3 % étaient des conjoint (es) des patients affectés. Quatre catégories de thèmes furent dégagées menant à l’identification des défis alimentaires suivants: les changements des habitudes alimentaires (altération des préférences); les perturbations du comportement alimentaire (ex. l’oubli de repas); la dépendance à la préparation des repas. L’utilité des conseils, la gentillesse et la compétence du personnel NIS, la documentation écrite offerte et la durée du suivi ont été appréciées par les aidants. Conclusion: Une meilleure compréhension de l'expérience de soin vécu par l’aidant est essentielle au développement des interventions nutritionnelles adaptées aux besoins des aidants et des PA atteintes de la DTA.


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Le surpoids (embonpoint et obésité) chez l’enfant est un problème préoccupant qui prend de plus en plus d’ampleur. Le rôle du parent dans cette problématique est prédominant, puisqu’il assure la disponibilité des aliments, choisit les mets présentés, joue le rôle de modèle dans l’acte alimentaire et interagit avec l’enfant durant les prises alimentaires pour guider son comportement alimentaire. Le parent offre et façonne l’environnement dans lequel évolue l’enfant. Cette thèse explore le rôle de la mère dans cet environnement. Le parent utilise diverses pratiques alimentaires pour guider l’alimentation de l’enfant. Certaines sont douces, comme encourager positivement l’enfant à essayer un aliment (ex. Goûtes-y, moi je trouve ça très bon!) et d’autres plus coercitives (ex. Tu ne sors pas de table sans avoir terminé ton assiette). Les interactions parent-enfant lors de la prise alimentaire sont susceptibles d’avoir différentes conséquences sur l’alimentation de l’enfant, modifiant possiblement les apports alimentaires, les préférences, la néophobie et le statut pondéral. Les interactions parent-enfant en général, donc hors du contexte précis de l’alimentation, peuvent aussi influencer les comportements alimentaires de l’enfant. L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’explorer les relations entre les interactions parent-enfant en général, aussi nommées « styles parentaux » (SP), les interactions parent-enfant dans le contexte alimentaire, portant le nom de «styles parentaux alimentaires» (SPA), les stratégies alimentaires utilisées par les parents pour guider l’alimentation de l’enfant, nommées « pratiques alimentaires parentales » (PAP), les comportements alimentaires de l’enfant et le statut pondéral de ce dernier. Cette thèse comprend 4 objectifs spécifiques. D’abord, d’examiner les relations entre les SP, les SPA et les PAP. Dans un deuxième temps, les relations entre les SPA, le comportement alimentaire de l’enfant (préférence et fréquence de consommation) et le statut pondéral de l’enfant seront explorées. Puis, l’existence de relations entre l’usage de PAP et le comportement alimentaire de l’enfant sera évaluée. Finalement, les relations entre les attitudes de la mère à l’égard de son poids et de celui de son enfant et du comportement néophobique de l’enfant seront explorées. Cent vingt-deux mères d’enfants d’âge préscolaire, de 3 à 5 ans, ont été recrutées par des milieux de garde de l’île de Montréal et ont complété et retourné un questionnaire auto-administré portant sur le style parental, style parental alimentaire, les PAP, les fréquences de consommation de l’enfant, les préférences de l’enfant pour certains aliments et groupe d’aliments, la néophobie de l’enfant, le poids et la taille de l’enfant, le régime actuel de la mère, la perception du poids de l’enfant, la préoccupation face au poids de l’enfant ainsi que la description du profil familial. Les SP, les SPA et les PAP montrent des corrélations. Les SPA, plus particulièrement les deux échelles qui les composent (exigence et sensibilité) montrent des corrélations avec la consommation et la préférence pour certains aliments. Des différences sont aussi notées entre les différents SPA et le statut pondéral de l’enfant et certains comportements alimentaires. La présente thèse suggère une implication de trois concepts, soient les SP, les SPA et les PAP, dans la dynamique alimentaire de la dyade mère-enfant. Des relations importantes entre les SPA et les préférences alimentaires sont suggérées. Les futures recherches dans ce domaine devront évaluer l’impact relatif des PAP, des SP et des SPA sur le comportement alimentaire (consommation et préférence) et le poids de l’enfant. Une intervention efficace visant des changements de comportements alimentaires auprès des familles devra adresser à la fois les PAP, mais aussi les SP et les SPA.


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Cette étude s’insère dans une étude s’intitulant « Choix alimentaires d’adolescents canadiens et attitudes de leurs entraîneurs impliqués dans des activités sportives organisées ». Les objectifs étaient d’étudier chez des adolescents impliqués dans une compétition sportive provinciale où l’offre alimentaire est contrôlée 1) leur maîtrise des recommandations nutritionnelles 2) les facteurs individuels, comportementaux, socio-environnementaux influençant leurs choix alimentaires. Deux observateurs ont visité les différents sites alimentaires et de compétition pendant les Jeux du Québec de 2011 à Valleyfield. Les plateaux des athlètes ont été photographiés à table au moment des repas avec une caméra numérique et les commentaires oraux colligés par écrit. Au total, 173 photographies ont été analysées et comparées aux recommandations reconnues en nutrition sportive. Dans notre étude, les préférences alimentaires, l’offre alimentaire et la présence des coéquipiers sont les facteurs qui influencent le plus les choix alimentaires en compétition. Par contre, le sexe de l’athlète n’a pas influencé les choix alimentaires des athlètes observés. En pré-compétition, 85,4% des plateaux présentent une valeur énergétique supérieure aux recommandations et 66,3% d’entre eux ont une répartition en énergie inadéquate, peu importe le sexe. Un excès de lipides et de protéines au sein du repas précédant l’effort caractérise majoritairement les plateaux dont la répartition en énergie est non optimale (69,5%). Les recommandations en post-compétition (100%) et lors des jours de repos (95,8%) ont facilement été rencontrées. Il en est de même pour l’hydratation (99,4%). Le lait au chocolat est la boisson la plus populaire (59,5%). Les produits céréaliers (99,4%), le lait et substituts (87,3%), les légumes (85,7%), les viandes et substituts (83,2%), les aliments riches en sucres (79,8%), les fruits (70,5%) et les mets riches en gras (59,4%) sont particulièrement appréciés par les athlètes. Les commentaires recueillis font ressortir une vision dichotomique des aliments chez certains athlètes qui classifient les aliments en « bons » ou « mauvais ». Notre étude démontre que la présence d’une politique alimentaire permet de promouvoir des habitudes alimentaires saines et favorise la consommation d’aliments nutritifs lors d’une compétition sportive d’envergure. Cependant, de l’éducation en nutrition est toujours requise pour viser l’amélioration du comportement alimentaire avant l’effort.


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Introducción: La obesidad infantil ha venido en aumento en los últimos años y Colombia no es ajena a esta problemática. Uno de los lugares para intervención son los planteles educativos, en los cuales los escolares son quienes escogen sus alimentos. En el presente estudio se pretendió caracterizar los hábitos alimentarios de una población pediátrica en cuatro instituciones educativas, con el fin de conocer las prioridades infantiles en cuanto a la escogencia de los alimentos, y por ende generar recomendaciones. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo multicéntrico que presenta los resultados de encuestas dirigidas a escolares entre 8 y 18 años, usuarios de tiendas escolares. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de acuerdo a las preferencias de alimentación por institución, por género y por edad entre otros. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 512 escolares. La distribución por género y edad fue similar en las cuatro instituciones educativas. Entre los alimentos de preferencia predominaron los alimentos empaquetados, pizza, helados y en menor proporción las frutas. En cuanto a las bebidas predominó la gaseosa y té en botella. Entre las razones para escoger los alimentos predominó “el sabor” seguido de la “facilidad y rapidez” para su consumo; y la principal razón para no escoger los alimentos fue el precio. Discusión: Es necesario hacer intervención desde una temprana edad para generar hábitos de alimentación saludable y equilibrada, al igual que se debería tener un programa de detección de hábitos alimentarios inadecuados en las instituciones escolares para así poder combatirlos.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to examine consumers' perceived benefits and barriers to the consumption of a vegetarian diet.

Design: Survey (written questionnaire) that included questions on perceived benefits and barriers to the consumption of a vegetarian diet.

Setting: South Australia.

Subjects: Six hundred and one randomly selected South Australians.

Results: The main perceived barriers to adopting a vegetarian diet were enjoying eating meat and an unwillingness to alter eating habits. This was the case for men, women and all age groups, although there were sex and age differences present in over half of the barrier items. For example, family food preferences were a greater problem for women than for men, while the oldest group was more likely to agree that humans are ‘meant’ to eat meat than the younger groups. The main benefits associated with vegetarian diets were health benefits: increased fruit and vegetable intake, decreased saturated fat intake, weight control. Animal welfare-related benefits and disease prevention were also important. Age and sex differences were apparent, although age differences were more important than sex differences.

Conclusions: The majority of respondents perceived there to be health benefits associated with the consumption of a vegetarian diet, but also, predictably, enjoyed eating meat. Given this, it is likely that interest in plant-based diets that contain some meat is higher than that in no-meat diets. An understanding of the perceived benefits and barriers of consuming a vegetarian diet will allow the implementation of strategies to influence meat and vegetarianism beliefs, dietary behaviour and, hence, public health.


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Objective: The foods sold in school canteens have a significant role to play in ensuring children consume a healthy balance of nutritious foods. However, no research to date has described the foods that Australian children are purchasing at school canteens, or the perceptions held about school canteens by students, teachers and parents.
Design: An exploratory cross-sectional survey was used to obtain information from students, parents and teachers through self completion questionnaires.
Subjects: There were 384 children aged nine to 12 years, 404 parents and 41 teachers involved.
Settings: The study was conducted in 12 primary schools in Victoria, Australia.
Main outcome measures: Types of foods purchased at school canteens, school canteen usage, parents' and teachers' perceptions of the role of the school and canteen in influencing children's eating habits.
Results: More than 50% of the children surveyed used the school canteen at least once per week. Children identified preference for unhealthy alternatives and availability as key barriers to choosing healthy foods at the canteen and suggested increased availability, advertisements and cost reductions as aids to purchasing healthy foods. Teachers placed more importance on the role of the canteen than parents did.
Statistical analyses: Frequencies, cross-tabulation analyses and chi square tests were undertaken using the SPSS 11 computer program.
Conclusions: These Victorian primary school children and their teachers, and to a lesser extent parents, had a clear understanding of healthy foods. Children and teachers identified barriers that prevent school canteens
from providing healthy foods. There is likely to be strong support from these stakeholders for novel health promoting policies.


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Hyposensitivity to fatty acid taste is associated with greater intake of fat, higher BMI and attenuated gastrointestinal (GI) function. These observations are consistent amongst healthy and overweight/obese subjects, who display attenuated taste and GI function, and consume excess fat.


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Background: This paper details the research protocol for a study funded by the Australian Research Council. An integrated approach towards helping young children respond to the significant pressures of ‘360 degree marketing’ on their food choices, levels of active play, and sustainability consciousness via the early childhood curriculum is lacking. The overall goal of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of curriculum interventions that educators design when using a pedagogical communication strategy on children’s knowledge about healthy eating, active play and the sustainability consequences of their toy food and toy selections. Methods/Design: This cluster-randomised trial will be conducted with 300, 4 to 5 year-old children attending pre-school. Early childhood educators will develop a curriculum intervention using a pedagogical communication strategy that integrates content knowledge about healthy eating, active play and sustainability consciousness and deliver this to their pre-school class. Children will be interviewed about their knowledge of healthy eating, active play and the sustainability consequences of their food and toy selections. Parents will complete an Eating and Physical Activity Questionnaire rating their children’s food preferences, digital media viewing and physical activity habits. All measures will be administered at baseline, the end of the intervention and 6 months post intervention. Informed consent will be obtained from all parents and the pre-school classes will be allocated randomly to the intervention or wait-list control group. Discussion: This study is the first to utilise an integrated pedagogical communication strategy developed specifically for early childhood educators focusing on children’s healthy eating, active play, and sustainability consciousness. The significance of the early childhood period, for young children’s learning about healthy eating, active play and sustainability, is now unquestioned. The specific teaching and learning practices used by early childhood educators, as part of the intervention program, will incorporate a sociocultural perspective on learning; this perspective emphasises building on the play interests of children, that are experienced within the family and home context, as a basis for curriculum provision. Trial Registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12614000363684: Date registered: 07/04/2014


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Telephone-based interventions can be effective in increasing child fruit and vegetable intake in the short term (<6 mo). The long-term efficacy of such interventions, however, is unknown.


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Diabetes is an increasing concern worldwide, including in developing countries such as Indonesia. It has often been suggested that the rise in this condition is associated with a “westernization” of behavior in developing societies as well as social change that is tending away from traditional lifestyles. In many cases, however, the nature and extent of such behavior change, as well as the segment of the population likely to be affected, is unclear. In Indonesia, for example, there is evidence that certain aspects of traditional behavior and food preferences are, in fact, likely to increase risk for diabetes, suggesting that factors such as increased life expectancy and increased standard of living are more significant in the rise in this illness than the adoption of an outside way of life. This paper will discuss the relationship of traditional behaviorand food preferences in the context of recent social and economic change to rising incidence of diabetes in Indonesia. Specifically, the situation in the province of West Sumatra will be considered as a case study of social change and cultural context in relation to diabetes.


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BACKGROUND: Understanding the relationship between children's dietary consumption and health is important. As such, it is crucial to explore factors related to the accuracy of children's reports of what they consumed. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to evaluate factors related to the accuracy of self-reported dietary intake information elicited by interview methods from children aged 6 to 12 years. METHODS: A systematic review of English articles using PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, PsycEXTRA, PsycBOOKS, CINAHL Complete, Global Health, and MEDLINE Complete was performed. Search terms included interview, diet, children, and recall; studies were limited to those published from 1970 onward. Additional studies were identified using the reference lists of published articles. Studies that assessed children's dietary intake using direct observation, doubly labeled water, or the double-portion method and compared it with their recall of that intake (unassisted by parents) using an interview were included. RESULTS: The 45 studies that met the inclusion criteria showed that specific interview techniques designed to enhance children's recall accuracy had little effect. Rather, the timing of the interview appeared most important: The shorter the retention interval between children's consumption and their recall, the more accurate their memories. Children's age, body mass index, social desirability, food preferences, and cognitive ability were also related to accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: Factors related to the accuracy of children's dietary reporting should be taken into consideration when asking about consumption. Further research is required to examine whether other interview techniques, such as those developed to enhance children's recall of repeated staged events, can improve children's dietary reporting accuracy.


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No presente artigo, analiso os aspectos relacionados às escolhas e aversões alimentares entre as populações ribeirinhas assentadas no Rio Negro (Amazonas, Brasil). Foram entrevistadas 104 pessoas (57 homens e 47 mulheres) e observadas as práticas cotidianas quanto às preferências e restrições alimentares em 47 unidades domésticas. As escolhas alimentares são influenciadas por preferências individuais, fatores ecológicos, econômicos, sociais e culturais. Com relação ao sistema de tabus alimentares, os animais com caracteres híbridos ou difíceis de serem categorizados, como os peixes lisos e os animais de dieta generalista, são sujeitos a tabus. A sobreposição entre as diferentes correntes teóricas é utilizada para interpretar as variações estabelecidas entre as preferências e os tabus alimentares no Rio Negro.