1000 resultados para fonction distance orientée


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Many techniques in information retrieval produce counts from a sample, and it is common to analyse these counts as proportions of the whole - term frequencies are a familiar example. Proportions carry only relative information and are not free to vary independently of one another: for the proportion of one term to increase, one or more others must decrease. These constraints are hallmarks of compositional data. While there has long been discussion in other fields of how such data should be analysed, to our knowledge, Compositional Data Analysis (CoDA) has not been considered in IR. In this work we explore compositional data in IR through the lens of distance measures, and demonstrate that common measures, naïve to compositions, have some undesirable properties which can be avoided with composition-aware measures. As a practical example, these measures are shown to improve clustering. Copyright 2014 ACM.


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Distance education has gone through rapid expansion over the years. Many Australian universities are pushing the use of distance education in delivering construction education programs. However, the critical success factors (CSFs) in distance learning construction programs (DLCPs) are not fully understood. More importantly, students’ demographic features may affect the selection of distance education technologies. Situation-matching strategies should therefore be taken by universities or institutions with different student cohorts. A survey is adopted in Central Queensland University (CQU) to identify and rank the critical success factors in a DLCP in Australia where there is a significant number of earner-learners and students with low socioeconomic background. The findings suggest that the most important CSFs include access to computers and internet, reliability of web-based learning sites, high relevance and clarity of learning materials and assessment items, the availability of web-based learning sites that can be easily manipulated, and the capability of the instructors to provide well-structured courses. The findings also suggest that students with low socioeconomic background have more rigorous requirements on interface design, instructors’ support, and the integration of practical components into courses. The results provide good guidance of the design and delivery of DLCPs and will be useful for universities and institutions that are seeking to implement the distance mode in construction education.


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A prototype "messaging kettle" is described. The connected kettle aims to foster communication and engagement with an older friend or relative who lives remotely, during the routine of boiling the kettle. We describe preliminary encounters and findings from demonstrating a working prototype in morning tea gatherings of people in their 50s-late 70s and from introducing it into the homes of two people in their 80s who live on another continent. Key findings are that: The concept of keeping in touch around a "habituated object" such as a kettle was well received; Simple and varied interaction modalities that allow asymmetric forms of communication are needed; Designing for use across different time zones requires attention; And, that even when augmenting a habituated object, the process of introduction, appropriation and habituation still needs significant attention and investigation.


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In our previous report on resonance energy transfer from a dye molecule to graphene [J. Chem. Phys.129, 054703 (2008)], we had derived an expression for the rate of energy transfer from a dye to graphene. An integral in the expression for the rate was evaluated approximately. We found a Yuwaka-type dependence of the rate on the distance. We now present an exact evaluation of the integral involved, leading to very interesting results. For short distances (z < 20 A), the present rate and the previous rate are in good agreement. For larger distances, the rate is found to have a z(-4) dependence on the distance, exactly. Thus we predict that for the case of pyrene on graphene, it is possible to observe fluorescence quenching up to a distance of 300 A. This is in sharp contrast to the traditional fluorescence resonance energy transfer where the quenching is observable only up to 100 A.


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The conventional procedure of determining the surface potential of clay platelet and the variation of potential with distance is lengthy and time consuming. Simplified graphical procedures using Gouy theory have been developed and presented. The new procedures are simple, accurate and very much less time consuming.


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The use of forms of address in French films and their Finnish translations The use of forms of address constitutes an integral part of speakers’ communicative competence. In fact, they are not only used to assign to whom the speech is addressed, but also to construct the relationship between speakers. However, the choice of a suitable form is not necessarily evident in modern, pluralistic society. By the notion form of address, I refer to pronouns of address (tu vs. vous) and different nouns of address like names, titles (Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle), kinship terms, occupational terms, terms of endearment and insults. The purpose of the present thesis is, first, to study the semantic and pragmatic values of forms of address in dialogues of modern French films, and, second, their translation in Finnish subtitles. It is evident that film language is not spontaneous, but only a representation of authentic speech, and that subtitles are a written version of the original spoken language. Consequently, this thesis studies spoken fictive dialogues and their written translations. The methods applied in the study are the Interactional and Pragmatic Approach as well as Translatology. The role of forms of address in an interpersonal relationship is studied with dimensions of distance and power (Brown and Gilman 1960, Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1992), whereas the pragmatic dimension permits studying in particular the use of forms of address in speech acts (Kerbrat-Orecchioni 2001). The translation strategies are studied with the help of Venuti’s (1995) notions of foreignizing and domesticating strategies. The results of the thesis suggest that the pronoun use in the studied films is usually reciprocal. However, the relations of power have not disappeared, but are expressed in a more discrete manner with nouns of address (for instance vous + Docteur vs. vous + Anita). The use of the pronoun of address vous seems still to be common, but increased intimacy is expressed by accompanying familiar nouns of address like first names. The nominal forms of address accompany different speech acts, but not in a systematic manner. In a dialogue they appear usually in the first speech act, and more rarely in the response, but not in both. In addition, they have an important role in the mechanics of conversation. The translators here face multiple demands, and their translations seem mostly to be a compromise between foreignizing and domesticating strategies.


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Mellitochory, seed dispersal by bees, has been implicated in long-distance dispersal of the tropical rain forest tree, Corymbia torelliana (Myrtaceae). We examined natural and introduced populations of C. torelliana for 4 years to determine the species of bees that disperse seeds, and the extent and distance of seed dispersal. The mechanism of seed dispersal by bees was also investigated, including fruit traits that promote dispersal, foraging behaviour of bees at fruits, and the fate of seeds. The fruit structure of C. torelliana, with seed presented in a resin reward, is a unique trait that promotes seed dispersal by bees and often results in long-distance dispersal. We discovered that a guild of four species of stingless bees, Trigona carbonaria, T. clypearis, T. sapiens, and T. hockingsi, dispersed seeds of C. torelliana in its natural range. More than half of the nests found within 250 m of fruiting trees had evidence of seed transport. Seeds were transported minimum distances of 20-220 m by bees. Approximately 88% of seeds were dispersed by gravity but almost all fruits retained one or two seeds embedded in resin for bee dispersal. Bee foraging for resin peaked immediately after fruit opening and corresponded to a peak of seed dispersal at the hive. There were strong correlations between numbers of seeds brought in and taken out of each hive by bees (r = 0.753-0.992, P < 0.05), and germination rates were 95 ± 5%. These results showed that bee-transported seeds were effectively dispersed outside of the hive soon after release from fruits. Seed dispersal by bees is a non-standard dispersal mechanism for C. torelliana, as most seeds are dispersed by gravity before bees can enter fruits. However, many C. torelliana seeds are dispersed by bees, since seeds are retained in almost all fruits, and all of these are dispersed by bees.


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Aerial surveys of kangaroos (Macropus spp.) in Queensland are used to make economically important judgements on the levels of viable commercial harvest. Previous analysis methods for aerial kangaroo surveys have used both mark-recapture methodologies and conventional distance-sampling analyses. Conventional distance sampling has the disadvantage that detection is assumed to be perfect on the transect line, while mark-recapture methods are notoriously sensitive to problems with unmodelled heterogeneity in capture probabilities. We introduce three methodologies for combining together mark-recapture and distance-sampling data, aimed at exploiting the strengths of both methodologies and overcoming the weaknesses. Of these methods, two are based on the assumption of full independence between observers in the mark-recapture component, and this appears to introduce more bias in density estimation than it resolves through allowing uncertain trackline detection. Both of these methods give lower density estimates than conventional distance sampling, indicating a clear failure of the independence assumption. The third method, termed point independence, appears to perform very well, giving credible density estimates and good properties in terms of goodness-of-fit and percentage coefficient of variation. Estimated densities of eastern grey kangaroos range from 21 to 36 individuals km-2, with estimated coefficients of variation between 11% and 14% and estimated trackline detection probabilities primarily between 0.7 and 0.9.


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Ammonia (NH3) can accumulate in high density cattle accommodation during live export shipments and could potentially threaten the animals' health and welfare. The effects of 4 NH3 concentrations, control (<8), 15, 30, and 45 ppm, on the physiology and behavior of steers were recorded. The animals were held for 12 d under a micro-climate and stocking density similar to shipboard conditions experienced on voyages from Australia to the Middle East during the northern hemispheric summer. In bronchoalveolar lavage samples, ammonia increased (P < 0.05) macrophage activity in proportion to NH3 concentration and it increased (P < 0.05) neutrophil percentage at 30 and 45 ppm, indicating active pulmonary inflammation. It also increased (P < 0.05) lacrimation, nasal secretions and coughing, particularly at 45 ppm, indicating that the NH3 was irritating the mucous membranes of the eyes, nasal cavity and respiratory tract. Ammonia had no effect (P > 0.05) on hematological parameters or body weight. Twenty-eight days after exposure to NH3, the steers' pulmonary macrophage activity and neutrophil levels had returned to normal. It was concluded that ammonia concentrations of 30 and 45 ppm induced temporary inflammatory responses which indicate an adverse effect on the welfare of steers.


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In this paper, a new approach to enhance the transmission system distance relay co-ordination is presented. The approach depends on the apparent impedance loci seen by the distance relay during all possible disturbances. In a distance relay, the impedance loci seen at the relay location is obtained by extensive transient stability studies. Support vector machines (SVMs), a class of patterns classifiers are used in discriminating zone settings (zone-1, zone-2 and zone-3) using the signals to be used by the relay. Studies on a sample 9-bus are presented for illustrating the proposed scheme.


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Information sharing in distance collaboration: A software engineering perspective, QueenslandFactors in software engineering workgroups such as geographical dispersion and background discipline can be conceptually characterized as "distances", and they are obstructive to team collaboration and information sharing. This thesis focuses on information sharing across multidimensional distances and develops an information sharing distance model, with six core dimensions: geography, time zone, organization, multi-discipline, heterogeneous roles, and varying project tenure. The research suggests that the effectiveness of workgroups may be improved through mindful conducts of information sharing, especially proactive consideration of, and explicit adjustment for, the distances of the recipient when sharing information.


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This paper details a workshop aimed at exploring opportunities for experience design through wearable art and design concepts. Specifically it explores the structure of the workshop with respect to facilitating learning through technology in the development of experiential wearable art and design. A case study titled Cloud Workshop: Wearables and Wellbeing; Enriching connections between citizens in the Asia-Pacific region was initiated through a cooperative partnership between Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and Griffith University (GU). Digital technologies facilitated collaboration through an inter-disciplinary, inter-national and inter- cultural approach (Facer & Sandford, 2010) between Australia and Hong Kong. Students cooperated throughout a two-week period to develop innovative wearable concepts blending art, design and technology. An unpacking of the approach, pedagogical underpinning and final outcomes revealed distinct educational benefits as well as certain learning and technological challenges of the program. Qualitative feedback uncovered additional successes with respect to student engagement and enthusiasm, while uncovering shortcomings in the delivery and management of information and difficulties with cultural interactions. Potential future versions of the program aim to take advantage of the positives and overcome the limitations of the current pedagogical approach. It is hoped the case study will become a catalyst for future workshops that blur the boundaries of art, design and technology to uncover further benefits and potentials for new outcomes in experience design.


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Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV; family Nanoviridae, genus Babuvirus) is a multi-component single-stranded DNA virus, which infects banana plants in many regions of the world, often resulting in large-scale crop losses. Weanalyzed 171 banana leaf samples from fourteen countries and recovered, cloned, and sequenced 855 complete BBTV components including ninety-four full genomes. Importantly, full genomes were determined from eight countries, where previously no full genomes were available (Samoa, Burundi, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the USA [HI]). Accounting for recombination and genome component reassortment, we examined the geographic structuring of global BBTV populations to reveal that BBTV likely originated in Southeast Asia, that the current global hotspots of BBTV diversity are Southeast Asia/Far East and India, and that BBTV populations circulating elsewhere in the world have all potentially originated from infrequent introductions. Most importantly, we find that rather than the current global BBTV distribution being due to increases in human-mediated movements of bananas over the past few decades, it is more consistent with a pattern of infrequent introductions of the virus to different parts of the world over the past 1,000 years.


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This paper reports on a qualitative case study undertaken in a remote part of Queensland, Australia. While there is some modest agreement about the capacity of contemporary information technologies to overcome the problems of schooling in areas of extreme remoteness, generally, children educated in such contexts are considered to be disadvantaged. The experiential areas of the curriculum, which often require specific teaching expertise, present the greatest challenge to teachers, and of these, physical education is perhaps the most problematic. This research reports on a case study of three remote Queensland multi-age primary (elementary) schools that come together to form a community of practice to overcome the problems of teaching physical education in such difficult circumstances. Physical education is constructed in these contexts by blurring the school and community boundaries, by contextualizing the subject content to make it relevant, and by adjusting the school day to accommodate potential physical education experiences. Each community gathers its collective experience to ensure the widest possible experiences are made available for the children. In doing so, the children develop a range of competencies that enable seamless transition to boarding high schools.