955 resultados para flow of translation


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We report results of statistical and dynamic analysis of the serrated stress-time curves obtained from compressive constant strain-rate tests on two metallic glass samples with different ductility levels in an effort to extract hidden information in the seemingly irregular serrations. Two distinct types of dynamics are detected in these two alloy samples. The stress-strain curve corresponding to the less ductile Zr65Cu15Ni10Al10 alloy is shown to exhibit a finite correlation dimension and a positive Lyapunov exponent, suggesting that the underlying dynamics is chaotic. In contrast, for the more ductile Cu47.5Zr47.5Al5 alloy, the distributions of stress drop magnitudes and their time durations obey a power-law scaling reminiscent of a self-organized critical state. The exponents also satisfy the scaling relation compatible with self-organized criticality. Possible physical mechanisms contributing to the two distinct dynamic regimes are discussed by drawing on the analogy with the serrated yielding of crystalline samples. The analysis, together with some physical reasoning, suggests that plasticity in the less ductile sample can be attributed to stick-slip of a single shear band, while that of the more ductile sample could be attributed to the simultaneous nucleation of a large number of shear bands and their mutual interactions. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The tendency of granular materials in rapid shear flow to form non-uniform structures is well documented in the literature. Through a linear stability analysis of the solution of continuum equations for rapid shear flow of a uniform granular material, performed by Savage (1992) and others subsequently, it has been shown that an infinite plane shearing motion may be unstable in the Lyapunov sense, provided the mean volume fraction of particles is above a critical value. This instability leads to the formation of alternating layers of high and low particle concentrations oriented parallel to the plane of shear. Computer simulations, on the other hand, reveal that non-uniform structures are possible even when the mean volume fraction of particles is small. In the present study, we have examined the structure of fully developed layered solutions, by making use of numerical continuation techniques and bifurcation theory. It is shown that the continuum equations do predict the existence of layered solutions of high amplitude even when the uniform state is linearly stable. An analysis of the effect of bounding walls on the bifurcation structure reveals that the nature of the wall boundary conditions plays a pivotal role in selecting that branch of non-uniform solutions which emerges as the primary branch. This demonstrates unequivocally that the results on the stability of bounded shear how of granular materials presented previously by Wang et al. (1996) are, in general, based on erroneous base states.


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The unsteady viscous flow in the vicinity of an axisymmetric stagnation point of an infinite circular cylinder is investigated when both the free stream velocity and the velocity of the cylinder vary arbitrarily with time. The cylinder moves either in the same direction as that of the free stream or in the opposite direction. The flow is initially (t = 0) steady and then at t > 0 it becomes unsteady. The semi-similar solution of the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations has been obtained numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. Also the self-similar solution of the Navier-Stokes equations is obtained when the velocity of the cylinder and the free stream velocity vary inversely as a linear function of time. For small Reynolds number, a closed form solution is obtained. When the Reynolds number tends to infinity, the Navier-Stokes equations reduce to those of the two-dimensional stagnation-point flow. The shear stresses corresponding to stationary and the moving cylinder increase with the Reynolds number. The shear stresses increase with time for the accelerating flow but decrease with increasing time for the decelerating flow. For the decelerating case flow reversal occurs in the velocity profiles after a certain instant of time. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The flow of a stratified fluid in a channel with small and large deformations is investigated. The analogy of this flow with swirling flow in tubes with non-uniform cross-sections is studied. The flow near the wall is blocked when the Froude number takes certain critical values. The possibility of preventing the stagnation zones in the flow field is also discussed


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The stability of the Hagen-Poiseuille flow of a Newtonian fluid in a tube of radius R surrounded by an incompressible viscoelastic medium of radius R < r < HR is analysed in the high Reynolds number regime. The dimensionless numbers that affect the fluid flow are the Reynolds number Re = (ρVR / η), the ratio of the viscosities of the wall and fluid ηr = (ηs/η), the ratio of radii H and the dimensionless velocity Γ = (ρV2/G)1/2. Here ρ is the density of the fluid, G is the coefficient of elasticity of the wall and Vis the maximum fluid velocity at the centre of the tube. In the high Reynolds number regime, an asymptotic expansion in the small parameter ε = (1/Re) is employed. In the leading approximation, the viscous effects are neglected and there is a balance between the inertial stresses in the fluid and the elastic stresses in the medium. There are multiple solutions for the leading-order growth rate do), all of which are imaginary, indicating that the fluctuations are neutrally stable, since there is no viscous dissipation of energy or transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctruations due to the Reynolds strees. There is an O(ε1/2) correction to the growth rate, s(1), due to the presence of a wall layer of thickness ε1/2R where the viscous stresses are O(ε1/2) smaller than the inertial stresses. An energy balance analysis indicates that the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the Reynolds stress in the wall layer is exactly cancelled by an opposite transfer of equal magnitude due to the deformation work done at the interface, and there is no net transfer from the mean flow to the fluctuations. Consequently, the fluctuations are stabilized by the viscous dissipation in the wall layer, and the real part of s(1) is negative. However, there are certain values of Γ and wavenumber k where s(l) = 0. At these points, the wail layer amplitude becomes zero because the tangential velocity boundary condition is identically satisfied by the inviscid flow solution. The real part of the O(ε) correction to the growth rate s(2) turns out to be negative at these points, indicating a small stabilizing effect due to the dissipation in the bulk of the fluid and the wall material. It is found that the minimum value of s(2) increases [is proportional to] (H − 1)−2 for (H − 1) [double less-than sign] 1 (thickness of wall much less than the tube radius), and decreases [is proportional to] (H−4 for H [dbl greater-than sign] 1. The damping rate for the inviscid modes is smaller than that for the viscous wall and centre modes in a rigid tube, which have been determined previously using a singular perturbation analysis. Therefore, these are the most unstable modes in the flow through a flexible tube.


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A continuum model based on the critical-state theory of soil mechanics is used to generate stress, density, and velocity profiles, and to compute discharge rates for the flow of granular material in a mass flow bunker. The bin–hopper transition region is idealized as a shock across which all the variables change discontinuously. Comparison with the work of Michalowski (1987) shows that his experimentally determined rupture layer lies between his prediction and that of the present theory. However, it resembles the former more closely. The conventional condition involving a traction-free surface at the hopper exit is abandoned in favour of an exit shock below which the material falls vertically with zero frictional stress. The basic equations, which are not classifiable under any of the standard types, require excessive computational time. This problem is alleviated by the introduction of the Mohr–Coulomb approximation (MCA). The stress, density, and velocity profiles obtained by integration of the MCA converge to asymptotic fields on moving down the hopper. Expressions for these fields are derived by a perturbation method. Computational difficulties are encountered for bunkers with wall angles θw [gt-or-equal, slanted] 15° these are overcome by altering the initial conditions. Predicted discharge rates lie significantly below the measured values of Nguyen et al. (1980), ranging from 38% at θw = 15° to 59% at θw = 32°. The poor prediction appears to be largely due to the exit condition used here. Paradoxically, incompressible discharge rates lie closer to the measured values. An approximate semi-analytical expression for the discharge rate is obtained, which predicts values within 9% of the exact (numerical) ones in the compressible case, and 11% in the incompressible case. The approximate analysis also suggests that inclusion of density variation decreases the discharge rate. This is borne out by the exact (numerical) results – for the parameter values investigated, the compressible discharge rate is about 10% lower than the incompressible value. A preliminary comparison of the predicted density profiles with the measurements of Fickie et al. (1989) shows that the material within the hopper dilates more strongly than predicted. Surprisingly, just below the exit slot, there is good agreement between theory and experiment.


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The tendency of granular materials in rapid shear ow to form non-uniform structures is well documented in the literature. Through a linear stability analysis of the solution of continuum equations for rapid shear flow of a uniform granular material, performed by Savage (1992) and others subsequently, it has been shown that an infinite plane shearing motion may be unstable in the Lyapunov sense, provided the mean volume fraction of particles is above a critical value. This instability leads to the formation of alternating layers of high and low particle concentrations oriented parallel to the plane of shear. Computer simulations, on the other hand, reveal that non-uniform structures are possible even when the mean volume fraction of particles is small. In the present study, we have examined the structure of fully developed layered solutions, by making use of numerical continuation techniques and bifurcation theory. It is shown that the continuum equations do predict the existence of layered solutions of high amplitude even when the uniform state is linearly stable. An analysis of the effect of bounding walls on the bifurcation structure reveals that the nature of the wall boundary conditions plays a pivotal role in selecting that branch of non-uniform solutions which emerges as the primary branch. This demonstrates unequivocally that the results on the stability of bounded shear flow of granular materials presented previously by Wang et al. (1996) are, in general, based on erroneous base states.


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This study presents the characterization of DNAPL and water flow in a fracture under confining pressure. A comprehensive mathematical model and the conditions under which DNAPL will enter an initially water-saturated deforming rock fracture are discussed. A numerical model with which to predict the quantity of each phase in terms of their saturations in deforming rock joint is developed. The effect of varying confining stresses on the traverse time of DNAPL across a fractured aquitard is studied. The sensitivity analysis for physical and hydraulic properties like initial fracture apertures, fracture dips, equivalent fracture aperture and confining pressures are performed and discussed.


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We have investigated the possible role of a conserved cis-acting element, the cryptic AUG, present in the 5' UTR of coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) RNA. CVB3 5' UTR contains multiple AUG codons upstream of the initiator AUG, which are not used for the initiation of translation. The 48S ribosomal assembly takes place upstream of the cryptic AUG. We show here that mutation in the cryptic AUG results in reduced efficiency of translation mediated by the CVB3 IRES; mutation also reduces the interaction of mutant IRES with a well characterized IRES trans-acting factor, the human La protein. Furthermore, partial silencing of the La gene showed a decrease in IRES activity in the case of both the wild-type and mutant. We have demonstrated here that the interaction of the 48S ribosomal complex with mutant RNA was weaker compared with wild-type RNA by ribosome assembly analysis. We have also investigated by chemical and enzymic modifications the possible alteration in secondary structure in the mutant RNA. Results suggest that the secondary structure of mutant RNA was only marginally altered. Additionally, we have demonstrated by generating compensatory and non-specific mutations the specific function of the cryptic AUG in internal initiation. Results suggest that the effect of the cryptic AUG is specific and translation could not be rescued. However, a possibility of tertiary interaction of the cryptic AUG with other cis-acting elements cannot be ruled out. Taken together, it appears that the integrity of the cryptic AUG is important for efficient translation initiation by the CVB3 IRES RNA.


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The fluctuating force model is developed and applied to the turbulent flow of a gas-particle suspension in a channel in the limit of high Stokes number, where the particle relaxation time is large compared to the fluid correlation time, and low particle Reynolds number where the Stokes drag law can be used to describe the interaction between the particles and fluid. In contrast to the Couette flow, the fluid velocity variances in the different directions in the channel are highly non-homogeneous, and they exhibit significant variation across the channel. First, we analyse the fluctuating particle velocity and acceleration distributions at different locations across the channel. The distributions are found to be non-Gaussian near the centre of the channel, and they exhibit significant skewness and flatness. However, acceleration distributions are closer to Gaussian at locations away from the channel centre, especially in regions where the variances of the fluid velocity fluctuations are at a maximum. The time correlations for the fluid velocity fluctuations and particle acceleration fluctuations are evaluated, and it is found that the time correlation of the particle acceleration fluctuations is close to the time correlations of the fluid velocity in a `moving Eulerian' reference, moving with the mean fluid velocity. The variances of the fluctuating force distributions in the Langevin simulations are determined from the time correlations of the fluid velocity fluctuations and the results are compared with direct numerical simulations. Quantitative agreement between the two simulations are obtained provided the particle viscous relaxation time is at least five times larger than the fluid integral time.


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The particle and fluid velocity fluctuations in a turbulent gas-particle suspension are studied experimentally using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry with the objective of comparing the experiments with the predictions of fluctuating force simulations. Since the fluctuating force simulations employ force distributions which do not incorporate the modification of fluid turbulence due to the particles, it is of importance to quantify the turbulence modification in the experiments. For experiments carried out at a low volume fraction of 9.15 x 10(-5) (mass loading is 0.19), where the viscous relaxation time is small compared with the time between collisions, it is found that the gas-phase turbulence is not significantly modified by the presence of particles. Owing to this, quantitative agreement is obtained between the results of experiments and fluctuating force simulations for the mean velocity and the root mean square of the fluctuating velocity, provided that the polydispersity in the particle size is incorporated in the simulations. This is because the polydispersity results in a variation in the terminal velocity of the particles which could induce collisions and generate fluctuations; this mechanism is absent if all of the particles are of equal size. It is found that there is some variation in the particle mean velocity very close to the wall depending on the wall-collision model used in the simulations, and agreement with experiments is obtained only when the tangential wall-particle coefficient of restitution is 0.7. The mean particle velocity is in quantitative agreement for locations more than 10 wall units from the wall of the channel. However, there are systematic differences between the simulations and theory for the particle concentrations, possibly due to inadequate control over the particle feeding at the entrance. The particle velocity distributions are compared both at the centre of the channel and near the wall, and the shape of the distribution function near the wall obtained in experiments is accurately predicted by the simulations. At the centre, there is some discrepancy between simulations and experiment for the distribution of the fluctuating velocity in the flow direction, where the simulations predict a bi-modal distribution whereas only a single maximum is observed in the experiments, although both distributions are skewed towards negative fluctuating velocities. At a much higher particle mass loading of 1.7, where the time between collisions is smaller than the viscous relaxation time, there is a significant increase in the turbulent velocity fluctuations by similar to 1-2 orders of magnitude. Therefore, it becomes necessary to incorporate the modified fluid-phase intensity in the fluctuating force simulation; with this modification, the mean and mean-square fluctuating velocities are within 20-30% of the experimental values.


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The temperature ranges of thermal and athermal deformation behaviour of nickel are identified by employing the temperature-dependence of flow-stress and strain-rate cycling data. The results are used to present a unified view of dislocation mechanisms of glide encompassing the two thermally activated and the intermediate athermal regimes of plastic flow.In the low-temperature thermally activated region (<250 K) the strain rate is found to be controlled by the repulsive intersection of glide and forest dislocations, in accordance with current ideas. The athermal stress in this region can be attributed mainly to the presence of strong attractive junctions which are overcome by means of Orowan bowing, a small contribution also coming from the elastic interactions between dislocations. The values of activation area and activation energy obtained in the high-temperature region (> 750 K) negate the operation of a diffusion-controlled mechanism. Instead, the data support a thermal activation model involving unzipping of the attractive junctions. The internal (long-range) stress contribution here results solely from the elastic interactions between dislocations. This view concerning the high-temperature plastic flow is further supported by the observation that the Cottrell–Stokes law is obeyed over large strains in the range 750–1200 K.