220 resultados para flock
A cross-sectional survey of 19 dairy sheep farms in Argentina was carried out with the purpose to know farm management, health practices, and occurrence and mortality of diseases. The survey comprised 40% of all sheep milking farms in Argentina. A questionnaire was conducted by way of personal interviews with sheep owners during farm visits. The proportions of farms reporting routine vaccination for clostridial diseases, contagious ecthyma, pneumonia and mineral and vitamin parenteral administration were 63%, 47.3%, 16.6% and 42.1% respectively. Regular treatment against lice was used in 37.5% of the farms, and 89.5% o the farmers treated against gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN). The mean number of GIN drenches per farm was 2.26±1.78 annually. In 68.4% of the milking flocks the California Mastitis Test was regularly done and 55.6% of the farmer managers had sampled their flocks once a year for Brucella ovis antibodies. During the pre-mating period respectively 68.4% and 50% of farmers clinically examined their rams and ewe for general health and teeth condition. The udders of ewes were frequently inspected at the start of each milking period. The most important parasite problems noticed were GIN (reported by 57.9% of farmers), lice (57.9%) and scabies (10.5%) and the most frequent infectious diseases were ecthyma (73.7%), pneumonia and other respiratory problems (57.9%), clinical mastitis (55.6%), clostridial diseases (36.9%) and foot lameness (35.2%). Photosensitivity (47.4%) and ruminal acidosis (42.1%) were reported as other frequent toxic or metabolic disorders. Owners mentioned that the mean lifespan or milk productive time per ewe was 4.5±1.4 years. Perinatal lamb mortality was 8.5% and the total flock mortality rates, above the first 24 h of life was 6.9%. The high rates of lamb mortality during the pre-weaning (10.3%) and post-weaning (5.9%) periods indicate that this problem, as well as the most prevalent diseases, should be the subject of further studies.
Focal symmetrical encephalomalacia (FSE) is the most prominent lesion seen in the chronic form of enterotoxemia by Clostridium perfringens type D. This paper reports FSE in sheep in Brazil. Six deaths occurred within a seven days period in a flock of 70, four to 30-month-old Santa Inês sheep in the state of Paraíba in the Brazilian semiarid. The flock was grazing a paddock of irrigated sprouting Cynodon dactylon (Tifton grass), and supplemented, ad libitum, with a concentrate of soybean, corn and wheat. Nervous signs included blindness and recumbence. A 19 month-old sheep was examined clinically and necropsied after a clinical course of three days. Gross lesions were herniation of the cerebellar vermis and multifocal, bilateral, symmetric brownish areas in the internal capsule, thalamus and cerebellar peduncles. Histologic lesions were multifocal, bilateral malacia with some neutrophils, swelling of blood vessels endothelium, perivascular edema, and hemorrhages. The flock was vaccinated, before the outbreak, with only one dose of Clostridium perfringens type D vaccine. Two factors are suggested to be important for the occurrence of the disease: insufficient immunity due to the incorrect vaccination; and high nutritional levels by the supplementation with highly fermentable carbohydrates.
Seven out of 25 goats from a southern Brazilian flock developed nutritional fibrous osteodystrophy. Affected animals were younger than 1 year of age and were confined in stalls and fed a concentrate ration containing 1:6 calcium:phosphorus ratio. The remaining flock (35 goats) was managed at pasture and showed no disease. Clinical signs were characterized by mandibular and maxillary enlargements, varying degrees of mouth opening and protruding tongue, dyspnea, apart of abnormalities of prehension and mastication. Affected animals had increased seric levels of phosphorus and parathormone, as well as higher alkaline phosphatase activity. Postmortem examination on three succumbed goats revealed bilateral enlargement of the maxilla and mandibula, and loose teeth, apart of multiple incomplete rib fractures in one of them. Severe diffuse proliferation of loose connective tissue surrounded the osteoid trabeculae, many of which were partially or completely non-mineralized. Mineralized osteoid trabeculae showed osteoclasts in the Howship's lacunae.
Four 3-4 month-old chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera) from a commercial flock of 395 chinchillas, were found dead with evidence of previous diarrhea and prolapsed rectum. A fifth 8 month-old chinchilla died 8 hours after being found recumbent, apathetic, diarrheic and with a prolapsed rectum. Two chinchillas were necropsied and observed gross lesions consisted of extensive hemorrhagic enteritis, mild pulmonary edema and enlarged and yellow liver; this latter finding was particularly prominent in the chinchilla presenting longer clinical course. Histologically there was necrotizing enteritis associated with abundant bacterial rods aggregates in the intestinal surface epithelium and within the lamina propria. In the lungs there were small amounts of pink proteinaceous material (edema) in the interstitium and marked vacuolar hepatocellullar degeneration (lipidosis) in the liver. Anaerobic cultures from the intestinal contents of one of the affected chinchillas yielded Clostridium perfringens. Genotyping of this C. perfringens isolate was achieved by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (mPCR) as C. perfringenstype B due to detection of alpha, beta and epsilon-toxin genes. These findings suggest C. perfringens type B as an important cause of sudden or acute death in chinchillas.
Few data are available on the prevalence and risk factors of Chlamydophila abortus infection in goats in Brazil. A cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the flock-level prevalence of C. abortus infection in goats from the semiarid region of the Paraíba State, Northeast region of Brazil, as well as to identify risk factors associated with the infection. Flocks were randomly selected and a pre-established number of female goats > 12 mo old were sampled in each of these flocks. A total of 975 serum samples from 110 flocks were collected, and structured questionnaire focusing on risk factors for C. abortus infection was given to each farmer at the time of blood collection. For the serological diagnosis the complement fixation test (CFT) using C. abortus S26/3 strain as antigen was performed. The flock-level factors for C. abortus prevalence were tested using multivariate logistic regression model. Fifty-five flocks out of 110 presented at least one seropositive animal with an overall prevalence of 50.0% (95%; CI: 40.3%, 59.7%). Ninety-one out of 975 dairy goats examined were seropositive with titers >32, resulting in a frequency of 9.3%. Lend buck for breeding (odds ratio = 2.35; 95% CI: 1.04-5.33) and history of abortions (odds ratio = 3.06; 95% CI: 1.37-6.80) were associated with increased flock prevalence.
Parasite related problems are considered one of the major health problems for sheep breeding, causing considerable economic losses to commercial husbandry. The aim of this study was to determine the technological level and the level of knowledge of farmers regarding management practices to control gastrointestinal parasites in sheep in Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil. The analysis was based on 213 questionnaires applied by official veterinarians of the State Government Agency for Animal Health (Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária, IMA), covering 16.6% of all counties. From two hundred and thirteen sheep farms sampled, 117 farms had their technological level determined. From the samples, 0.9% were characterized as high level, 45.3% as medium, and 53.0% as low technological level. The flock size ranged from 2 to 1843 with an average of 80.5 sheep per farm. The majority of the sheep production systems was extensive/semi-extensive (74.5%). The management practices adopted by the farmers to reduce parasitism were: split young and adult animals (5.6%), change pasture after deworm the animals (5.2%), use quarantine for incoming animals (2.3%), deworm newly arrived sheep (1.5%), and have regular technical assistance (31.9%). Although 76.5% of the farmers medicate the animals, treatments were performed without any major technical criteria, with an average interval of 4.6 months. The most commonly used drug families were macrocyclic lactones (38.5%) and benzimidazoles (24.9%). The management practices adopted in Minas Gerais are based on old recommendations and may not return in a good set of strategies to prevent parasite infections. Field observations reinforce the finding where farmers have obtained unsatisfactory results in maintaining the health and productivity level of their enterprises.
A recent (November 2010) outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in a multi-age laying hen facility in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, is described. Previous ILT outbreak in laying hens was only notified in São Paulo state, Brazil, in 2002. In the outbreak described here, the affected population was approximately eight million hens, with flock sizes ranging from 100,000 to 2,900,000 chickens. The average mortality ranged from 1 to 6%, and morbidity was around 90% (most of the twenty seven farms of the area were positive for ILT virus). Three multi-age laying farms from one company were selected for this report. Clinical signs included prostration, dyspnea, conjunctivitis, occasional swelling of the paranasal sinuses and bloody mucous nasal discharge. Severely affected chickens presented with dyspnea, gasping and became cyanotic before death. At necropsy, these chickens had fibrinous exudate blocking the larynx and the lumen of cranial part of the trachea. In addition, conjunctivitis with intense hyperemia, edema and sinuses with caseous exudate were present. On histopathology, there were marked necrosis and desquamation of respiratory ephitelium and conjunctiva with numerous syncytial cells formation and fibrinous exudate. Moderate to marked non suppurative (especially lymphocytes and plasma cells) infiltration in the lamina propria also was observed. Sixteen out of 20 examined chickens, eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were observed in the syncytial cells. The DNA extracted from larynx and trachea produced positive PCR results for ILT virus (ILTV) DNA using formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples. Amplicons from a small region of ICP4 gene were submitted to sequencing and showed 100% identity with ILTV EU104910.1 (USA strain), 99% with ILTV JN596963.1 (Australian strain) and 91% with ILTV JN580316.1 (Gallid herpesvirus 1 CEO vaccine strain) and JN580315.1 (Gallid herpesvirus 1 TCO vaccine strain).
This paper reports additional information about a mange outbreak by the mite Allopsoroptoides galli in a commercial egg-laying hen facility in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. About half of the 76,000 multi-age birds of the flock were affected. Experimental infestations carried out on naive hens resulted in clinical signs similar to those diagnosed in naturally infested hens, such as generalized scaly dermatitis, presence of mucus-like material and yellowish crusts on the skin and around the calami, feather loss and strong unpleasant odor. About 30% drop of egg production was estimated. The possible source of infestation were wild birds identified on the ground and roofs of the sheds.
Epidemiological and health aspects of sheep husbandry were assessed on 213 sheep flocks in 142 municipalities from the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. An updated questionnaire was filled out for each flock, requesting data on the farm, the flock and the farmer by the veterinarians of the State Government Agency for Animal Health (Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária). Thirteen important variables were selected and scored to determine the technological level of the 117 farms; 0.9% of them was classified as high technological level, 45.3% as medium technological level and 53.0% as low technological level. Lamb production was the main objective of the farms and the main features were low-frequencies of individual identification of animals (16.9%), technical assistance (31.9%), use of quarantine for newly acquired animals (0.9%) the separation of animals by age group (3.7%) and requeste the sanitary certificate at purchasing of animals (11.7%). The main health problems reported were abortion (23.9%), keratoconjunctivitis (17.9%), contagious ecthyma (13.6%), pneumonia (10.3%), diarrhea (9.3%) and caseous lymphadenitis (6.1%). Information of the epidemiological situation and the mainly health measures used in the sheep farms are important to improve the productivity and quality of the lamb.
Abstract: This paper reports pythiosis in a sheep from southwestern Paraná, Brazil, confirmed by indirect ELISA (Enzime-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) and immunohistochemistry, as well as it describes the macro and microscopic injuries, in order to understand the pathogenicity. A 4-year-old ewe from a flock of 30 Santa Inês sheep, raised semi-extensively with access to a weir, showed cachexia, bilateral enlargement in nasal region, a serous and bloody secretion with a fetid odor from its nose and swollen submandibular and retropharyngeal lymph nodes. Blood collection was performed trough jugular vein puncture in order to make complete blood cell count (CBC) and to obtain serum for the subsequent serological examination. As the hematological counts were within the normal range for sheep, the animal was euthanized and submitted to necropsy. Indirect ELISA resulted positive for pythiosis. Necropsy revealed necrosis of the hard palate with a diameter of 3.5cm and extending up to the nasal cavity, forming a fistula. Submandibular and retropharyngeal lymph nodes were enlarged and edematous on section. Microscopic findings for submandibular and retropharyngeal lymph nodes consisted in moderate infiltration of eosinophils mainly in the subcapsular sinus, characterizing reactive eosinophilic lymphadenitis. The nasal cavity revealed rhinitis and oral cavity stomatitis with necro-eosinophilic and pronounced multifocal granulomatous infiltration and presence of hyphae. Hyphae found in palate and nasal cavity were positive for Pythium insidiosum by Grocott's method and immunohistochemistry, the last one considered to be confirmatory for the pathogen diagnostic. This report has an important epidemiological aspect, as it is the first case of pythiosis in sheep confirmed by serology in South Brazil and an alert of possible infection by the pathogen in floodplains.
Le vétérinaire aide le producteur laitier à garder son troupeau en santé. Lorsqu’une vache est malade, il peut prescrire des antibiotiques. Le cas échéant, le lait de la vache traitée aux antibiotiques est jeté. Il n’est donc pas vendu pour consommation. Tout le lait produit est analysé avant d’être pasteurisé et transformé afin de s’assurer que les produits laitiers ne contiennent pas de résidus d’antibiotiques. Si les analyses indiquent que le lait renferme des traces d’antibiotiques, il est jeté et le producteur en cause doit assumer la perte. Les épreuves de dépistage actuelles de ces résidus médicamenteux sont onéreuses et inapplicables sur le terrain. Pour résoudre cette problématique aux pieds de la vache, la solution proposée dans ce projet est la fabrication d’un kit de détection basé sur les polymères à empreinte moléculaire. Il s’agit de polymères dont la conformation moléculaire est complémentaire à celle des antibiotiques. Dans ce projet, il est question d’améliorer l’efficacité des épreuves de dépistages des résidus de tétracyclines en augmentant le nombre de sites d’interaction entre l’antibiotique et des polyesters. Trois polymères sont utilisés portant respectivement des groupements aromatiques, carboxyliques et hydroxyles. Une étude antérieure dans notre laboratoire avait déjà donné un pourcentage de rétention de tétracycline de 50% pour une composition de 1/3 PLAOH- 1/3 PLACOOH- 1/3 PLAOBn. Avec des ajustements, le pourcentage passe à 38.93 % pour une composition de 1/4 PLAOH- 1/2 PLACOOH- 1/4 PLAOPh, de 44.81 % pour une composition de 1/4 PLACOOH- 1/2 PLAOH- 1/4 PLAOPh, de 66.34 %pour une composition de 1/4 PLAOH- 1/4 PLACOOH- 1/2 PLAOPh et de 78.07 % pour une composition de 1/6 PLAOH- 1/6 PLACOOH- 2/3 PLAOPh. Notre hypothèse était que la présence accrue du groupement phényle augmenterait le nombre de sites d’interaction spécifique avec l’antibiotique augmentant ainsi le pourcentage de rétention de l’antibiotique à travers les MIP. Les résultats ont confirmé cette hypothèse.
En année 408 après J.-C., l’Espagne, malgré sa position péninsulaire à la fin de l’Europe, était intégrée à une culture pan-Méditerranéenne qui s’étendait du Portugal jusqu’à la Syrie. Trois décennies n’étaient pas encore passées depuis l’instauration du Christianisme comme religion de l’état romain et l’Eglise Catholique était en pleine croissance. L’année suivante, l’Espagne entra sur une voie de transformation irrémédiable alors que les païens, avec leurs langues barbares Germaniques franchirent les Pyrénées portant la guerre et la misère aux Hispano-Romains et fondant leurs royaumes là où auparavant gouvernait l’état romain. Dans le désarroi du Ve siècle, les évêques Catholiques luttèrent pour imposer leur dominance dans les communautés et dans les coeurs des pieux. À la lumière des progrès dans l’archéologie et la qualité des éditions critiques de nos sources littéraires est venu le moment d’identifier les évêques ibériques avec une attention aux conditions régionales. Ce mémoire caractérise les évêques de l’Espagne et du Portugal et démontre les épreuves auxquelles ils firent face comme intermédiaires entre indigènes et envahisseurs, comme évangélistes parmi les païens, persécuteurs des apostates et gardiens de la romanitas à la fin du monde Antique.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war, durch Aziridinierung homochiraler 5-Methyl-4H-1,3-dioxinen eine neue Methode zur Synthese von alpha-Aminoaldehyden und den ableitbaren Aminosäuren mit alpha-quartären Zentren zu entwickeln. Die chiralen 5-Methyl-4H-1,3-dioxine sind mit hohen Enantiomerenüberschüssen durch asymmetrische Doppelbindungsisomerisierung von 5-Methylen-1,3-dioxanen zugänglich. Die Metall-katalysierte Aziridinierung der 5-Methyl-4H-1,3-dioxine mit der Nitrenquelle (N-Tosylimino)phenyliodinan führte direkt zu N-Tosyl-geschützen 4-Methyl-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehyden. Vermutlich über ein Aziridin als nicht isolierbare Zwischenstufe werden über eine Ringöffnungs-/Ringverengungsreaktion die Oxazolidinderivate gebildet, vorzugsweise in Gegenwart von Cu(I)-Katalysatoren, während die Rhodium-katalysierte Reaktion ausschließlich zu Insertionsprodukten führt. In der Cu-katalysierten Aziridinierung ist das Verhältnis von Aziridinierung/Insertion abhängig von der Katalysatorkonzentration. Die Aziridinierung mit N-(p-Nitrobenzolsulfonyl)- und N-(Trimethylsilylethylsulfonyl)- substituierten Nitrenquellen führt zu Oxazolidinderivaten mit leichter abspaltbaren Schutzgruppen. Diese Nitrenquellen können in situ aus den korrespondierenden Sulfonamiden mit Iodosobenzol dargestellt werden. Bei dem Einsatz homochiraler 4H-1,3-Dioxine ist Erhalt der Stereoinformation abhängig vom Substituenten in 2-Position der Dioxine sowie von der Polarität des Lösungsmittels. Die höchsten Selektivitäten wurden in tert-Butylmethylether erzielt. In Falle des 2-tert-Butyl-4-methyl-3-(toluol-4-sulfonyl)-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehyds kristallisiert das Hauptdiastereomer in enantiomerenreiner Form. Die Absolutkonfiguration wurde durch Röntgenkristallstrukturanalyse ermittelt. Das Anwendungspotential dieser neuen Methode konnte durch Überführen der Serinale in Aminoalkohole und alpha-Methylserin-Derivate sowie in der Synthese der unnatürlichen Aminosäure alpha-Vinylalanin gezeigt werden.
Der Vielelektronen Aspekt wird in einteilchenartigen Formulierungen berücksichtigt, entweder in Hartree-Fock Näherung oder unter dem Einschluß der Elektron-Elektron Korrelationen durch die Dichtefunktional Theorie. Da die Physik elektronischer Systeme (Atome, Moleküle, Cluster, Kondensierte Materie, Plasmen) relativistisch ist, habe ich von Anfang an die relativistische 4 Spinor Dirac Theorie eingesetzt, in jüngster Zeit aber, und das wird der hauptfortschritt in den relativistischen Beschreibung durch meine Promotionsarbeit werden, eine ebenfalls voll relativistische, auf dem sogenannten Minimax Prinzip beruhende 2-Spinor Theorie umgesetzt. Im folgenden ist eine kurze Beschreibung meiner Dissertation: Ein wesentlicher Effizienzgewinn in der relativistischen 4-Spinor Dirac Rechnungen konnte durch neuartige singuläre Koordinatentransformationen erreicht werden, so daß sich auch noch für das superschwere Th2 179+ hächste Lösungsgenauigkeiten mit moderatem Computer Aufwand ergaben, und zu zwei weiteren interessanten Veröffentlichungen führten (Publikationsliste). Trotz der damit bereits ermöglichten sehr viel effizienteren relativistischen Berechnung von Molekülen und Clustern blieben diese Rechnungen Größenordnungen aufwendiger als entsprechende nicht-relativistische. Diese behandeln das tatsächliche (relativitische) Verhalten elektronischer Systeme nur näherungsweise richtig, um so besser jedoch, je leichter die beteiligten Atome sind (kleine Kernladungszahl Z). Deshalb habe ich nach einem neuen Formalismus gesucht, der dem möglichst gut Rechnung trägt und trotzdem die Physik richtig relativistisch beschreibt. Dies gelingt durch ein 2-Spinor basierendes Minimax Prinzip: Systeme mit leichten Atomen sind voll relativistisch nunmehr nahezu ähnlich effizient beschrieben wie nicht-relativistisch, was natürlich große Hoffnungen für genaue (d.h. relativistische) Berechnungen weckt. Es ergab sich eine erste grundlegende Veröffentlichung (Publikationsliste). Die Genauigkeit in stark relativistischen Systemen wie Th2 179+ ist ähnlich oder leicht besser als in 4-Spinor Dirac-Formulierung. Die Vorteile der neuen Formulierung gehen aber entscheidend weiter: A. Die neue Minimax Formulierung der Dirac-Gl. ist frei von spuriosen Zuständen und hat keine positronischen Kontaminationen. B. Der Aufwand ist weit reduziert, da nur ein 1/3 der Matrix Elemente gegenüber 4-Spinor noch zu berechnen ist, und alle Matrixdimensionen Faktor 2 kleiner sind. C. Numerisch verhält sich die neue Formulierung ähnlilch gut wie die nichtrelativistische Schrödinger Gleichung (Obwohl es eine exakte Formulierung und keine Näherung der Dirac-Gl. ist), und hat damit bessere Konvergenzeigenschaften als 4-Spinor. Insbesondere die Fehlerwichtung (singulärer und glatter Anteil) ist in 2-Spinor anders, und diese zeigt die guten Extrapolationseigenschaften wie bei der nichtrelativistischen Schrödinger Gleichung. Die Ausweitung des Anwendungsbereichs von (relativistischen) 2-Spinor ist bereits in FEM Dirac-Fock-Slater, mit zwei Beispielen CO und N2, erfolgreich gemacht. Weitere Erweiterungen sind nahezu möglich. Siehe Minmax LCAO Nährung.
The potential benefit of indigenous chicken (Gallus domesticus) production is still under-exploited in Kenya despite the efforts by different stakeholders to mainstream this production system as a pathway to rural development. The production system is often characterized by low input-low output productivity and low commercialization of the enterprise. This study which dwells on the current management practices and challenges faced by smallholder indigenous chicken farmers was conducted to gain insights into the underlying causes of production constraints. In Western Kenya women (76%) dominate the indigenous chicken production system. The flock composition consists mainly of chicks, hens and pullets (80%) which reflects their retention for production purposes. Less than half of the farmers access institutional support services such as extension, training, credit and veterinary services. In addition, indigenous chicken is largely reared in a low input-low output free-range system with only few farmers (24.2%) adopting management interventions as disseminated by extension service. To improve production and attain increased productivity, policy should focus on repackaging extension messages that considers farmers economic situations and strengthens collective action initiatives. Accessing joint input purchase and collective marketing of chicken products may further assist the farmers to increase profit margins.