745 resultados para flat plate wetness sensor
The present study investigates the use of solar heterogeneous photocatalyis (TiO2) for the destruction of [D-Leu]-Microcystin-LR, powerful toxin of widespread occurrence within cyanobacteria blooms. We extracted [D-Leu]-Microcystin-LR from a culture of Microcystis spp. and used a flat plate glass reactor coated with TiO2 (Degussa, P25) for the degradation studies. The irradiance was measured during the experiments with the aid of a spectroradiometer. After the degradation experiments, toxin concentrations were determined by HPLC and mineralization by TOC analyses. Acute and chronic toxicities were, quantified using mice and phosphatase inhibition in vitro assays, respectively. According to the performed experiments, 150 min were necessary to reduce the toxin concentration to the WHO's guideline for drinking water (from 10 to 1 mu g L-1) and to mineralize 90% of the initial carbon content. Another important finding is that solar heterogeneous photocatalysis was a destructive process indeed, not only for the toxin, but also for the other extract components and degradation products generated. Moreover, toxicity tests using mice have shown that the acute effect caused by the initial sample was removed. However, tests using the phosphatase enzyme indicated that it may be formed products capable of inducing chronic effects on mammals. The performed experiments indicate the feasibility of using solar heterogeneous photocatalysis for treating contaminated water with [D-Leu]-Microcystin-LR, not only due to its destruction, but also to the significant removal of organic matter and acute toxicity that can be achieved. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Currently, the Specification for Aluminum Structures (Aluminum Association, 2010) shows thin-walled aluminum plate sections with radii greater than eight inches have a lower compressive strength capacity than a flat plate with the same width and thickness. This inconsistency with intuition, which suggests any degree of folding a plate should increase its elastic buckling strength, inspired this study. A wide range of curvatures are studied—from a nearly flat plate to semi-circular. To quantify the curvature, a single non-dimensional parameter is used to represent all combinations of width, thickness and radius. Using the finite strip method (CU-FSM), elastic local buckling stresses are investigated. Using the ratio of stress values of curved plates compared to flat plates of the same size, equivalent plate-buckling coefficients are calculated. Using this data, nonlinear regression analyses are performed to develop closed form equations for five different edge support conditions. These equations can be used to calculate the elastic critical buckling stress for any curved aluminum section when the geometric properties (width, thickness, and radius) and the material properties (elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio) are known. This procedure is illustrated in examples, each showing the applicability of the derived equations to geometries other than those investigated in this study and also providing comparisons with theoretically exact numerical analysis results.
In vivo electroporation and ubiquitin promoter--a protocol for sustained gene expression in the lung
BACKGROUND: Gene therapy applications require safe and efficient methods for gene transfer. Present methods are restricted by low efficiency and short duration of transgene expression. In vivo electroporation, a physical method of gene transfer, has evolved as an efficient method in recent years. We present a protocol involving electroporation combined with a long-acting promoter system for gene transfer to the lung. METHODS: The study was designed to evaluate electroporation-mediated gene transfer to the lung and to analyze a promoter system that allows prolonged transgene expression. A volume of 250 microl of purified plasmid DNA suspended in water was instilled into the left lung of anesthetized rats, followed by left thoracotomy and electroporation of the exposed left lung. Plasmids pCiKlux and pUblux expressing luciferase under the control of the cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter/enhancer (CMV-IEPE) or human polyubiquitin c (Ubc) promoter were used. Electroporation conditions were optimized with four pulses (200 V/cm, 20 ms at 1 Hz) using flat plate electrodes. The animals were sacrificed at different time points up to day 40, after gene transfer. Gene expression was detected and quantified by bioluminescent reporter imaging (BLI) and relative light units per milligram of protein (RLU/mg) was measured by luminometer for p.Pyralis luciferase and immunohistochemistry, using an anti-luciferase antibody. RESULTS: Gene expression with the CMV-IEPE promoter was highest 24 h after gene transfer (2932+/-249.4 relative light units (RLU)/mg of total lung protein) and returned to baseline by day 3 (382+/-318 RLU/mg of total lung protein); at day 5 no expression was detected, whereas gene expression under the Ubc promoter was detected up to day 40 (1989+/-710 RLU/mg of total lung protein) with a peak at day 20 (2821+/-2092 RLU/mg of total lung protein). Arterial blood gas (PaO2), histological assessment and cytokine measurements showed no significant toxicity neither at day 1 nor at day 40. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide evidence that in vivo electroporation is a safe and effective tool for non-viral gene delivery to the lungs. If this method is used in combination with a long-acting promoter system, sustained transgene expression can be achieved.
Typical streak computations present in the literature correspond to linear streaks or to small amplitude nonlinear streaks computed using DNS or nonlinear PSE. We use the Reduced Navier-Stokes (RNS) equations to compute the streamwise evolution of fully non-linear streaks with high amplitude in a laminar flat plate boundary layer. The RNS formulation provides Reynolds number independent solutions that are asymptotically exact in the limit $Re \gg 1$, it requires much less computational effort than DNS, and it does not have the consistency and convergence problems of the PSE. We present various streak computations to show that the flow configuration changes substantially when the amplitude of the streaks grows and the nonlinear effects come into play. The transversal motion (in the wall normal-streamwise plane) becomes more important and strongly distorts the streamwise velocity profiles, that end up being quite different from those of the linear case. We analyze in detail the resulting flow patterns for the nonlinearly saturated streaks and compare them with available experimental results.
En esta tesis se integran numéricamente las ecuaciones reducidas de Navier Stokes (RNS), que describen el flujo en una capa límite tridimensional que presenta también una escala característica espacial corta en el sentido transversal. La formulación RNS se usa para el cálculo de “streaks” no lineales de amplitud finita, y los resultados conseguidos coinciden con los existentes en la literatura, obtenidos típicamente utilizando simulación numérica directa (DNS) o nonlinear parabolized stability equations (PSE). El cálculo de los “streaks” integrando las RNS es mucho menos costoso que usando DNS, y no presenta los problemas de estabilidad que aparecen en la formulación PSE cuando la amplitud del “streak” deja de ser pequeña. El código de integración RNS se utiliza también para el cálculo de los “streaks” que aparecen de manera natural en el borde de ataque de una placa plana en ausencia de perturbaciones en la corriente uniforme exterior. Los resultados existentes hasta ahora calculaban estos “streaks” únicamente en el límite lineal (amplitud pequeña), y en esta tesis se lleva a cabo el cálculo de los mismos en el régimen completamente no lineal (amplitud finita). En la segunda parte de la tesis se generaliza el código RNS para incluir la posibilidad de tener una placa no plana, con curvatura en el sentido transversal que varía lentamente en el sentido de la corriente. Esto se consigue aplicando un cambio de coordenadas, que transforma el dominio físico en uno rectangular. La formulación RNS se integra también expresada en las correspondientes coordenadas curvilíneas. Este código generalizado RNS se utiliza finalmente para estudiar el flujo de capa límite sobre una placa con surcos que varían lentamente en el sentido de la corriente, y es usado para simular el flujo sobre surcos que crecen en tal sentido. Abstract In this thesis, the reduced Navier Stokes (RNS) equations are numerically integrated. This formulation describes the flow in a three-dimensional boundary layer that also presents a short characteristic space scale in the spanwise direction. RNS equations are used to calculate nonlinear finite amplitude “streaks”, and the results agree with those reported in the literature, typically obtained using direct numerical simulation (DNS) or nonlinear parabolized stability equations (PSE). “Streaks” simulations through the RNS integration are much cheaper than using DNS, and avoid stability problems that appear in the PSE when the amplitude of the “streak” is not small. The RNS integration code is also used to calculate the “streaks” that naturally emerge at the leading edge of a flat plate boundary layer in the absence of any free stream perturbations. Up to now, the existing results for these “streaks” have been only calculated in the linear limit (small amplitude), and in this thesis their calculation is carried out in the fully nonlinear regime (finite amplitude). In the second part of the thesis, the RNS code is generalized to include the possibility of having a non-flat plate, curved in the spanwise direction and slowly varying in the streamwise direction. This is achieved by applying a change of coordinates, which transforms the physical domain into a rectangular one. The RNS formulation expressed in the corresponding curvilinear coordinates is also numerically integrated. This generalized RNS code is finally used to study the boundary layer flow over a plate with grooves which vary slowly in the streamwise direction; and this code is used to simulate the flow over grooves that grow in the streamwise direction.
Separated transitional boundary layers appear on key aeronautical processes such as the flow around wings or turbomachinery blades. The aim of this thesis is the study of these flows in representative scenarios of technological applications, gaining knowledge about phenomenology and physical processes that occur there and, developing a simple model for scaling them. To achieve this goal, experimental measurements have been carried out in a low speed facility, ensuring the flow homogeneity and a low disturbances level such that unwanted transitional mechanisms are avoided. The studied boundary layers have been developed on a flat plate, by imposing a pressure gradient by means of contoured walls. They generate an initial acceleration region followed by a deceleration zone. The initial region is designed to obtain at the beginning of the deceleration the Blasius profile, characterized by its momentum thickness, and an edge boundary layer velocity, defining the problem characteristic velocity. The deceleration region is designed to obtain a linear evolution of the edge velocity, thereby defining the characteristic length of the problem. Several experimental techniques, both intrusive (hot wire anemometry, total pressure probes) as nonintrusive (PIV and LDV anemometry, high-speed filming), have been used in order to take advantage of each of them and allow cross-validation of the results. Once the boundary layer at the deceleration beginning has been characterized, ensuring the desired integral parameters and level of disturbance, the evolution of the laminar boundary layer up to the point of separation is studied. It has been compared with integral methods, and numerical simulations. In view of the results a new model for this evolution is proposed. Downstream from the separation, the flow near to the wall is configured as a shear layer that encloses low momentum recirculating fluid. The region where the shear layer remains laminar tends to be positioned to compensate the adverse pressure gradient associated with the imposed deceleration. Under these conditions, the momentum thickness remains almost constant. This laminar shear layer region extends up to where transitional phenomena appear, extension that scales with the momentum thickness at separation. These transitional phenomena are of inviscid type, similar to those found in free shear layers. The transitional region analysis begins with a study of the disturbances evolution in the linear growth region and the comparison of experimental results with a numerical model based on Linear Stability Theory for parallel flows and with data from other authors. The results’ coalescence for both the disturbances growth and the excited frequencies is stated. For the transition final stages the vorticity concentration into vortex blobs is found, analogously to what happens in free shear layers. Unlike these, the presence of the wall and the pressure gradient make the large scale structures to move towards the wall and quickly disappear under certain circumstances. In these cases, the recirculating flow is confined into a closed region saying the bubble is closed or the boundary layer reattaches. From the reattachment point, the fluid shows a configuration in the vicinity of the wall traditionally considered as turbulent. It has been observed that existing integral methods for turbulent boundary layers do not fit well to the experimental results, due to these methods being valid only for fully developed turbulent flow. Nevertheless, it has been found that downstream from the reattachment point the velocity profiles are self-similar, and a model has been proposed for the evolution of the integral parameters of the boundary layer in this region. Finally, the phenomenon known as bubble burst is analyzed. It has been checked the validity of existing models in literature and a new one is proposed. This phenomenon is blamed to the inability of the large scale structures formed after the transition to overcome with the adverse pressure gradient, move towards the wall and close the bubble. El estudio de capas límites transicionales con separación es de gran relevancia en distintas aplicaciones tecnológicas. Particularmente, en tecnología aeronáutica, aparecen en procesos claves, tales como el flujo alrededor de alas o álabes de turbomaquinaria. El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de estos flujos en situaciones representativas de las aplicaciones tecnológicas, ganando por un lado conocimiento sobre la fenomenología y los procesos físicos que aparecen y, por otra parte, desarrollando un modelo sencillo para el escalado de los mismos. Para conseguir este objetivo se han realizado ensayos en una instalación experimental de baja velocidad específicamente diseñada para asegurar un flujo homogéneo y con bajo nivel de perturbaciones, de modo que se evita el disparo de mecanismos transicionales no deseados. La capa límite bajo estudio se ha desarrollado sobre una placa plana, imponiendo un gradiente de presión a la misma por medio de paredes de geometría especificada. éstas generan una región inicial de aceleración seguida de una zona de deceleración. La región inicial se diseña para tener en al inicio de la deceleración un perfil de capa límite de Blasius, caracterizado por su espesor de cantidad de movimiento, y una cierta velocidad externa a la capa límite que se considera la velocidad característica del problema. La región de deceleración está concebida para que la variación de la velocidad externa a la capa límite sea lineal, definiendo de esta forma una longitud característica del problema. Los ensayos se han realizado explotando varias técnicas experimentales, tanto intrusivas (anemometría de hilo caliente, sondas de presión total) como no intrusivas (anemometrías láser y PIV, filmación de alta velocidad), de cara a aprovechar las ventajas de cada una de ellas y permitir validación cruzada de resultados entre las mismas. Caracterizada la capa límite al comienzo de la deceleración, y garantizados los parámetros integrales y niveles de perturbación deseados se procede al estudio de la zona de deceleración. Se presenta en la tesis un análisis de la evolución de la capa límite laminar desde el inicio de la misma hasta el punto de separación, comparando con métodos integrales, simulaciones numéricas, y proponiendo un nuevo modelo para esta evolución. Aguas abajo de la separación, el flujo en las proximidades de la pared se configura como una capa de cortadura que encierra una región de fluido recirculatorio de baja cantidad de movimiento. Se ha caracterizado la región en que dicha capa de cortadura permanece laminar, encontrando que se posiciona de modo que compensa el gradiente adverso de presión asociado a la deceleración de la corriente. En estas condiciones, el espesor de cantidad de movimiento permanece prácticamente constante y esta capa de cortadura laminar se extiende hasta que los fenómenos transicionales aparecen. Estos fenómenos son de tipo no viscoso, similares a los que aparecen en una capa de cortadura libre. El análisis de la región transicional comienza con un estudio de la evolución de las vii viii RESUMEN perturbaciones en la zona de crecimiento lineal de las mismas y la comparación de los resultados experimentales con un modelo numérico y con datos de otros autores. La coalescencia de los resultados tanto para el crecimiento de las perturbaciones como para las frecuencias excitadas queda demostrada. Para los estadios finales de la transición se observa la concentración de la vorticidad en torbellinos, de modo análogo a lo que ocurre en capas de cortadura libres. A diferencia de estas, la presencia de la pared y del gradiente de presión hace que, bajo ciertas condiciones, la gran escala se desplace hacia la pared y desaparezca rápidamente. En este caso el flujo recirculatorio queda confinado en una región cerrada y se habla de cierre de la burbuja o readherencia de la capa límite. A partir del punto de readherencia se tiene una configuración fluida en las proximidades de la pared que tradicionalmente se ha considerado turbulenta. Se ha observado que los métodos integrales existentes para capas límites turbulentas no ajustan bien a las medidas experimentales realizadas, hecho imputable a que no se obtiene en dicha región un flujo turbulento plenamente desarrollado. Se ha encontrado, sin embargo, que pasado el punto de readherencia los perfiles de velocidad próximos a la pared son autosemejantes entre sí y se ha propuesto un modelo para la evolución de los parámetros integrales de la capa límite en esta región. Finalmente, el fenómeno conocido como “estallido” de la burbuja se ha analizado. Se ha comprobado la validez de los modelos existentes en la literatura y se propone uno nuevo. Este fenómeno se achaca a la incapacidad de la gran estructura formada tras la transición para vencer el gradiente adverso de presión, desplazarse hacia la pared y cerrar la burbuja.
The nonlinear streamwise growth of a spanwise periodic array of steady streaks in a flat plate boundary layer is numerically computed using the well known Reduced Navier-Stokes formulation. It is found that the flow configuration changes substantially when the amplitude of the streaks grows and the nonlinear effects come into play. The transversal motion (in the wall normal-spanwise plane), which is normally not considered, becomes non-negligible in the nonlinear regime, and it strongly distorts the streamwise velocity profiles, which end up being quite different from those predicted by the linear theory. We analyze in detail the resulting flow patterns for the nonlinearly saturated streaks, and compare them with available experimental results.
The nonlinear streamwise growth of a spanwise periodic array of steady streaks in a flat plate boundary layer is numerically computed using the well known Reduced Navier- Stokes formulation. It is found that the flow configuration changes substantially when the amplitude of the streaks grows and the nonlinear effects come into play. The transversal motion (in the wall normal-spanwise plane), which is normally not considered, becomes non-negligible in the nonlinear regime, and it strongly distorts the streamwise velocity profiles, which end up being quite different from those predicted by the linear theory. We analyze in detail the resulting flow patterns for the nonlinearly saturated streaks, and compare them with available experimental results.
Dual-junction solar cells formed by a GaAsP or GaInP top cell and a silicon (Si) bottom cell seem to be attractive candidates to materialize the long sought-for integration of III-V materials on Si for photovoltaic (PV) applications. Such integration would offer a cost breakthrough for PV technology, unifying the low cost of Si and the efficiency potential of III-V multijunction solar cells. The optimization of the Si solar cells properties in flat-plate PV technology is well-known; nevertheless, it has been proven that the behavior of Si substrates is different when processed in an MOVPE reactor In this study, we analyze several factors influencing the bottom subcell performance, namely, 1) the emitter formation as a result of phosphorus diffusion; 2) the passivation quality provided by the GaP nucleation layer; and 3) the process impact on the bottom subcell PV properties.
The linear instability and breakdown to turbulence induced by an isolated roughness element in a boundary layer at Mach 2:5, over an isothermal flat plate with laminar adiabatic wall temperature, have been analysed by means of direct numerical simulations, aided by spatial BiGlobal and three-dimensional parabolized (PSE-3D) stability analyses. It is important to understand transition in this flow regime since the process can be slower than in incompressible flow and is crucial to prediction of local heat loads on next-generation flight vehicles. The results show that the roughness element, with a height of the order of the boundary layer displacement thickness, generates a highly unstable wake, which is composed of a low-velocity streak surrounded by a three-dimensional high-shear layer and is able to sustain the rapid growth of a number of instability modes. The most unstable of these modes are associated with varicose or sinuous deformations of the low-velocity streak; they are a consequence of the instability developing in the three-dimensional shear layer as a whole (the varicose mode) or in the lateral shear layers (the sinuous mode). The most unstable wake mode is of the varicose type and grows on average 17% faster tan the most unstable sinuous mode and 30 times faster than the most unstable boundary layer mode occurring in the absence of a roughness element. Due to the high growthrates registered in the presence of the roughness element, an amplification factor of N D 9 is reached within 50 roughness heights from the roughness trailing edge. The independently performed Navier–Stokes, spatial BiGlobal and PSE-3D stability results are in excellent agreement with each other, validating the use of simplified theories for roughness-induced transition involving wake instabilities. Following the linear stages of the laminar–turbulent transition process, the roll-up of the three-dimensional shear layer leads to the formation of a wedge of turbulence, which spreads laterally at a rate similar to that observed in the case of compressible turbulent spots for the same Mach number.
Control of linear flow instabilities has been demonstrated to be an effective theoretical flow control methodology, capable of modifying transitional flows on canonical geometries such as the plane channel and the flat-plate boundary layer. Extending the well-developed theoretical flow control techniques to flows over or through complex geometries requires addressing the issue of efficient capturing of the leading members of the global eigenspectrum pertinent to such flows. The present contribution describes state-of-the-art modal global instability analysis methodologies recently developed in our group, based on matrix formation and time-stepping, respectively. The relative performance of these algorithms is assessed on the recovery of BiGlobal and TriGlobal eigenspectra in the spanwise periodic and the cubic lid-driven cavity, respectively; the adjoint eigenspectrum in the latter flow is recovered for the first time. For three-dimensional flows without any homogeneous spatial direction, the time-stepping methodology was found to outperform the matrix-forming approach and permit recovering the leading TriGlobal eigenmodes in an three-dimensional open cavity of aspect ratio L : D : W = 5 : 1 : 1; theoretical flow control of this configuration is underway.
A new high-resolution code for the direct numerical simulation of a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers over a flat plate has been developed. Its purpose is to simulate a wide range of Reynolds numbers from Reθ = 300 to 6800 while showing a linear weak scaling up to 32,768 cores in the BG/P architecture. Special attention has been paid to the generation of proper inflow boundary conditions. The results are in good agreement with existing numerical and experimental data sets.
Control of linear flow instabilities has been demonstrated to be an effective theoretical flow control methodology, capable of modifying transitional flow on canonical geometries such as the plane channel and the flat-plate boundary layer.
Esta tesis estudia el comportamiento de la región exterior de una capa límite turbulenta sin gradientes de presiones. Se ponen a prueba dos teorías relativamente bien establecidas. La teoría de semejanza para la pared supone que en el caso de haber una pared rugosa, el fluido sólo percibe el cambio en la fricción superficial que causa, y otros efectos secundarios quedarán confinados a una zona pegada a la pared. El consenso actual es que dicha teoría es aproximadamente cierta. En el extremo exterior de la capa límite existe una región producida por la interacción entre las estructuras turbulentas y el flujo irrotacional de la corriente libre llamada interfaz turbulenta/no turbulenta. La mayoría de los resultados al respecto sugieren la presencia de fuerzas de cortadura ligeramente más intensa, lo que la hace distinta al resto del flujo turbulento. Las propiedades de esa región probablemente cambien si la velocidad de crecimiento de la capa límite aumenta, algo que puede conseguirse aumentando la fricción en la pared. La rugosidad y la ingestión de masa están entonces relacionadas, y el comportamiento local de la interfaz turbulenta/no turbulenta puede explicar el motivo por el que las capas límite sobre paredes rugosas no se comportan como en el caso de tener paredes lisas precisamente en la zona exterior. Para estudiar las capas límite a números de Reynolds lo suficientemente elevados, se ha desarrollado un nuevo código de alta resolución para la simulación numérica directa de capas límite turbulentas sin gradiente de presión. Dicho código es capaz de simular capas límite en un intervalo de números de Reynolds entre ReT = 100 — 2000 manteniendo una buena escalabilidad hasta los dos millones de hilos en superordenadores de tipo Blue Gene/Q. Se ha guardado especial atención a la generación de condiciones de contorno a la entrada correctas. Los resultados obtenidos están en concordancia con los resultados previos, tanto en el caso de simulaciones como de experimentos. La interfaz turbulenta/no turbulenta de una capa límite se ha analizado usando un valor umbral del módulo de la vorticidad. Dicho umbral se considera un parámetro para analizar cada superficie obtenida de un contorno del módulo de la vorticidad. Se han encontrado dos regímenes distintos en función del umbral escogido con propiedades opuestas, separados por una transición topológica gradual. Las características geométricas de la zona escalan con o99 cuando u^/isdgg es la unidad de vorticidad. Las propiedades del íluido relativas a la posición del contorno de vorticidad han sido analizados para una serie de umbrales utilizando el campo de distancias esféricas, que puede obtenerse con independencia de la complejidad de la superficie de referencia. Las propiedades del fluido a una distancia dada del inerfaz también dependen del umbral de vorticidad, pero tienen características parecidas con independencia del número de Reynolds. La interacción entre la turbulencia y el flujo no turbulento se restringe a una zona muy fina con un espesor del orden de la escala de Kolmogorov local. Hacia el interior del flujo turbulento las propiedades son indistinguibles del resto de la capa límite. Se ha simulado una capa límite sin gradiente de presiones con una fuerza volumétrica cerca de la pared. La el forzado ha sido diseñado para aumentar la fricción en la pared sin introducir ningún efecto geométrico obvio. La simulación consta de dos dominios, un primer dominio más pequeño y a baja resolución que se encarga de generar condiciones de contorno correctas, y un segundo dominio mayor y a alta resolución donde se aplica el forzado. El estudio de los perfiles y los coeficientes de autocorrelación sugieren que los dos casos, el liso y el forzado, no colapsan más allá de la capa logarítmica por la complejidad geométrica de la zona intermitente, y por el hecho que la distancia a la pared no es una longitud característica. Los efectos causados por la geometría de la zona intermitente pueden evitarse utilizando el interfaz como referencia, y la distancia esférica para el análisis de sus propiedades. Las propiedades condicionadas del flujo escalan con 5QQ y u/uT, las dos únicas escalas contenidas en el modelo de semejanza de pared de Townsend, consistente con estos resultados. ABSTRACT This thesis studies the characteristics of the outer region of zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers at moderate Reynolds numbers. Two relatively established theories are put to test. The wall similarity theory states that with the presence of roughness, turbulent motion is mostly affected by the additional drag caused by the roughness, and that other secondary effects are restricted to a region very close to the wall. The consensus is that this theory is valid, but only as a first approximation. At the edge of the boundary layer there is a thin layer caused by the interaction between the turbulent eddies and the irroational fluid of the free stream, called turbulent/non-turbulent interface. The bulk of results about this layer suggest the presence of some localized shear, with properties that make it distinguishable from the rest of the turbulent flow. The properties of the interface are likely to change if the rate of spread of the turbulent boundary layer is amplified, an effect that is usually achieved by increasing the drag. Roughness and entrainment are therefore linked, and the local features of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface may explain the reason why rough-wall boundary layers deviate from the wall similarity theory precisely far from the wall. To study boundary layers at a higher Reynolds number, a new high-resolution code for the direct numerical simulation of a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers over a flat plate has been developed. This code is able to simulate a wide range of Reynolds numbers from ReT =100 to 2000 while showing a linear weak scaling up to around two million threads in the BG/Q architecture. Special attention has been paid to the generation of proper inflow boundary conditions. The results are in good agreement with existing numerical and experimental data sets. The turbulent/non-turbulent interface of a boundary layer is analyzed by thresholding the vorticity magnitude field. The value of the threshold is considered a parameter in the analysis of the surfaces obtained from isocontours of the vorticity magnitude. Two different regimes for the surface can be distinguished depending on the threshold, with a gradual topological transition across which its geometrical properties change significantly. The width of the transition scales well with oQg when u^/udgg is used as a unit of vorticity. The properties of the flow relative to the position of the vorticity magnitude isocontour are analyzed within the same range of thresholds, using the ball distance field, which can be obtained regardless of the size of the domain and complexity of the interface. The properties of the flow at a given distance to the interface also depend on the threshold, but they are similar regardless of the Reynolds number. The interaction between the turbulent and the non-turbulent flow occurs in a thin layer with a thickness that scales with the Kolmogorov length. Deeper into the turbulent side, the properties are undistinguishable from the rest of the turbulent flow. A zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer with a volumetric near-wall forcing has been simulated. The forcing has been designed to increase the wall friction without introducing any obvious geometrical effect. The actual simulation is split in two domains, a smaller one in charge of the generation of correct inflow boundary conditions, and a second and larger one where the forcing is applied. The study of the one-point and twopoint statistics suggest that the forced and the smooth cases do not collapse beyond the logarithmic layer may be caused by the geometrical complexity of the intermittent region, and by the fact that the scaling with the wall-normal coordinate is no longer present. The geometrical effects can be avoided using the turbulent/non-turbulent interface as a reference frame, and the minimum distance respect to it. The conditional analysis of the vorticity field with the alternative reference frame recovers the scaling with 5QQ and v¡uT already present in the logarithmic layer, the only two length-scales allowed if Townsend’s wall similarity hypothesis is valid.
Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV) is an alternative to flat-plate module photovoltaic (PV) technology. The bankability of CPV projects is an important issue to pave the way toward a swift and sustained growth in this technology. The bankability of a PV plant is generally addressed through the modeling of its energy yield under a baseline loss scenario, followed by an on-site measurement campaign aimed at verifying its energy performance. This paper proposes a procedure for assessing the performance of a CPV project, articulated around four main successive steps: Solar Resource Assessment, Yield Assessment, Certificate of Provisional Acceptance, and Certificate of Final Acceptance. This methodology allows the long-term energy production of a CPV project to be estimated with an associated uncertainty of ≈5%. To our knowledge, no such method has been proposed to the CPV industry yet, and this critical situation has hindered or made impossible the completion of several important CPV projects undertaken in the world. The main motive for this proposed method is to bring a practical solution to this urgent problem. This procedure can be operated under a wide range of climatic conditions, and makes it possible to assess the bankability of a CPV plant whose design uses any of the technologies currently available on the market. The method is also compliant with both international standards and local regulations. In consequence, its applicability is both general and international.