960 resultados para fixed-time AI


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给出了一种基于分层式有限状态机的五自由度空间对接仿真平台控制系统设计方法,对状态机进行了扩展定义.增加了一个定义于状态上的变量属性集合,使其有利于系统的代码实现.结合控制系统采用的10 ms定时中断机制,将状态机层次划分到了可以分析每个10 ms硬件中断程序所需实现的控制功能状态及其转移、继承关系的程度,可以更清晰地设计出中断程序所需要的构成结构.系统的实际应用结果证明了上述方法的有效性.


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Background: The eliciting dose (ED) for a peanut allergic reaction in 5% of the peanut allergic population, the ED05, is 1.5 mg of peanut protein. This ED05 was derived from oral food challenges (OFC) that use graded, incremental doses administered at fixed time intervals. Individual patients’ threshold doses were used to generate population dose-distribution curves using probability distributions from which the ED05 was then determined. It is important to clinically validate that this dose is predictive of the allergenic response in a further unselected group of peanut-allergic individuals. Methods/Aims: This is a multi-centre study involving three national level referral and teaching centres. (Cork University Hospital, Ireland, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, U.S.A.) The study is now in process and will continue to run until all centres have recruited 125 participates in each respective centre. A total of 375 participants, aged 1–18 years will be recruited during routine Allergy appointments in the centres. The aim is to assess the precision of the predicted ED05 using a single dose (6 mg peanut = 1.5 mg of peanut protein) in the form of a cookie. Validated Food Allergy related Quality of Life Questionnaires-(FAQLQ) will be self-administered prior to OFC and 1 month after challenge to assess the impact of a single dose OFC on FAQL. Serological and cell based in vitro studies will be performed. Conclusion: The validation of the ED05 threshold for allergic reactions in peanut allergic subjects has potential value for public health measures. The single dose OFC, based upon the statistical dose-distribution analysis of past challenge trials, promises an efficient approach to identify the most highly sensitive patients within any given food-allergic population.


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This article discusses the identification of nonlinear dynamic systems using multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs). It focuses on both structure uncertainty and parameter uncertainty, which have been widely explored in the literature of nonlinear system identification. The main contribution is that an integrated analytic framework is proposed for automated neural network structure selection, parameter identification and hysteresis network switching with guaranteed neural identification performance. First, an automated network structure selection procedure is proposed within a fixed time interval for a given network construction criterion. Then, the network parameter updating algorithm is proposed with guaranteed bounded identification error. To cope with structure uncertainty, a hysteresis strategy is proposed to enable neural identifier switching with guaranteed network performance along the switching process. Both theoretic analysis and a simulation example show the efficacy of the proposed method.


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Cognitive assessment typically involves assessing a person’s cognitive performance in unfamiliar and ar-guably unnatural clinical surroundings. User-centred approaches to assessment and monitoring, driven by issues such as enjoyability and familiarity, are largely absent. Everyday technologies, for example, smartphones represent an opportunity to obtain an objective assessment of a person’s cognitive capabili-ties in a non-threatening, discreet and familiar way, e.g. by everyday puzzle games undertaken as a leisure activity at home. We examined the strength of relationships that exist between performance on common puzzle games and standard measures of neuropsychological performance. Twenty-nine participants, aged 50 - 65 years, completed a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery and played three smart-phone-based puzzle games in triplicate: a picture puzzle [Matches Plus], a word puzzle [Jumbline] and a number puzzle [Sudoku]. As anticipated, a priori, significant correlations were observed between scores on a picture puzzle and visual memory test (r = 0.49; p = 0.007); a word puzzle and estimated verbal IQ (r = 0.53; p = 0.003) and verbal learning (r = 0.30; p = 0.039) tests; and a number puzzle and reason-ing/problem solving test (r = 0.42; p = 0.023). Further analyses making allowance for multiple compari-sons identified a significant unanticipated correlation (r = 0.49; p = 0.007) between number puzzle scores and a measure of nonverbal working memory. Performance on these smartphone-based games was in-dicative of relative cognitive ability across several cognitive domains at a fixed time point. Smart-phone-based, everyday puzzle games may offer a valid, portable measure of assessing and monitoring cognition in older adults.


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PURPOSE: Comparing the relative effectiveness of interventions across glaucoma trials can be problematic due to differences in definitions of outcomes. We sought to identify a key set of clinical outcomes and reach consensus on how best to measure them from the perspective of glaucoma experts.

METHODS: A 2-round electronic Delphi survey was conducted. Round 1 involved 25 items identified from a systematic review. Round 2 was developed based on information gathered in round 1. A 10-point Likert scale was used to quantify importance and consensus of outcomes (7 outcomes) and ways of measuring them (44 measures). Experts were identified through 2 glaucoma societies membership-the UK and Eire Glaucoma Society and the European Glaucoma Society. A Nominal Group Technique (NGT) followed the Delphi process. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

RESULTS: A total of 65 participants completed round 1 out of 320; of whom 56 completed round 2 (86%). Agreement on the importance of outcomes was reached on 48/51 items (94%). Intraocular pressure (IOP), visual field (VF), safety, and anatomic outcomes were classified as highly important. Regarding methods of measurement of IOP, "mean follow-up IOP" using Goldmann applanation tonometry achieved the highest importance, whereas for evaluating VFs "global index mean deviation/defect (MD)" and "rate of VF progression" were the most important. Retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT) was identified as highly important. The NGT results reached consensus on "change of IOP (mean of 3 consecutive measurements taken at fixed time of day) from baseline," change of VF-MD values (3 reliable VFs at baseline and follow-up visit) from baseline, and change of RNFL thickness (2 good quality OCT images) from baseline.

CONCLUSIONS: Consensus was reached among glaucoma experts on how best to measure IOP, VF, and anatomic outcomes in glaucoma randomized controlled trials.


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Predictions which invoke evolutionary mechanisms ar e hard to test. Agent-based modeling in artificial life offers a way to simulate behaviors and interac tions in specific physical or social environments o ver many generations. The outcomes have implications fo r understanding adaptive value of behaviors in context. Pain-related behavior in animals is communicated to other animals that might protect or help, or might exploit or predate. An agent-based model simulated the effects of displaying or not displaying pain (expresser/non-expresser strategies) when injured, and of helping, ignoring or exploiting another in pain (altruistic/non-altruistic/selfish strategies) . Agents modeled in MATLAB interacted at random while foraging (gaining energy); random injury inte rrupted foraging for a fixed time unless help from an altruistic agent, who paid an energy cost, speeded recovery. Environmental and social conditions also varied, and each model ran for 10,000 iterations. Findings were meaningful in that, in general, conti ngencies evident from experimental work with a variety of mammals, over a few interactions, were r eplicated in the agent-based model after selection pressure over many generations. More energy-demandi ng expression of pain reduced its frequency in successive generations, and increasing injury frequ ency resulted in fewer expressers and altruists. Allowing exploitation of injured agents decreased e xpression of pain to near zero, but altruists remained. Decreasing costs or increasing benefits o f helping hardly changed its frequency, while increasing interaction rate between injured agents and helpers diminished the benefits to both. Agent- based modeling allows simulation of complex behavio urs and environmental pressures over evolutionary time.


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Cette étude valide l’efficacité du traitement de céfapirine intra-utérin sur les vaches diagnostiquées comme positives à l’endométrite clinique (PVD+) par vaginoscopie. Un seuil diagnostic des PVD+ a, d’abord, été déterminé selon les effets néfastes significatifs des écoulements vaginaux sur le statut de gestation à 120 jours post-partum. Les observations de 1247 vaches de 18 troupeaux, faites à 34 ± 7 jours post-partum, ont mené à considérer la présence de mucus vaginal trouble avec ou sans flocons de pus comme seuil pour les PVD+. La prévalence de PVD+ était de 21.6%. La chance d’être gestante à la première insémination effectuée à temps fixe sur un protocole de synchronisation était 1.89 fois moindre chez les vaches PVD+. Le traitement de céfapirine a été administré aléatoirement lors de la première visite. Même en absence d’effets significatifs sur la guérison clinique évaluée après 2 semaines, le traitement améliore significativement les performances en reproduction des PDV+. Les PVD+ ayant reçu le traitement avaient 1.85 fois plus de chance d’être gestantes à la première insémination que les PVD+ du groupe contrôle. Elles présentaient aussi une amélioration du jour ouvert médian de 38 jours.


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Reducing fishing pressure in coastal waters is the need of the day in the Indian marine fisheries sector of the country which is fast changing from a mere vocational activity to a capital intensive industry. It requires continuous monitoring of the resource exploitation through a scientifically acceptable methodology, data on production of each species stock, the number and characteristics of the fishing gears of the fleet, various biological characteristics of each stock, the impact of fishing on the environment and the role of fishery—independent on availability and abundance. Besides this, there are issues relating to capabilities in stock assessment, taxonomy research, biodiversity, conservation and fisheries management. Generation of reliable data base over a fixed time frame, their analysis and interpretation are necessary before drawing conclusions on the stock size, maximum sustainable yield, maximum economic yield and to further implement various fishing regulatory measures. India being a signatory to several treaties and conventions, is obliged to carry out assessments of the exploited stocks and manage them at sustainable levels. Besides, the nation is bound by its obligation of protein food security to people and livelihood security to those engaged in marine fishing related activities. Also, there are regional variabilities in fishing technology and fishery resources. All these make it mandatory for India to continue and strengthen its marine capture fisheries research in general and deep sea fisheries in particular. Against this background, an attempt is made to strengthen the deep sea fish biodiversity and also to generate data on the distribution, abundance, catch per unit effort of fishery resources available beyond 200 m in the EEZ of southwest coast ofIndia and also unravel some of the aspects of life history traits of potentially important non conventional fish species inhabiting in the depth beyond 200 m. This study was carried out as part of the Project on Stock Assessment and Biology of Deep Sea Fishes of Indian EEZ (MoES, Govt. of India).


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Antecedentes: El tratamiento de los espasmos infantiles generalmente se realiza con ACTH a pesar de perfil de efectos secundarios y el alto costo financiero. Se ha propuesto el uso de los corticoides como primera línea de tratamiento para la enfermedad, no obstante no existe certeza sobre la eficacia de este esquema. Objetivos: Evaluar la eficacia del uso de los corticoides comparados con la ACTH como primera línea de tratamiento en el manejo de pacientes con espasmos infantiles. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. La búsqueda se efectuó en las bases de datos Pubmed, Embase, Ovid, LiLaCs y en el registro de ensayos clínicos de Estados Unidos. Se incluyeron estudios en portugués, ingles y español, no se fijo límite de tiempo para la publicación. Se realizó un análisis de riesgo de sesgo y de calidad de la evidencia utilizando el programa GRADEPRO. Se estimaron OR y sus respectivos intervalos de confianza al 95%. Resultados: Se incluyeron 4 estudios, un ensayo clínico y tres estudios de cohorte retrospectiva. Dos estudios aportaron evidencia de calidad moderada y alta. No se encontraron diferencias en la eficacia a corto plazo entre el uso de los corticoides y la ACTH sobre desenlaces clínicos o electroencefalográficos. No se encontraron estudios de seguridad a largo plazo. La seguridad a corto plazo no mostró diferencias. Conclusiones: Es muy probable que el uso de los corticoides como primera línea de tratamiento puedan reemplazar el uso de la ACTH, se requiere estudios de seguridad a largo plazo. La decisión de su uso rutinario debería estar basada en un análisis de costo efectividad y bajo la mirada del balance riesgo/beneficio.


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The effect of high-pressure (HP) pretreatment on oil uptake of potato slices is examined in this paper. Potato slices were treated either by HP or thermal blanching, or a combination of thermal blanching followed by HP prior to frying. The effect of HP on starch gelatinization and potato microstructure was assessed by differential scanning calorimeter and environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM), respectively. After treatments, the slices were fried in sunflower oil at 185 °C for a predetermined time. Frying time was either kept constant (4 min) or varied according to the time needed to reach a desired moisture content of ≈2%. The high pressure applied in this study was found not to be sufficient to cause a significant degree of starch gelatinization. Analysis of the ESEM images showed that blanching had a limited effect on cell wall integrity. HP pretreatment was found to increase the oil uptake marginally. When frying for a fixed time, the highest total oil content was found in slices treated at 200 MPa for 5 min. The oil content was found to increase significantly (p<0.05) to 41.23±1.82 compared to 29.03±0.21 in the control slices. The same effect of pressure on oil content was found when the time of frying varied. On the other hand, HP pretreatment was found to decrease the frying time required to achieve a given moisture content. Thus, high-pressure pretreatment may be used to reduce the frying time, but not oil uptake.


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We present a rigorous, regularization-independent local quantum field theoretic treatment of the Casimir effect for a quantum scalar field of mass mu not equal 0 which yields closed form expressions for the energy density and pressure. As an application we show that there exist special states of the quantum field in which the expectation value of the renormalized energy-momentum tensor is, for any fixed time, independent of the space coordinate and of the perfect fluid form g(mu,nu)rho with rho > 0, thus providing a concrete quantum field theoretic model of the cosmological constant. This rho represents the energy density associated to a state consisting of the vacuum and a certain number of excitations of zero momentum, i.e., the constituents correspond to lowest energy and pressure p <= 0. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we study the accumulated claim in some fixed time period, skipping the classical assumption of mutual independence between the variables involved. Two basic models are considered: Model I assumes that any pair of claims are equally correlated which means that the corresponding square-integrable sequence is exchangeable one. Model 2 states that the correlations between the adjacent claims are the same. Recurrence and explicit expressions for the joint probability generating function are derived and the impact of the dependence parameter (correlation coefficient) in both models is examined. The Markov binomial distribution is obtained as a particular case under assumptions of Model 2. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Consider a continuous-time Markov process with transition rates matrix Q in the state space Lambda boolean OR {0}. In In the associated Fleming-Viot process N particles evolve independently in A with transition rates matrix Q until one of them attempts to jump to state 0. At this moment the particle jumps to one of the positions of the other particles, chosen uniformly at random. When Lambda is finite, we show that the empirical distribution of the particles at a fixed time converges as N -> infinity to the distribution of a single particle at the same time conditioned on not touching {0}. Furthermore, the empirical profile of the unique invariant measure for the Fleming-Viot process with N particles converges as N -> infinity to the unique quasistationary distribution of the one-particle motion. A key element of the approach is to show that the two-particle correlations are of order 1/N.


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Timed voiding is a fixed time interval toileting assistance program that has been promoted for the management of people with urinary incontinence who cannot participate in independent toileting. For this reason, it is commonly assumed to represent current practice in residential aged care settings.
To assess the effects of timed voiding for the management of urinary incontinence in adults who cannot participate in independent toileting.
Search strategy
We searched the Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialised Register (28 February 2007), MEDLINE (January 1966 to November 2003), EMBASE (January 1980 to Week 18 2002), CINAHL (January 1982 to February 2001), PsycINFO (January 1972 to August 2002), Biological Abstracts (January 1980 to December 2000), Current Contents (January 1993 to December 2001) and the reference lists of relevant articles. We also contacted experts in the field, searched relevant websites and hand searched journals and conference proceedings.
Selection criteria
We selected all randomised and quasi-randomised trials that addressed timed voiding in an adult population and that had an alteration in continence status as a primary outcome. We included those trials that had assessed timed voiding delivered either alone or in combination with another intervention and compared it with either usual care, or no timed voiding, or another intervention.
Data collection and analysis
Data extraction and quality assessment were undertaken by at least two people working independently of each other. Any differences were resolved by discussion until agreement was reached. The relative risk for dichotomous data were calculated with 95% confidence intervals. Where data were insufficient to support a quantitative analysis, a narrative overview was undertaken.
Main results
Two trials with a total of 298 participants met the inclusion criteria. Both compared timed voiding plus additional intervention with usual care. In one of these timed voiding was combined with continence products, placement of a bedside commode for each participant, education to staff on transfer techniques, feedback and encouragement to staff, praise to participants for "successful responses" and administration of oxybutynin in small doses. The mean percentage who were incontinent when checked daily was 20% in the intervention group compared with 80% in the control group. No further between group analysis was possible from the data reported. The other trial combined timed voiding with a medical assessment and individualised medical management that was based on clinical data. Reduction in the number of participants with daytime and night-time incontinence was greater in the intervention group but this difference was statistically significant only for night-time wetting. There was no difference in the volume of urine lost as determined by pad weighing.
The methodological quality of these trials was not high based on the quality appraisal criteria of the Cochrane Incontinence Group. In particular, there was a lack of clarity regarding levels of blinding. It was not possible to combine data from trials. In both trials, the fixed schedule of toileting was combined with other interventions. The extent to which the results reflect the contribution of timed voiding is unknown because the trials' design did not allow assessment of the effects of the fixed schedule of toileting separately from other components of the interventions.
Authors' conclusions
The data were too few and of insufficient quality to provide empirical support for or against the intervention of timed voiding.


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In a forensic investigation, computer profiling is used to capture evidence and to examine events surrounding a crime. A rapid increase in the last few years in the volume of data needing examination has led to an urgent need for automation of profiling. In this paper, we present an efficient, automated event profiling approach to a forensic investigation for a computer system and its activity over a fixed time period. While research in this area has adopted a number of methods, we extend and adapt work of Marrington et al. based on a simple relational model. Our work differs from theirs in a number of ways: our object set (files, applications etc.) can be enlarged or diminished repeatedly during the analysis; the transitive relation between objects is used sparingly in our work as it tends to increase the set of objects requiring investigative attention; our objective is to reduce the volume of data to be analyzed rather than extending it. We present a substantial case study to illuminate the theory presented here. The case study also illustrates how a simple visual representation of the analysis could be used to assist a forensic team.