988 resultados para fixed design


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The design and implementation of a new control scheme for reactive power compensation, voltage regulation and transient stability enhancement for wind turbines equipped with fixed-speed induction generators (IGs) in large interconnected power systems is presented in this study. The low-voltage-ride-through (LVRT) capability is provided by extending the range of the operation of the controlled system to include typical post-fault conditions. A systematic procedure is proposed to design decentralised multi-variable controllers for large interconnected power systems using the linear quadratic (LQ) output-feedback control design method and the controller design procedure is formulated as an optimisation problem involving rank-constrained linear matrix inequality (LMI). In this study, it is shown that a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) with energy storage system (ESS), controlled via robust control technique, is an effective device for improving the LVRT capability of fixed-speed wind turbines.


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In this thesis we study three combinatorial optimization problems belonging to the classes of Network Design and Vehicle Routing problems that are strongly linked in the context of the design and management of transportation networks: the Non-Bifurcated Capacitated Network Design Problem (NBP), the Period Vehicle Routing Problem (PVRP) and the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows (PDPTW). These problems are NP-hard and contain as special cases some well known difficult problems such as the Traveling Salesman Problem and the Steiner Tree Problem. Moreover, they model the core structure of many practical problems arising in logistics and telecommunications. The NBP is the problem of designing the optimum network to satisfy a given set of traffic demands. Given a set of nodes, a set of potential links and a set of point-to-point demands called commodities, the objective is to select the links to install and dimension their capacities so that all the demands can be routed between their respective endpoints, and the sum of link fixed costs and commodity routing costs is minimized. The problem is called non- bifurcated because the solution network must allow each demand to follow a single path, i.e., the flow of each demand cannot be splitted. Although this is the case in many real applications, the NBP has received significantly less attention in the literature than other capacitated network design problems that allow bifurcation. We describe an exact algorithm for the NBP that is based on solving by an integer programming solver a formulation of the problem strengthened by simple valid inequalities and four new heuristic algorithms. One of these heuristics is an adaptive memory metaheuristic, based on partial enumeration, that could be applied to a wider class of structured combinatorial optimization problems. In the PVRP a fleet of vehicles of identical capacity must be used to service a set of customers over a planning period of several days. Each customer specifies a service frequency, a set of allowable day-combinations and a quantity of product that the customer must receive every time he is visited. For example, a customer may require to be visited twice during a 5-day period imposing that these visits take place on Monday-Thursday or Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday. The problem consists in simultaneously assigning a day- combination to each customer and in designing the vehicle routes for each day so that each customer is visited the required number of times, the number of routes on each day does not exceed the number of vehicles available, and the total cost of the routes over the period is minimized. We also consider a tactical variant of this problem, called Tactical Planning Vehicle Routing Problem, where customers require to be visited on a specific day of the period but a penalty cost, called service cost, can be paid to postpone the visit to a later day than that required. At our knowledge all the algorithms proposed in the literature for the PVRP are heuristics. In this thesis we present for the first time an exact algorithm for the PVRP that is based on different relaxations of a set partitioning-like formulation. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is tested on a set of instances from the literature and on a new set of instances. Finally, the PDPTW is to service a set of transportation requests using a fleet of identical vehicles of limited capacity located at a central depot. Each request specifies a pickup location and a delivery location and requires that a given quantity of load is transported from the pickup location to the delivery location. Moreover, each location can be visited only within an associated time window. Each vehicle can perform at most one route and the problem is to satisfy all the requests using the available vehicles so that each request is serviced by a single vehicle, the load on each vehicle does not exceed the capacity, and all locations are visited according to their time window. We formulate the PDPTW as a set partitioning-like problem with additional cuts and we propose an exact algorithm based on different relaxations of the mathematical formulation and a branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm. The new algorithm is tested on two classes of problems from the literature and compared with a recent branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm from the literature.


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Objectives: To evaluate the biological and technical complication rates of fixed dental prostheses (FDP) with end abutments or cantilever extensions on teeth (FDP-tt/cFDP-tt) on implants (FDP-ii/cFDP-ii) and tooth-implant-supported (FDP-ti/cFDP-ti) in patients treated for chronic periodontitis. Material and methods: From a cohort of 392 patients treated between 1978 and 2002 by graduate students, 199 were re-examined in 2005. Of these, 84 patients had received ceramo-metal FDPs (six groups). Results: At the re-evaluation, the mean age of the patients was 62 years (36.2–83.4). One hundred and seventy-five FDPs were seated (82 FDP-tt, 9 FDP-ii, 20 FDP-ti, 39 cFDP-tt, 15 cFDP-ii, 10 cFDP-ti). The mean observation time was 11.3 years; 21 FDPs were lost, and 46 technical and 50 biological complications occurred. Chances for the survival of the three groups of FDPs with end abutments were very high (risk for failure 2.8%, 0%, 5.6%). The probability to remain without complications and/or failure was 70.3%, 88.9% and 74.7% in FDPs with end abutments, but 49.8–25% only in FDPs with extensions at 10 years. Conclusions: In patients treated for chronic periodontitis and provided with ceramo-metal FDPs, high survival rates, especially for FDPs with end abutments, can be expected. The incidence rates of any negative events were increased drastically in the three groups with extension cFDPs (tt, ii, ti). Strategic decisions in the choice of a particular FDP design and the choice of teeth/implants as abutments appear to influence the risks for complications to be expected with fixed reconstruction. If possible, extensions on tooth abutments should be avoided or used only after a cautious clinical evaluation of all options.


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Excessive cantilever lengths of fixed implant-supported prostheses may have functional and biomechanical disadvantages. This study reports the clinical outcomes of unconventional implants placed for distal support of a fixed implant-supported prostheses. Seven extraoral implants with intraosseous lengths of 2.5 to 4.0 mm were placed in four patients. Distal cantilevers had a mean length of 29.8 mm (range, 18.6 to 39.3 mm). No bone loss or other adverse events were found. The prosthetic plan was maintained in all patients. Within the limits of the employed research design, this concept seems to be a successful option for fixed complete implant-supported prosthesis treatment.


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Statically balanced compliant mechanisms require no holding force throughout their range of motion while maintaining the advantages of compliant mechanisms. In this paper, a postbuckled fixed-guided beam is proposed to provide the negative stiffness to balance the positive stiffness of a compliant mechanism. To that end, a curve decomposition modeling method is presented to simplify the large deflection analysis. The modeling method facilitates parametric design insight and elucidates key points on the force-deflection curve. Experimental results validate the analysis. Furthermore, static balancing with fixed-guided beams is demonstrated for a rectilinear proof-of-concept prototype.


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The analysis of Komendant's design of the Kimbell Art Museum was carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of the ring beams, edge beams and prestressing in the shells of the roof system. Finite element analysis was not available to Komendant or other engineers of the time to aid them in the design and analysis. Thus, the use of this tool helped to form a new perspective on the Kimbell Art Museum and analyze the engineer's work. In order to carry out the finite element analysis of Kimbell Art Museum, ADINA finite element analysis software was utilized. Eight finite element models (FEM-1 through FEM-8) of increasing complexity were created. The results of the most realistic model, FEM-8, which included ring beams, edge beams and prestressing, were compared to Komendant's calculations. The maximum deflection at the crown of the mid-span surface of -0.1739 in. in FEM-8 was found to be larger than Komendant's deflection in the design documents before the loss in prestressing force (-0.152 in.) but smaller than his prediction after the loss in prestressing force (-0.3814 in.). Komendant predicted a larger longitudinal stress of -903 psi at the crown (vs. -797 psi in FEM-8) and 37 psi at the edge (vs. -347 psi in FEM-8). Considering the strength of concrete of 5000 psi, the difference in results is not significant. From the analysis it was determined that both FEM-5, which included prestressing and fixed rings, and FEM-8 can be successfully and effectively implemented in practice. Prestressing was used in both models and thus served as the main contribution to efficiency. FEM-5 showed that ring and edge beams can be avoided, however an architect might find them more aesthetically appropriate than rigid walls.


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OBJECTIVE: To generate anatomical data on the human middle ear and adjacent structures to serve as a base for the development and optimization of new implantable hearing aid transducers. Implantable middle ear hearing aid transducers, i.e. the equivalent to the loudspeaker in conventional hearing aids, should ideally fit into the majority of adult middle ears and should utilize the limited space optimally to achieve sufficiently high maximal output levels. For several designs, more anatomical data are needed. METHODS: Twenty temporal bones of 10 formalin-fixed adult human heads were scanned by a computed tomography system (CT) using a slide thickness of 0.63 mm. Twelve landmarks were defined and 24 different distances were calculated for each temporal bone. RESULTS: A statistical description of 24 distances in the adult human middle ear which may limit or influence the design of middle ear transducers is presented. Significant inter-individual differences but no significant differences for gender, side, age or degree of pneumatization of the mastoid were found. Distances, which were not analyzed for the first time in this study, were found to be in good agreement with the results of earlier studies. CONCLUSION: A data set describing the adult human middle ear anatomy quantitatively from the point of view of designers of new implantable hearing aid transducers has been generated. In principle, the method employed in this study using standard CT scans could also be used preoperatively to rule out exclusion criteria.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of bimatoprost and the fixed combination of latanoprost and timolol (LTFC) on 24-hour mean intraocular pressure (IOP) after patients are switched from a nonfixed combination of latanoprost and timolol. DESIGN: Randomized, double-masked, multicenter clinical trial. PARTICIPANTS: Two hundred patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. METHODS: Included were patients who were controlled (IOP < 21 mmHg) on the nonfixed combination of latanoprost and timolol for at least 3 months before the baseline visit or patients on monotherapy with either latanoprost or timolol who were eligible for dual therapy not being fully controlled on monotherapy. The latter group of patients underwent a 6-week wash-in phase with the nonfixed combination of latanoprost and timolol before baseline IOP determination and study inclusion. Supine and sitting position IOPs were recorded at 8 pm, midnight, 5 am, 8 am, noon, and 4 pm at baseline, week 6, and week 12 visits. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: An analysis of covariance model was used for a noninferiority test of the primary efficacy variable, with mean area under the 24-hour IOP curve after 12 weeks of treatment as response variable and treatment, center, and baseline IOP as factors. A secondary analysis was performed on the within-treatment change from baseline. RESULTS: Mean baseline IOPs were 16.3+/-3.3 mmHg and 15.5+/-2.9.mmHg in the bimatoprost and LTFC groups, respectively. At week 12, mean IOPs were 16.1+/-2.5 mmHg for the bimatoprost group and 16.3+/-3.7 mmHg for the LTFC group, and no significant difference between the 2 treatment groups could be found. As compared with baseline, mean IOP increased by 0.3+/-3.6 mmHg during the day and decreased by 0.8+/-3.8 mmHg during the night in the bimatoprost group, whereas there were increases of 1.43+/-2.6 mmHg and 0.14+/-3.2 mmHg in the LTFC group, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Bimatoprost is not inferior to the LTFC in maintaining IOP at a controlled level during a 24-hour period in patients switched from the nonfixed combination of latanoprost and timolol.


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Chapter 1 is used to introduce the basic tools and mechanics used within this thesis. Most of the definitions used in the thesis will be defined, and we provide a basic survey of topics in graph theory and design theory pertinent to the topics studied in this thesis. In Chapter 2, we are concerned with the study of fixed block configuration group divisible designs, GDD(n; m; k; λ1; λ2). We study those GDDs in which each block has configuration (s; t), that is, GDDs in which each block has exactly s points from one of the two groups and t points from the other. Chapter 2 begins with an overview of previous results and constructions for small group size and block sizes 3, 4 and 5. Chapter 2 is largely devoted to presenting constructions and results about GDDs with two groups and block size 6. We show the necessary conditions are sufficient for the existence of GDD(n, 2, 6; λ1, λ2) with fixed block configuration (3; 3). For configuration (1; 5), we give minimal or nearminimal index constructions for all group sizes n ≥ 5 except n = 10, 15, 160, or 190. For configuration (2, 4), we provide constructions for several families ofGDD(n, 2, 6; λ1, λ2)s. Chapter 3 addresses characterizing (3, r)-regular graphs. We begin with providing previous results on the well studied class of (2, r)-regular graphs and some results on the structure of large (t; r)-regular graphs. In Chapter 3, we completely characterize all (3, 1)-regular and (3, 2)-regular graphs, as well has sharpen existing bounds on the order of large (3, r)- regular graphs of a certain form for r ≥ 3. Finally, the appendix gives computational data resulting from Sage and C programs used to generate (3, 3)-regular graphs on less than 10 vertices.


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Space Based Solar Power satellites use solar arrays to generate clean, green, and renewable electricity in space and transmit it to earth via microwave, radiowave or laser beams to corresponding receivers (ground stations). These traditionally are large structures orbiting around earth at the geo-synchronous altitude. This thesis introduces a new architecture for a Space Based Solar Power satellite constellation. The proposed concept reduces the high cost involved in the construction of the space satellite and in the multiple launches to the geo-synchronous altitude. The proposed concept is a constellation of Low Earth Orbit satellites that are smaller in size than the conventional system. For this application a Repeated Sun-Synchronous Track Circular Orbit is considered (RSSTO). In these orbits, the spacecraft re-visits the same locations on earth periodically every given desired number of days with the line of nodes of the spacecraft’s orbit fixed relative to the Sun. A wide range of solutions are studied, and, in this thesis, a two-orbit constellation design is chosen and simulated. The number of satellites is chosen based on the electric power demands in a given set of global cities. The orbits of the satellites are designed such that their ground tracks visit a maximum number of ground stations during the revisit period. In the simulation, the locations of the ground stations are chosen close to big cities, in USA and worldwide, so that the space power constellation beams down power directly to locations of high electric power demands. The j2 perturbations are included in the mathematical model used in orbit design. The Coverage time of each spacecraft over a ground site and the gap time between two consecutive spacecrafts visiting a ground site are simulated in order to evaluate the coverage continuity of the proposed solar power constellation. It has been observed from simulations that there always periods in which s spacecraft does not communicate with any ground station. For this reason, it is suggested that each satellite in the constellation be equipped with power storage components so that it can store power for later transmission. This thesis presents a method for designing the solar power constellation orbits such that the number of ground stations visited during the given revisit period is maximized. This leads to maximizing the power transmission to ground stations.


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Gas sensors have been used widely in different important area including industrial control, environmental monitoring, counter-terrorism and chemical production. Micro-fabrication offers a promising way to achieve sensitive and inexpensive gas sensors. Over the years, various MEMS gas sensors have been investigated and fabricated. One significant type of MEMS gas sensors is based on mass change detection and the integration with specific polymer. This dissertation aims to make contributions to the design and fabrication of MEMS resonant mass sensors with capacitance actuation and sensing that lead to improved sensitivity. To accomplish this goal, the research has several objectives: (1) Define an effective measure for evaluating the sensitivity of resonant mass devices; (2) Model the effects of air damping on microcantilevers and validate models using laser measurement system (3) Develop design guidelines for improving sensitivity in the presence of air damping; (4) Characterize the degree of uncertainty in performance arising from fabrication variation for one or more process sequences, and establish design guidelines for improved robustness. Work has been completed toward these objectives. An evaluation measure has been developed and compared to an RMS based measure. Analytic models of air damping for parallel plate that include holes are compared with a COMSOL model. The models have been used to identify cantilever design parameters that maximize sensitivity. Additional designs have been modeled with COMSOL and the development of an analytical model for Fixed-free cantilever geometries with holes has been developed. Two process flows have been implemented and compared. A number of cantilever designs have been fabricated and the uncertainty in process has been investigated. Variability from processing have been evaluated and characterized.


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OBJECTIVES To evaluate prosthetic parameters in the edentulous anterior maxilla for decision making between fixed and removable implant prosthesis using virtual planning software. MATERIAL AND METHODS CT- or DVT-scans of 43 patients (mean age 62 ± 8 years) with an edentulous maxilla were analyzed with the NobelGuide software. Implants (≥3.5 mm diameter, ≥10 mm length) were virtually placed in the optimal three-dimensional prosthetic position of all maxillary front teeth. Anatomical and prosthetic landmarks, including the cervical crown point (C-Point), the acrylic flange border (F-Point), and the implant-platform buccal-end (I-Point) were defined in each middle section to determine four measuring parameters: (1) acrylic flange height (FLHeight), (2) mucosal coverage (MucCov), (3) crown-Implant distance (CID) and (4) buccal prosthesis profile (ProsthProfile). Based on these parameters, all patients were assigned to one of three classes: (A) MucCov ≤ 0 mm and ProsthProfile≥45(0) allowing for fixed prosthesis, (B) MucCov = 0-5 mm and/or ProsthProfile = 30(0) -45(0) probably allowing for fixed prosthesis, and (C) MucCov ≥ 5 mm and/or ProsthProfile ≤ 30(0) where removable prosthesis is favorable. Statistical analyses included descriptive methods and non-parametric tests. RESULTS Mean values were for FLHeight 10.0 mm, MucCov 5.6 mm, CID 7.4 mm, and ProsthProfile 39.1(0) . Seventy percent of patients fulfilled class C criteria (removable), 21% class B (probably fixed), and 2% class A (fixed), while in 7% (three patients) bone volume was insufficient for implant planning. CONCLUSIONS The proposed classification and virtual planning procedure simplify the decision-making process regarding type of prosthesis and increase predictability of esthetic treatment outcomes. It was demonstrated that in the majority of cases, the space between the prosthetic crown and implant platform had to be filled with prosthetic materials.


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In numerous intervention studies and education field trials, random assignment to treatment occurs in clusters rather than at the level of observation. This departure of random assignment of units may be due to logistics, political feasibility, or ecological validity. Data within the same cluster or grouping are often correlated. Application of traditional regression techniques, which assume independence between observations, to clustered data produce consistent parameter estimates. However such estimators are often inefficient as compared to methods which incorporate the clustered nature of the data into the estimation procedure (Neuhaus 1993).1 Multilevel models, also known as random effects or random components models, can be used to account for the clustering of data by estimating higher level, or group, as well as lower level, or individual variation. Designing a study, in which the unit of observation is nested within higher level groupings, requires the determination of sample sizes at each level. This study investigates the design and analysis of various sampling strategies for a 3-level repeated measures design on the parameter estimates when the outcome variable of interest follows a Poisson distribution. ^ Results study suggest that second order PQL estimation produces the least biased estimates in the 3-level multilevel Poisson model followed by first order PQL and then second and first order MQL. The MQL estimates of both fixed and random parameters are generally satisfactory when the level 2 and level 3 variation is less than 0.10. However, as the higher level error variance increases, the MQL estimates become increasingly biased. If convergence of the estimation algorithm is not obtained by PQL procedure and higher level error variance is large, the estimates may be significantly biased. In this case bias correction techniques such as bootstrapping should be considered as an alternative procedure. For larger sample sizes, those structures with 20 or more units sampled at levels with normally distributed random errors produced more stable estimates with less sampling variance than structures with an increased number of level 1 units. For small sample sizes, sampling fewer units at the level with Poisson variation produces less sampling variation, however this criterion is no longer important when sample sizes are large. ^ 1Neuhaus J (1993). “Estimation efficiency and Tests of Covariate Effects with Clustered Binary Data”. Biometrics , 49, 989–996^


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Tree-rings offer one of the few possibilities to empirically quantify and reconstruct forest growth dynamics over years to millennia. Contemporaneously with the growing scientific community employing tree-ring parameters, recent research has suggested that commonly applied sampling designs (i.e. how and which trees are selected for dendrochronological sampling) may introduce considerable biases in quantifications of forest responses to environmental change. To date, a systematic assessment of the consequences of sampling design on dendroecological and-climatological conclusions has not yet been performed. Here, we investigate potential biases by sampling a large population of trees and replicating diverse sampling designs. This is achieved by retroactively subsetting the population and specifically testing for biases emerging for climate reconstruction, growth response to climate variability, long-term growth trends, and quantification of forest productivity. We find that commonly applied sampling designs can impart systematic biases of varying magnitude to any type of tree-ring-based investigations, independent of the total number of samples considered. Quantifications of forest growth and productivity are particularly susceptible to biases, whereas growth responses to short-term climate variability are less affected by the choice of sampling design. The world's most frequently applied sampling design, focusing on dominant trees only, can bias absolute growth rates by up to 459% and trends in excess of 200%. Our findings challenge paradigms, where a subset of samples is typically considered to be representative for the entire population. The only two sampling strategies meeting the requirements for all types of investigations are the (i) sampling of all individuals within a fixed area; and (ii) fully randomized selection of trees. This result advertises the consistent implementation of a widely applicable sampling design to simultaneously reduce uncertainties in tree-ring-based quantifications of forest growth and increase the comparability of datasets beyond individual studies, investigators, laboratories, and geographical boundaries.