169 resultados para fissures
Cheese whey permeate was used as a substrate for the fermentation of Propionibacterium freudenreichi PS1 for the production of short chain fatty acids, components of the bio-aroma of Swiss cheese. The liquid bio-aroma was encapsulated by spray drying under different conditions of air inlet temperature and feed rate. A study was carried out on the stability of the bio-aroma during storage in laminated packages at 30 °C for 96 days using the product showing the greatest retention of acetic and propionic acids. The results showed that the best drying conditions were an air entrance temperature of 180 °C and a feed rate of 24 g/min resulting in particles with a smooth surface and few invaginations and micro-fissures. However, 72% of the acetic acid and 80% of the propionic acid were lost during storage showing that the wall material used was inadequate to guarantee product stability.
The drumlin sediments at Chimney Bluffs, New York appear to represent a block-inmatrix style glacial melange. This melange comprises sand stringers, lenses and intraclasts juxtaposed in an apparently massive diamicton. Thin section examination of these glacigenic deposits has revealed microstructures indicative of autokinetic subglacial defonnation which are consistent with a deformable bed origin for the diamicton. These features include banding and. necking of matrix grains, oriented plasma fabrics and the formation of pressure shadows at the long axis ends of elongate clasts. Preservation of primary stratification within the sand intraclasts appears to suggest that these features were pre-existing up-ice deposits that were frozen, entrained, then deposited as part of a defonning till layer beneath an advancing ice sheet. Multi-directional micro-shearing within the sand blocks is thought to reflect the frozen nature of the sand units in such a high strain environment. It is also contended that dewatering of the sediment pile leading to the eventual immobilisation of the defonning till layer was responsible for opening sub-horizontal fissures within the diamicton. These features were subsequently infilled with mass flow poorly sorted sands and silts which were subjected to ductile defonnation during the waning stages of an actively deforming till layer. Microstructures indicative of the dewatering processes in the sand units include patches of fine-grained particles within a coarser-grained matrix and the presence of concentrated zones of translocated clays. However, these units were probably confined within an impermeable diamicton casing that prevented massive pore water influxes from the deforming till layer~ Hence, these microstructures probably reflect localised dewatering of the sand intraclasts. A layered subglacial shear zone model is proposed for the various features exhibited by the drumlin sediments. The complexity of these structures is explained in terms of ii superposing deformation styles in response to changing pore water pressures. Constructional glaciotectonics, as implied by the occurrence of sub-horizontal fissuring, is suggested as the mechanism for the stacking of the sand intraclast units within the diamicton. The usefulness of micromorphology in complimenting the traditional sedimentology of glacigenic deposits is emphasised by the current study. An otherwise massive diamicton was shown to contain microstructures indicative of the very high strain rates expected in a complexly deforming till layer. . It is quite obvious from this investigation that the classification of diamictons needs to be re-examined for evidence of microstructures that could lead to the re-interpretation of diamicton forming processes. RESUME Le pacquet de sediments drumlinaire de Chimney Bluffs, New York, represent un "bloc-en-matrice" genre de melange glaciale. Des structures microscopique comprennent l'evidence pour la defonnation intrinseque attribuee a l'origine lit non resistant du drumlin. PreselVation des structures primaires au coeur des blocs arenaces suggere que ceux sont des depots preexistant qui furent geles, entraines et par la suite sedimentes au milieu d'une couche de debris sous-glaciaires en voie de deformation. Des failles microscopiques a l'interieur des blocs arenaces appuient aussi l'idee d'un bloc cohesif (c'est-a-dire gele) au centre d'un till non resistant. Des implications significatives s'emergent de cette etude pour les conditions sous-glaciaire et les processus de la formation des drumlin.
Cette thèse cherche à comprendre comment les transformations bureaucratiques influencent l’activité professionnelle des infirmières et du personnel soignant d’expérience dans le domaine des soins aux personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie depuis les années 90 au Québec. Elle s’inscrit dans une profonde remise en question de l’État-providence, de sa régulation hiérarchique, de son rapport avec le marché privé, et particulièrement des agences privées de placement du personnel. Prenant en compte le déploiement inégal des changements imposés de façon top down et promus par des considérations économiques visant une plus grande « performance » des services publics, plus près du milieu de vie de la personne, notre démarche tient aussi compte de la dimension relationnelle propre au travail infirmier, qui s’illustre par des formes différenciées tenant compte des modèles de pratique préconisés. Notre démarche s’attarde finalement aux rapports entre l’activité professionnelle et la prise de la retraite. À travers l’exploration du nouveau rôle attendu de l’infirmière, dont les habiletés de « chef » ou de « gestion d’équipe de travail » sont sollicitées à titre d’« intervenante pivot » ou de « gestionnaire de cas », et de la place importante qu’occupe la notion de compétences relationnelles dans la prescription de nouvelles modalités des services, plus près des besoins spécifiques de la personne, les données empiriques se présentent sous la forme d’un tableau hétérogène qui montre que ce ne sont pas toutes les infirmières qui souscrivent à ce type de pratique professionnelle. Leur âge, expérience et trajectoire professionnelle, le poste occupé ou encore le milieu de pratique influenceront le rapport entre leurs activités professionnelles et le cadre bureaucratique en transformation. La base empirique de la recherche est constituée d’une collecte de données réalisée entre janvier 2003 et juillet 2006 et qui comprend 9 entrevues exploratoires, 7 entrevues semi-dirigées auprès de retraité-e-s, infirmières, infirmières auxiliaires, 17 réunions incluant majoritairement des membres de la direction d’établissements, ainsi que des syndicats, 21 observations directes avec des infirmières, infirmières auxiliaires, préposées aux bénéficiaires et auxiliaires familiales et sociales, la passation de 112 questionnaires auprès de ces différentes catégories professionnelles, et 7 entrevues semi-dirigées complémentaires, réparties dans 4 établissements différents, sur deux territoires. Quatre grands constats ressortent de notre matériel empirique. Premièrement, la dimension relationnelle au sein des activités professionnelles du personnel soignant d’expérience ainsi que sa perception en ce qui concerne les compétences et l’âge présentent des formes contrastées, voire opposées. Si certains membres du personnel soignant estiment que les interactions professionnelles se sont considérablement réduites à la suite des transformations des dernières années et que la compétence n’est pas reliée à l’âge des professionnelles, les observations directes indiquent, au contraire, un rapport étroit entre ces deux derniers éléments qui s’illustre à travers de riches relations interpersonnelles. Les données quantitatives montrent, quant à elles, qu’une écrasante majorité de répondantes estiment que les compétences associées à leurs fonctions sont reconnues par l’organisation (89,3%), probablement sous l’angle de la conformité aux descriptions de travail, et qu’elles bénéficient d’une marge d’autonomie dans leur travail (83%). Deuxièmement, des résultats s’opposent également en ce qui concerne l’influence du cadre bureaucratique sur les « capacités » ou l’« intérêt » des infirmières d’expérience à maintenir un lien à l’emploi à la date d’éligibilité à la retraite. La majorité des répondantes s’estiment « incapables » de conserver un tel lien alors qu’une minorité d’entre elles exprime un intérêt face au nouveau rôle souhaité chez l’infirmière. Quantitativement, la prise de la retraite à bas âge est toutefois marquante, surtout pour celles qui occupent une fonction et possèdent une rémunération élevée (ex. cadres). Troisièmement, des contrastes apparaissent aussi en ce qui concerne les formes que prennent les rivalités entre les infirmières d’expérience et d’autres catégories professionnelles ainsi que dans les rapports intergénérationnels. Même si les trois quarts (76,2%) des répondantes d’expérience estiment que la répartition du travail devrait être le fruit d’une discussion entre elles et les plus jeunes, et non une imposition de la direction, près de la totalité (92,6%) veulent garder leurs acquis sociaux même si elles savent que la prochaine génération de travailleuses n’aura pas les mêmes avantages. Leur rapport face aux professionnelles d’agences privées de placement est également paradoxal. Huit répondantes sur dix (78,6%) perçoivent le fait que l’établissement recourt aux agences de placement contribue à alourdir leur travail, alors qu’une partie envisage de poursuivre leur activité professionnelle après leur date d’éligibilité à la retraite, par l’intermédiaire de ces mêmes agences. Finalement, il ressort de ce portrait hétérogène que la confrontation des changements du cadre bureaucratique sur l’activité professionnelle se manifestera différemment selon la vision paradigmatique qu’aura le personnel soignant de sa pratique. Les résultats quantitatifs et qualitatifs soulignent que ce paradigme sera influencé par trois dimensions : le territoire de pratique, le type d’établissement de services et l’unité spécifique de travail. Le style de gestion (traditionnel ou intégrateur) influencera également l’impact de ces changements. L’analyse et l’interprétation de l’influence différenciée des transformations bureaucratiques sur l’activité professionnelle s’illustrent par la manifestation de rapports plus conflictuels avec les autorités administrative et professionnelle, ainsi que dans les relations interprofessionnelles. Ces conflits ont émergé lors du passage d’un cadre bureaucratique historiquement construit sur un modèle médical (cure) qui considère la personne comme un « malade chronique » et associé à un style de gestion traditionnel, voire autoritaire, surtout dans certains CHSLD, à une approche « milieu de vie » privilégiant un modèle d’accompagnement (care) favorisant des services associés aux besoins spécifiques de la personne en perte d’autonomie, à titre de « partenaire actif ». Le style de gestion intégrateur de ce dernier modèle rapproche les domaines administratif et de soins de santé, approche que nous retrouvons davantage, mais non exclusivement, dans le cadre de soins à domicile. Une des conclusions majeures de cette thèse est la possibilité d’« enrichir les qualifications de base » (Le Boterf, 2005) des professionnelles lorsque le cadre bureaucratique et le style de gestion institués tendent vers un modèle care/intégrateur, ce qui constitue une forme de « compromis social » (Oiry, 2004). La « surutilisation » des effectifs (O’Brian-Pallas et al., 2005) qui en résulte peut expliquer, en partie, l’incontournable force d’attraction vers la retraite, dès la date d’admissibilité, du personnel soignant, quitte à ce qu’il poursuive ensuite ses activités professionnelles, selon des exigences personnelles, par le biais d’agences privées de placement. Les « fissures » (Laville, 2005) de la frontière entre les services publics et ceux du marché privé ne peuvent alors que s’accentuer, surtout lorsqu’on constate que le cinquième des effectifs, soit 14, 000 infirmières de 55 ans et plus, est potentiellement admissible à la retraite dès maintenant (OIIQ, 2008a).
Notre mémoire cherche à étudier la poétique de l’espace qui articule le roman Nadie me verá llorar publié en 1999 par l’écrivaine mexicaine contemporaine Cristina Rivera Garza. En inscrivant sa démarche romanesque dans la perspective postmoderne d’une nouvelle histoire culturelle, Rivera Garza dépeint un moment fondamental de l’histoire du Mexique allant de la fin du Porfiriato jusqu’aux lendemains de la Révolution mexicaine en l’incarnant dans le destin des laissés pour compte. Ce faisant, elle présente un texte où une multitude de récits se fondent et se confondent en un tout complexe où sont mis en perspective une série d’espaces de nature ambigüe. Notre analyse tâche d’expliquer cette interrelation des chronotopes de l’Histoire et du privé en tenant compte de son impact sur la structure narrative. En décrivant les différentes modalités des espaces évoqués dans l’oeuvre, nous nous intéressons au type de relations qui unit l’ensemble de ces espaces au grand temps de l’Histoire officielle mexicaine en démontrant que tous ces éléments sont régis par une politique hétérotopique qui lézarde le fini du discours officiel en y insérant un ensemble d’éléments qui le subvertissent. L’identification et la description de cette stratégie discursive est pertinente dans la mesure où elle offre un éclairage autre sur le roman et semble caractériser l’ensemble des oeuvres de Cristina Rivera Garza.
Este texto explora los intersticios filosóficos que rodean las tesis, en apariencia homogéneas, planas y limitadas al lenguaje, que Miguel Antonio Caro expone en “Fundación de la Academia Colombiana” y “Americanismo en el lenguaje”. Ocuparse de las hendiduras filosóficas de estos escritos deja ver que son tan profundas, que pueden apreciarse casi como paisajes independientes, aunque las claves de lectura desde las que se han comentado suelen reducir los aspectos filosóficos del trabajo de Caro a una cuestión menor respecto a la historia de la filosofía europea, o al resultado de las circunstancias coyunturales de su tiempo.-----The present text explores the philosophical interstices that surround Miguel Antonio Caro’s thesis on language as expounded in his texts “Fundación de la Academia Colombiana” and “Americanismo en el lenguaje”. When closely examined, it becomes apparent that these philosophical fissures are so extensive, as to constitute proper landscapes in themselves, in spite of the fact that traditional readings of his writings often reduce the problem to minor issues concerning either the history of European philosophy or dismiss them as the direct and simple result of topical issues of his times.
Using the record of 30 flank eruptions over the last 110 years at Nyamuragira, we have tested the relationship between the eruption dynamics and the local stress field. There are two groups of eruptions based on their duration (< 80days >) that are also clustered in space and time. We find that the eruptions fed by dykes parallel to the East African Rift Valley have longer durations (and larger volumes) than those eruptions fed by dykes with other orientations. This is compatible with a model for compressible magma transported through an elastic-walled dyke in a differential stress field from an over-pressured reservoir (Woods et al., 2006). The observed pattern of eruptive fissures is consistent with a local stress field modified by a northwest-trending, right lateral slip fault that is part of the northern transfer zone of the Kivu Basin rift segment. We have also re-tested with new data the stochastic eruption models for Nyamuragira of Burt et al. (1994). The time-predictable, pressure-threshold model remains the best fit and is consistent with the typically observed declining rate of sulphur dioxide emission during the first few days of eruption with lava emission from a depressurising, closed, crustal reservoir. The 2.4-fold increase in long-term eruption rate that occurred after 1977 is confirmed in the new analysis. Since that change, the record has been dominated by short-duration eruptions fed by dykes perpendicular to the Rift. We suggest that the intrusion of a major dyke during the 1977 volcano-tectonic event at neighbouring Nyiragongo volcano inhibited subsequent dyke formation on the southern flanks of Nyamuragira and this may also have resulted in more dykes reaching the surface elsewhere. Thus that sudden change in output was a result of a changed stress field that forced more of the deep magma supply to the surface. Another volcano-tectonic event in 2002 may also have changed the magma output rate at Nyamuragira.
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) measurements of surface deformation at Nyamuragira Volcano between 1996 and 2010 reveal a variety of co-eruptive and inter-eruptive signals. During 7 of the 8 eruptions in this period deformation was measured that is consistent with the emplacement of shallow near-vertical dykes feeding the eruptive fissures and associated with a NNW-trending fissure zone that traverses the summit caldera. Between eruptions the caldera and the summit part of this fissure zone subsided gradually (b3–5 cm/year). We also find evidence of post-eruption subsidence around the sites of the main vents of some flank eruptions (2002, 2004, 2006, and 2010). In the 6 months prior to the 2010 eruption a10-km wide zone centred on the caldera inflated by 1–2 cm. The low magnitude of this signal suggests that the presumed magma reservoir at 3–8 km depth contains highly compressible magma with little stored elastic strain energy. To the north of the caldera the fissure zone splits into WNW and NE branches around a zone that has a distinct InSAR signal. We interpret this zone to represent an elevated, 'stable' block of basement rocks buried by lavas within the Rift Zone.
Background: Depending on the distance of laser tip to dental surface a specific morphological pattern should be expected. However, there have been limited reports that correlate the Er:YAG irradiation distance with dental morphology. Purpose: To assess the influence of Er:YAG laser irradiation distance on enamel morphology, by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Methods: Sixty human third molars were employed to obtain discs (congruent to 1 mm thick) that were randomly assigned to six groups (n = 10). Five groups received Er:YAG laser irradiation (80 mJ/2 Hz) for 20 s, according to the irradiation distance: 11, 12, 14, 16, or 17 mm. and the control group was treated with 37% phosphoric acid for 15 s. The laser-irradiated discs were bisected. One hemi-disc was separated for superficial analysis without subsequent acid etching, and the other one, received the phosphoric acid for 15 s. Samples were prepared for SEM. Results: Laser irradiation at 11 and 12 min provided an evident ablation of enamel, with evident fissures and some fused areas. At 14, 16 and 17 mm the superficial topography was flatter than in the other distances. The subsequent acid etching on the lased-surface partially removed the disorganized tissue. Conclusions: Er:YAG laser in defocused mode promoted slight morphological alterations and seems more suitable for enamel conditioning than focused irradiation. The application of phosphoric acid on lased-enamel surface, regardless of the irradiation distance, decreased the superficial irregularities.
Radon levels in two old mines in San Luis, Argentina, are reported and analyzed. The radiation dose and environmental health risk of (222)Rn concentrations to both guides and visitors were estimated. CR-39 nuclear track detectors were used for this purpose. The values for the (222)Rn concentration at each monitoring site ranged from 0.43 +/- 0.04 to 1.48 +/- 0.12 kBq m(-3) in the Los Cndores wolfram mine and from 1.8 +/- 0.1 to 6.0 +/- 0.5 kBq center dot m(-3) in the La Carolina gold mine, indicating that, in this mine, the radon levels exceed up to four times the action level of 1.5 kBq m(-3) recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The patterns of the radon transport process revealed that the La Carolina gold mine can be interpreted as a gas confined into a single tube with constant cross-section and air velocity. Patterns of radon activity, taking into account the chimney-effect winds, were used to detect tributary currents of air from shafts or larger fissures along the main adit of the Los Cndores mine, showing that radon can be used as an important tracer of tributary air currents stream out from fissures and smaller voids in the rock of the mine.
The Amazonian craton in the Sao Felix do Xingu city, southeast region of the Para state, north of Brazil, hosts exceptionally well-preserved Paleoproterozoic bimodal magmatic units grouped in the Sobreiro and Santa Rosa formations. These formations are correlated to the Uatuma magmatic event, which is largely distributed in the Amazonian craton occupying more than 1,500,000 km(2). Geological mapping and petrographical observations reveal distinct spectra of volcanic facies in both formations. The basal calc-alkaline Sobreiro Formation is composed mainly of andesitic and dacitic lava flows and associated volcaniclastic facies of autoclastic origin, with subordinate pyroclastic flow deposits. This formation shows inferred eruption style that is similar to those in Flood Basalt Provinces, with rare scutulum-type lava shields. The upper A-type Santa Rosa Formation was generated by multicyclic explosive and effusive episodes predominantly associated with large fissures and is materialized by voluminous ignimbrites with subordinated ash-fall tuff, crystal tuff, lapilli-tuff, co-ignimbritic breccias, rhyolitic dikes and domes, and associated granitic porphyries and equigranular granitic intrusions. Ignimbrite and rhyolite dikes reveal conspicuous vertical flow pattern pointing to a fissure-controlled eruption, similar to Sierra Madre Occidental ignimbrite province. The proposed evolutionary model for the Sao Felix do Xingu units differs from those of other occurrences related to the Uatuma magmatic event in the Amazonian craton, characterized by predominance of A-type volcanism and contemporaneous granites. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The theme of family in literature and in popular discourse occurs at times when the family as an institution is under attack. Attacks against the family coupled with defence of the family are viewed as the barometer of people’s satisfaction with the society in which they live. This outpouring of emotion, whether it is in defence of or attacking the family, is the result of the family’s position on the bridge between nature and society – a fortunate (or a detrimental) link between an individual and the units that make up a society. Across the United States and much of the western world, the battle for gay marriage and inclusive civil unions has revealed the fissures in our collective moral view of the family. The conservative concern about the absence of ‘family values’ is magnified by our situation in a world of flux. Inflation, war, terrorist threats, and the depletion of natural resources are but a few examples. When so much is unknown, how do we position ourselves? What anchors us to the past, gives us comfort in the present, and supports us in the future if not the family? Alternatively, what coddles us more in the past, shackles us more to the present, and lulls us more into a fixed conception of the future than the family? My research is not a sociological survey into the family nor does it stake any claims to understanding the present state of the family in society. The study seeks, however, to shed light on the rhetorical uses of the family by analysing two novels that are inextricably concerned with the theory of the family in times of heightened social change. In particular, my research focuses upon the social role and political meaning of the family in Anna Karenina and Jia.
Participação ou formalismo? O impacto das audiências públicas no Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileiro
Este trabalho objetiva demonstrar a impossibilidade estrutural de democratização do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) a partir da participação social nas audiências públicas jurisdicionais. Para tanto, o trabalho divide-se em três partes. Na primeira, são abordados dois fenômenos macrossociais, a crise do Estado de bem estar e a globalização econômica, com a finalidade de resgatar as principais interpretações sobre a emergência do Judiciário e identificar os projetos normativos de reforma originados. Dentre eles, destaca-se a perspectiva de Vianna e Burgos (2002), pois seu conteúdo é verificado nos discursos oficiais que interpretam as audiências públicas como instrumentos democratizantes do STF. No segundo capítulo, pretende-se questionar a possibilidade de democratização participativa do STF a partir da teoria política de Poulantzas (2000). Para esta matriz conceitual, o direito, na formação social capitalista, organiza interesses e unifica o consentimento de forma a moldar o corpo social de acordo com as prioridades das classes posicionadas no bloco do poder dominante. Prevê a concessão de direitos e sua retirada conforme os movimentos políticos das classes, que estão em contínua disputa no interior de um Estado de características materiais e permeado por fissuras. Nesse sentido, as audiências públicas, são interpretadas como procedimentos que sofisticam o formalismo tradicional dos tribunais, ocultando o exercício do controle por mecanismos que aparentemente concederiam espaço para participação popular e igualariam as oportunidades de intervenção de agentes de diferentes grupos sociais. Estas características sugerem a impossibilidade de democratização de suas estruturas. Por fim, no terceiro capítulo, o estudo de caso das cinco audiências realizadas evidencia a reprodução da disposição litigiosa do processo jurídico nestes eventos, uma vez que os ministros pouco participam, dispõem os participantes em lados opostos como se estivessem exercendo o contraditório e somente utilizam os pronunciamentos das audiências em seus votos para reforçar argumentos de seu interesse. De acordo com as informações sistematizadas, o presente estudo sugere que as audiências públicas não provocam impactos democratizantes nas estruturas do STF. Ao contrário, sofisticam os procedimentos existentes para reproduzir o tradicional papel de controle dos aparelhos judiciais no interior do capitalismo.
Protein and caloric malnutrition has been considered one of the most concerned endemic diseases in Brazil and in the world. It has been known that depletion or reduction of proteins as far as meals are concerned can steer irreversible damages upon several organic systems. This study had as aim evaluate the effects the low-protein diet had over the formation and composition of the teeth components. 18 females and 6 males were used for the experiment. 12 from the 18 females had undertaken the low-protein diet (DH) for 03 weeks and the other 6, which remained, and those males had undertaken a controlled diet (DC) for the same period. All animals had the diets during their mating, pregnancy and lactation cycle. As soon as the offsprings had been born, 10 young males and females of each group faced a disease hood analysis to check the teeth germs of their lower fore teeth. The rest of the group had their lactation cycle normally 60 days. Then they were put to death and had their lower fore teeth removed both to be analyzed through a scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) of the structure alterations and to have their calcium checked by an atomic absorption of the phosphorus vanadate-molibdate method and by other minerals EDX method. The animals livers were removed to have their hepatic proteins analyzed as well. The histopatologic study showed that at first day of birth, all animals had their lower fore teeth come out. It was verified that 90% of the animals teeth were in an apposition and calcification period and it was possible to observe the dentin formation from 60% of the 90% already mentioned. Through the SEM method it could be realized that 90% of the animals of the DH group had their lower fore teeth easily broken and no definite shape. In this same group itself, it was also observed long micro fissures 369,66 nm ± 3,45 while the DC group had fissures of 174 nm ± 5,72. Now regarding the calcium and phosphorus concentration, it could be noticed that there was a great reduction of these components and other minerals in the DH group. Almost all minerals, except for the Cl and K, presented higher levels in the DC group enamel.The reduction of the protein input greatly influenced the offsprings´ weight and height. However the hepatic proteins had no important difference between the groups what can make one believe that those animals suffered from protein malnutrition of marasmic kind
Cementing operation is one of the most important stages in the oil well drilling processes and has main function to form hydraulic seal between the various permeable zones traversed by the well. However, several problems may occur with the cement sheath, either during primary cementing or during the well production period. Cements low resistance can cause fissures in the cement sheath and compromise the mechanical integrity of the annular, resulting in contamination of groundwater and producing zones. Several researches show that biomass ash, in particular, those generated by the sugarcane industry have pozzolanic activity and can be added in the composition of the cementing slurries in diverse applications, providing improvements in mechanical properties, revenue and cement durability. Due to the importance of a low cost additive that increases the mechanical properties in a well cementing operations, this study aimed to potentiate the use of sugarcane bagasse ash as pozzolanic material, evaluate the mechanisms of action of this one on cement pastes properties and apply this material in systems slurries aimed to cementing a well with 800 m depth and geothermal gradient of 1.7 °F/100 ft, as much primary cementing operations as squeeze. To do this, the ash beneficiation methods were realized through the processes of grinding, sifting and reburning (calcination) and then characterization by X-ray fluorescence, XRD, TG / DTG, specific surface area, particle size distribution by laser diffraction and mass specific. Moreover, the ash pozzolanic activity added to the cement at concentrations of 0%, 20% and 40% BWOC was evaluated by pozzolanic activity index with lime and with Portland cement. The evaluation of the pozzolanic activity by XRD, TG / DTG and compressive strength confirmed the ash reactivity and indicated that the addition of 20% in the composition of cement slurries produces improvement 34% in the mechanical properties of the slurry cured. Cement slurries properties evaluated by rheological measurements, fluid loss, free fluid, slurry sedimentation, thickening time and sonic strength (UCA) were satisfactory and showed the viability of using the sugarcane ash in cement slurries composition for well cementing
Os transtornos da pele e dos pelos são parte importante na prática clínica de pequenos animais. Numerosos fatores nutricionais afetam a homeostase, a qualidade e o aspecto da pelagem. As vitaminas do complexo B incluem compostos hidrossolúveis necessários como coenzimas em diversas funções celulares envolvidas no metabolismo energético e na síntese tecidual. A biotina, em especial, é necessária nas reações de carboxilação, participando da síntese de ácidos graxos, aminoácidos e purinas pelo tecido epitelial. Uma cadela com quadro de cistite recorrente e tumor venéreo transmissível foi tratada com antibioticoterapia prolongada e quimioterapia. Após alguns meses de tratamento, foram observadas lesões no plano nasal e nos coxins plantar e palmar, caracterizadas por hiperceratose, espessamento, fissuras, sangramento e inflamação. O paciente recebeu suplementação de 15mg de biotina por via oral (equivalente a 1,4mg kg-1 de peso corporal), uma vez por dia, durante 60 dias, havendo importante regressão das lesões. Sugere-se que, sob antibioticoterapia e doença, a síntese intestinal de biotina possa não ter sido suficiente, sendo necessária sua suplementação.