992 resultados para fish physiology


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Aquaculture is the dynamic pursuit of production of organisms from water a process analogous to agriculture on land. The field of aquaculture is an emerging bioindustry, based upon the culture and husbandry of economically utilizable aquatic organisms. Of late, there has been a global upsurge for aquaculture, the main reasons for which include the requirement of protein source for the increasing world population, the decision by various world nations to increase the fish yield by developing unutilized or partially utilized water bodies and depletion of natural stock which is evident in recent years due to excessive exploitation .The present study has been taken up on the reproductive physiology of the female grey mullet, M. cephalus. The thesis is presented in seven chapters. In the present study, variations in the major biochemical parameters namely, moisture, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates cholesterol, carotenoid, ash, calcium and iron in four tissues E. muscle, liver, ovary and bloodserum of cephalus have been analysed at different maturity stages.


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At present, there is paucity of information regarding the breeding biology, especially from southeastern region, which differs in its climatic features from northeastern coastal areas, where some attempts have been made to study the biology of the fish, though not documented in detail (Jhingran and Natarajan, I969; Patnaik and Jena, 1976; Kowtal, 1977; Roy e_t _a_l_., I977). The present work, first to undertake detailed investigation into reproductive aspects of the fish from India is not only confined to biology, but extend to the study on histological as well as physiological changes in the processes associated with natural reproductive cycle. The main objective of the study is to develop a background for the standardisation of subsequent artificial propagation techniques for the Sea Dass The thesis is presented in three chapters. The first chapter; general introduction, surveys the literature pertaining to the status of research on Lates calcarifer with specific reference to reproduction and acquaculture. The second chapter entitled, materials and methods gives description regarding collection of specimens as well as samples in addition to the various analytical methodologies employed during the study.


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The vast areas of derelict swamps covered by macrophyton and swarmed by insects scattered in different parts of India are at present either under total negligence or utilized as waste disposal dumps. Eventhough Indian subcontinent is ranked among the first ten fish producing countries in the world, the fish production is not at par with the increasing need of protein in the average Indian diet. So the water areas which become unusable for conventional human activities like the swamps could be used for fish culture which would increase the availability of protein in the form of fish flesh, thus providing new opportunities to the fishermen. But the conversion of swamps for fish culture would entail considerable expenditure. Hence the significance of a group of fresh water fishes which have made their favourable abode the muddy swamps of tropics depending partly on accessory _respiration to survive in the inimical environment. The homeostasis achieved in such a hostile, hypoxic medium make them excellent choices for culture in the derelict freshwater bodies of India. These air breathing fishes form an economically important group which are highly esteemed as food fishes in many parts of South Asia and Africa. Though their natural habitat seems to be the marshes, they have also conquered other freshwater bodies like ponds, tanks, rivers and flooded paddy fields. They can also tolerate slightly brackish waters. They are known for their nutritive, invigorating and therapeutic qualities and are recommended by physicians as diet during convalescence (Jhingran, 1982)


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This paper contains a review of the human tongue as well as fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals, and includes numerous illustrations.


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Fatty acid (FA) composition of nine organs from two closely related Antarctic fish species, Notothenia codiceps and Notothenia rossii, was determined through gas chromatography with flame ionization detection. A data set for each species was obtained using major FA profiles from specimens caught in the sea waters of Admiralty Bay during the summer season. The FA profiles for both species are overall similar, but organ peculiarities have been found, which could reflect metabolic specificities and feeding habits between species. With the exception of liver, the most abundant FA in organs was the n-3 polyunsaturated FA. The total n-6 polyunsaturated FAs were minor components in all evaluated organs. Palmitic acid was identified as the major saturated FA, whereas oleic acid was the most represented of the monounsaturated FA in almost all assessed organs of both species. The n-3/n-6 ratios of all organs were higher than 3.5. Differences in individual FA and FA metabolic profiles of some organs observed between N. coriiceps and N. rossii suggest specific requirements in the mobilization, transport, incorporation, and/or catabolism of lipids that were reinforced by differences on some FA ratios expressing the activity coefficient of enzymes implicated on the FA pathway flux. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The natriuretic peptide system is a complex family of peptides and receptors that is primarily linked to the maintenance of osmotic and cardiovascular homeostasis. A natriuretic peptide system is present in each vertebrate class but there are varying degrees of complexity in the system. In agnathans and chondrichthyians, only one natriuretic peptide has been identified, while new data has revealed that multiple types of natriuretic peptides are present in bony fish. However, it seems in tetrapods that there has been a reduction in the number of natriuretic peptide genes, such that only three natriuretic peptides are present in mammals. The peptides act via a family of guanylyl cyclase receptors to generate the second messenger cGMP, which  mediates a range of physiological effects at key targets such as the gills, kidney and the cardiovascular system. This review summarises the current knowledge of the natriuretic peptide system in non-mammalian vertebrates and discusses the physiological actions of the peptides.


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The warming of coastal oceans due to climate change is increasing the overwinter survival of tropical fishes transported to temperate latitudes by ocean currents. However, the processes governing early post-arrival mortality are complex and can result in minimum threshold temperatures for overwinter survival, which are greater than those predicted based upon physiological temperature tolerances alone. This 3.5 mo laboratory study monitored the early performance of a tropical damselfish Abudefduf vaigiensis that occurs commonly during austral summer along the SE Australian coast, under nominal summer and winter water temperatures, and compares results with a co-occurring year-round resident of the same family, Parma microlepis. Survivorship, feeding rate, growth and burst swimming ability (as a measure of predator escape ability) were all reduced for the tropical species at winter water temperatures compared to those in summer, whereas the temperate species experienced no mortality and only feeding rate was reduced at colder temperatures. These results suggest that observed minimum threshold survival temperatures may be greater than predicted by physiology alone, due to lowered food intake combined with increased predation risk (a longer time at vulnerable sizes and reduced escape ability). Overwinter survival is a significant hurdle in pole-ward range expansions of tropical fishes, and a better understanding of its complex processes will allow for more accurate predictions of changes in biodiversity as coastal ocean temperatures continue to increase due to climate change.


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The effects of climate change on plant and animal populations are widespread and documented for many species in many areas of the world. However, projections of climate impacts will require a better mechanistic understanding of ecological and behavioral responses to climate change and climate variation. For vertebrate animals, there is an absence of whole-system manipulative experiments that express natural variation in predator and prey behaviors. Here we investigate the effect of elevated water temperature on the physiology, behavior, growth, and survival of fish populations in a multiple whole-lake experiment, by using 17 lake-years of data collected over 2 years with differing average temperatures. We found that elevated temperatures in excess of the optimum reduced the scope for growth through reduced maximum consumption and increased metabolism in young rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Increased metabolism at high temperatures resulted in increased feeding activity (consumption) by individuals to compensate and maintain growth rates similar to that observed at cooler (optimum) temperatures. However, greater feeding activity rates resulted in greater vulnerability to predators that reduced survival to only half that of the cooler year. Our work therefore identifies temperature-dependent physiology and compensatory feeding behavior as proximate mechanisms for substantial climate-induced mortality in fish populations at the scale of entire populations and waterbodies.


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Given limited food, prey fishes in a temperate climate must take risks to acquire sufficient reserves for winter and/or to outgrow vulnerability to predation. However, how can we distinguish which selective pressure promotes risk-taking when larger body size is always beneficial? To address this question, we examined patterns of energy allocation in populations of age-0 trout to determine if greater risk-taking corresponds with energy allocation to lipids or to somatic growth. Trout achieved maximum growth rates in all lakes and allocated nearly all of their acquired energy to somatic growth when small in early summer. However, trout in low-food lakes took greater risks to achieve this maximal growth, and therefore incurred high mortality. By late summer, age-0 trout allocated considerable energy to lipids and used previously risky habitats in all lakes. These results indicate that: (i) the size-dependent risk of predation (which is independent of behaviour) promotes risk-taking behaviour of age-0 trout to increase growth and minimize time spent in vulnerable sizes; and (ii) the physiology of energy allocation and behaviour interact to mediate growth/mortality trade-offs for young animals at risk of predation and starvation.


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The syndrome known as gastric dilation air sacculitis (GDAS) has previously been shown to affect Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in seawater (SW) aquaculture. Feed and osmoregulatory stress have been implicated as potential epidemiological co-factors. The development and physiology of GDAS was investigated in SW and freshwater (FW) adapted smolts. Diet A (low-cohesion pellets) and diet B (high-cohesion pellets) were fed to both FW- and SW-adapted fish. GDAS was induced only in the SW trial on feeding diet A. Stimulated gastro-intestinal (GI) smooth muscle contractility, and fluid transport by the pyloric caeca were different in GDAS-affected fish, which also showed osmoregulatory dysfunction. Cardiac stomach (CS) smooth muscle contractility in response to acetylcholine and potassium chloride (KCl) was significantly reduced in fish fed diet A relative to controls from weeks 3–5. In contrast, maximal pyloric sphincter (PS) circular smooth muscle contraction in response to KCl was significantly elevated in fish fed diet A in weeks 4 and 5. Serum osmolality was elevated in GDAS-affected fish from week 2 of the SW trial. Fluid transport from the mucosal to serosal surface of isolated pyloric caeca was significantly reduced in weeks 3, 4 and 5 in SW fish fed diet A. Gastric evacuation from the stomach of healthy fish was shown to be significantly different when diets of low- and high-cohesion were fed. The results are consistent with the intestinal brake playing a role in the development of the disease.


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Phenotypic correlations (rP) have frequently been observed between physiological and behavioural traits, and the nature of these associations has been shown to be modulated by a range of environmental stressors. Studies to date have examined the effects of acute stressors on physiology-behaviour interrelations, but the potential for permanent changes induced by exposure to stress during development remains unexplored. We exposed female zebra finches to dietary restriction during the nestling stage and tested how this affected rP among a variety of physiological traits (haematocrit, stress-induced corticosterone level and basal metabolic rate (BMR)) and behavioural traits (activity and feeding rates in novel and familiar environments). Developmental stress completely uncoupled the relationship between activity in a novel environment and two physiological traits: haematocrit and BMR. This suggests that nutritionally based developmental stress has provoked changes in the energy budget that alleviate the trade-off between maintenance (BMR) and locomotor activities.


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The aim of this study was to determine the toxicity of the aqueous extract of neem leaves, a product extensively used in fish-farms as alternative for the control of fish parasites and fish fry predators, for the neotropical fish Prochilodus lineatus. The 24 It LC(50) of neem leaf extract for juveniles P lineatus was estimated as 4.8 g L(-1); the fish were then exposed for 24 h to 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 g L(-1) or only clean water (control). Plasma glucose levels were higher in fish exposed to 2.5 g L(-1) and 5.0 g L(-1) neem extract, relative to control, indicating a typical stress response. Neem extract did not interfere with the osmoregulating capacity of the fish, as their plasma sodium, chloride, total protein and osmolarity did not change. The presence of the biopesticide interfered with the antioxidant defense system of P. lineatus, as there was a decrease in liver catalase activity at all neem concentrations and the detoxifying enzyme glutathione-S-transferase was activated in fish exposed to 5.0 g L(-1). Fish exposed to all neem extract concentrations exhibited damaged gill and kidney tissue. These results indicate that although neem extract is less toxic to P. lineatus than other synthetic insecticides used in fish-farming it does cause functional and morphological changes in this fish species. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the potential selective effect of fish ladders on physiological and morphological profiles of the curimbata, Prochilodus lineatus, during reproductive migration in Brazil. We registered sex, body weight and length, plasma glucose, hepatosomatic and gonadosomatic indices (HSI and GSI, respectively), hematocrit, leucocrit, blood cell and nucleus areas, and the diameter of white and red muscle fibers in fish sampled at the bottom (downstream) and at the top (upstream) of a fish ladder at a hydroelectric dam. Males and females at the top of the ladder showed higher size (weight and length), white muscle fiber diameters, plasma glucose levels and lower hematocrit when compared with those at the bottom. These size and muscle traits assist fish to overcome the ladder barrier and bypass the dam, an effort that might be reflected in the glucose levels. Females also showed higher GSI at the top of the fish ladder, a trait possibly facilitating their reproduction upstream. These results indicate that a dam system favors fish with specific morphological-physiological profile. This may have a strong influence upon upstream fish populations over generations and implies the presence of artificial selective pressure.


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We investigated whether juveniles of the nocturnal fish jundia (Rhamdia quelen) and the diurnal fish Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) are able to chemically communicate stress to conspecifics. Groups of 8 fish were reared in tanks under recirculated water (water exchanged among all the tanks) for each species. Fish were handled in half of the tanks (stressor fish) and whole-body cortisol concentrations were compared among handled fish, non-handled fish exposed to water from the handled fish, and non-handled control fish held with no water communication. For each treatment cortisol concentrations were determined before exposure to the stressor (basal levels) and after 1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 h. Basal levels of cortisol confirmed fish were unstressed in the beginning of the experiment. Cortisol was increased in the stressor fish 1 h after handling. Fish receiving water from the stressor fish increased cortisol levels later (2 h after the stressor fish were handled). As the isolated control group maintained cortisol levels unchanged throughout the experiment, we concluded that some chemical factor was released by the stressed fish in the water and thus stressed the conspecifics. This pattern was similar for both unrelated species, thus suggesting that this communication might have evolved earlier in fish and reinforcing the biological value of this kind of information. Published by Elsevier B.V.