923 resultados para field theories in dimensions other than four


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Recent investigations of various quantum-gravity theories have revealed a variety of possible mechanisms that lead to Lorentz violation. One of the more elegant of these mechanisms is known as Spontaneous Lorentz Symmetry Breaking (SLSB), where a vector or tensor field acquires a nonzero vacuum expectation value. As a consequence of this symmetry breaking, massless Nambu-Goldstone modes appear with properties similar to the photon in Electromagnetism. This thesis considers the most general class of vector field theories that exhibit spontaneous Lorentz violation-known as bumblebee models-and examines their candidacy as potential alternative explanations of E&M, offering the possibility that Einstein-Maxwell theory could emerge as a result of SLSB rather than of local U(1) gauge invariance. With this aim we employ Dirac's Hamiltonian Constraint Analysis procedure to examine the constraint structures and degrees of freedom inherent in three candidate bumblebee models, each with a different potential function, and compare these results to those of Electromagnetism. We find that none of these models share similar constraint structures to that of E&M, and that the number of degrees of freedom for each model exceeds that of Electromagnetism by at least two, pointing to the potential existence of massive modes or propagating ghost modes in the bumblebee theories.


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Background : We sought to determine whether skeletal muscle oxidative capacity, fiber type proportions, and fiber size, capillary density or muscle mass might explain the impaired exercise tolerance in chronic heart failure (CHF). Previous studies are equivocal regarding the maladaptations that occur in the skeletal muscle of patients with CHF and their role in the observed exercise intolerance.

Methods and results :
Total body O2 uptake (VO2peak) was determined in 14 CHF patients and 8 healthy sedentary similar-age controls. Muscle samples were analyzed for mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production rate (MAPR), oxidative and glycolytic enzyme activity, fiber size and type, and capillary density. CHF patients demonstrated a lower VO2peak (15.1±1.1 versus 28.1±2.3 mL·kg&minus;1·min&minus;1, P<.001) and capillary to fiber ratio (1.09±0.05 versus 1.40±0.04; P<.001) when compared with controls. However, there was no difference in capillary density (capillaries per square millimeter) across any of the fiber types. Measurements of MAPR and oxidative enzyme activity suggested no difference in muscle oxidative capacity between the groups.

Conclusions : Neither reductions in muscle oxidative capacity nor capillary density appear to be the cause of exercise limitation in this cohort of patients. Therefore, we hypothesize that the low VO2peak observed in CHF patients may be the result of fiber atrophy and possibly impaired activation of oxidative phosphorylation.


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The effects of high pressure on molecular arrangment in liquid crystals were observed by optical measurements on two nematogens. It was possible to deduce how volume varies as a factor of temperature and pressure and how nematic order parameter changes under the influence of high pressure.


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 While data processing methods in metabolomic studies often work with 'n' number of dimensions, analytical techniques, with the notable exception of NMR, have mostly stuck only to one. Peak overlap continues to be a problem and there is an ever-present demand to maximize the number of metabolites that can be separated and identified in a single run. One method that might help to overcome these issues is multidimensional liquid chromatography, which uses two columns of different phases. A sequential collection of aliquots is made from the first column and reinjected onto a second, and the resulting data are then plotted in 2D or 3D space. The total peak capacity of such a system is the combined peak capacities of each column. The 'offline' version of this technique, using a fraction collector, was introduced over 30 years ago but with recent advances in instrumentation and software, particularly the 'online' approach using automated switching valves, has led to increasing interest in the technique. Both offline and online methods can be carried out as a comprehensive procedure, or via 'heart-cutting', in which only specific peaks are analysed in the second dimension. Past applications include proteomics, natural product chemistry, forensic science and pharmaceutical analysis. These successes are likely to be built on in the future as new column chemistries and bio-informatic approaches are developed. In this review an overview of the theory of twodimensional liquid chromatography is presented, its potential in the field of metabolomics is assessed and predictions for future research directions are made.


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Using the functional integral formalism for the statistical generating functional in the statistical (finite temperature) quantum field theory, we prove the equivalence of many-photon Greens functions in the Duffin-Kennner-Petiau and Klein-Gordon-Fock statistical quantum field theories. As an illustration, we calculate the one-loop polarization operators in both theories and demonstrate their coincidence.


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A prescription for computing the propagator for D-dimensional higher-derivative gravity theories, based on the Barnes-Rivers operators, is presented. A systematic study of the tree-level unitarity of these theories is developed and the agreement of their linearized versions with Newton's law is investigated by computing the corresponding effective nonrelativistic potential. Three-dimensional quadratic gravity with a gravitational Chern-Simons term is also analyzed. A discussion on the issue of light bending within the framework of both D-dimensional quadratic gravity and three-dimensional quadratic gravity with a Chern-Simons term is provided as well. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The problem of computing the effective nonrelativistic potential U-D for the interaction of charged-scalar bosons, within the context of D-dimensional electromagnetism with a cutoff, is reduced to quadratures. It is shown that U-3 cannot bind a pair of identical charged-scalar bosons; nevertheless, numerical calculations indicate that boson-boson bound states do exist in the framework of three-dimensional higher-derivative electromagnetism augmented by a topological Chern-Simons term.


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The addition of a topological Chern-Simons term to three-dimensional higher-derivative gravity is not a good therapy to cure the nonunitarity of the aforementioned theory. Moreover, R+R-2 gravity in (2+1)D, which is unitary at the tree level, becomes tree-level nonunitary when it is augmented by the abovementioned topological term. Therefore, unlike what is claimed in the literature, topological higher-derivative gravity in (2+1)D is not tree-level unitary and neither is topological three-dimensional R+R-2 gravity.


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The zero curvature representation for two-dimensional integrable models is generalized to spacetimes of dimension d + 1 by the introduction of a d-form connection. The new generalized zero curvature conditions can be used to represent the equations of motion of some relativistic invariant field theories of physical interest in 2 + 1 dimensions (BF theories, Chern-Simons, 2 + 1 gravity and the CP1 model) and 3 + 1 dimensions (self-dual Yang-Mills theory and the Bogomolny equations). Our approach leads to new methods of constructing conserved currents and solutions. In a submodel of the 2 + 1-dimensional CP1 model, we explicitly construct an infinite number of previously unknown non-trivial conserved currents. For each positive integer spin representation of sl(2) we construct 2j + 1 conserved currents leading to 2j + 1 Lorentz scalar charges. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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The effects of partial urethral obstruction on the detrusor muscle of rabbit urinary bladder were investigated using stereological sampling and estimation tools. Twelve female Norfolk rabbits (2.5-3.0 kg body weight) were divided into four groups: 3, 7 and 12 weeks after surgical intervention to produce a standard partial obstruction and unobstructed controls. Following removal, bladder axes (craniocaudal, dorsoventral and laterolateral) and organ weights were recorded. Bladders were prepared for light microscopy by multistage random sampling procedures. Stereological methods were used to estimate the volume of muscle and the packing density and total number of myocyte nuclei in each bladder. We also estimated mean myocyte volume and the mean cross-sectional area and length of myocytes. Group comparisons were made by one-way analysis of variance. Changes in bladder axes were mainly laterolateral and craniocaudal. Mean bladder weight increased roughly six-fold by 3 weeks and 17-fold by 12 weeks and was accompanied, on average, by 12- and 33-fold increases in total muscle volume. These variables did not differ at 3 and 7 weeks post-obstruction. Increases in muscle content were not accompanied by changes in packing densities but were associated with increases in the total numbers of myocyte nuclei (13-fold by 3 weeks, 28-fold by 12 weeks). Mean myocyte volume did not vary significantly between groups but cells in obstructed groups were shorter and wider. These findings support the notion that partial outflow obstruction leads to an increase in the number, but not mean volume, of myocytes. If due solely to myocyte mitosis, the total of 43 x 10(8) cells found at 12 weeks could be generated by the original complement of 15 x 10(7) cells if an average of only 2.1 x 10(6) new cells was produced every hour. In reality, even this modest proliferation rate is unlikely to be achieved because myocyte proliferation rates are very low and it is possible that new myocytes can arise by differentiation of mesenchymal or other precursor cells.


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We prove the equivalence of many-gluon Green's functions in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petieu and Klein-Gordon-Fock statistical quantum field theories. The proof is based on the functional integral formulation for the statistical generating functional in a finite-temperature quantum field theory. As an illustration, we calculate one-loop polarization operators in both theories and show that their expressions indeed coincide.


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We call attention to a series of mistakes in a paper by S. Nam recently published in this journal (J. High Energy Phys. 10 (2000) 044).


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This experiment was developed in order to evaluation the efficiency of pheromone to control the pink bollworm and the total time of its release in cotton field. The experiment was installed in field conditions, in Chapadao do Sul/SP/Brazil, from January to April, 1998. The treatments consisted of 2 areas, being one of 30ha, where it was applied the pheromone and another of 10ha that was chosen as control area and did not receive pheromone. In the treated area, the laboratory synthesized sex pheromone (PB-Rope) was used thought of dispensers that allowed the slow and gradual release of the active substance. A total of 250 dispenser per hectare were evenly hand distributed in the area. The dispensers were wrapped around the plants. Both areas (treated area and untreated area) were monitored by delta trap. For evaluation of the boll damage, the treatment area was divided into 4 sub-areas. Twenty five green bolls were collected at random from each sub-area at 48 and 65 days after pheromone treatment. Bolls were cracked open by hand, and number of the bolls with symptoms of pink bollworm attacks was recorded. For evaluation of the productivity four areas were demarcated in each treatment, where all fibers and seeds harvested were weighted. Release rate of pheromone from dispenser was evaluated through of the weigh of the dispensers. Were marked and weighed in analytic scale, 20 dispensers contend the pheromone, being placed 10 dispensers under the cotton plants in treated area and other 10 dispensers in an open area. To every 15 days the dispensers were retired and weighed in analytic scale and soon after put back in the field in the same places. The results showed that only one application of mating disrupt pheromone, used in a dosage of 250 dispenser/ha, reached 80% of control for pink bollworm. the release period of pheromone from dispenser, after the application, was 120 days.


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Data on the occurrence of Yersinia species, other than Y. pestis in Brazil are presented. Over the past 40 years, 767 Yersinia strains have been identified and typed by the National Reference Center on Yersinia spp. other than Y. pestis, using the classical biochemical tests for species characterization. The strains were further classified into biotypes, serotypes and phagetypes when pertinent. These tests led to the identification of Yersinia cultures belonging to the species Y. enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. intermedia, Y. frederiksenii and Y. kristensenii. Six isolates could not be classified in any of the known Yersinia species and for this reason were defined as Non-typable (NT). The bio-sero-phagetypes of these strains were diverse. The following species of Yersinia were not identified among the Brazilian strains by the classical phenotypic or biochemical tests: Y. aldovae, Y. rhodei, Y. mollaretti, Y. bercovieri and Y. ruckeri. The Yersinia strains were isolated from clinical material taken from sick and/or healthy humans and animals, from various types of food and from the environment, by investigators of various Institutions localized in different cities and regions of Brazil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)