987 resultados para fibronectin, bone metastases, bioluminescence imaging, angiogenesis
A metastização óssea para a cabeça e pescoço é rara. Em 20-35% dos casos, pode ser a primeira manifestação de uma neoplasia oculta. No caso específico do osso temporal, as metástases são originárias, mais frequentemente, da mama, pulmão, rim, próstata e estômago. Apresenta-se o caso clínico de uma doente, do sexo feminino, 71 anos, com Diagnóstico de Carcinoma Ductal tipo Cribiforme na mama esquerda, tendo sido submetida a mastectomia total, quimioterapia e radioterapia. À observação apresentava um quadro clínico de otalgia esquerda, associada a paralisia facial da hemiface ipsilateral, sem outros sintomas otológicos. Foi-lhe diagnosticada Otite Média Crónica agudizada, tendo sido medicada e pedida Tomografia Computorizada ao Ouvido Esquerdo, que demonstrou exuberante espessamento dos tecidos moles epicranianos temporo-parieto-occipitais à esquerda com extensão ao canal auditivo externo do mesmo lado. Por agravamento da sintomatologia, foi internada no Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia deste hospital para administração de terapêutica endovenosa, tendo-se admitido a hipótese diagnóstica de Otite Externa Maligna. Por manutenção do quadro, apesar de terapêutica optimizada, foi submetida a intervenção cirúrgica onde foi efectuada biopsia temporal, tendo sido diagnosticado lesão metastática por carcinoma invasivo da mama.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of fulvestrant, an estrogen receptor antagonist, in postmenopausal women with hormone-responsive tumors progressing after aromatase inhibitor (AI) treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is a phase II, open, multicenter, noncomparative study. Two patient groups were prospectively considered: group A (n=70) with AI-responsive disease and group B (n=20) with AI-resistant disease. Fulvestrant 250 mg was administered as intramuscular injection every 28 (+/-3) days. RESULTS: All patients were pretreated with AI and 84% also with tamoxifen or toremifene; 67% had bone metastases and 45% liver metastases. Fulvestrant administration was well tolerated and yielded a clinical benefit (CB; defined as objective response or stable disease [SD] for >or=24 weeks) in 28% (90% confidence interval [CI] 19% to 39%) of patients in group A and 37% (90% CI 19% to 58%) of patients in group B. Median time to progression (TTP) was 3.6 (95% CI 3.0 to 4.8) months in group A and 3.4 (95% CI 2.5 to 6.7) months in group B. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, 30% of patients who had progressed following prior AI treatment gained CB with fulvestrant, thereby delaying indication to start chemotherapy. Prior response to an AI did not appear to be predictive for benefit with fulvestrant.
Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy is a modern cancer treatment strategy able to deliver highly focused radiation in one or a few fractions with a radical intent in several clinical settings. Young radiation oncologists need a constant and tailored update in this context to improve patient care in daily clinical practice. A recent meeting of AIRO Giovani (AIRO - Young Members Working Group) was specifically addressed to this topic, presenting state-of-the-art knowledge, based on the latest evidence in this field. Highlights of the congress are summarized and presented in this report, including thorough contributions of the speakers dealing with the role of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in both oncological and non-oncological diseases, divided according to anatomical and clinical scenarios: intra-cranial settings (brain malignant primary tumors, metastases, benign tumors and functional disorders) and extra-cranial indications (lung primary tumors and metastases, thoracic re-irradiation, liver, lymph node and bone metastases, prostate cancer). With literature data discussed during the congress as a background, stereotactic ablative radiotherapy has proved to be a consolidated treatment approach in specific oncological and non-oncological scenarios, as well as a promising option in other clinical settings, requiring a further prospective validation in the near future. We herein present an updated overview of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy use in the clinic.
The benefit of polymeric immuno-nanoparticles (NPs-Tx-HER), consisting of paclitaxel (Tx)-loaded nanoparticles coated with anti-HER2 monoclonal antibodies (Herceptin, trastuzumab), in cancer treatment was assessed in a disseminated xenograft ovarian cancer model induced by intraperitoneal inoculation of SKOV-3 cells overexpressing HER2 antigens. The study was focused on the evaluation of therapeutic efficacy and biodistribution of NPs-Tx-HER compared to other Tx formulations. The therapeutic efficacy was determined by two methods: bioluminescence imaging and survival rate. The treatment regimen consisted in an initial dose of 20mg/kg Tx administered as 10mg/kg intravenously (IV) and 10mg/kg intraperitonealy (IP), followed by five alternative IP and IV injections of 10mg/kg Tx every 3 days. The bioluminescence study has clearly shown the superior anti-tumor activity of NPs-Tx-HER compared to free Tx. As a confirmation of these results, a significantly longer survival of mice was observed for NPs-Tx-HER treatment compared to free Tx, Tx-loaded nanoparticles coated with an irrelevant mAb (Mabthera, rituximab) or Herceptin alone, indicating the potential of immuno-nanoparticles in cancer treatment. The biodistribution pattern of Tx was assessed on healthy and tumor bearing mice after IV or IP administration. An equivalent biodistribution profile was observed in healthy mice for Tx encapsulated either in uncoated nanoparticles (NPs-Tx) or in NPs-Tx-HER. No significant difference in Tx biodistribution was observed after IV or IP injection, except for a lower accumulation in the lungs when NPs were administered by IP. Encapsulated Tx accumulated in the organs of the reticulo-endothelial system (RES) such as the liver and spleen, whereas free Tx had a non-specific distribution in all tested organs. Compared to free Tx, the single dose injection (IV or IP) of encapsulated Tx in mice bearing tumors induced a higher tumor accumulation. However, no difference in overall tumor accumulation between NPs-Tx-HER and NPs-Tx was observed. In conclusion, the encapsulation of Tx into NPs-Tx-HER immuno-nanoparticles resulted in an improved efficacy of drug in the treatment of disseminated ovarian cancer overexpressing HER2 receptors.
PURPOSE: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) has been considered radiation-resistant, and radiotherapy is recommended only for palliation of bone metastases in current treatment guidelines. No registered prospective trial has evaluated GIST responsiveness to radiotherapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with GIST progressing at intra-abdominal sites or the liver were entered to this prospective Phase II multicenter study (identifier NCT00515931). Metastases were treated with external beam radiotherapy using either conformal 3D planning or intensity modulated radiotherapy and conventional fractionation to a cumulative planning target volume dose of approximately 40Gy. Systemic therapy was maintained unaltered during the study. RESULTS: Of the 25 patients entered, 19 were on concomitant tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy, most often imatinib. Two (8%) patients achieved partial remission, 20 (80%) had stable target lesion size for ⩾3months after radiotherapy with a median duration of stabilization of 16months, and 3 (12%) progressed. The median time to radiotherapy target lesion progression was 4-fold longer than the median time to GIST progression at any site (16 versus 4months). Radiotherapy was generally well tolerated. CONCLUSIONS: Responses to radiotherapy were infrequent, but most patients had durable stabilization of the target lesions. GIST patients with soft tissue metastases benefit frequently from radiotherapy.
Tercera parte de personas de 65 años o mayores caen anualmente con consecuencias variables. Los riesgos de caída aumentan con la edad y los de lesiones graves con cada caída. Lesiones severas son debido a fracturas, principalmente de cadera y más del 75% no recuperan funcionalidad previa. Estudio descriptivo cohorte retrospectiva, Clínica Los Rosales, Pereira, 1 de Enero/2007 a 31 de Diciembre/2008, la clínica avaló revisión de base de datos, escogidos códigos CIE 10 relacionados con Fractura de cadera origen traumático, excluyendo accidentes de tránsito y lesiones metastásicas óseas, edad 65 o más años. Historias clínicas fueron revisadas, información recolectada acorde al Instrumento diseñado. Consolidación base de datos, procesada por la herramienta estadística SPSS 17.0 para análisis descriptivo y obtener información demográfica, y cruce de variables con variable muerte buscando relación entre resultado y mortalidad. Total 48 pacientes, 33 cumplían criterios de ingreso, 15 excluidos por no tener información del tratamiento, 4 fueron remitidos, 11 restantes sin información por historia clínica ni telefónica de sobrevida. Edad promedio 83,4 años, género femenino 60,6% y 75,8% procedían del área urbana de Pereira, comorbilidades previas predominantes enfermedades cardiovasculares, 32,8%. Mayor consumo de medicamentos previos antihipertensivos, 81,8%, el 18,2% no recibían. Intrahospitalariamente 90,9% pacientes recibieron profilaxis antitrombotica, cirugía realizada en 90,9%, en 36,7% hecha los primeros 2 días y 42,4% al 5 día habían egresado. 9,1% registro un evento previo de fractura de cadera. 81,8% sin complicación, 9,1% murieron los primeros 3 meses posfractura. No se encontró asociación entre muerte y variables: cirugía, tromboprofilaxis.
This paper presents an individual designing prosthesis for surgical use and proposes a methodology for such design through mathematical extrapolation of data from digital images obtained via tomography of individual patient's bones. Individually tailored prosthesis designed to fit particular patient requirements as accurately as possible should result in more successful reconstruction, enable better planning before surgery and consequently fewer complications during surgery. Fast and accurate design and manufacture of personalized prosthesis for surgical use in bone replacement or reconstruction is potentially feasible through the application and integration of several different existing technologies, which are each at different stages of maturity. Initial case study experiments have been undertaken to validate the research concepts by making dimensional comparisons between a bone and a virtual model produced using the proposed methodology and a future research directions are discussed.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
Controlled delivery of anticancer drugs through osteotropic nanoparticles (NP) is a novel approach for the adjuvant therapy of osteolytic bone metastases. Doxorubicin (DXR) is widely used in chemotherapy, although its activity is restricted by dose-dependent cardiotoxicity and marrow toxicity. However, its efficacy can be improved when specific targeting at the tumor site is obtained. The aim of this study was to obtain osteotropic biodegradable NP by nanoprecipitation of a copolymer between poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) and an osteotropic bisphosphonate, sodium alendronate (ALE). NP were subsequently characterised for their chemical-physical properties, biocompatibility, and the ability to inhibit osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, and then loaded with DXR. The effectiveness of NP-loaded DXR was investigated through in vitro and in vivo experiments, and compared to that of free DXR. For the in vitro analysis, six human cell lines were used as a representative panel of bone tumors, including breast and renal adenocarcinoma, osteosarcoma and neuroblastoma. The in vitro uptake and the inhibition of tumor cell proliferation were verified. To analyse the in vivo activity of NP-loaded DXR, osteolytic bone metastases were induced through the intratibial inoculation in BALB/c-nu/nu mice of a human breast cancer cell line, followed by the intraperitoneal administration of the free or NP-loaded DXR. In vitro, aAll of the cell lines were able to uptake both free and NP-loaded drug, and their proliferation was inhibited up to 80% after incubation either with free or NP-loaded DXR. In addition, in vivo experiments showed that NP-loaded DXR were also able to reduce the incidence of bone metastases, not only in comparison with untreated mice, but also with free DXR-treated mice. In conclusion, this research demonstrated an improvement in the therapeutic effect of the antineoplastic drug DXR, when loaded to bone-targeted NP conjugated with ALE. Osteotropic PLGA-ALE NP are suitable to be loaded with DXR and offer as a valuable tool for a tissue specific treatment of skeletal metastases.
Krebs ist eine der häufigsten Krankheiten und stellt eine der wichtigsten medizinischen Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts dar. Eine frühzeitige Diagnose ist dabei essentiell für eine individuell angepasste Therapie zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität und -erwartung der Patienten. Hierbei kommen der 68Ge/68Ga-Generator und das daraus resultierende PET-Nuklid 68Ga immer stärker in den Fokus von Wissenschaft und Medizin. rnrnFür eine erfolgreiche Therapie stellt die Chemoresistenz (Multi-Drug-Resistance) zahlreicher Tumore eine schwerwiegende Komplikation dar. Für das Therapieversagen ist die Aktivierung des Transportproteins p-Glykoprotein (pGP) maßgeblich mit verantwortlich. Mit Hilfe der Schiff’schen Base [68Ga]MFL6.MZ konnte die Aktivitätsänderung von pGP unter verschiedener Beeinflussung erstmals in vivo beobachtet werden. So zeigte sich, dass sich unter azidotischen Bedingungen in Tumoren die Aktivität des pGP erhöht und somit vermehrt auch Zytostatika, die pGP-Substrate sind, aus den Tumoren transportiert werden. Durch Aufklärung der Abhängigkeit der pGP-Aktivität von dessen Signalkaskade konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch eine Blockade der MAP-Kinase p38 eine Erniedrigung der pGP-Aktivität zu verzeichnen ist. Die ebenfalls in der Signalkaskade eingebundene MAP-Kinase ERK1/2 hingegen spielt hier nur eine untergeordnete Rolle.rnrnNeben dem Versagen der Chemotherapie stellt auch die Metastasierung eines Malignoms massive Einschnitte in die Lebensqualität von Erkrankten dar. Befallen die Metastasen das Skelett eines Menschen, wird dies zumeist erst spät registriert. 68Ga-markierte Bisphosphonate bieten nun die Möglichkeit, Patienten quantitativ auf Knochenmetastasen hin untersuchen zu können. So konnten zu Beginn einfache Phosphonate wie EDTMP und DOTP nicht die nötige in vivo Stabilität bzw. hohe radiochemische Ausbeuten liefern und sind damit für die Anwendung am Menschen uninteressant. Jedoch die DOTA-basierten Bisphosphonate allen voran der Ligand BPAMD zeigen ein großes Potential. In vivo-Versuche an Ratten mit Knochenmetastasen zeigten, dass sich [68Ga]BPAMD an den Metastasen anreichert und einen sehr guten Kontrast zum gesunden Knochen darstellt. Der Tracer konnte erstmals am Menschen angewendet werden und zeigte in ausgewählten Regionen eine höhere Anreicherung als eine zuvor durchgeführte PET-Aufnahme mit [18F]Fluorid. Der Ligand BPAMD bietet außerdem den Vorteil, neben 68Ga auch andere dreiwertige Radionuklide wie das therapeutische 177Lu komplexieren zu können. Durch Studien zur Komplexbildung und Stabilität konnte auch [177Lu]BPAMD in der klinischen Anwendung erprobt werden und zeigte eine Anreicherung an den Knochenmetastasen. So ist es nun möglich, Knochenmetastasen mittels 68Ga-PET zu diagnostizieren, eine entsprechende Dosisberechnung anzustellen und anschließend mit dem gleichen Liganden eine Therapie mit [177Lu]BPAMD durchzuführen.
Metastatic progression of advanced prostate cancer is a major clinical problem. Identifying the cell(s) of origin in prostate cancer and its distant metastases may permit the development of more effective treatment and preventive therapies. In this study, aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity was used as a basis to isolate and compare subpopulations of primary human prostate cancer cells and cell lines. ALDH-high prostate cancer cells displayed strongly elevated clonogenicity and migratory behavior in vitro. More strikingly, ALDH-high cells readily formed distant metastases with strongly enhanced tumor progression at both orthotopic and metastatic sites in preclinical models. Several ALDH isoforms were expressed in human prostate cancer cells and clinical specimens of primary prostate tumors with matched bone metastases. Our findings suggest that ALDH-based viable cell sorting can be used to identify and characterize tumor-initiating and, more importantly perhaps, metastasis-initiating cells in human prostate cancer.
HISTORY: A 76-year-old woman and a 62-year-old man were both referred to our clinic because of an unexplained weight loss, increasing dry cough and shortness of breath. INVESTIGATIONS: Investigations revealed an adenocarcinoma of the colon with retroperitoneal, mediastinal and supraclavicular lymph node metastasis and poorly differentiated carcinoma of the prostate with extensive bone metastases. During their hospital stay both patients developed increasing shortness of breath and clinical signs of right heart failure. Echocardiography confirmed severe pulmonary hypertension and dilatation of the right ventricle in both patients. Despite the high degree of clinical suspicion CT scans of the thorax could not demonstrate pulmonary embolism. DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT AND COURSE: During the following days the patients condition deteriorated further and both patients' died from irreversible right heart failure. Both autopsies showed extensive metastatic adenocarcinoma with marked angiosis carcinomatosa of the lungs with numerous occlusions of small arteries and arterioles and resulting cor pulmonale. Thrombotic pulmonary embolism could not be detected. CONCLUSION: In patients with malignant neoplasms, especially adenocarcinomas, dyspnea and signs of increasing pulmonary artery pressure, the possibility of a microscopic pulmonary tumor embolism should be considered after exclusion of more usual causes especially thrombotic pulmonary embolism. In selected cases a cytologic examination of blood aspirated from a wedged pulmonary artery catheter can be performed to prove angiosis is carcinomatosa.