915 resultados para fiber loop mirror


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The exponentially increasing demand on operational data rate has been met with technological advances in telecommunication systems such as advanced multilevel and multidimensional modulation formats, fast signal processing, and research into new different media for signal transmission. Since the current communication channels are essentially nonlinear, estimation of the Shannon capacity for modern nonlinear communication channels is required. This PhD research project has targeted the study of the capacity limits of different nonlinear communication channels with a view to enable a significant enhancement in the data rate of the currently deployed fiber networks. In the current study, a theoretical framework for calculating the Shannon capacity of nonlinear regenerative channels has been developed and illustrated on the example of the proposed here regenerative Fourier transform (RFT). Moreover, the maximum gain in Shannon capacity due to regeneration (that is, the Shannon capacity of a system with ideal regenerators – the upper bound on capacity for all regenerative schemes) is calculated analytically. Thus, we derived a regenerative limit to which the capacity of any regenerative system can be compared, as analogue of the seminal linear Shannon limit. A general optimization scheme (regenerative mapping) has been introduced and demonstrated on systems with different regenerative elements: phase sensitive amplifiers and the proposed here multilevel regenerative schemes: the regenerative Fourier transform and the coupled nonlinear loop mirror.


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We demonstrate multiple-peaked switching in a nonlinear-optical loop mirror and present an experimental investigation of device cascading in the soliton regime based on a sequence of two independent nonlinear-optical loop mirrors. Cascading leads to an enhanced switching response with sharper switching edges, flattened peaks, and increased interpeak extinction ratios. We observe that pulses emerging from the cascade retain the sech2 temporal profile of a soliton with minimal degradation in the spectral characteristics.


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采用有机/无机混合溶胶-凝胶法制作条形光波导,并将条波导接入光纤Sagnac 环中,测量了输出光功率随环境气氛中乙醇蒸气体积分数变化的特性,表明在实验研究的范围内,输出信号与乙醇蒸气体积分数呈正弦变化。根据Sagnac环结构输出特性的基本关系,反映了溶胶-凝胶条波导在乙醇蒸气气氛下产生了双折射效应。观察到双折射相移与乙醇体积分数的亚线性关系。对实验数据拟合,计算了偏振相移的线性项和二次项系数,得到所制备的条波导的双折射对乙醇体积分数的响应为Δn≈4.4×10-2。测量了信号变化的时间演变特性,典型的上升和


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The paper reports the results of a high-quality pulse source incorporating a gain-switched laser diode followed by a novel compact two-cascade fibre compression scheme. The pulse compression scheme incorporates a dispersive delay line and a nonlinear pulse compressor based on a dispersion-imbalanced fibre loop mirror (DILM). We analyse and demonstrate for the first time significant improvement of the loop performance by means of the chirped pulse switching. As a result, the DILM provides high-quality nonlinear pulse compression as well as rejection of the nonsoliton component. In the experiment, 20ps pulses from a gain switched laser diode are compressed to a duration of 300fs at a repetition rate in range 70MHz-10GHz. The pulses are pedestal free and transform-limited. Spectral filtering of the output signal by means of a bandpass filter results in generation of wavelength-tuneable picosecond pulses with a duration defined by the filter bandwidth. Alternatively, signal filtering by an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) results in multichannel picosecond pulse generation for WDM and OTDM applications. The pulse source is built of standard components and is of compact and potentially robust design.


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We report the generation of 207-fs pulses with 1.2mW average power at 1036 nm directly from a passively mode-locked Yb-doped fibre laser with a nonlinear optical loop mirror for mode-locking and pairs of diffraction gratings for intracavity dispersion compensation. These results imply a 4-fold reduction in pulse duration over previously reported figure-of-eight cavity passively mode-locked Yb-doped fibre lasers. Stable pulse trains are produced at the fundamental repetition rate of the resonator, 24.0MHz. On the other hand, this laser offers a cleaner spectrum and greater stability and is completely self-starting.


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Short liquid core waveguides (LCWs) were included into a fiber-loop cavity ring-down absorption spectrometer to reduce the detection limit over, both, single pass absorption in a LCW and cavityenhanced absorption using a conventional fiber-loop cavity. LCWs of 5 and 10 cm length were interfaced with a pressure-flow system and a multimode fiber-loop cavity using concave fiber lenses with matching numerical apertures and diameters. Two red dyes, Allura Red AC and Congo Red, were detected with a 532 nm pulsed laser at a 5 nM limit of detection in a detection volume of less than 1 μL, corresponding to a minimal detectable absorbance of less than 4 × 10−4 cm−1 and a minimal detectable change in absorption cross section, σmin = Vdet × ε × CLOD, of about 14 μm2 (Allura Red AC) and 37 μm2 (Congo Red).


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Cavity ring-down spectroscopy is a spectroscopic method that uses a high quality optical cavity to amplify the optical loss due to the light absorption by a sample. In this presentation we highlight two applications of phase-shift cavity ring-down spectroscopy that are suited for absorption measurements in the condensed phase and make use of waveguide cavities. In the first application, a fiber loop is used as an optical cavity and the sample is introduced in a gap in the loop to allow absorption measurements of nanoliters of solution at the micromolar level. A second application involves silica microspheres as high finesse cavities. Information on the refractive index and absorption of a thin film of ethylene diamine on the surface of the microresonator is obtained simultaneously by the measurements of the wavelength shift of the cavity mode spectrum and the change in optical decay time, respectively.


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Ring-down absorption spectroscopy is an emerging ‘‘label-free’’ detection method for analytical microdevices, such as micrototal analysis systems (l-TAS). Developed from the related gas-phase cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy, fiber-optic-based ring-down techniques for liquid samples offer low detection limits, high sensitivity and fast response. ª 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This thesis contains the results of experimental and numerical simulations of optical transmission systems using dispersion managed transmission techniques. Theoretical background is given on the propagation of pulses in optical fibres before extending the arguments to optical solitons, their applications and uses in communications. Dispersion management for transmission systems is introduced and then a brief explanation of quasi-linear pulse propagation is given. Techniques for performing laboratory transmission experiments are divulged and focus on the construction and operation of a recirculating loop. Laser sources and modulators for 40Gbit/s transmission rates are discussed and techniques for acquiring information from the resultant eye are explained.The operation of optically time division demultiplexing with a nonlinear elecro-absorption modulator is considered and then is replaced by the used of a linear electro-optic modulator and Dispersion unbalanced loop mirror (DILM). The use of nonlinearity as a positive effect for the use of processing and regenerating optical data is approached with an insight into the operation interferometers. Successful experimental results are given for the characterisation of the DILM and 40Gbit/ to l0Gbit/s demultiplexing is demonstrated.Modelling of a terrestrial style system is performed and the methods for computer simulation are discussed. The simulations model single channel 40Gbit/s transmission, 16 x 40Gbit/s WDM transmission and WDM transmission with varying channel separation. Three modulation formats are examined over the single mode fibre span. It is found that the dispersion managed soliton is not suitable for terrestrial style systems and that return-to-zero was the optimum format for the considered system.


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The following thesis presents results obtained from both numerical simulation and laboratory experimentation (both of which were carried out by the author). When data is propagated along an optical transmission line some timing irregularities can occur such as timing jitter and phase wander. Traditionally these timing problems would have been corrected by converting the optical signal into the electrical domain and then compensating for the timing irregularity before converting the signal back into the optical domain. However, this thesis posses a potential solution to the problem by remaining completely in the optical domain, eliminating the need for electronics. This is desirable as not only does optical processing reduce the latency effect that their electronic counterpart have, it also holds the possibility of an increase in overall speed. A scheme was proposed which utilises the principle of wavelength conversion to dynamically convert timing irregularities (timing jitter and phase wander) into a change in wavelength (this occurs on a bit-by-bit level and so timing jitter and phase wander can be compensated for simultaneously). This was achieved by optically sampling a linearly chirped, locally generated clock source (the sampling function was achieved using a nonlinear optical loop mirror). The data, now with each bit or code word having a unique wavelength, is then propagated through a dispersion compensation module. The dispersion compensation effectively re-aligns the data in time and so thus, the timing irregularities are removed. The principle of operation was tested using computer simulation before being re-tested in a laboratory environment. A second stage was added to the device to create 3R regeneration. The second stage is used to simply convert the timing suppressed data back into a single wavelength. By controlling the relative timing displacement between stage one and stage two, the wavelength that is finally produced can be controlled.


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Serial and parallel interconnection of photonic devices is integral to the construction of any all-optical data processing system. This thesis presents results from a series of experiments centering on the use of the nonlinear-optical loop mirror (NOLM) switch in architectures for the manipulation and generation of ultrashort pulses. Detailed analysis of soliton switching in a single NOLM and cascade of two NOLM's is performed, centering on primary limitations to device operation, effect of cascading on amplitude response, and impact of switching on the characteristics of incident pulses. By using relatively long input pulses, device failure due to stimulated Raman generation is postponed to demonstrate multiple-peaked switching for the first time. It is found that while cascading leads to a sharpening of the overall switching characteristic, pulse spectral and temporal integrity is not significantly degraded, and emerging pulses retain their essential soliton character. In addition, by including an asymmetrically placed in-fibre Bragg reflector as a wavelength selective loss element in the basic NOLM configuration, both soliton self-switching and dual-wavelength control-pulse switching are spectrally quantised. Results are presented from a novel dual-wavelength laser configuration generating pulse trains with an ultra-low rms inter-pulse-stream timing jitter level of 630fs enabling application in ultrafast switching environments at data rates as high as 130GBits/s. In addition, the fibre NOLM is included in architectures for all-optical memory, demonstrating storage and logical inversion of a 0.5kByte random data sequence; and ultrafast phase-locking of a gain-switched distributed feedback laser at 1.062GHz, the fourteenth harmonic of the system baseband frequency. The stringent requirements for environmental robustness of these architectures highlight the primary weaknesses of the NOLM in its fibre form and recommendations to overcome its inherent drawbacks are presented.


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We analyse a 2R regenerator using nonlinear-optical-loop-mirror and a 3R regenerator employing nonlinearly-enhanced amplitude modulator in 40Gbit/s WDM networks based on standard fibre (SMF). Characterization of one- (600km of SMF) and two-step regeneration is presented.


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We propose a novel all-optical signal processor for use at a return-to-zero receiver utilising loop mirror intensity filtering and nonlinear pulse broadening in normal dispersion fibre. The device offers reamplification and cleaning up of the optical signals, and phase margin improvement. The efficiency of the technique is demonstrated by application to 40 Gbit/s data transmission.


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In recent years the optical domain has been traditionally reserved for node-to-node transmission with the processing and switching achieved entirely in the electrical domain. However, with the constantly increasing demand for bandwidth and the resultant increase in transmission speeds, there is a very real fear that current electronic technology as used for processing will not be able to cope with future demands. Fuelled by this requirement for faster processing speeds, considerable research is currently being carried out into the potential of All-optical processing. One of the fundamental obstacles in realising All-optical processing is the requirement for All-optical buffering. Without all-optical buffers it is extremely difficult to resolve situations such as contention and congestion. Many devices have been proposed to solve this problem however none of them provide the perfect solution. The subject of this research is to experimentally demonstrate a novel all-optical memory device. Unlike many previously demonstrated optical storage devices the device under consideration utilises only a single loop mirror and a single SOA as its switch, whilst providing full regenerative capabilities required for long-term storage. I will explain some of the principles and characteristics of the device, which will then be experimentally demonstrated. The device configuration will then be studied and investigated as to its suitability for Hybrid Integrated Technology.


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This thesis presents experimental investigation of different effects/techniques that can be used to upgrade legacy WDM communication systems. The main issue in upgrading legacy systems is that the fundamental setup, including components settings such as EDFA gains, does not need to be altered thus the improvement must be carried out at the network terminal. A general introduction to optical fibre communications is given at the beginning, including optical communication components and system impairments. Experimental techniques for performing laboratory optical transmission experiments are presented before the experimental work of this thesis. These techniques include optical transmitter and receiver designs as well as the design and operation of the recirculating loop. The main experimental work includes three different studies. The first study involves a development of line monitoring equipment that can be reliably used to monitor the performance of optically amplified long-haul undersea systems. This equipment can provide instant finding of the fault locations along the legacy communication link which in tum enables rapid repair execution to be performed hence upgrading the legacy system. The second study investigates the effect of changing the number of transmitted 1s and Os on the performance of WDM system. This effect can, in reality, be seen in some coding systems, e.g. forward-error correction (FEC) technique, where the proportion of the 1s and Os are changed at the transmitter by adding extra bits to the original bit sequence. The final study presents transmission results after all-optical format conversion from NRZ to CSRZ and from RZ to CSRZ using semiconductor optical amplifier in nonlinear optical loop mirror (SOA-NOLM). This study is mainly based on the fact that the use of all-optical processing, including format conversion, has become attractive for the future data networks that are proposed to be all-optical. The feasibility of the SOA-NOLM device for converting single and WDM signals is described. The optical conversion bandwidth and its limitations for WDM conversion are also investigated. All studies of this thesis employ 10Gbit/s single or WDM signals being transmitted over dispersion managed fibre span in the recirculating loop. The fibre span is composed of single-mode fibres (SMF) whose losses and dispersion are compensated using erbium-doped fibre amplifiers (EDFAs) and dispersion compensating fibres (DCFs), respectively. Different configurations of the fibre span are presented in different parts.