996 resultados para fertilizers distribution uniformity


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Algumas culturas têm pouca adaptação ao sistema plantio direto (SPD), em vista da alta compactação da camada superficial do solo. Nesse caso, o mecanismo utilizado na semeadora para a abertura dos sulcos para deposição do fertilizante pode ter grande importância no sentido de facilitar a penetração das raízes. Avaliouse a influência do mecanismo de distribuição de fertilizante e da adubação nitrogenada na cultura do arroz de terras altas (Oryza sativa) no sistema plantio direto. O experimento foi conduzido nos anos agrícolas 2001/2002 e 2002/2003, em Botucatu-SP, Brasil. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por dois mecanismos de distribuição de fertilizantes (haste sulcadora e disco duplo). Nas subparcelas, quatro níveis de N foram aplicados em cobertura (0, 40, 80 e 120 kg ha-1). Avaliou-se a profundidade de abertura do sulco e de deposição das sementes, a população de plantas, a altura de plantas, o número de colmos e de panículas m-2, o número total de espiguetas por panícula, a fertilidade das espiguetas, a massa de 1.000 grãos, a matéria seca da parte aérea, a produtividade e o teor de N na folha bandeira. O sucesso no estabelecimento da cultura do arroz de terras altas no SPD nas regiões de inverno seco do Brasil está diretamente ligado ao mecanismo de distribuição das semeadoras-adubadoras. A haste sulcadora promoveu maior profundidade de deposição de sementes, conseqüentemente reduzindo o estande, o número de panículas por área e a produtividade. A aplicação de N em cobertura no arroz de terras altas em SPD proporciona maiores produtividades quando a semeadura é realizada com mecanismo de disco duplo.


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O tamanho reduzido das sementes de milheto dificulta sua semeadura uniforme, principalmente para os produtores que não possuem semeadoras apropriadas. Assim, a mistura das sementes com os fertilizantes fosfatados vem sendo utilizada para facilitar a semeadura. Entretanto, o período de contato pode provocar prejuízos na germinação e no vigor. Avaliou-se a qualidade fisiológica das sementes de milheto submetidas a diferentes períodos de contato (0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120h) com os fertilizantes superfosfato simples (SFS) e superfosfato triplo (SFT), em um experimento em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 8x2 (n=4). Os atributos químicos e físicos dos fertilizantes foram previamente determinados. Foi utilizada a proporção de 1 kg de sementes para 2,5 kg de fertilizante. Após manutenção da mistura em saco plástico no laboratório, as sementes foram separadas dos fertilizantes e submetidas à determinação de umidade, germinação, primeira contagem e condutividade elétrica. Paralelamente, na casa de vegetação, em caixas plásticas contendo terra, determinou-se a emergência e o índice de velocidade de emergência, sem e com a manutenção dos fertilizantes. Porque apresentam resíduos ácidos, tanto SFS como SFT afetaram de maneira semelhante e negativamente a germinação e o vigor das sementes de milheto em mistura, na medida em que se aumentou o período de contato.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The taxonomic status of anoplocephaline cestodes of microtine rodents has been reviewed. Of the genus Andrya Railliet, 1883, five species are considered valid: A. macrocephala Douthitt, 1915; A. primordialis Douthitt, 1915; A. montana Kirshenblat, 1941 ; A. arctica Rausch, 1952; A. bairdi Schad, 1954. Of the genus Paranoplocephala Luehe, 1910, six species are regarded as valid: P. omphalodes (Hermann, 1783); P. blanchardi (Moniez, 1891); P. infrequens (Douthitt, 1915); P. variabilis (Douthitt, 1915); P. lemmi Rausch, 1952; P. neofibrinus Rausch, 1952. Andrya caucasica Kirshenblat, 1938, and A. bialowizensis Soltys, 1949, are regarded as synonyms of A. macrocephala. Paranoplocephala brevis Kirshenblat, 1938, is regarded as a synonym of P. infrequens. Three species, A. macrocephala, P. omphalodes, and P. infrequens, are holarctic in distribution, occurring mainly in species of Microtus. The uniformity of microtine rodents as hosts for various helminths has been discussed. It is concluded that Dicrostonyx is the most isolated genus from this standpoint, having two nematodes which have not been recorded from members of other genera, and harboring few helminths in common with others. This agrees with Hinton's conclusions, based on morphological characters of Dicrostonyx. From the present concept of Pleistocene glaciations, it is concluded that P. omphalodes and P. infrequens reached the St. Matthew Islands, in Bering Sea, as parasites of a vole from which Microtus abbreviatus has evolved. It appears that this vole arrived on these islands before North America was invaded, in the late Pleistocene, by the palearctic M. oeconomus and Clethrionomys rutilus,/i>. The present known distribution of P. omphalodes in North America corresponds about to that of M. oeconomus on the continent.


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In the last years, sustainable horticulture has been increasing; however, to be successful this practice needs an efficient soil fertility management to maintain a high productivity and fruit quality standards. For this purpose composted organic materials from agri-food industry and municipal solid waste has been used as a source to replace chemical fertilizers and increase soil organic matter. To better understand the influence of compost application on soil fertility and plant growth, we carried out a study comparing organic and mineral nitrogen (N) fertilization in micro propagated plants, potted trees and commercial peach orchard with these aims: 1. evaluation of tree development, CO2 fixation and carbon partition to the different organs of two-years-old potted peach trees. 2. Determination of soil N concentration and nitrate-N effect on plant growth and root oxidative stress of micro propagated plant after increasing rates of N applications. 3. Assessment of soil chemical and biological fertility, tree growth and yield and fruit quality in a commercial orchard. The addition of compost at high rate was effective in increasing CO2 fixation, promoting root growth, shoot and fruit biomass. Furthermore, organic fertilizers influenced C partitioning, favoring C accumulation in roots, wood and fruits. The higher CO2 fixation was the result of a larger tree leaf area, rather than an increase in leaf photosynthetic efficiency, showing a stimulation of plant growth by application of compost. High concentrations of compost increased total soil N concentration, but were not effective in increasing nitrate-N soil concentration; in contrast mineral-N applications increased linearly soil nitrate-N, even at the lowest rate tested. Soil nitrate-N concentration influenced positively plant growth at low rate (60- 80 mg kg-1), whereas at high concentrations showed negative effects. In this trial, the decrease of root growth, as a response to excessive nitrate-N soil concentration, was not anticipated by root oxidative stress. Continuous annual applications of compost for 10 years enhanced soil organic matter content and total soil N concentration. Additionally, high rate of compost application (10 t ha-1 year-1) enhanced microbial biomass. On the other hand, different fertilizers management did not modify tree yield, but influenced fruit size and precocity index. The present data support the idea that organic fertilizers can be used successfully as a substitute of mineral fertilizers in fruit tree nutrient management, since they promote an increase of soil chemical and biological fertility, prevent excessive nitrate-N soil concentration, promote plant growth and potentially C sequestration into the soil.


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The scope of the present paper is the derivation of a merit function which predicts the visual perception of LED spot lights. The color uniformity level Usl is described by a linear regression function of the spatial color distribution in the far field. Hereby, the function is derived from four basic functions. They describe the color uniformity of spot lights through different features. The result is a reliable prediction for the perceived color uniformity in spot lights. A human factor experiment was performed to evaluate the visual preferences for colors and patterns. A perceived rank order was derived from the subjects’ answers and compared with the four basic functions. The correlation between the perceived rank order and the basic functions was calculated resulting in the definition of the merit function Usl. The application of this function is shown by a comparison of visual evaluations and measurements of LED retrofit spot lamps. The results enable a prediction of color uniformity levels of simulations and measurements concerning the visual perception. The function provides a possibility to evaluate the far field of spot lights without individual subjective judgment. © (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.


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La iluminación con diodos emisores de luz (LED) está reemplazando cada vez en mayor medida a las fuentes de luz tradicionales. La iluminación LED ofrece ventajas en eficiencia, consumo de energía, diseño, tamaño y calidad de la luz. Durante más de 50 años, los investigadores han estado trabajando en mejoras LED. Su principal relevancia para la iluminación está aumentando rápidamente. Esta tesis se centra en un campo de aplicación importante, como son los focos. Se utilizan para enfocar la luz en áreas definidas, en objetos sobresalientes en condiciones profesionales. Esta iluminación de alto rendimiento requiere una calidad de luz definida, que incluya temperaturas ajustables de color correlacionadas (CCT), de alto índice de reproducción cromática (CRI), altas eficiencias, y colores vivos y brillantes. En el paquete LED varios chips de diferentes colores (rojo, azul, fósforo convertido) se combinan para cumplir con la distribución de energía espectral con alto CRI. Para colimar la luz en los puntos concretos deseados con un ángulo de emisión determinado, se utilizan blancos sintonizables y diversos colores de luz y ópticas secundarias. La combinación de una fuente LED de varios colores con elementos ópticos puede causar falta de homogeneidad cromática en la distribución espacial y angular de la luz, que debe resolverse en el diseño óptico. Sin embargo, no hay necesidad de uniformidad perfecta en el punto de luz debido al umbral en la percepción visual del ojo humano. Por lo tanto, se requiere una descripción matemática del nivel de uniformidad del color con respecto a la percepción visual. Esta tesis está organizada en siete capítulos. Después de un capítulo inicial que presenta la motivación que ha guiado la investigación de esta tesis, en el capítulo 2 se presentan los fundamentos científicos de la uniformidad del color en luces concentradas, como son: el espacio de color aplicado CIELAB, la percepción visual del color, los fundamentos de diseño de focos respecto a los motores de luz y ópticas no formadoras de imágenes, y los últimos avances en la evaluación de la uniformidad del color en el campo de los focos. El capítulo 3 desarrolla diferentes métodos para la descripción matemática de la distribución espacial del color en un área definida, como son la diferencia de color máxima, la desviación media del color, el gradiente de la distribución espacial de color, así como la suavidad radial y axial. Cada función se refiere a los diferentes factores que influyen en la visión, los cuales necesitan un tratamiento distinto que el de los datos que se tendrán en cuenta, además de funciones de ponderación que pre- y post-procesan los datos simulados o medidos para la reducción del ruido, la luminancia de corte, la aplicación de la ponderación de luminancia, la función de sensibilidad de contraste, y la función de distribución acumulativa. En el capítulo 4, se obtiene la función de mérito Usl para la estimación de la uniformidad del color percibida en focos. Se basó en los resultados de dos conjuntos de experimentos con factor humano realizados para evaluar la percepción visual de los sujetos de los patrones de focos típicos. El primer experimento con factor humano dio lugar al orden de importancia percibida de los focos. El orden de rango percibido se utilizó para correlacionar las descripciones matemáticas de las funciones básicas y la función ponderada sobre la distribución espacial del color, que condujo a la función Usl. El segundo experimento con factor humano probó la percepción de los focos bajo condiciones ambientales diversas, con el objetivo de proporcionar una escala absoluta para Usl, para poder así sustituir la opinión subjetiva personal de los individuos por una función de mérito estandarizada. La validación de la función Usl se presenta en relación con el alcance de la aplicación y condiciones, así como las limitaciones y restricciones que se realizan en el capítulo 5. Se compararon los datos medidos y simulados de varios sistemas ópticos. Se discuten los campos de aplicación , así como validaciones y restricciones de la función. El capítulo 6 presenta el diseño del sistema de focos y su optimización. Una evaluación muestra el análisis de sistemas basados en el reflector y la lente TIR. Los sistemas ópticos simulados se comparan en la uniformidad del color Usl, sensibilidad a las sombras coloreadas, eficiencia e intensidad luminosa máxima. Se ha comprobado que no hay un sistema único que obtenga los mejores resultados en todas las categorías, y que una excelente uniformidad de color se pudo alcanzar por la conjunción de dos sistemas diferentes. Finalmente, el capítulo 7 presenta el resumen de esta tesis y la perspectiva para investigar otros aspectos. ABSTRACT Illumination with light-emitting diodes (LED) is more and more replacing traditional light sources. They provide advantages in efficiency, energy consumption, design, size and light quality. For more than 50 years, researchers have been working on LED improvements. Their main relevance for illumination is rapidly increasing. This thesis is focused on one important field of application which are spotlights. They are used to focus light on defined areas, outstanding objects in professional conditions. This high performance illumination required a defined light quality including tunable correlated color temperatures (CCT), high color rendering index (CRI), high efficiencies and bright, vivid colors. Several differently colored chips (red, blue, phosphor converted) in the LED package are combined to meet spectral power distribution with high CRI, tunable white and several light colors and secondary optics are used to collimate the light into the desired narrow spots with defined angle of emission. The combination of multi-color LED source and optical elements may cause chromatic inhomogeneities in spatial and angular light distribution which needs to solved at the optical design. However, there is no need for perfect uniformity in the spot light due to threshold in visual perception of human eye. Therefore, a mathematical description of color uniformity level with regard to visual perception is required. This thesis is organized seven seven chapters. After an initial one presenting the motivation that has guided the research of this thesis, Chapter 2 introduces the scientific basics of color uniformity in spot lights including: the applied color space CIELAB, the visual color perception, the spotlight design fundamentals with regards to light engines and nonimaging optics, and the state of the art for the evaluation of color uniformity in the far field of spotlights. Chapter 3 develops different methods for mathematical description of spatial color distribution in a defined area, which are the maximum color difference, the average color deviation, the gradient of spatial color distribution as well as the radial and axial smoothness. Each function refers to different visual influencing factors, and they need different handling of data be taken into account, along with weighting functions which pre- and post-process the simulated or measured data for noise reduction, luminance cutoff, the implementation of luminance weighting, contrast sensitivity function, and cumulative distribution function. In chapter 4, the merit function Usl for the estimation of the perceived color uniformity in spotlights is derived. It was based on the results of two sets of human factor experiments performed to evaluate the visual perception of typical spotlight patterns by subjects. The first human factor experiment resulted in the perceived rank order of the spotlights. The perceived rank order was used to correlate the mathematical descriptions of basic functions and weighted function concerning the spatial color distribution, which lead to the Usl function. The second human factor experiment tested the perception of spotlights under varied environmental conditions, with to objective to provide an absolute scale for Usl, so the subjective personal opinion of individuals could be replaced by a standardized merit function. The validation of the Usl function is presented concerning the application range and conditions as well as limitations and restrictions in carried out in chapter 5. Measured and simulated data of various optical several systems were compared. Fields of applications are discussed as well as validations and restrictions of the function. Chapter 6 presents spotlight system design and their optimization. An evaluation shows the analysis of reflector-based and TIR lens systems. The simulated optical systems are compared in color uniformity Usl , sensitivity to colored shadows, efficiency, and peak luminous intensity. It has been found that no single system which performed best in all categories, and that excellent color uniformity could be reached by two different system assemblies. Finally, chapter 7 summarizes the conclusions of the present thesis and an outlook for further investigation topics.


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A study is presented of the effects of temperature non-uniformity in a distributed temperature sensor based on the temperature dependence of Brillouin gain in an optical fibre. The form of the Brillouin gain profile for a given temperature distribution is measured and successfully modelled.


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A study is presented of the effects of temperature non-uniformity in a distributed temperature sensor based on the temperature dependence of Brillouin gain in an optical fibre. The form of the Brillouin gain profile for a given temperature distribution is measured and successfully modelled.


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An organism living in water, and present at low density, may be distributed at random and therefore, samples taken from the water are likely to be distributed according to the Poisson distribution. The distribution of many organisms, however, is not random, individuals being either aggregated into clusters or more uniformly distributed. By fitting a Poisson distribution to data, it is only possible to test the hypothesis that an observed set of frequencies does not deviate significantly from an expected random pattern. Significant deviations from random, either as a result of increasing uniformity or aggregation, may be recognized by either rejection of the random hypothesis or by examining the variance/mean (V/M) ratio of the data. Hence, a V/M ratio not significantly different from unity indicates a random distribution, greater than unity a clustered distribution, and less then unity a regular or uniform distribution . If individual cells are clustered, however, the negative binomial distribution should provide a better description of the data. In addition, a parameter of this distribution, viz., the binomial exponent (k), may be used as a measure of the ‘intensity’ of aggregation present. Hence, this Statnote describes how to fit the negative binomial distribution to counts of a microorganism in samples taken from a freshwater environment.


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The common use of phosphate fertilizers NPK and amendments in sugar cane crops in Brazilian agriculture may increase the Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 activity concentrations in soils and their availability for plants and human food chain. Thus, the main aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 in soils and sugar cane crops in the Corumbatai river basin, São Paulo State, Brazil. The gamma spectrometry was utilized to measure the Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 activity concentration in all samples. The soil-to-sugar cane transfer factors (TF) were quantified using the ratio between the radionuclide activity concentration in sugar cane and its activity concentration in soil. The results show that, although radionuclides incorporated in phosphate fertilizers and amendments are annually added in the sugar cane crops, if utilized in accordance with the recommended rates, their use does not lead to hazards levels in soils. The soil-to-sugar cane transfer of radionuclides occurred in the following order K-40 > Ra-226 > Th-232. Therefore, under these conditions, radionuclides intake through consumption of sugar is not hazardous to human health. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To develop and validate a simple, efficient and reliable Liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method for the quantitative determination of two dermatological drugs, Lamisil® (terbinafine) and Proscar® (finasteride), in split tablet dosage form. Methods: Thirty tablets each of the 2 studied medications were randomly selected. Tablets were weighed and divided into 3 groups. Ten tablets of each drug were kept intact, another group of 10 tablets were manually split into halves using a tablet cutter and weighed with an analytical balance; a third group were split into quarters and weighed. All intact and split tablets were individually dissolved in a water: methanol mixture (4:1), sonicated, filtered and further diluted with mobile phase. Optimal chromatographic separation and mass spectrometric detection were achieved using an Agilent 1200 HPLC system coupled with an Agilent 6410 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Analytes were eluted through an Agilent eclipse plus C8 analytical column (150 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) with a mobile phase composed of solvent A (water) containing 0.1% formic acid and 5mM ammonium formate pH 7.5, and solvent B (acetonitrile mixed with water in a ratio A:B 55:45) at a flow rate of 0.8 mL min-1 with a total run time of 12 min. Mass spectrometric detection was carried out using positive ionization mode with analyte quantitation monitored by multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. Results: The proposed analytical method proved to be specific, robust and adequately sensitive. The results showed a good linear fit over the concentration range of 20 - 100 ng mL-1 for both analytes, with a correlation coefficient (r2) ≥ 0.999 and 0.998 for finasteride and terbinafine, respectively. Following tablet splitting, the drug content of the split tablets fell outside of the proxy USP specification for at least 14 halves (70 %) and 34 quarters (85 %) of FIN, as well as 16 halves (80 %) and 37 quarters (92.5 %) of TBN. Mean weight loss, after splitting, was 0.58 and 2.22 % for FIN half- and quarter tablets, respectively, and 3.96 and 4.09 % for TBN half- and quarter tablets,respectively. Conclusion: The proposed LC-MS/MS method has successfully been used to provide precise drug content uniformity of split tablets of FIN and TBN. Unequal distribution of the drug on the split tablets is indicated by the high standard deviation beyond the accepted value. Hence, it is recommended not to split non-scored tablets especially, for those medications with significant toxicity


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The particulate matter distribution (PM) trends that exist in catalyzed particulate filters (CPFs) after loading, passive oxidation, active regeneration, and post loading conditions are not clearly understood. These data are required to optimize the operation of CPFs, prevent damage to the CPFs caused by non-uniform distributions, and develop accurate CPF models. To develop an understanding of PM distribution trends, multiple tests were conducted and the PM distribution was measured in three dimensions using a terahertz wave scanner. The results of this work indicate that loading, passive oxidation, active regeneration, and post loading can all cause non-uniform PM distributions. The density of the PM in the substrate after loading and the amount of PM that is oxidized during passive oxidations and active regenerations affect the uniformity of the distribution. Post loading that occurs after active regenerations result in distributions that are less uniform than post loading that occurs after passive oxidations.


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Property taxes serve as a vital revenue source for local governments. The revenues derived from the property tax function as the primary funding source for a variety of critical local public service systems. Property tax appeal systems serve as quasi-administrative-judicial mechanisms intended to assure the public that property tax assessments are correct, fair, and equitable. Despite these important functions, there is a paucity of empirical research related to property tax appeal systems. This study contributes to property tax literature by identifying who participates in the property tax appeal process and examining their motivations for participation. In addition, the study sought to determine whether patterns of use and success in appeal systems affected the distribution of the tax burden. Data were collected by means of a survey distributed to single-family property owners from two Florida counties. In addition, state and county documents were analyzed to determine appeal patterns and examine the impact on assessment uniformity, over a three-year period. The survey data provided contextual evidence that single-family property owners are not as troubled by property taxes as they are by the conduct of local government officials. The analyses of the decision to appeal indicated that more expensive properties and properties excluded from initial uniformity analyses were more likely to be appealed, while properties with homestead exemptions were less likely to be appealed. The value change analyses indicated that appeals are clustered in certain geographical areas; however, these areas do not always experience a greater percentage of the value changes. Interestingly, professional representation did not increase the probability of obtaining a reduction in value. Other relationships between the variables were discovered, but often with weak predictive ability. Findings from the assessment uniformity analyses were also interesting. The results indicated that the appeals mechanisms in both counties improved assessment uniformity. On average, appealed properties exhibited greater horizontal and vertical inequities, as compared to non-appealed properties, prior to the appeals process. After, the appeal process was completed; the indicators of horizontal and vertical equity were largely improved. However, there were some indications of regressivity in the final year of the study.