927 resultados para fauna and flora


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This present work study on water quality and benthic Macro invertebrate in Gorganrood, river. The research was carried out at 6 sampling site and the abundance and diversity of benthos were monitored along the length of river between 2007_2008_14 families were recorded in phyla, namely Annelidae, Mollusca,.... The greatest number of species was at 1 st station and the least number was at 6th station. The upper section supported more diverse community then the lower section. A low macro invertebrate abundance was observed during spring as a result of heavy rainfall and flood, and generally in all lowest section because of high valve of nitrogen and other nutrients. Water physiochemical parameters such as Phosphate, Nitrate,TPS and others were measured and water quality were studied through different indices such as saprobic system, Helsinhoff (FBI), BMWP and the results were compared and evaluated by physical chemical and parameters. The result indicated that the water quality in the up stream and the middle were good to fair, but the down stream qualities were pour at all sites.


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The priorities for the revised National Plan of Action include: strengthening current regulations; improved data collection of landings; identifying breeding and nursery grounds; study of ecology and biology of sharks; improved data acquisition of shark products and trade; and active enforcement at sea, landing sites and markets.


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Lake Victoria in East Africa, supports socio-economically important fisheries for more than 30 million inhabitants in the lake basin. The lake had until the 1970's a diverse fish assemblage dominated by haplochromines species which formed at least 83% of the fish biomass (Kudhongania & Cordone 1974). The more than 500 haplochromine species in Lake Victoria, over 99% of them endemic, exploited virtually all the food sources in the lake (Witte and van Oijen 1990). Each species had its own unique combination of food and habitat preference (Goldschmidt et al., 1990).


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Biological diversity of an ecosystem is considered a reliable measure of the state of health of the ecosystem. In Uganda's large lakes, the Victoria and Kyoga, the past three decades have been characterized by profound changes in fish species composition following the introduction of the piscivorous Nile perch (Oguto-Ohwayo 1990). Over 300 haplochromine cichlid species comprising a wide range of trophic groups were lost along with a host of non-cichlid fishes which occupied virtually all available ecological niches and in the lakes (Witte 1992). A second major ecological event has been the gradual nutrient enrichment of the water bodies (eutrophication) from diffuse and point sources, while at the same time pollutants have also gained entrance into the water systems in pace with indusfrial development and human population increases in the lake basins. Eutrophication and pollution have drastically altered the physical and-chemical character of the water medium in which different fauna and flora thrive. In Lake Victoria these alterations have resulted in changes of algal species composition from pristine community dominated by chlorophytes and diatoms (Melosira etc) to one composed largely of blue-green algae or Cyanobacteria (Microcystis, Anabaena, Planktolyngbya etc) (Mugidde 1993, Hecky 1993).


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There have been considerable changes in fish species composition in Lakes victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo since the Nile perch were introduced. Populations of most of the native species have declined and many species may have become extinct. The original decline in the fish stocks was due to overfishing but the recent and more drastic decline has been attributed to predation by the Nile perch. Nile perch feeds on invertebrates changing to a piscivorous diet with size. Haplochromine cichlids, which were the most abundant fish in Lakes Victoria just before the Nile perch populations started increasing rapidly have been depleted. As more suitable types of prey were depleted in the new habi tats, Nile perch switched to other prey types to the extent of feeding even on its own young. There are, fears that the Nile perch will overshoot its food supply, resulting in a reduction of its own population and subsequently a collapse in the fishery (FAD 1985).


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Coastal systems, such as rocky shores, are among the most heavily anthropogenically-impacted marine ecosystems and are also among the most productive in terms of ecosystem functioning. One of the greatest impacts on coastal ecosystems is nutrient enrichment from human activities such as agricultural run-off and discharge of sewage. The aim of this study was to identify and characterise potential effects of sewage discharges on the biotic diversity of rocky shores and to test current tools for assessing the ecological status of rocky shores in line with the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). A sampling strategy was designed to test for effects of sewage outfalls on rocky shore assemblages on the east coast of Ireland and to identify the scale of the putative impact. In addition, a separate sampling programme based on the Reduced algal Species List (RSL), the current WFD monitoring tool for rocky shores in Ireland and the UK, was also completed by identifying algae and measuring percent cover in replicate samples on rocky shores during Summer. There was no detectable effect of sewage outfalls on benthic taxon diversity or assemblage structure. However, spatial variability of assemblages was greater at sites proximal or adjacent to sewage outfalls compared to shores without sewage outfalls present. Results based on the RSL, show that algal assemblages were not affected by the presence of sewage outfalls, except when classed into functional groups when variability was greater at the sites with sewage outfalls. A key finding of both surveys, was the prevalence of spatial and temporal variation of assemblages. It is recommended that future metrics of ecological status are based on quantified sampling designs, incorporate changes in variability of assemblages (indicative of community stability), consider shifts in assemblage structure and include both benthic fauna and flora to assess the status of rocky shores.


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Esta investigación tiene como objetico explicar por qué Greenpece y Sea Shepherd tienen interés en intervenir en la conservación y uso de las focas arpas en Canadá. Se defenderá el papel que han ejercido las ONG como la promulgación de la información,pero no se han generado soluciones para otras problemáticas que tiene la especie. La presente es una investigación cualitativa, ya que se ahondara en la caza de focas arpas, y como diseño metodológico se tendrá en cuenta fuentes primarias, como los tratados internacionales, como La Conservación Sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestre. A su vez se enfocara en los conceptos de interés, influencia y estrategia basados en las teorías criticas de relaciones internacionales.


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Elephant poaching and the ivory trade remain high on the agenda at meetings of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Well-informed debates require robust estimates of trends, the spatial distribution of poaching, and drivers of poaching. We present an analysis of trends and drivers of an indicator of elephant poaching of all elephant species. The site-based monitoring system known as Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE), set up by the 10th Conference of the Parties of CITES in 1997, produces carcass encounter data reported mainly by anti-poaching patrols. Data analyzed were site by year totals of 6,337 carcasses from 66 sites in Africa and Asia from 2002–2009. Analysis of these observational data is a serious challenge to traditional statistical methods because of the opportunistic and non-random nature of patrols, and the heterogeneity across sites. Adopting a Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach, we used the proportion of carcasses that were illegally killed (PIKE) as a poaching index, to estimate the trend and the effects of site- and country-level factors associated with poaching. Important drivers of illegal killing that emerged at country level were poor governance and low levels of human development, and at site level, forest cover and area of the site in regions where human population density is low. After a drop from 2002, PIKE remained fairly constant from 2003 until 2006, after which it increased until 2008. The results for 2009 indicate a decline. Sites with PIKE ranging from the lowest to the highest were identified. The results of the analysis provide a sound information base for scientific evidence-based decision making in the CITES process.


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Results of fauna and vegetation surveys conducted around Portland Aluminium smelter between 1979 and 2004 found small mammal abundance and diversity had declined and changes in vegetation communities were related to changes in fire patterns, vegetation fragmentation and weed invasion. Small mammal numbers were greater in nearby National Parks.