830 resultados para family history of hypertension


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Rapport de synthèse : L'histoire familiale reflète non seulement la susceptibilité génétique d'un individu à certaines maladies mais également ses comportements et habitudes, notamment partagées au sein d'une famille. L'hypertension artérielle, le diabète et l'hypercholestérolémie sont des facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaire modifiables hautement prévalent. L'association entre l'histoire familiale d'hypertension artérielle ou de diabète et le risque accru de développer de l'hypertension artérielle ou du diabète, respectivement, a été préalablement établie. Par contre, le lien entre l'histoire familiale de facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaire et les traits continus correspondants n'avaient jamais été mis clairement en évidence. De même, la signification d'une histoire familiale inconnue n'avait jusqu'alors pas été décrite. Ce travail, effectué dans le cadre de l'étude Colaus (Cohorte Lausannoise), une cohorte regroupant un échantillon composé de 6102 participants âgés de 35 à 75 ans sélectionnés au hasard dans la population lausannoise, a permis de décrire en détail la relation entre l'histoire familiale des facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaires et les trait correspondants dans la population étudiée. Les différentes analyses statistiques ont permis de mettre en évidence une relation forte entre l'histoire familiale d'hypertension artérielle, de diabète ainsi que de l'hypercholestérolémie et leurs traits dichotomique et continu correspondants. Les anamnèses des frères et soeurs avaient des valeurs prédictives positives plus élevées que les anamnèses parentales. Ceci signifie que les programmes de dépistage ne prenant en compte que l'histoire familiale des frères et soeurs seraient probablement plus efficaces que ceux qui comportent l'évaluation des anamnèses paternelle et maternelle. Plus de 40% des participants ignoraient l'histoire familiale d'hypertension d'au moins un des membres de leur famille. Ceux-ci avaient des valeurs de tension artérielle systolique plus élevées que ceux dont l'histoire familiale était négative, permettant de souligner la valeur prédictive du fait de ne pas connaître l'histoire familiale d'hypertension artérielle. Ces résultats montrent également que, lors d'analyses de la relation entre l'anamnèse familiale de facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires et leurs traits correspondants, les participants donnant des réponses négatives doivent être distingués de ceux qui ne connaissent pas leur anamnèse familiale. Les résultats de cette étude confirment la place centrale qu'occupe l'anamnèse familiale dans l'évaluation du risque cardio-vasculaire auprès de la population générale. L'importance de cet outil prédictif simple et bon marché ne va cesser d'augmenter avec la disponibilité croissante d'information génétique détaillée pour les maladies cardiovasculaires communes.


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Sun exposure is the main environmental risk factor for melanoma, but the timing of exposure during life that confers increased risk is controversial. Here we provide the first report of the association between lifetime and age-specific cumulative ultraviolet exposure and cutaneous melanoma in Queensland, Australia, an area of high solar radiation, and examine the association separately for families at high, intermediate and low familial melanoma risk. Subjects were a population-based sample of melanoma cases diagnosed and registered in Queensland between 1982 and 1990 and their relatives. The analysis included 1,263 cases and relatives with confirmed cutaneous melanoma and 3,111 first-degree relatives without melanoma as controls. Data an lifetime residence and sun exposure, family history and other melanoma risk factors were collected by a mailed questionnaire. Using conditional multiple logistic regression with stratification by family, cumulative sun exposure in childhood and in adulthood after age 20 was significantly associated with melanoma, with estimated relative risks of 1.15 per 5,000 minimal erythemal doses (MEDs) from age 5 to 12 years, and 1.52 per 5 MEDs/day from age 20. There was no association with sun exposure in families at high familial melanoma risk. History of nonmelanoma skin cancer (relative risk [RR] = 1.26) and multiple sunburns (RR = 1.31) were significant risk factors. These findings indicate that sun exposure in childhood and in adulthood are important determinants of melanoma but not in those rare families with high melanoma susceptibility, in which genetic factors are likely to be more important. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the intraobserver reliability of the information about the history of diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. METHODS: A multidimensional health questionnaire, which was filled out by the interviewees, was applied twice with an interval of 2 weeks, in July '99, to 192 employees of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), stratified by sex, age, and educational level. The intraobserver reliability of the answers provided was estimated by the kappa statistic and by the coefficient of intraclass correlation (CICC). RESULTS: The general kappa (k) statistic was 0.75 (95% CI=0.73-0.77). Reliability was higher among females (k=0.88, 95% CI=0.85-0.91) than among males (k=0.62, 95% CI=0.59-0.65).The reliability was higher among individuals 40 years of age or older (k=0.79; 95% CI=0.73-0.84) than those from 18 to 39 years (k=0.52; 95% CI=0.45-0.57). Finally, the kappa statistic was higher among individuals with a university educational level (k=0.86; 95% CI=0.81-0.91) than among those with high school educational level (k=0.61; 95% CI=0.53-0.70) or those with middle school educational level (k=0.68; 95% CI=0.64-0.72). The coefficient of intraclass correlation estimated by the intraobserver agreement in regard to age at the time of the diagnosis of hypertension was 0.74. A perfect agreement between the 2 answers (k=1.00) was observed for 22 interviewees who reported prior prescription of antihypertensive medication. CONCLUSION: In the population studied, estimates of the reliability of the history of medical diagnosis of hypertension and its treatment ranged from substantial to almost perfect reliability.


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Diagnostic information on children is typically elicited from both children and their parents. The aims of the present paper were to: (1) compare prevalence estimates according to maternal reports, paternal reports and direct interviews of children [major depressive disorder (MDD), anxiety and attention-deficit and disruptive behavioural disorders]; (2) assess mother-child, father-child and inter-parental agreement for these disorders; (3) determine the association between several child, parent and familial characteristics and the degree of diagnostic agreement or the likelihood of parental reporting; (4) determine the predictive validity of diagnostic information provided by parents and children. Analyses were based on 235 mother-offspring, 189 father-offspring and 128 mother-father pairs. Diagnostic assessment included the Kiddie-schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS) (offspring) and the Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) (parents and offspring at follow-up) interviews. Parental reports were collected using the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC). Analyses revealed: (1) prevalence estimates for internalizing disorders were generally lower according to parental information than according to the K-SADS; (2) mother-child and father-child agreement was poor and within similar ranges; (3) parents with a history of MDD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) reported these disorders in their children more frequently; (4) in a sub-sample followed-up into adulthood, diagnoses of MDD, separation anxiety and conduct disorder at baseline concurred with the corresponding lifetime diagnosis at age 19 according to the child rather than according to the parents. In conclusion, our findings support large discrepancies of diagnostic information provided by parents and children with generally lower reporting of internalizing disorders by parents, and differential reporting of depression and ADHD by parental disease status. Follow-up data also supports the validity of information provided by adolescent offspring.


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The CD209 gene family that encodes C-type lectins in primates includes CD209 (DC-SIGN), CD209L (L-SIGN) and CD209L2. Understanding the evolution of these genes can help understand the duplication events generating this family, the process leading to the repeated neck region and identify protein domains under selective pressure. We compiled sequences from 14 primates representing 40 million years of evolution and from three non-primate mammal species. Phylogenetic analyses used Bayesian inference, and nucleotide substitutional patterns were assessed by codon-based maximum likelihood. Analyses suggest that CD209 genes emerged from a first duplication event in the common ancestor of anthropoids, yielding CD209L2 and an ancestral CD209 gene, which, in turn, duplicated in the common Old World primate ancestor, giving rise to CD209L and CD209. K(A)/K(S) values averaged over the entire tree were 0.43 (CD209), 0.52 (CD209L) and 0.35 (CD209L2), consistent with overall signatures of purifying selection. We also assessed the Toll-like receptor (TLR) gene family, which shares with CD209 genes a common profile of evolutionary constraint. The general feature of purifying selection of CD209 genes, despite an apparent redundancy (gene absence and gene loss), may reflect the need to faithfully recognize a multiplicity of pathogen motifs, commensals and a number of self-antigens


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compiled by Elias Ullmann


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History of the Cotton family with biographical information on Cotton, his mother, father, siblings, and some distant relations, including information on the Rosseter family, his mother's family line; often with transcripts of family letters. Also contains further genealogical information added by a later hand.


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"2nd ed." on cover.


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Blank pages at end for "Family record".