999 resultados para falun 2015


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The JoMeC Network project had three key objectives. These were to: 1. Benchmark the pedagogical elements of journalism, media and communication (JoMeC) programs at Australian universities in order to develop a set of minimum academic standards, to be known as Threshold Learning Outcomes (TLOs), which would applicable to the disciplines of Journalism, Communication and/or Media Studies, and Public Relations; 2. Build a learning and teaching network of scholars across the JoMeC disciplines to support collaboration, develop leadership potential among educators, and progress shared priorities; 3. Create an online resources hub to support learning and teaching excellence and foster leadership in learning and teaching in the JoMeC disciplines. In order to benchmark the pedagogical elements of the JoMeC disciplines, the project started with a comprehensive review of the disciplinary settings of journalism, media and communication-related programs within Higher Education in Australia plus an analysis of capstone units (or subjects) offered in JoMeC-related degrees. This audit revealed a diversity of degree titles, disciplinary foci, projected career outcomes and pedagogical styles in the 36 universities that offered JoMeC-related degrees in 2012, highlighting the difficulties of classifying the JoMeC disciplines collectively or singularly. Instead of attempting to map all disciplines related to journalism, media and communication, the project team opted to create generalised TLOs for these fields, coupled with detailed TLOs for bachelor-level qualifications in three selected JoMeC disciplines: Journalism, Communication and/or Media Studies, and Public Relations. The initial review’s outcomes shaped the methodology that was used to develop the TLOs. Given the complexity of the JoMeC disciplines and the diversity of degrees across the network, the project team deployed an issue-framing process to create TLO statements. This involved several phases, including discussions with an issue-framing team (an advisory group of representatives from different disciplinary areas); research into accreditation requirements and industry-produced materials about employment expectations; evaluation of learning outcomes from universities across Australia; reviews of scholarly literature; as well as input from disciplinary leaders in a variety of forms. Draft TLOs were refined after further consultation with industry stakeholders and the academic community via email, telephone interviews, and meetings and public forums at conferences. This process was used to create a set of common TLOs for JoMeC disciplines in general and extended TLO statements for the specific disciplines of Journalism and Public Relations. A TLO statement for Communication and/or Media Studies remains in draft form. The Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) and Journalism Education and Research Association of Australian (JERAA) have agreed to host meetings to review, revise and further develop the TLOs. The aim is to support the JoMeC Network’s sustainability and the TLOs’ future development and use.


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This paper presents an overview of the 6th ALTA shared task that ran in 2015. The task was to identify in English texts all the potential cognates from the perspective of the French language. In other words, identify all the words in the English text that would acceptably translate into a similar word in French. We present the motivations for the task, the description of the data and the results of the 4 participating teams. We discuss the results against a baseline and prior work.


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The concept of digital citizenship has become increasingly important to our understanding of the relationship between media and political action, and the possibilities for democratization, decentralization, and diversification of power offered by the Internet. In the era of the digitalization of just about everything, citizenship and its related concepts are in processes of technology-driven transformation, with important implications for the global future of democratic culture. Isin and Ruppert’s book is a timely engagement with these questions, and with the emerging notion of the “digital subject.”


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In a recent work [U. Harbola, B. K. Agrawalla, and S. Mukamel, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 074107 (2014)], we have presented a superoperator (Liouville space) diagrammatic formulation of spontaneous and stimulated optical signals from current-carrying molecular junctions. We computed the diagrams that contribute to the spontaneous light emission SLE (fluorescence and Raman) signal using a diagrammatic method which clearly distinguishes between the Raman and the fluorescence contributions. We pointed out some discrepancies with the work of Galperin, Ratner and Nitzan (GRN) [M. Galperin, M. A. Ratner and, A. Nitzan, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 144109 (2009)]. In their response [M. Galperin, M. A. Ratner and A. Nitzan, “Comment on‘ Frequency-domain stimulated and spontaneous light emission signals at molecular junctions’” [J. Chem. Phys. 141, 074107 (2014)], J. Chem. Phys. 142, 137101 (2015)] to our work, GRN have argued that there are no differences in the choice of Raman diagrams in both works. Here we reply to their points and show where the differences exist.


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Occurrence of the April 25, 2015 (Mw 7.8) earthquake near Gorkha, central Nepal, and another one that followed on May 12 (Mw 7.3), located similar to 140 km to its east, provides an exceptional opportunity to understand some new facets of Himalayan earthquakes. Here we attempt to assess the seismotectonics of these earthquakes based on the deformational field generated by these events, along with the spatial and temporal characteristics of their aftershocks. When integrated with some of the post-earthquake field observations, including the localization of damage and surface deformation, it became obvious that although the mainshock slip was mostly limited to the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT), the rupture did not propagate to the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT). Field evidence, supported by the available InSAR imagery of the deformation field, suggests that a component of slip could have emerged through a previously identified out-of-sequence thrust/active thrust in the region that parallels the Main Central Thrust (MCT), known in the literature as a co-linear physiographic transitional zone called PT2. Termination of the first rupture, triggering of the second large earthquake, and distribution of aftershocks are also spatially constrained by the eastern extremity of PT2. Mechanism of the 2015 sequence demonstrates that the out-of-sequence thrusts may accommodate part of the slip, an aspect that needs to be considered in the current understanding of the mechanism of earthquakes originating on the MHT. (c) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A discussion has been provided for the comments raised by the discusser (Clausen, 2015)1] on the article recently published by the authors (Chakraborty and Kumar, 2015). The effect of exponent alpha for values of GSI approximately smaller than 30 becomes more critical. On the other hand, for greater values of GSI, the results obtained by the authors earlier remain primarily independent of alpha and can be easily used. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Contenido: El azaroso viaje de la hispanidad en nuestra Argentina de hoy / Javier Roberto González -- Viajes en palabras : entre historias de vidas y de culturas / Sofía Carrizo Rueda -- "Fuesse paral Papa et contól la sua fazienda" : la escritura ejemplar del viaje en el Conde Lucanor / Juan Paredes -- La poética del libro de viaje entre la Edad Media y el siglo XXI / Julio Peñate Rivero -- Relatos de viaje y paradigmas culturales / Luis Alburquerque García -- Espacio y desplazamiento en el viaje de Santa Oria / Javier Roberto González -- El inédito Ms. BNM 17.806 y los itinerarios de la Sagrada Escritura : edición y estudio de un texto ignorado / María Mercedes Rodríguez Temperley -- Dilemas del paraíso : viaje, utopía y mundanidad en la literatura árabe / Daniel Del Percio -- El viaje dantesco y su funcionalidad metapoética en El sueño y el Infierno de los enamorados del Marqués de Santillana / Cinthia Hamlin -- La aventura no cumplida : el camino del caballero andante hacia el ocaso / Mónica Nasif -- Benjamín de Tudela y los motivos del viaje : la educación del judío y el encuentro con la propia identidad a través del otro / María Gabriela Pauer -- El motivo del viaje en la literatura de sentencias / Alicia Esther Ramadori -- La travesía del caballero andante : mapas e itinerarios en el Amadis de Gaula / María del Rosario Valenzuela Munguía -- El viaje del héroe en el Libro del caballero Zifar, el caso de Zifar y Roboán / Simón Andrés Villegas -- La dinámica del viaje en el contexto del Ms. Esc. K-III-4 : Libro de Apolonio, Vida de Santa María Egipciaca, Libro de los tres reyes de Oriente -- Reseñas


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Contenido: El acto de ser en la distinción hombre y persona de Santo Tomás de Aquino / Eudaldo Forment -- Verba Doctoris : la fecundidad educativa de las palabras del maestro / Enrique Martínez -- Las fuentes modernas del concepto de religión en Cornelio Fabro / Marco Jonás Mikalonis -- Filosofando en medio del caos / Hugo F. Velázquez -- El Espíritu Santo en la Teología de Santo Tomás de Aquino / Leo J. Elders -- El mandamiento supremo : una provocación / Heribert Boeder -- La angustia esencial y alegría del amor / Ángel García de Bertolacci -- La synderesis como fundamento de la ética y la política / Daniel Torres Cox -- ¿A quién esperar en tiempos de crisis? : entre Benedicto XVI, MacIntyre, San Agustín y Santo Tomás / Ignacio Serrano del Pozo -- Agustín de Hipona: bienes creados y felicidad / Ignacio López -- Bibliografía