789 resultados para face-to-face interviews
Whilst previous research on Human Resource Management (HRM) in subsidiaries of multinational companies (MNCs) has focused extensively on the HRM practices that exist in foreign subsidiaries and the extent to which they resemble MNC home country and/or local host country practices, considerably less attention has been directed at the question of how these practices come to exist. Accordingly, this thesis aims to shed light on the processes that shape HRM practices and capabilities in MNC subsidiaries. The main contribution of the thesis is the focus on how; how HRM practices are integrated in MNC subsidiaries, and how subsidiary HRM capabilities are developed through involvement in social networks. Furthermore, this thesis includes a time aspect which, despite not being purely longitudinal, provides an indication of the ongoing changes in HRM in MNC subsidiaries in China. Data for this study were collected in 2005-2006 through structured face to face interviews with 153 general managers and HR managers in 87 subsidiaries of European MNCs located in China. Five of the six thesis papers build on this questionnaire data and one paper builds on qualitative data collected at the same time. Two papers build on dual data sets, meaning that they in addition to the abovementioned data include quantitative questionnaire data from 1996 and 1999 respectively. The thesis focuses on the following four sub-questions i) To what extent do subsidiary HRM practices resemble parent MNC and host country practices? How has this changed over time and why? ii) How are HRM practices integrated into MNC subsidiaries and why are certain integration mechanisms used? iii) How does involvement in internal and external social networks influence subsidiary HRM capabilities? iv) What factors influence the strategic role of the subsidiary HR department? Regarding the first sub-question the findings indicate that the HRM practices of MNC subsidiaries in China are converging with both local company practices and parent MNC practices. This is interesting in the sense that it suggests that the isomorphic pressures the subsidiary faces from the MNC and from its local host environment are not always in conflict with each other. Concerning the question of how HRM practices are integrated into MNC subsidiaries and why certain integration mechanisms are used, the thesis provides a fine-grained examination of four mechanisms that MNCs use to integrate HRM practices in subsidiaries. The findings suggest that MNCs use a variety of different integration mechanisms as complements rather than as substitutes for each other. Furthermore, it is apparent that different contextual factors in the subsidiary and the subsidiary-headquarters relationship influence why certain mechanisms are or are not used. The most interesting contribution of the thesis in regard to the third question is that it highlights the importance of network involvement for learning about HRM practices in the Chinese context. Networks with other MNCs in China clearly emerged as particularly important contributors to enhanced HRM capabilities. Finally, concerning the fourth sub-question the findings indicate that the role of the HR department in MNC subsidiaries in China had become more strategic between 1999 and 2006.
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön 2006 julkaiseman vanhustyön ja geriatrisen lääkehoidon kehittämistä koskevan selvityksen yhtenä tärkeänä huolenaiheena oli iäkkäiden lääkehoidon useat epäkohdat, kuten iäkkäitä hoitavien hoitajien lääkeosaamiseen liittyvät puutteet ja ongelmat. Yksi keino parantaa iäkkäitä hoitavien eri tahojen lääkehoito-osaamista on täydennyskoulutus, johon kaikilla sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattiryhmillä on oikeus ja velvollisuus. Täydennyskoulutuksella pystytään myös kehittämään organisaatioiden toimintaa ja tuottamaan uusia, parempia palveluita. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin Lohjan, Siuntion, Inkoon ja Karjalohjan muodostaman sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon yhteistoiminta-alueen LOSTin kotihoidon yksiköiden iäkkäiden lääkehoitoihin liittyviä koulutustarpeita. Tämän tutkimuksen avulla syvennettiin samalle tutkimusryhmälle tehdyn kyselytutkimuksen tuloksia. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin LOST-alueen kotihoidon yksiköiden hoitajille (n=150) farmaseutin lopputyönä tehtyä kyselyaineistoa sekä työntekijöille (n=6) ja esimiehille (n=6) tehtyjä erillisiä ryhmäkeskusteluja. Lisäksi näkökulman laajentamiseksi ja moniammatillisuuden korostamiseksi aineistona käytettiin kotihoidon asiakkaita hoitavien lääkärien (n=4) teemahaastatteluja. Kyselyaineistosta analysoitiin erikseen sairaanhoitajien, lähihoitajien ja kodinhoitajien koulutustarpeet. Samat asiat nousivat esille kunkin ammattiryhmän tuloksissa. Tärkeimpinä lääkehoito-osaamiseen liittyvinä teoreettisina koulutettavina asioina kyselystä nousivat esille iäkkäiden farmakokinetiikka ja lääkkeiden käyttöön liittyvät erityispiirteet, lääkkeiden vaikutukset, lääkkeiden haittavaikutukset sekä lääkkeiden yhteisvaikutukset ja yhteensopivuus. Lisäksi teoreettisista taidoista nousi hoitotyön etiikkaan liittyvät tarkkuus ja huolellisuus työssä. Käytännön taidoista tärkeimpinä koulutettavina aiheina kyselystä nousivat asiakkaiden lääkehoidon ja voinnin seuranta, lääkkeiden jakaminen sekä lääkkeiden annosteluun liittyen se, että annostellaan oikeaa lääkettä ja vahvuutta, oikea annos ja oikeaan aikaan sekä oikeat antotavat. Ryhmäkeskusteluista ja lääkärien teemahaastatteluista haettiin syvempää ymmärrystä kyselyn tuloksiin. Yksi tärkeimmistä tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen löydöksistä oli kotihoidon yhteistyöhön liittyvät epäkohdat. Lääkehoitojen toteuttamista ja seurantaa voitaisiin tulosten perusteella parantaa lääkärien ja kotihoidon hoitajien yhteisellä koulutuksella. Tärkeimpiä sairauksia tai oireita, joihin hoitajat toivoisivat yhteisiä toimintakäytäntöjä, ovat diabetes, sydän- ja verisuonisairaudet, kipu, muistisairaudet sekä psyykensairaudet. Lisäksi koulutusaiheiksi tutkimuksesta nousivat iäkkäiden lääkehoidon erityispiirteet, lääkkeiden antoreitit ja lääkemuodot. Kyselyn sekä ryhmäkeskustelujen ja lääkärien teemahaastattelujen tuloksista tehtiin lopuksi synteesi, jonka lopputuloksena LOST-alueen kotihoidon hoitohenkilöstölle sekä kotihoidon lääkäreille koottiin yhteinen tarvelähtöinen täydennyskoulutussuunnitelma. Suunnitelma tehtiin aineistosta nousseiden koulutusaiheiden pohjalta, eikä siihen lisätty aiheita tutkimuksen ulkopuolelta.
Conventionally, street entrepreneurs were either seen as a residue from a pre-modern era that is gradually disappearing (modernisation theory), or an endeavour into which marginalised populations are driven out of necessity in the absence of alternative ways of securing a livelihood (structuralist theory). In recent years, however, participa-tioninstreetentrepreneurshiphas beenre-read eitherasa rationaleconomicchoice(neo-liberal theory) or as conducted for cultural reasons (post-modern theory). The aim of this paper is to evaluate critically these competing explanations for participation in street entrepreneurship. To do this, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 871 street entrepreneurs in the Indian city of Bangalore during 2010 concerning their reasons for participation in street entrepreneurship. The finding is that no one explanation suffices. Some 12 % explain their participation in street entrepreneurship as necessity-driven, 15 % as traditional ancestral activity, 56 % as a rational economic choice and 17 % as pursued for social or lifestyle reasons. The outcome is a call to combine these previously rival explanations in order to develop a richer and more nuanced theorisation of the multifarious motives for street entrepreneurship in emerging market economies.
A partir do entendimento das novas possibilidades sociais permitidas pela Internet, este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a sociabilidade em redes sociais virtuais a partir do desenvolvimento do capital social entre os membros integrantes destas redes. Buscamos compreender as motivações que possibilitam que as relações sociais sejam construídas e mantidas no e a partir do espaço virtual determinando os fatores que tornam tais relações materializadas no espaço offline. Para tal, realizamos um estudo de caso de uma rede social constituída por motociclistas, o site Tornadeiros. Logramos apreender, o contexto de interação entre os membros desta rede e de que modo o fortalecimento do capital social é propulsor do deslocamento das relações no ambiente virtual para o espaço urbano, determinando a sedimentação de vínculos afetivos entre os indivíduos, inicialmente previstos como banais e efêmeros, dado a lacuna espaço-temporal existente entre estes atores. Para explorar estas dimensões iniciamos o trabalho etnográfico no ciberespaço e posteriormente no espaço urbano. A etnografia no ciberespaço consistiu na aplicação de um questionário online para determinar o perfil dos membros da rede social e na compilação de todo conteúdo de postagens disponível na memória coletiva do site. Os dados compilados foram tratados posteriormente para determinar a topologia da rede de interações entre os membros. Deste material, selecionamos 17 discursos para estudo, articulando a análise dos discursos com as observações produzidas pelo grafo da rede de interações do site. Finalmente, no segundo momento etnográfico, nós confrontamos os resultados com as entrevistas presenciais, tornando possível perceber o estabelecimento e manutenção das relações sociais a partir do capital social desenvolvido nesta rede.
Changes in information behavior in clinical teams after introduction of a clinical librarian service
Urquhart, C., Turner, J., Durbin, J. & Ryan, J. (2007). Changes in information behavior in clinical teams after introduction of a clinical librarian service. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 95(1), 14-22. Available via PubMed central Sponsorship: North Wales NHS Trusts
This study explores the topic of leadership as perceived and practised by public library leaders. Library leaders have a wide-ranging impact on society but have been largely overlooked as the subject of serious study. Prior to this study, only one small interview-based study and five survey-based studies have been undertaken on public library leaders/leadership — all in North America. No study on the topic has been researched and published outside of North America. The current study is the most in-depth study to date, drawing on face-to-face interviews with thirty public library leaders. As this study was undertaken in three national jurisdictions — Ireland, Britain, and America — it is also the first transnational study on the topic. The study investigates library leaders’ perceptions of leadership, and critically explores if head librarians distinguish classic leadership from management practices, both conceptually and in their work lives. In addition to exploring core leadership issues, such as positive or negative traits, the study also investigates the perceptions of library leaders on matters closely connected with their careers. The study investigates the impact of public library leaders on their followers and on the broader society they serve. This study of the perceptions of senior public library leaders, across national boundaries, makes a theoretical contribution not just to leadership in librarianship, but also to the broader theory of library and information science, and in a limited way to the broad corpus of literature on organizational leadership. The study aims to develop an understanding of the perceptions of current leaders in the field of public librarianship. The results of the study show that leadership is a relatively scarce quality in public libraries in Ireland, Britain, and America. Many public library leaders focus on management and administration issues rather than leadership. The study also illustrates that varying leadership styles are practised by the interviewed librarians, and that there are no universal or common traits, even within national boundaries, for effective public library leadership. The implications of the study for both practising librarians and research literatures in librarianship and organizational leadership are also explored and a future research agenda developed.
To investigate the symptom burden experiences of individuals with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). An explanatory sequential mixed methods study was conducted. A cross-sectional, correlational survey was first undertaken. Symptom burden was measured using a modified disease specific version of the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale, which was administered to a consecutive sample of individuals with IBD (n = 247) at an IBD Outpatients department in one urban teaching hospital in Ireland. Disease activity was determined using clinical disease activity indices, which were completed by the consulting physician. A sequential qualitative, descriptive study was then conducted aimed at explaining noteworthy quantitative findings. A criterion-related purposeful sample of seven participants from the quantitative study was recruited. Semi-structured face to face interviews were conducted using an interview guide and data were analysed using content analysis. Findings revealed that participants experienced a median of 10 symptoms during the last week, however as many as 16 symptoms were experienced during active disease. The most burdensome symptoms were lack of energy, bowel urgency, diarrhoea, feeling bloated, flatulence and worry. Total symptom burden was found to be low with a mean score of 0.56 identified out of a possible range from 0 to 4. Participants with active disease (M = 0.81, SD = 0.48; n = 68) had almost double mean total symptom burden scores than participants with inactive disease (M = 0.46, SD = 0.43; n = 166) (p < 0.001). Mean total psychological symptom burden was found to be significantly greater than mean total physical symptom burden (rho = 0.73, n = 247, p < 0.001). Self-reported disease control, gender, number of flare ups in the last two years, and smoking status was found to be significant predictors of total symptom burden, with self-reported disease control identified as the strongest predictor. Qualitative data revealed tiredness, pain, bowel symptoms, worry and fear as being burdensome. Furthermore, symptom burden experiences were described in terms of its impact on restricting aspects of daily activities, which accumulated into restrictions on general life events. Psychological symptom burden was revealed as more problematic than physical symptom burden due to its constant nature, with physical and psychological symptoms described to occur in a cyclical manner. Participants revealed that disease control was evaluated not only in terms of symptoms, but also in terms of their abilities to control the impact of symptoms on their lives. This study highlights the considerable number of symptoms and the most burdensome symptoms experienced by individuals with IBD, both during active and inactive disease. This study has important implications on symptom assessment in terms of the need to encompass both physical and psychological symptoms. In addition, greater attention needs to be placed on psychological aspects of IBD care.
This study selected six geographically-similar villages with traditional and alternative cultivation methods (two groups of three, one traditional and two alternatives) in two counties of Henan Province, China—a representative area of the Huang-huai-hai Plain representing traditional rural China. Soil heavy metal concentrations, floral and faunal biodiversity, and socio-economic data were recorded. Heavy metal concentrations of surface soils from three sites in each village were analysed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS, chromium, nickel, copper, cadmium, and lead) and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS, zinc). The floral biodiversity of four land-use types was recorded following the Braun-Blanquet coverage-abundance method using 0.5×0.5m quadrats. The faunal biodiversity of two representative farmland plots was recorded using 0.3×0.3m quadrats at four 0.1m layers. The socio-economic data were recorded through face-to-face interviews of one hundred randomly selected households at each village. Results demonstrate different cultivation methods lead to different impact on above variables. Traditional cultivation led to lower heavy metal concentrations; both alternative managements were associated with massive agrochemical input causing heavy metal pollution in farmlands. Floral distribution was significantly affected by village factors. Diverse cultivation supported high floral biodiversity through multi-scale heterogeneous landscapes containing niches and habitats. Faunal distribution was also significantly affected by village factor nested within soil depth. Different faunal groups responded differently, with Acari being taxonomically diverse and Collembola high in densities. Increase in manual labour and crop number in villages using alternative cultivation may positively affect biodiversity. The results point to the conservation potential of diverse cultivation methods in traditional rural China and other regions under social and political reforms, where traditional agriculture is changing to unified, large-scale mechanized agriculture. This study serves as a baseline for conservation in small-holding agricultural areas of China, and points to the necessity of further studies at larger and longer scales.
This paper describes the methodologies employed in the collection and storage of first-hand accounts of evacuation experiences derived from face-to-face interviews with evacuees from the World Trade Center (WTC) Twin Towers complex on 11 September 2001. In particular the paper describes the development of the High-rise Evacuation Evaluation Database (HEED). This is a flexible qualitative research tool which contains the full transcribed interview accounts and coded evacuee experiences extracted from those transcripts. The data and information captured and stored in the HEED database is not only unique, but it provides a means to address current and emerging issues relating to human factors associated with the evacuation of high-rise buildings.
This article provides a broad overview of project HEED (High-rise Evacuation Evaluation Database) and the methodologies employed in the collection and storage of first-hand accounts of evacuation experiences derived from face-to-face interviews of evacuees from the World Trade Center (WTC) Twin Towers complex on September 11, 2001. In particular, the article describes the development of the HEED database. This is a flexible research tool which contains qualitative type data in the form of coded evacuee experiences along with the full interview transcripts. The data and information captured and stored in the HEED database is not only unique, but provides a means to address current and emerging issues relating to human factors associated with the evacuation of high-rise buildings
This paper argues that contemporary literacy programmes are a mismatch for the expectations of both the government and employers as well as the goals of learners. It submits that the dominant discourses in literacy provision have led to the emergence of a learning culture which not only fails the learners but is also incapable of meeting the aspirations of both the government and employers. To support this argument, the paper reports a small scale research project that analyses the perceptions of learners, teachers and employers who were involved in a work placement scheme for young literacy learners in a college of further education. Data for the study were collected through focus group and face to face interviews and analysed using the framework of discourse analysis provided by Gill (2000) with findings codified and analysed thematically. The study found that teachers were aware that their learners were not adequately prepared for the world of work because of the demands of the dominant discourses of quality and performance measurement which were most obviously manifested in their assessment, teaching methods and the attitudes of learners. It found that employers perceive young learners as inadequate in terms of the workplace expectations. Learners in the study revealed that their workplace culture and expectations were totally different from the culture to which they had been socialised in their studies. The study concludes that unless the dominance of these discourses is ameliorated, young literacy learners will continue to be socialised into a discourse of failure.
This paper briefly describes the methodologies employed in the collection and storage of first-hand accounts of evacuation experiences derived from face-to-face interviews from evacuees from the World Trade Centre (WTC) Twin Towers complex on 11 Septebmer 2001 and the development of the High-rise Evacuation Evaluation Database (HEED). The main focus of the paper is to present a preliminary analysis of data derived from the evacuation of the North Tower.
Objective: The primary objective of this study was to examine how the comprehensive nature of the Stress Process Model could elucidate on the stressors associated with caring for a palliative cancer patient. Method: A qualitative research strategy involving home-based face-to-face interviews with 12 bereaved family caregivers was used to examine the caregiving experience. Results: The primary stressors associated with caring for the palliative cancer care patients stemmed from care recipient symptoms and personal care needs. The absence of adequate support from the formal health care delivery system was a consistent message from all participants. There was evidence of financial stress primarily associated with the purchase of private home care to supplement formal care. In contrast, the resources that family caregivers relied on to moderate the stressful effects of caregiving included extended family, friends, and neighbors. While the stress of direct caregiving was high, the study revealed that formal care was also a significant source of stress for family caregivers. Conclusion: It was concluded that an appropriately financed, integrated system of care that followed a person-centered philosophy of care would best meet the needs of the patient and his or her family. © The Author(s) 2010.
Objective: Much is known about the important role of spirituality in the delivery of multidimensional care for patients at the end of life. Establishing a strong physician-patient relationship in a palliative context requires physicians to have the self-awareness essential to establishing shared meaning and relationships with their patients. However, little is known about this phenomenon and therefore, this study seeks a greater understanding of physician spirituality and how caring for the terminally ill influences this inner aspect. Method: A qualitative descriptive study was used involving face-to-face interviews with six practicing palliative care physicians. Results: Conceptualized as a separate entity from religion, spirituality was described by participants as a notion relating to meaning, personal discovery, self-reflection, support, connectedness, and guidance. Spirituality and the delivery of care for the terminally ill appeared to be interrelated in a dynamic relationship where a physician's spiritual growth occurred as a result of patient interaction and that spiritual growth, in turn, was essential for providing compassionate care for the palliative patient. Spirituality also served as an influential force for physicians to engage in self-care practices. Significance of results: With spirituality as a pervasive force not only in the lives of palliative care patients, but also in those of healthcare providers, it may prove to be beneficial to use this information to guide future practice in training and education for palliative physicians in both the spiritual care of patients and in practitioner self care. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2010.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to examine the perspectives of both the spousal caregiver and care recipient on the caregiving experience in home-based palliative care. METHODS: A qualitative research strategy involving home-based face-to-face interviews with older palliative care patients and their spousal caregivers was used to examine the caregiving experience. RESULTS: Ten spousal caregivers and care recipient dyads participated in the study. Most informal caregivers viewed caregiving as an extension of the family relationship where caregiving responsibilities evolved over time. Spousal caregivers identified many negative reactions to caregiving, such as fatigue or weariness, depression, anger and sadness, financial stresses, and lack of time. Care recipients acknowledged the emotional and financial strain and expressed concern for their spouses. Both caregivers and care recipients were appreciative of home care services although they identified the need for additional services. They also identified difficulties in communication with formal providers and poor coordination of care among the various services. Both caregivers and care recipients disclosed some challenges with informal supports, but on the whole felt that their presence was positive. Additional positive aspects of caregiving reported by spouses included strengthened relationship with their spouse and discovering emotional strength and physical abilities in managing care. SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: Health care and social service professionals need to recognize and understand both caregiver and care recipient perspectives if they are to successfully meet the needs of both members of the dyad.