98 resultados para expatriates


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Afin de saisir le contexte du phénomène de l’expatriation d’Occidentaux en Inde, nous relevons d’abord certains traits de la modernité occidentale, tels le sentiment d’aliénation, le tournant subjectiviste, la globalisation et les principaux mythes-modèles de l’Inde qui circulent dans les pays occidentaux et donnent naissance aux projets d’expatriation. Une approche expérientielle facilite la compréhension de l’expatriation telle qu’elle est vécue par les acteurs. La collecte de données ethnographiques permet de saisir ces expériences à partir de récits recueillis dans trois zones frontière : 1) à Rishikesh, auprès d’expatriés spirituels; 2) à Calcutta, auprès d’expatriés humanitaires; 3) à Goa, auprès d’expatriés hédonistes-expressifs cherchant à améliorer leur style de vie. Ces données ethnographiques sont présentées dans trois chapitres distincts. Un chapitre comparatif met ensuite en relief quelques points de convergence dans l’expérience des expatriés, soit l’insertion locale au sein de communautés spécifiques, fortement associées à des mythes-modèles de l’Inde; le renouveau identitaire découlant de l’expérience interculturelle; et finalement, l’impact du transnationalisme sur la consolidation du malaise face à la modernité. La discussion théorique présente les solutions mises en branle par les expatriés pour tempérer leur malaise par rapport à l’Occident, soit : 1) l’engagement en profondeur dans un mode de vie permettant de se réaliser selon ses propres aspirations; 2) le regroupement par affinités et l’adoption d’un rôle social clair; 3) l’affranchissement de la pression sociale et l’adoption de pratiques transnationales permettant de préserver une continuité affective avec les proches tout en endossant un statut d’étranger. L’étude révèle aussi qu’on ne peut faire abstraction de l’histoire des relations de l’Occident avec le sous-continent pour comprendre les relations interculturelles des expatriés occidentaux avec les Indiens locaux. Enfin, les privilèges socioéconomiques des Occidentaux en Inde sont clairement identifiés comme étant une condition essentielle de leurs projets d’expatriation, ceux-ci étant néanmoins motivés principalement par un sentiment d’épuisement culturel face à l’Occident et à son mode de vie. Faisant suite à l’analyse des points de vue critiques sur la modernité (renforcés par l’expérience d’altérité), la thèse s’achève sur l’évocation de quelques pistes de recherche pour une anthropologie de l’Occident, tout en interrogeant, implicitement, le projet anthropologique.


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Notre étude s’intéresse à la façon dont les entreprises multinationales utilisent et gèrent la mobilité internationale de leurs employés. Plus précisément, nous cherchions à déterminer l’importance que les entreprises multinationales accordent à leur stratégie internationale au moment de décider de la façon d’utiliser l’expatriation et de la gérer au moyen des programmes de mobilité internationale. Bien que l’objet principal de notre recherche soit d’observer l’influence de la stratégie internationale sur ces programmes, nous avons cherché également à identifier d’autres caractéristiques de chaque entreprise et de son environnement susceptibles de les influencer. Cette démarche nous a permis de déterminer si les entreprises multinationales qui adoptent des programmes de mobilité internationale similaires partagent une même orientation stratégique au niveau international ou plutôt d’autres caractéristiques. Notre étude, effectuée auprès de professionnels de la GRH responsables de la gestion de la mobilité internationale, visait, dans un premier temps, à identifier le type de stratégie internationale privilégiée par les entreprises, ainsi que l’approche de la gestion internationale des ressources humaines qu’elles favorisent. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons cherché à identifier le type de programme de mobilité internationale en place dans chaque entreprise à partir de l’analyse de leurs composantes (politiques et pratiques RH). Nous avons tiré deux conclusions principales de notre étude. Premièrement, la mobilité internationale, plus particulièrement l’expatriation, constitue toujours un important outil d’expansion et de survie des entreprises multinationales. Deuxièmement, les entreprises multinationales l’utilisent différemment en fonction de leurs objectifs stratégiques et la gèrent de façon très pragmatique, en tenant compte d’une panoplie de facteurs tels le nombre d’expatriés, la culture managériale de l’entreprise, les caractéristiques de leur secteur d’activité, leur expérience et les difficultés rencontrées en cours de route.


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Cette étude qualitative vise à rendre compte des sources d’émotions qui sont vues comme faisant une différence dans l’adaptation de travailleurs occidentaux expatriés sur l’ile de Taïwan. Pour ce faire, le concept d’agentivité, développé par les chercheurs de l’École de Montréal de communication organisationnelle, a été mobilisé dans le but de rendre compte des agents identifiés par les personnes expatriées comme influençant leur expérience émotionnelle au cours de leur adaptation. Il a été démontré que divers aspects organisationnels et culturels faisant partie de la culture taïwanaise représentaient pour ces personnes des agents qui influençaient leurs émotions. La hiérarchie, les normes de gestion de conflit et des relations avec les clients, les horaires de travail et le respect des nombreuses règles présentes dans les organisations ont été décrits comme des sources d’émotions négatives pour les travailleurs expatriés. Il a également été avancé qu’ils attribuaient de l’agentivité à ces émotions qu’ils mobilisaient pour justifier/expliquer leurs actions au cours de cette période. Ainsi, la construction de sens de l’expérience émotionnelle des travailleurs expatriés a été présentée.


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Abstract This seminar will introduce an initial year of research exploring participation in the development of a bilingual symbol dictionary. Symbols can be a communication and literacy ‘lifeline’ for those unable to communicate through speech or writing. We will discuss how an online system has been built to overcome language, cultural and literacy skill issues for a country where 86% are expatriates but the target clients are Arabic born individuals with speech and language impairments. The symbols in use at present are inappropriate and yet there is no democratic way of providing a ‘user voice’ for making choices, let alone easy mechanisms for adapting and sharing newly developed symbols across the nation or extended Arabic world. This project aims to change this situation. Having sourced a series of symbols that could be adapted to suit user’s needs, the team needed to encourage those users, their carers and therapists to vote on whether the symbols would be appropriate and work with those already in use. The first prototype was developed and piloted during the WAISfest in 2013. The second phase needs further voting on the most suitably adapted symbols for use when communicating with others. There is a requirement to have mechanisms for evaluating the outcome of the votes, where symbols fail to represent accurate meanings, have inappropriate colours, representations and actions etc. There also remains the need to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Not easy in a climate of acceptance of the expert view, a culture where to be critical can be a problem and time is not of the essence.


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Esta investigação teve como objetivo avaliar a perceção da Qualidade de Vida nas suas várias dimensões, e como esta pode estar associada à Satisfação no Trabalho. Pretende-se avaliar ainda a relação entre Stresse e a Satisfação no Trabalho, assim como a relação entre perceção do trabalho em contexto de expatriação e a satisfação no trabalho. Na recolha dos dados na plataforma on-line Qualtrics obtivemos 101 questionários válidos. O questionário é constituído pelas seguintes escalas: a WHOQOL-Bref, a 23 QVS de Vaz Serra (2000a), cinco itens da escala de satisfação do trabalho de Lima e colaboradores (1994), e o questionário de expatriados de Camara (2011). Os resultados permitiram concluir que a satisfação com a expatriação apresenta uma relação positiva com a qualidade de vida, assim como também é positiva a relação da satisfação com a perceção do contexto de expatriação. Encontra-se também uma relação negativa da satisfação com o stresse. Com base nos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que a satisfação no trabalho com um processo de expatriação no ponto de vista de quem é o expatriado, depende de vários elementos combinados, sendo, todavia, a maior responsabilidade deste processo atribuída à qualidade de vida.


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We contrast attempts to introduce what were seen as sophisticated Western-style human resource management (HRM) systems into two Russian oil companies – a joint venture with a Western multinational corporation (TNK-BP) and a wholly Russian-owned company (Yukos). The drivers for Western hegemony within the joint venture, heavily influenced by expatriates and the established HRM processes introduced by the Western parent, were counteracted to a significant degree by the Russian spetsifika – the peculiarly Russian way of thinking and doing things. In contrast, developments were absorbed faster in the more authoritarian Russian-owned company. The research adds to the theoretical debate about international knowledge transfer and provides detailed empirical data to support our understanding of the effect of both organizational and cultural context on the knowledge-transfer mechanisms of local and multinational companies. As the analysis is based on the perspective of senior local nationals, we also address a relatively under-researched area in the international HRM literature which mostly relies on empirical data collected from expatriates and those based solely in multinational headquarters.


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Purpose – The HRM literature provides various typologies of the HR managers’ roles in organizations. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the roles and required competencies of HR managers in Slovenian multinational companies change when these companies enter the international arena. Design/methodology/approach – The authors explored the total population of 25 Slovenian multinational companies (MNCs) operating in Serbia. In these companies the authors conducted interviews with 16 expatriates working in branches in Serbia, sent questionnaires to the CEOs, and conducted a survey of 50 HR managers and interviews with 15 of them. The authors used a triangulation approach and analyzed the results by multivariate methods and content analysis. Findings – The authors found that the complexity of HR managers’ roles, and expectations of their competencies, increases with an increasing level of internationalization of companies. Orientation to people and conflict resolution are seen as elementary competencies needed in all stages of internationalization. The key competence is seen to be strategic thinking that, according to CEOs and expatriates, goes hand in hand with cultural sensitivity, openness to change and a comprehensive understanding of the international environment and business processes. Practical implications – These results can potentially be used for assessing the HRM roles and competencies in different stages of company internationalization, especially MNCs operating in the ex-communist states of Europe, and will help HR managers to support expatriates, CEOs and other employees working in branches abroad more efficiently. Originality/value – This study contributes to the review and evaluation of the quite limited research on HR managers’ roles and competencies in MNCs. It focuses on MNCs and outward internationalization in the Central and Eastern European region. It contributes to studies of the HR managers’ roles and competencies and is the first study to establish a set of roles and competencies for HR managers in Slovenian MNCs.


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Studies of international human resource management (IHRM) have pointed out that Japanese multinational companies (MNCs) tend to use more parent-country nationals (PCNs) than do western MNCs. The ethnocentric staffing policies imply that the management of expatriation has a greater influence on the success of Japanese MNCs. We use survey data from 149 Japanese repatriates to examine the relationship between IHRM practices – selection, preparation and corporate support – and expatriate adjustment and job performance, as well as identify differences by the location of assignment. We find that selection criteria, language ability and familiarity with local cultures are positively related to work adjustment, and that leadership and relational abilities are slightly associated with job performance though there were no significant relationships between considerations for family situations and adjustment or job performance. The results also reveal that HRM practices while abroad, in particular the interactive exchange of information between expatriates and the headquarters, have a significant influence. Pre-departure preparation programs are not related to the dependent variables. The data also suggests that living and working in China is a particular problem for Japanese expatriates.


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In the narrative A Quinta Essência Agustina Bessa-Luís proposes an original reading of the Portuguese postcolonial History, by reinvesting the topics of the intercultural relation and the meeting with the Other. In fact, in the troubled context of April 1974, the character of Jose Carlos Pessanha expatriates towards the East, more precisely towards Macao, one of the last Eastern colonies of the Portuguese colonial Empire. However, the characteristic of this tour of rediscovery of the East is that it makes the destiny of a character in search of himself coincide with the questioning of a country still looking for its own identity. Thus, in this voyage backwards into the Luso-Eastern History, the Author draws the portrait of a Nation-Empire split between the desire of incarnating this “genetic superiority of the Occident” and the fascination for the culture of the Other, symbolizing an “excess of otherness” (B. of Sousa Santos) in the Portuguese identity. Macao, will be the territory of an “entre-deux” and an intercultural circulation, as well as an emblematic ground to the expression of the “ambivalent and hybrid” position (colonizing/colonized) of Portugal in the Occident. As a consequence, the uncomfortable “non-inscription” (J. Gil) and the “nomadism” (Deleuze/Guattari) which characterizes José Carlos Pessanha, would be a reflection of yesterday’s and today’s Lusitanian epopee.


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Syfte och utgångspunkt:    Att utifrån fyra organisationer undersöka faktorer som är viktiga för arbete med expatriering och att använda Mendenhall, Dunbar och Oddous modell som inspiration för att skapa en egen modell med faktorer värdefulla för en expatrieringsprocess.   Forskningsresan:                 Utifrån referensram samt ett empiriskt resultat av intervjuer identifieras fyra kategorier, betydelse av att ta med familjen, mentorskap och stöd, anpassning till kultur och karriärplanering. Det empiriska resultatet samt referensramen är sedan grunden till analys och slutsats.   Slutsats:                              I slutsatsen presenteras betydelsefulla faktorer för utgången av studiens syfte.   Dessa faktorer används sedan i den modell författarna skapat. Modellen visar hur behovet av de fyra kategorierna är beroende av den planerade utlandsstationeringens längd.   Metod:                                Författarna av studien utgår från en kvalitativ ansats med djupintervjuer som metod. Det empiriska resultatet baseras på det material som framkommit genom djupintervjuer med  respondenterna från de fyra organisationerna.


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Despite a numerical equivalence with men, women in Australia have not experienced parity with males in terms of opportunity. They are continually under-represented among Australia's elite (Higley, Deacon, & Smart, 1979). In general, women employees, particularly those born overseas, face more difficulties in gaining access to, and advancing within, the managerial workforce than are men. Further, obtaining a managerial job in the first place is often the biggest obstacle facing women from a non-English-speaking background (NESS) even when their experience and educational levels are comparable to those of English speaking applicants. This paper sheds light on the experience of women expatriates in Australia and the factors that inhibit and facilitate their entry and advancement into managerial positions. Recommendations for organisations sending women on expatriate assignments to Australia are offered.


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With increased recognition of the existence of emotions in everyday interpersonal interactions, the need for emotions in cross-cultural interactions has become more obvious. Emotions play an important role in cross-cultural expatriate interactions as these experiences are essentially social encounters. Yet, little research addresses the emotions felt and the emotional demands involved in the cross-cultural interaction. Research on expatriate experiences centres solely on the cross-cultural training, sensitivity, and adaptability of expatriates. What fails to be addressed, however, is the emotional aspect of this interaction. In this paper, we examine the cross-cultural expatriate experience, integrating both the cultural and emotional aspects of the interaction. In doing so, we aim to advance understanding of the expatriate experience and the potential reasons underlying expatriate success and failure.


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With increased recognition of the existence of emotions in everyday interpersonal interactions, the need for emotions in cross-cultural interactions has become more obvious. Emotions play an important role in cross-cultural expatriate interactions as these experiences are essentially social encounters. Yet, little research addresses the emotions felt and the emotional demands involved in the cross-cultural interaction. Research on expatriate experiences centres solely on the cross cultural training, sensitivity, and adaptability of expatriates. What fails to be addressed, however, is the emotional aspect of this interaction. In this article, we examine the cross-cultural expatriate experience from the perspective of the Australian expatriate in Asia, integrating both the cultural and emotional aspects of the interaction. In doing so, we aim to advance understanding of the expatriate experience and the potential reasons underlying expatriate success and failure.