973 resultados para exame post mortem
Les avantages de l'examen radiologique sont bien connus, notamment la conservation des preuves et des données, vu que c'est une investigation peu invasive. La conservation des images radiologiques du corps entier permet de revenir sur un cas si de nouvelles questions surgissent. De plus, la reconstruction en trois dimensions des images à l'aide du scanner produit des documents facilement compréhensibles, notamment pour des personnes peu familièresavec ce type d'investigation. Cela facilite également la communication entre les médecins légistes et les autres professionnels impliqués dans l'enquête.
Objectifs pédagogiques :Savoir comment s'effectue un angio-scanner post-mortem multi-phases.Connaître les compétences du manipulateur forensique.Identifier les nouvelles technologies développées pour cette nouvelle méthode.Connaître les avantages et les limitations de cette technique.Apprendre les difficultés d'interprétation radiologiques des images obtenues.Messages à retenir :L'angio-scanner post-mortem permet de visualiser des pathologies qui ne sont pas visibles lors de l'autopsie , telles que la source exacte d'une hémorragie.L'angio-scanner post-mortem est indiqué pour les cas de mort subite d'origine cardiaque, des décès d'origine traumatique et des décès suites aux interventions médicales.Une nouvelle machine à injection dédiée à cette technique a été développée, qui permet aussi de sauvegarder toutes les données de la perfusion, telles que les différentes courbes de pression et les informations des corps examinés.Grâce à la formation spécifique de manipulateurs forensiques, qui sont capables d'effectuer l'examen de manière autonome, la technique peut être utilisée de façon routinière en médecine légale. L'interprétation radiologique nécessite la connaissance des artéfacts post-mortem pour éviter des interprétations erronées.Résumé :L'angio-scanner combiné à l'autopsie conventionnelle permet d'augmenter la qualité de l'examen post-mortem. L'examen est dirigé par le manipulateurforensique qui gère la machine à perfusion, la préparation du corps et la technique multi-phase. En cours de cette année, une machine à perfusion spécialisée a été développée. L'avantage de cette technique est notamment sa sensibilité supérieure à celle de l'autopsie pour la détection des lésions vasculaires . Les limitations s'expliquent par des artéfacts qui rendent difficile voire impossible l'interprétation de certaines pathologies telles que l'occlusion d'un vaisseau par un thrombus qui est imité par un caillot de sang post-mortem.
Several psychiatric disorders have been associated with CpG methylation changes in CG rich promoters of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mainly by extracting DNA from peripheral blood cells. Whether changes in peripheral DNA methylation can be used as a proxy for brain-specific alterations remains an open question. In this study we aimed to compare DNA methylation levels in BDNF promoter regions in human blood cells, muscle and brain regions using bisulfite-pyrosequencing. We found a significant correlation between the levels of BDNF promoter I methylation measured in quadriceps and vPFC tissues extracted from the same individuals (n = 98, Pearson, r = 0.48, p = 4.5 × 10(-7)). In the hippocampus, BDNF promoter I and IV methylation levels were strongly correlated (Pearson, n = 37, r = 0.74, p = 1.4 × 10(-7)). We found evidence for sex-dependent effect on BDNF promoter methylation levels in the various tissues and blood samples. Taken together, these data indicate a strong intra-individual correlation between peripheral and brain tissue. They also suggest that sex determines methylation patterns in BDNF promoter region across different types of tissue, including muscle, brain, and blood.
Insulin determination in blood sampled during post-mortem investigation has been repeatedly asserted as being of little diagnostic value due to the rapid occurrence of decompositional changes and blood haemolysis. In this study, we assessed the feasibility of insulin determination in post-mortem serum, vitreous humour, bile, and cerebrospinal and pericardial fluids in one case of fatal insulin self-administration and a series of 40 control cases (diabetics and non-diabetics) using a chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay. In the case of suicide by insulin self-administration, insulin concentrations in pericardial fluid and bile were higher than blood clinical reference values, though lower than post-mortem serum concentration. Insulin concentrations in vitreous (11.50 mU/L) and cerebrospinal fluid (17.30 mU/L) were lower than blood clinical reference values. Vitreous insulin concentrations in non-diabetic control cases were lower than the estimated detection limit of the method. These preliminary results tend to confirm the usefulness of insulin determination in vitreous humour in situations of suspected fatal insulin administration. Additional findings pertaining to insulin determination in bile, pericardial, and cerebrospinal fluid would suggest that analysis performed in post-mortem serum and injection sites could be complemented, in individual cases, by investigations carried out in alternative biological fluids. Lastly, these results would indicate that analysis with chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay may provide suitable data, similar to analysis with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and immunoradiometric assay, to support the hypothesis of insulin overdose. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The application of contrast media in post-mortem radiology differs from clinical approaches in living patients. Post-mortem changes in the vascular system and the absence of blood flow lead to specific problems that have to be considered for the performance of post-mortem angiography. In addition, interpreting the images is challenging due to technique-related and post-mortem artefacts that have to be known and that are specific for each applied technique. Although the idea of injecting contrast media is old, classic methods are not simply transferable to modern radiological techniques in forensic medicine, as they are mostly dedicated to single-organ studies or applicable only shortly after death. With the introduction of modern imaging techniques, such as post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT) and post-mortem magnetic resonance (PMMR), to forensic death investigations, intensive research started to explore their advantages and limitations compared to conventional autopsy. PMCT has already become a routine investigation in several centres, and different techniques have been developed to better visualise the vascular system and organ parenchyma in PMCT. In contrast, the use of PMMR is still limited due to practical issues, and research is now starting in the field of PMMR angiography. This article gives an overview of the problems in post-mortem contrast media application, the various classic and modern techniques, and the issues to consider by using different media.
L'hydrogène sulfuré (H2S) est un gaz toxique retrouvé à l'état naturel et dans certains milieux industriels, à l'origine d'intoxication accidentelle, mais pouvant être également et facilement synthétisé de manière domestique. Des cas de suicide par hydrogène sulfuré ont ainsi été décrits à partir de produits ménagers dans la littérature depuis 2009, aux États-Unis et au Japon. La plupart présentait des délais post mortem (DPM) courts (moins de 72 heures). En France, les intoxications aiguës à l'H2S demeurent rares et sont le plus souvent liées à des accidents du travail. Nous rapportons ici le cas d'un homme âgé de 37 ans découvert à son domicile, en état de décomposition avancée avec un DPM de deux mois. Compte tenu de la présence d'une importante signalétique avisant du danger potentiel d'exposition à l'H2S, des mesures de précaution ont été mises en oeuvre dès la découverte du corps et poursuivies jusqu'aux opérations d'autopsie. Les analyses toxicologiques ont confirmé la présence d'H2S au niveau des prélèvements de cerveau et de muscle. Le cas présenté constitue le premier cas de suicide avec un délai post mortem long à l'H2S rapporté en France. Dans la littérature, les constatations macroscopiques à l'autopsie ne sont pas spécifiques tandis que les analyses toxicologiques reposent essentiellement sur la recherche et la quantification d'H2S. En raison de leur redistribution post mortem, les résultats de ces analyses doivent être interprétés avec prudence, et encore plus en cas de délai post mortem long et de phénomènes de putréfaction qui peuvent également être une source de génération d'H2S post mortem. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) which is a poisonous gas found either in the natural state or in industrial environments and potentially linked with accidental intoxication, can also be easily handmade. Several cases of suicide by inhaling H2S produced by mixing household products have been reported in the literature since 2009 in USA and Japan. Most of them involved short post mortem delays up to 72 hours. In France, acute H2S poisoning remains rare and mostly accidental. We report the case of a 37-year-old man found at home, in an advanced stage of decomposition with a 2-month post mortem delay. As numerous warning signs about a high risk of H2S exposure were present, some precautionary measures were taken from the discovery of the cadaver to the autopsy. Toxicological analyses confirmed the presence of H2S in brain and muscle samples. This observation is the first French case with a long post mortem delay. As macroscopic findings in such cases are described to be unspecific in literature, toxicological analysis must focus on the detection and the quantification of H2S. However, due to the phenomena of post mortem drug redistribution and neo-formation, their results should be interpreted with much more caution when the post mortem delay is long. The potential increase in such voluntary-intoxication-related-deaths in France, similar to the recent Japanese and American waves of suicides, requires for forensic scientists, a good knowledge of both thanatological and toxicological pictures, and precautionary measures to adopt in such situations.
Invocatio: I.N.D.O.M.
Invocatio: I.N.J.C. Gabriel Welonius.
A interpretação das alterações encontradas na necropsia é uma etapa importante para o sucesso do diagnóstico final. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e ilustrar os aspectos anatômicos, não lesões, artefatos, lesões sem significado clínico e alterações post mortem encontradas em suínos domésticos e selvagens. Além disso, também se recomenda técnicas de colheita de tecidos para o diagnóstico de doenças que acometem essa espécie. Os principais aspectos anatômicos e não lesões descritos são fímbrias linguais, quadrilátero esofágico, toro pilórico e demarcação do padrão lobular do fígado (sistema gastrintestinal); tonsilas do palato mole, tecido linfoide associado ao estômago, placas de Peyer do intestino delgado e dobras da margem do baço (sistema hematopoiético); mediastino proeminente do testículo e aréolas da placenta (sistema reprodutor); atelectasia pulmonar e apêndice decidual (feto); e glândulas carpais (sistema tegumentar). Os artefatos de eutanásia abordados são petéquias na superfície do pulmão e rim, falsa anemia por sangria, hemorragia subdural por concussão cerebral, pseudo-infartos do baço e aspecto cerebriforme do intestino delgado. As lesões de pouco significado clínico descritas são cistos renais, linfonodos com pigmento de ferro, papilomas e hemangiomas no escroto, ossos no mesentério e hiperemia da mucosa gástrica. As alterações post mortem comumente encontradas são livor mortis, músculos pálidos, pseudomelanose e líquido serosanguinolento nas cavidades torácica e abdominal em fetos.