898 resultados para estradiol-17b


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Nucleotídeos extracelulares (ATP, ADP, AMP) e seu derivado adenosina são conhecidos sinalizadores do sistema cardiovascular podendo mediar vários processos fisiológicos entre eles a proliferação celular, agregação plaquetária, inflamação e o tônus vascular. Os níveis destas substâncias, localmente e na circulação sanguínea, são controlados pelas ecto-NTPDases em conjunto com a ecto-5’nucleotidase (ecto-5’-NT) que realizam a degradação completa do ATP até adenosina. Os hormônios tireoideanos tiroxina (T4) e triiodotironina (T3) e o hormônio esteróide sexual estradiol (E2) atuam ativamente no sistema vascular promovendo vasodilatação. Nosso objetivo foi investigar quais enzimas da família das NTPDases estão presente em células musculares lisas vasculares (CMLVs) e se a atividade destas enzimas pode ser influenciada pela ação desses hormônios, uma vez que seus substratos e produtos podem sinalizar processos de relaxamento/contração muscular. Para tanto, as CMLVs foram extraídas da artéria aorta de ratos Wistar adultos e cultivadas em meio de cultura DMEM. Após atingirem a confluência, as células foram tratadas com 50 nM de T3 ou T4 ou 1M de 17-estradiol por 72 horas. As atividades enzimáticas foram medidas pela liberação de fosfato inorgânico enquanto que a expressão das ectonucleotidases foi verificada por imunocitoquímica (proteína) e RT-PCR (RNAm). Os resultados deste trabalho mostram que as CMLVs expressam as NTPDases 1, 2, 3, 5 e 6 e a ecto-5’-NT, responsáveis pelo controle dos níveis de nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos extracelulares. O tratamento com os hormônios T3, T4 e E2 nestas células mostrou que a atividade da ecto-5’-NT foi aumentada pelos três hormônios. A análise do RT-PCR demonstrou que os tratamentos foram capazes de aumentar também a quantidade de RNAm da ecto-5’NT, indicando mecanismos de ação genômica dos hormônios estudados. Por outro lado, O tratamento com os hormônios tireoideos não alterou as atividades ATPásica e ADPásica, somente o estradiol foi capaz de aumentar a atividade ATPásica. Estes resultados também sugerem que, pela hidrólise aumentada do AMP, disponibilizem-se níveis maiores de adenosina, com importante potencial vasodilatador local. Entretanto, o fato de o estradiol ter aumentado a hidrólise de ATP, mas não a de ADP, nos permite pensar que o ADP, agregador plaquetário bem estabelecido, possa estar acumulando extracelularmente, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de problemas circulatórios.


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A endometriose caracteriza-se pela presença de tecido endometriótico – glândulas e estroma – fora da cavidade uterina. A doença acomete superfícies peritoniais da pélvis, ovários e septo rectovaginal, sendo mais comum a endometriose pélvica. Embora os dados sobre a prevalência exata de endometriose sejam incertos, as evidências indicam uma prevalência em torno de 5 a 10% das mulheres em idade reprodutiva. Dor, dismenorréia, dispareunia e infertilidade são sintomas freqüentes da doença. Além de apresentar dependência aos hormônios sexuais, a endometriose está associada a um conjunto de desordens de diferentes etiologias, sendo considerada uma doença multifatorial de caráter genético e imune. Neste sentido, a carência de respostas imunológicas adequadas, aliada a um provável desequilíbrio entre os processos de proliferação e apoptose celular, pode ter um papel importante na instalação e manutenção das lesões endometrióticas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a expressão de genes relacionados aos processos de proliferação e diferenciação celular em implantes endometrióticos e endométrio eutópico de mulheres inférteis sem e com endometriose, através da análise semiquantitativa por RT-PCR. Foram estudadas 34 pacientes consultando por infertilidade e submetidas à laparoscopia diagnóstica. Quinze pacientes (31,7 ± 1,5 anos) apresentavam endometriose e 19 (32,9 ± 0,9 anos) foram consideradas controles inférteis sem endometriose. Os dois grupos apresentaram IMC e SHBG similares. As biópsias de endométrio foram realizadas, em fase folicular, nas pacientes do grupo controle (C) e nas pacientes com endometriose (endométrio eutópico (EUT) e ectópico (ECT)). A presença do mRNA para os receptores de estrogênio e progesterona detectada nos 3 grupos estudados, sustenta a existência de sensibilidade tecidual local aos hormônios sexuais. Nas condições experimentais do presente estudo não foi observada diferença estatística na expressão gênica de bcl2 entre os grupos. A expressão do gene do ER endometrial também foi similar entre os grupos controle, eutópico e ectópico. Contudo, o endométrio ectópico apresentou níveis de mRNA mais elevados para PR-A (0,84  0,02 UA) em relação aos grupos controle e eutópico (0,60  0,04 UA e 0,63  0,04 UA; p < 0,05). A expressão gênica do PR-B não foi estatisticamente diferente entre os grupos do presente trabalho. Porém, houve forte correlação negativa entre a expressão dos genes bcl2 e PR-B nas amostras de endométrio sem e com endometriose (r = - 0,795 e p = 0,018), sugerindo que um papel anti-proliferativo do PR-B possa ser operativo neste modelo de estudo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Bioidentical hormones are defined as compounds that have exactly the same chemical and molecular structure as hormones that are produced in the human body. It is believed that the use of hormones may be safer and more effective than the non-bioidentical hormones, because binding to receptors in the organism would be similar to the endogenous hormone. Bioidentical estrogens have been used in menopausal women, as an alternative to traditional hormone replacement therapy. Thermal data of these hormones are scarce in literature. Thermal analysis comprises a group of techniques that allows evaluating the physical-chemistry properties of a drug, while the drug is subjected to a controlled temperature programming. The thermal techniques are used in pharmaceutical studies for characterization of drugs, purity determination, polymorphism identification, compatibility and evaluation of stability. This study aims to characterize the bioidentical hormones estradiol and estriol through thermal techniques TG/DTG, DTA, DSC, DSC-photovisual. By the TG curves analysis was possible to calculated kinetic parameters for the samples. The kinetic data showed that there is good correlation in the different models used. For both estradiol and estriol, was found zero order reaction, which enabled the construction of the vapor pressure curves. Data from DTA and DSC curves of melting point and purity are the same of literature, showed relation with DSC-photovisual results. The analysis DTA curves showed the fusion event had the best linearity for both hormones. In the evaluation of possible degradation products, the analysis of the infrared shows no degradation products in the solid state


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The present study investigated how the timing of the administration of estradiol benzoate (EB) impacted the synchronization of ovulation in fixed-time artificial insemination protocols of cattle. To accomplish this, two experiments were conducted, with EB injection occurring at different times: at withdrawal of the progesterone-releasing (N) intravaginal device or 24 h later. The effectiveness of these times was compared by examining ovarian follicular dynamics (Experiment 1, n = 30) and conception rates (Experiment 2, n = 504). In Experiment 1, follicular dynamics was performed in 30 Nelore cows (Bos indicus) allocated into two groups. on a random day of the estrous cycle (Day 0), both groups received 2 mg of EB i.m. and a P4-releasing intravaginal device, which was removed on Day 8, when 400 IU of eCG and 150 mu g of PGF were administered. The control group (G-EB9; n = 15) received 1 mg of EB on Day 9, while Group EB8 (G-EB8; n = 15) received the same dose a day earlier. Ovarian ultrasonographic evaluations were performed every 8 h after device removal until ovulation. The timing of EB administration (Day 8 compared with Day 9) did affect the interval between P4 device removal to ovulation (59.4 +/- 2.0 h compared with 69.3 +/- 1.7 h) and maximum diameter of dominant (1.54 +/- 0.06 a cm compared with 1.71 +/- 0.05 b cm, P = 0.03) and ovulatory (1.46 +/- 0.05 a cm compared with 1.58 +/- 0.04 b cm, P < 0.01) follicles. In Experiment 2,504 suckling cows received the same treatment described in Experiment 1, but insemination was performed as follows: Group EB8-AI48h (G-EB8-AI48h; n = 119) and Group EB8-AI54h (G-EB8-AI54h; n = 134) received 1 mg of EB on Day 8 and FrAI was performed, respectively, 48 or 54 h after P4 device removal. Group EB9-AI48h (G-EB9-AI48h; n = 126) and Group EB9-AI54h (G-EB9-AI54h n = 125) received the same treatments and underwent the same FTAI protocols as G-EB8-AI48h and G-EB8-AI54h, respectively; however, EB was administered on Day 9. Conception rates were greater (P < 0.05) in G-EB9-AI54h 163.2% (79/125) a], G-EB9-AI48h [58.7% (74/126) a] and G-EB8-AI48h [58.8% (70/119) a] than in G-EB8-AI54h [34.3% (46/134) b]. We concluded that when EB administration occurred at device withdrawal (D8), the interval to ovulation shortened and dominant and ovulatory follicle diameters decreased. Furthermore, when EB treatment was performed 24 h after device removal, FTAI conducted at either 48 or 54 h resulted in similar conception rates. However, EB treatment on the same day as device withdrawal resulted in a lesser conception rate when FTAI was conducted 54 h after device removal. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In Experiments 1, 2, and 3, we evaluated the effects of temporary weaning (TW), equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) treatments on results of it fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) protocol in postpartum Bos indicus cows. In Experiment 1, treatment with 400 IU eCG or with TW for 48 h consistently improved pregnancy rates (PRs) at TAI, but, in Experiment 2, FSH treatment was less effective than eCG or TW. In Experiment 3, the inclusion of eCG treatment in cows subjected to TW did not improve PRs. We concluded that TW or 400 IU eCG should be included in the TAI protocol in postpartum Bos indicus cows to enhance fertility. In Experiment 4, we used records front heifers and cows treated with the proposed protocol during the 2006-2007 (n = 27,195) and 2007-2008 (n = 36,838) breeding seasons from multiple locations in Brazil to evaluate factors potentially affecting PRs. Overall PR at TAI was 49.6% (31,786 of 64,033). Pregnancy rate differed (P < 0.01) among farm within location (results ranging between 26.8% and 68.0%; P < 0.01), cow group within farm, by breed (Bos indicus, 48.3% [26,123 of 54,145]; Bos taurus, 61.7% [3652 of 5922]; and crossbred Bos indicus x Bos taurus, 50.7% [2011 of 3966]), category (nulliparous, 39.6% [2095 of 52901] suckled primiparous, 45.2% [3924 of 8677]; suckled multiparous, 51.8% [24,245 of 46,767]; and nonsuckled multiparous, 46.1% [1522 of 3299]), body condition score at TAI (<= 2.5 43.0% [3409 of 7923]; 3.0, 49.6% [18,958 of 38,229]; and >3.5, 52.7% [9419 of 17,881]). Days postpartum at beginning, of protocol did not affect PR (30 to 60 d, 47.6% [4228 of 8881]; 61 to 90 d, 51.7% 116,325 to 31,5721; and 91 to 150 d, 50.8% [7616 to 14,991]; P > 0.1). Pregnancy rate was also consistently affected (P < 0.01) by sire (results ranging from 7.2% to 77.3%) and artificial insemination technician (results ranging from 15.1% to 81.8%). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Five experiments were conducted on commercial farms in Brazil aiming to develop a fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) protocol that achieved pregnancy rates between 40% and 55% in Bos indicus cows. These studies resulted in the development of the following protocol: insertion of all intravaginal device containing 1.9 g of progesterone (CIDR) plus 2.0 mg im estradiol benzoate on Day 0; 12.5 mg im dinoprost tromethamine on Day 7 in cycling cows or oil Day 9 in anestrous cows; CIDR withdrawal plus 0.5 mg im estradiol cypionate plus temporary calf removal on Day 9; TAI (48 h after CIDR withdrawal) plus reuniting of calves with their dams on Day 11. Reduced dose of prostaglandin F(2 alpha) (PGF(2 alpha): 12.5 mg im dinoprost tromethamine) effectively caused luteolysis. In cycling cows, fertility was greater when the treatment with PGF(2 alpha) was administered on Day 7 than oil Day 9, but in anestrous cows, no effects of time of the PGF(2 alpha) treatment were found. Estradiol cypionate effectively replaced estradiol benzoate or gonadotropin-releasing hormone as the ovulatory stimulus, reducing labor and cost. In this protocol, CIDR inserts were successfully used four times (9 d each use) with no detrimental effects on fertility. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective was to compare two protocols for synchronizing ovulation in lactating Holstein cows submitted to timed AI (TAI) or timed ET (TET). Within each farm (n = 8), cows (n = 883; mean +/- SEM 166.24 +/- 3.27 d postpartum, yielding 36.8 +/- 0.34 kg of milk/d) were randomly assigned to receive either: 1) an intravaginal progesterone insert (CIDR (R)) with 1.9 g of progesterone + GnRH on Day -10, CIDR (R) withdrawal + PGF2 alpha on Day -3, and 1 mg estradiol cypionate on Day -2 (treatment GP-P-E; n(TAI) = 180; n(TET) = 260); or 2) a CIDR (R) insert + 2 mg estradiol benzoate on Day -10, PGF2 alpha on Day -3, CIDR (R) withdrawal + 1 mg estradiol cypionate on Day -2 (treatment EP-P-E; n(TAI) = 174; n(TET) = 269). Cows were subsequently randomly assigned to receive either TAT on Day 0 or TET on Day 7. Serum progesterone concentration on Day -3 was greater in GP-P-E than in EP-P-E (2.89 +/- 0.15 vs 2.29 +/- 0.15 ng/mL; P < 0.01), with no significant effect of group on serum progesterone on Day 7. Compared to cows submitted to TAI, those submitted to TET had greater pregnancy rates on Day 28 (44.0% [233/5291 vs 29.7% [105/354]; p < 0.001) and on Day 60 (37.6% [199/529] vs 26.5 [94/354]; P < 0.001). However, there were no effects of treatments (GP-P-E vs EP-P-E; P > 0.10) on synchronization (87.0% [383/440] vs 85.3% [378/443]), conception (TAI: 35.3% [55/156] vs 33.8% [50/148]; TET: 50.7% [115/227] vs 51.3% [118/230]) and pregnancy rates on Days 28 (TAT: 30.5% [55/180] vs 28.7% 150/174]; TET: 44.2% [115/260] vs 43.9% [118/2691) and 60 (TAI: 27.2% [49/80] vs 25.9% [45/174]; TET: 38.8% [101/260] vs 36.4% [98/269]). In conclusion, GP-P-E increased serum progesterone concentrations on Day -3, but rates of synchronization, conception, and pregnancy were not significantly different between cows submitted to GP-P-E and EP-P-E protocols, regardless of whether they were inseminated or received an embryo. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objectives of this study were to determine ovarian activity (with ultrasound) and plasma concentrations of progesterone and estradiol during pregnancy in jennies. There was considerable ovarian activity during the second month of pregnancy. Secondary corpora lutea (total of 2 to 7 per jenny) were formed (mainly by luteinization) starting on Day 41.8 +/- 1.0 (range Days 38 to 46; ovulation = Day 0). The echogenicity of the primary and secondary corpora lutea gradually decreased during pregnancy. Plasma progesterone concentrations increased between Days 0 and 10 (0.9 and 19.9 ng/mL, respectively), gradually decreased to Day 30 (12.1 ng/mL), increased between Days 30 and 40 (plateau, at approximately 17 ng/mL), gradually declined from Days 110 to 160 (nadir of approximately 6 ng/mL), and remained nearly constant until increasing again just before parturition. Plasma estradiol concentrations increased gradually from Day 65, peaked (1.2 ng/mL) on Day 165 (greater than or equal to 1 ng/mL on Days 150 to 210), and decreased thereafter, with very low concentrations during the last 20 d before parturition. Ovarian function and hormone profiles were generally similar to those previously reported during pregnancy in mares. (C) 1998 by Elsevier B.V.


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The canine corpus luteum (CL) typically sustains elevated plasma progesterone concentrations for 2 months or more, with a peak approximately 15-25 days after ovulation, followed by a slow decline. The processes involved in the slow, protracted regression of the CL over the remaining 1.5-2-month period in nonpregnant bitches and until shortly prepartum in pregnant bitches are not well characterized. The rapid luteolysis that occurs immediately prepartum appears to be a result of a prepartum rise in peripheral PGF. The potential role of PGF in the slow regression process in the several weeks preceding parturition and in nonpregnant bitches after 15-25 days after ovulation is not known. Therefore, plasma concentrations of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F-2-alpha (PGFM), progesterone (P-4) and estradiol (E-2) Were determined and compared in bitches during nonpregnant diestrus (n = 9) or pregnancy (n = 8). During the gradual decrease in plasma concentrations of progesterone in both groups, the P-4 pattern appeared unrelated to changes in either E-2 or PGFM concentrations. The PGFM pattern was different between diestrus and pregnant bitches (P > 0.01); there was an apparent progressive but slow increase in PGFM in pregnant bitches from Days 30 to 60, followed by a large increase prior to parturition; concentrations declined immediately postpartum. However, there were no increases in PGFM during the same interval in nonpregnant bitches. Mean estradiol concentrations were sporadically elevated during the last third of pregnancy and less so in nonpregnant diestrus; there was no acute prepartum increase in estradiol associated with the PGFM increase. In summary, although there were no apparent changes in peripheral PGF(2)alpha concentration involved in regulating the slow protracted phase of luteal regression in nonpregnant bitches, modest increases in PGFM may play a role in ovarian function after mid-gestation in pregnant bitches. Furthermore, the acute prepartum rise in PGFM was not dependent on any concomitant increase in estradiol concentrations. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.