964 resultados para enhanced immune protection


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Marine organisms have to cope with increasing CO2 partial pressures and decreasing pH in the oceans. We elucidated the impacts of an 8-week acclimation period to four seawater pCO2 treatments (39, 113, 243 and 405 Pa/385, 1,120, 2,400 and 4,000 µatm) on mantle gene expression patterns in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis from the Baltic Sea. Based on the M. edulis mantle tissue transcriptome, the expression of several genes involved in metabolism, calcification and stress responses was assessed in the outer (marginal and pallial zone) and the inner mantle tissues (central zone) using quantitative real-time PCR. The expression of genes involved in energy and protein metabolism (F-ATPase, hexokinase and elongation factor alpha) was strongly affected by acclimation to moderately elevated CO2 partial pressures. Expression of a chitinase, potentially important for the calcification process, was strongly depressed (maximum ninefold), correlating with a linear decrease in shell growth observed in the experimental animals. Interestingly, shell matrix protein candidate genes were less affected by CO2 in both tissues. A compensatory process toward enhanced shell protection is indicated by a massive increase in the expression of tyrosinase, a gene involved in periostracum formation (maximum 220-fold). Using correlation matrices and a force-directed layout network graph, we were able to uncover possible underlying regulatory networks and the connections between different pathways, thereby providing a molecular basis of observed changes in animal physiology in response to ocean acidification.


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Chez l’humain, les lymphocytes B mémoires IgG+ et IgA+ sont des cellules clés de l’immunité humorale. Ces cellules mémoires sont maintenues à long-terme dans notre organisme. Elles représentent une défense rapide et efficace contre toutes les infections que nous avons déjà vaincues pendant notre vie. Ces cellules mémoires qui rencontrent à nouveau leur antigène se différencient rapidement en plasmocytes à courte vie, et permettent la sécrétion massive d’immunoglobuline (Ig). La contrepartie mémoire de ces cellules sont les plasmocytes à longue vie qui sont présents dans les niches de la moelle osseuse et y sécrètent en permanence des anticorps protecteurs qui circulent dans le sang. Ces cellules sécrétrices peuvent avoir une durée de vie allant de dizaines d’années à la vie entière de l’individu. Les patients qui reçoivent des traitements de chimiothérapie ou de radiothérapie sont privés de ces cellules mémoires détruites par ces traitements au même titre que les cellules cancéreuses. Ces patients deviennent vulnérables aux infections et leur survie dépend de la régénération rapide de leur système hématopoïétique. Notre équipe a déjà mis au point une méthode pour préparer de grandes quantités des cellules mémoires capables de sécréter des IgG et des IgA. Les présents travaux visent à générer des plasmocytes fonctionnels et capables de survivre à long terme in vitro. La stratégie expérimentale visait à établir des conditions permettant de se rapprocher de l’environnement de la moelle osseuse. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les paramètres permettant la différenciation des lymphocytes B mémoires en plasmocytes. Étant donné l’importance du potentiel redox dans l’environnement de la moelle osseuse, nous avons d’abord tenté d’en contrôler l’impact avec un antioxydant, le N-acétyle cystéine (NAC). Nos résultats ont démontré que le NAC avait un effet significatif et diminuait la phosphorylation de la protéine STAT3 en raison d’une inhibition des kinases JAK2 et JAK3. Étonnamment, cet antioxydant retardait la différenciation de nos lymphocytes B qui étaient stimulés avec une forte interaction CD40-CD154. Par la suite, la comparaison des interactions CD40-CD154 et CD27-CD70 a permis de conclure qu’il était essentiel de réduire à son minimum l’interaction CD40-CD154 et qu’il fallait ajouter les cytokines IL-6 et IL-10. Les cellules CD31+CD38+CD138+ générées présentaient un phénotype similaire à celui des plasmocytes de la moelle osseuse. Malheureusement la fréquence de ces cellules était faible et leur viabilité insuffisante. Afin d’augmenter la survie de ces cellules le dernier volet de nos travaux visait à se rapprocher des niches de la moelle osseuse. Notre but a été atteint en ajoutant des cellules mésenchymateuses issues de la moelle osseuse en présence de 8% de dioxygène (O2). Les cellules CD31+CD38+CD138+ générées ont une excellente viabilité et représentent plus de 50% des cellules totales en culture. De plus, le modèle de culture est maintenant établi dans un milieu exempt de sérum et de protéines animales. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats permettent de proposer la production ex vivo de plasmocytes autologues avec une perspective thérapeutique pour réduire les risques d’infections des patients devenues immunodéficients, suite à un traitement de radiothérapie ou de chimiothérapie.


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A silkworm cocoon is a biological porous structure which provides multiple protective functions. The knowledge from this natural protective system could contribute to develop advanced materials and structures with superior performances and meet the human demanding of novel breathable materials for enhanced thermal protection and comfort.


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The development of vaccines to combat pathogens that infect across mucosal surfaces has been a major goal of vaccine research. Successful mucosal vaccination requires the co-administration of adjuvants that can overcome the state of immune tolerance normally associated with mucosal application of proteins. In the case of oral immunization, delivery systems are also required to protect vaccine antigens against destruction by gastric pH and digestive enzymes. Furthermore, adjuvants used for mucosal delivery must be free of neurotoxic effects like those induced by the commonly used experimental mucosal adjuvant cholera toxin. Maintenance of the "cold chain" is also essential for the effectiveness of any vaccine and adjuvants/delivery systems that enhance the stability of a vaccine would offer a significant advantage. Needle-free methods of vaccination that induce protective immunity at multiple mucosal surfaces are also desirable for rapid vaccination of large populations. In the present study we show that transcutaneous immunization (TCI) using Lipid C, a novel lipid-based matrix originally developed for oral immunization, containing soluble Helicobacter sonicate significantly reduces the gastric bacterial burden in mice following gastric challenge with live Helicobacter pylori. Protection is associated with the production of splenic gamma interferon and gastric IgA and was achieved without the co-administration of potent and potentially toxic adjuvants, although protection was further enhanced by inclusion of CpG-ODN and cholera toxin in the lipid delivery system.


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Transcutaneous immunization (TCI) involves the direct application of antigen plus adjuvant to skin, taking advantage of the large numbers of Langerhans cells and other resident skin dendritic cells, that process antigen then migrate to draining lymph nodes where immune responses are initiated. We have used this form of immunization to protect mice against genital tract and respiratory tract chlamydial infection. Protection was associated with local antibody responses in the vagina, uterus and lung as well as strong Th1 responses in the lymph nodes draining the reproductive tract and lungs respectively. In this study we show that topical application of GM-CSF to skin enhances the numbers and activation status of epidermal dendritic cells. Topical application of GM-CSF also increased the immune responses elicited by TCI. GM-CSF supplementation greatly increased cytokine (IFNgamma and IL-4) gene expression in lymph node and splenic cells compared to cells from animals immunized without GM-CSF. IgG responses in serum, uterine lavage and bronchoalveolar lavage and IgA responses in vaginal lavage were also increased by topical application of GM-CSF. The studies show that TCI induces protection against genital and respiratory tract chlamydial infections and that topical application of cytokines such as GM-CSF can enhance TCI-induced antibody and cell-mediated immunity.


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Many unicellular green algae can become yellow or red in various natural habitats due to mass accumulation of a secondary carotenoid, such as lutein, or astaxanthin. The accumulation of secondary carotenoids is generally thought to be a survival strategy of the algae under photo-oxidative stress or other adverse environmental conditions. The physiological role of the carotenoids in stress response is less well understood at the subcellular or molecular level. In this study, a stable astaxanthin overproduction mutant (MT 2877) was isolated by chemical mutagenesis of a wild type (WT) of the green microalga Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow NIES-144. MT 2877 was identical to the WT with respect to morphology, pigment composition, and growth kinetics during the early vegetative stage of the life cycle. However, it had the ability to synthesize and accumulate about twice the astaxanthin content of the WT under high light, or under high light in the presence of excess amounts of ferrous sulphate and sodium acetate. Under stress, the mutant exhibited higher photosynthetic activities than the WT, based on considerably higher chlorophyll fluorescence induction, chlorophyll autofluorescence intensities, and oxygen evolution rates. Cell mortality caused by stress was reduced by half in the mutant culture compared with the WT. Enhanced protection of the mutant against stress is attributed to its accelerated carotenogenesis and accumulation of astaxanthin. Our results suggest that MT 2877, or other astaxanthin overproduction Haematococcus mutants, may offer dual benefits, as compared with the wild type, by increasing cellular astaxanthin content while reducing cell mortality during stress-induced carotenogenesis.


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CpG-containing oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) are known to be immunostimulatory in vertebrate systems and can activate both innate and adaptive immune responses. In this report, we described the selection, identification, and analysis of CpG motifs with immunoprotective effects in Japanese flounder. Sixteen CpG ODNs were synthesized and examined for the ability to inhibit bacterial dissemination in Japanese flounder blood. Four ODNs with the strongest inhibitory effects were selected and mixed to form ODNs 4M. In addition, a plasmid, pCN6, was constructed that contains the sequences of the four selected ODNs. When administered into Japanese flounder via intraperitoneal injection, both ODNs 4M and pCN6 could, in dose and time dependent manners, afford short-term protection against the infections of two different bacterial pathogens. Immunological analyses showed that ODNs 4M and, especially, pCN6 activated head kidney macrophages and enhanced serum bactericidal activity via probably the alternative pathway of complement activation. When used as a DNA vaccine to immunize Japanese flounder, pCN6 conferred apparent protections (42.9% and 52.6%, respectively, in terms of relative percent survival) against the challenges of two different fish pathogens at 4-week post-vaccination. Transcriptional analysis showed that vaccination with pCN6 upregulated the expression of the genes encoding NKEF, MHC II alpha, IL-1 beta, Mx, and MHC I alpha. These results demonstrate that ODNs 4M and pCN6 are immunostimulatory in Japanese flounder and can induce short- and long-term nonspecific protections against bacterial infections. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study was conducted to determine the perivascular cell responses to increased endothelial cell expression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) in mouse retina. The contribution of bone marrow cells in the IGFBP-3-mediated response was examined using green fluorescent protein-positive (GFP(+)) adult chimeric mice subjected to laser-induced retinal vessel occlusion injury. Intravitreal injection of an endothelial-specific IGFBP-3-expressing plasmid resulted in increased differentiation of GF(P)+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) into pericytes and astrocytes as determined by immunohistochemical analysis. Administration of IGFBP-3 plasmid to mouse pups that underwent the oxygen-induced retinopathy model resulted in increased pericyte ensheathment and reduced pericyte apoptosis in the developing retina. Increased IGFBP-3 expression reduced the number of activated microglial cells and decreased apoptosis of neuronal cells in the oxygen-induced retinopathy model. In summary, IGFBP-3 increased differentiation of GFP(+) HSCs into pericytes and astrocytes while increasing vascular ensheathment of pericytes and decreasing apoptosis of pericytes and retinal neurons. All of these cytoprotective effects exhibited by IGFBP-3 overexpression can result in a more stable retinal vascular bed. Thus, endothelial expression of IGFBP-3 may represent a physiologic response to injury and may represent a therapeutic strategy for the treatment of ischemic vascular eye diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity. (Am J Pathol 2011, 178:1517-1524; DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2010.12.031)


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Chronic lung infection by opportunistic pathogens, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and members of the Burkholderia cepacia complex, is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with cystic fibrosis. Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of gram-negative bacteria are promising vaccine antigen candidates. In this study, we evaluated the immunogenicity, protection, and cross-protection conferred by intranasal vaccination of mice with OMPs from B. multivorans plus the mucosal adjuvant adamantylamide dipeptide (AdDP). Robust mucosal and systemic immune responses were stimulated by vaccination of naive animals with OMPs from B. multivorans and B. cenocepacia plus AdDP. Using a mouse model of chronic pulmonary infection, we observed enhanced clearance of B. multivorans from the lungs of vaccinated animals, which correlated with OMP-specific secretory immunoglobulin A responses. Furthermore, OMP-immunized mice showed rapid resolution of the pulmonary infection with virtually no lung pathology after bacterial challenge with B. multivorans. In addition, we demonstrated that administration of B. multivorans OMP vaccine conferred protection against B. cenocepacia challenge in this mouse infection model, suggesting that OMPs provide cross-protection against the B. cepacia complex. Therefore, we concluded that mucosal immunity to B. multivorans elicited by intranasal vaccination with OMPs plus AdDP could prevent early steps of colonization and infection with B. multivorans and also ameliorate lung tissue damage, while eliciting cross-protection against B. cenocepacia. These results support the notion that therapies leading to increased mucosal immunity in the airways may help patients with cystic fibrosis.


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Well-defined correlates of protective immunity are an essential component of rational vaccine development. Despite years of basic science and three HIV vaccine efficacy trials, correlates of immunological protection from HIV infection remain undefined. In December 2010, a meeting of scientists engaged in basic and translational work toward developing HIV-1 vaccines was convened. The goal of this meeting was to discuss current opportunities and optimal approaches for defining correlates of protection, both for ongoing and future HIV-1 vaccine candidates; specific efforts were made to engage young scientists. We discuss here the highlights from the meeting regarding the progress made and the way forward for a protective HIV-1 vaccine.


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While video surveillance systems have become ubiquitous in our daily lives, they have introduced concerns over privacy invasion. Recent research to address these privacy issues includes a focus on privacy region protection, whereby existing video scrambling techniques are applied to specific regions of interest (ROI) in a video while the background is left unchanged. Most previous work in this area has only focussed on encrypting the sign bits of nonzero coefficients in the privacy region, which produces a relatively weak scrambling effect. In this paper, to enhance the scrambling effect for privacy protection, it is proposed to encrypt the intra prediction modes (IPM) in addition to the sign bits of nonzero coefficients (SNC) within the privacy region. A major issue with utilising encryption of IPM is that drift error is introduced outside the region of interest. Therefore, a re-encoding method, which is integrated with the encryption of IPM, is also proposed to remove drift error. Compared with a previous technique that uses encryption of IPM, the proposed re-encoding method offers savings in the bitrate overhead while completely removing the drift error. Experimental results and analysis based on H.264/AVC were carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods. In addition, a spiral binary mask mechanism is proposed that can reduce the bitrate overhead incurred by flagging the position of the privacy region. A definition of the syntax structure for the spiral binary mask is given. As a result of the proposed techniques, the privacy regions in a video sequence can be effectively protected by the enhanced scrambling effect with no drift error and a lower bitrate overhead.


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Les polymorphonucléaires neutrophiles (PMNs) représentent une arme primordiale dans la défense contre divers agents pathogènes; notamment les bactéries, les champignons, les cellules tumorales de même que les cellules infectées par des virus. Cependant, certaines pathologies reliées à l’inflammation chronique soulèvent l’implication des neutrophiles notamment dans l’arthrite rhumatoïde. La réponse inflammatoire persistante générée par l’activation et la survie des neutrophiles engendre une destruction des tissus environnants suite à la sécrétion non contrôlée de leurs produits cytotoxiques. Même si l’activation chronique des neutrophiles est néfaste dans plusieurs pathologies, elle pourrait s’avérer un bon outil en cas de neutropénie, comme c’est souvent le cas les patients ayant reçu des traitements de chimiothérapie. Ce projet fait suite aux travaux doctoraux de Lagraoui (1999). Il vise à identifier le(s) facteur(s) du liquide synovial qui augmente la survie des neutrophiles ainsi que le mécanisme d’action impliqué dans ce processus. Similairement au facteur semi-pur isolés par Lagraoui (1999), le milieu conditionné concentré (MCC) augmente la survie des PMNs de 75% (39% ± 9.5 vs 68% ± 2.5, p<0.01). Suivant le séquençage du MCC parallèlement au facteur semi-pur actif, deux protéines ont été identifiées à la fois dans le MCC et dans le facteur semi-pur soient : l’albumine et la fétuine. Notre projet vise donc à comparer les effets de l’albumine et de la fétuine à ceux du GM-CSF dans l’optique d’une thérapie alternative au GM-CSF en tant qu’adjuvant de chimiothérapie. La présence d’albumine, de fétuine ou de GM-CSF chez les PMNs incubés 24 heures avec la Mutamycin® induit une diminution du nombre de cellules en apoptose par rapport à la Mutamycin® (Ctrl : 43% ± 10; A : 74% ± 3; F : (82% ± 6 et GM : 74% ± 7; p<0.01). L’effet de l’albumine dépend de la voie de la kinase PI3 mais également celle la kinase ERK, alors que celle de la fétuine dépend de la kinase PI3. Similairement l’EPO, l’albumine et la fétuine supporte la différentiation des HSCs en précurseurs érythrocytaires de type BFU-E. Dans un modèle murin de chiomioprotection, l’albumine augmente la concentration cellulaire rapport au groupe contrôle des leukocytes de la rate (66 ±8 x106c/ml vs 81 ±16 x106c/ml) et du sang (3.6 ±0.4 x106c/ml vs 5.7 ±2.3 x106c/ml). Donc, in vitro, l’albumine et la fétuine sont comparables au GM-CSF au niveau fonctionalité et mécansimes d’action. Cependant, vu leur manque de spécificité, l’application thérapeutique en tant qu’adjuvant de chiomiothérapie de l’albumine et la fétuine est peu prometteuse. Par contre, les maladies dégénératives et les évènements ischémiques pourraient s’avérer de bonnes cibles thérapeutiques, principalement pour l’albumine.


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La vaccination ADN à l’aide de plasmides codant pour des autoantigènes s’est avérée efficace dans la protection contre plusieurs maladies auto-immunes. Le but de ce mémoire était dans un premier temps d’établir si un protocole de vaccination ADN composé de 3 injections de pCMV-CTLA-4-NP et de pVR-IL-12 à deux semaines d’intervalle avait un effet protecteur contre le développement d’une hépatite auto-immune chez la souris TTR-NP, un modèle murin transgénique de la maladie et précédemment développé au laboratoire. Dans un deuxième temps, le but était d’élucider, le cas échéant, les mécanismes sous-tendant la protection conférée par la vaccination ADN. Les hypothèses initiales étaient qu’une protection allait effectivement être conférée par la vaccination ADN et que celle-ci pouvait être attribuable à une déviation de la réponse typiquement Th1 de la maladie vers une réponse Th2, à un épuisement des cellules immunitaires et/ou à l’activation et à l’induction de prolifération de cellules régulatrices. Les résultats montrent que la vaccination ADN induit une protection transitoire contre le développement d’infiltrations lymphocytaires au foie. Cette protection se ferait via un épuisement des cellules CD4+, CD8+ et CD19+ se retrouvant à la rate et exprimant PD 1 dans une plus forte proportion à 3 mois, et ne serait médiée ni par les lymphocytes T régulateurs CD4+CD25+FoxP3+, ni par les cellules CD8+FoxP3+. Une déviation de la réponse Th1 vers une réponse Th2 demeure une explication supplémentaire plausible à la protection conférée mais nécessiterait une caractérisation en situation plus physiologique avant de pouvoir inférer sur son implication réelle. La vaccination ADN n’influe ni sur la présence d’autoanticorps, ni sur les niveaux d’alanine aminotransférase, deux marqueurs de la maladie.


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This paper focuses on QoS routing with protection in an MPLS network over an optical layer. In this multi-layer scenario each layer deploys its own fault management methods. A partially protected optical layer is proposed and the rest of the network is protected at the MPLS layer. New protection schemes that avoid protection duplications are proposed. Moreover, this paper also introduces a new traffic classification based on the level of reliability. The failure impact is evaluated in terms of recovery time depending on the traffic class. The proposed schemes also include a novel variation of minimum interference routing and shared segment backup computation. A complete set of experiments proves that the proposed schemes are more efficient as compared to the previous ones, in terms of resources used to protect the network, failure impact and the request rejection ratio