988 resultados para endoscopic submucosal dissection


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Background and Aims: Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is useful for the treatment of sterile pancreatic fluid collections (PFC), either by means of transmural drainage or by complete aspiration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of single-step EUS-guided endoscopic approaches for treatment of sterile PFC. Patients and Methods: During a 3-year period, 77 consecutive patients with symptomatic, persistent sterile PFC were evaluated and treated with the linear EUS. We excluded patients with grossly purulent collections, chronic pseudocyst and those whose cytology diagnostic was neoplastic cyst of pancreas. 44 patients received a single 10-Fr plastic straight stent under EUS or fluoroscopic control (group I) and 33 of these underwent a single-step complete aspiration with a 19-gauge needle (group II). Results: The mean size of the sterile PFC was 48 mm in group I and 28 mm in group II (p < 0.001). Overall, endoscopic treatment was successful in 70 (90.9%) patients. The mean volume aspirated was 25 (18-65) ml. The total number of procedures was 50 in group I and 41 punctures in group II. After a mean follow-up of 64 +/- 15.6 weeks there were 6 complications 13.6%): 2 recurrences (referred to surgery), 2 developing abscesses (submitted a new EUS-guided endoscopic drainage with success), 1 perforation that died (2.2%), and 1 case of bleeding (sent to surgery) in group I. In group II there were only 6 (18.1%) recurrences (submitted a new EUS-guided aspiration). None of the patients undergoing single-step aspiration developed infections, perforation or hemorrhage. Conclusion: The recurrence of pancreatic pseudocysts after endoscopic treatment was similar, either by means of plastic stents or by complete single-step aspiration. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Objective: To evaluate oral feeding capacity, the swallowing process, and risk for aspiration, both clinically and during fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing, in infants with isolated Robin sequence treated exclusively with nasopharyngeal intubation and feeding facilitating techniques. Design: Longitudinal and prospective study. Setting: Hospital de Reabilitacao de Anomalies Craniofaciais, University of Sao Paulo, Bauru, Brazil. Patients: Eleven infants with isolated Robin sequence, under 2 months of age, treated with nasopharyngeal intubation. Interventions: Feeding facilitating techniques were applied in all infants throughout the study period. The infants were evaluated clinically and through fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing at first, second, and, if necessary, third week of hospitalization (T1, T2, T3). The mean volume of ingested milk was registered during clinical evaluation, and events were registered during feeding. Results: The respiratory status of all infants was improved after nasopharyngeal intubation; 72% of them presented risk for aspiration during fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing at T1. This risk was less frequent when thickened milk was given to the infants and at subsequent evaluations (T2 and T3). Conclusions: Nasopharyngeal intubation aids in stabilizing the airway in isolated Robin sequence, but it does not relate directly to feeding. The risk for aspiration was present in most of the infants, mainly during the first week of hospitalization, and improved within a few weeks, after the use of feeding facilitating techniques.


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Bilateral cysts in the frontal and caudal maxillary sinuses in a filly created by endoscopic Sinus surgery, (sinoscopy) and triangulation technique are described. Sinoscopy has the advantage of being a minimally invasive technique and permits a complete inspection of the frontal and maxillary sinuses, which is not possible through flap sinusotomy.


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Recently, Barrett's esophagus and early adenocarcinomas have been detected increasingly frequently in routine follow-up of patients with gastroesophageal reflux. Although surgery is the treatment of choice, some patients are medically unfit for esophagectomy and, in this case, the only alternative curative therapy is radical chemoradiation therapy. In addition, some patients who present with symptoms have small tumors that cannot be localized accurately using routine imaging techniques. This report describes a series of eight patients with small esophageal cancers in whom the tumors were successfully localized following endoscopic injection of contrast, and treated with chemoradiation therapy. The treatment was successful in seven patients. This method of tumor localization demonstrated that conventional techniques are mostly, unreliable when applied to very early cancers.


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Now that some of the genes involved in asthma and allergy have been identified, interest is turning to how genetic predisposition interacts with exposure to environmental risk factors. These questions are best answered by studies in which both genotypes and other risk factors are measured, but even simpler studies, in which family history is used as a proxy for genotype, have made suggestive findings. For example, early breast feeding may increase the risk of allergic disease in genetically susceptible children, and decrease the risk of 'sporadic' allergy. This review also addresses the overall importance of genetic causes of allergic disease in the general population.


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Background & aims - Patients who underwent endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) present protein-energy malnutrition, but little is known about Trace Elements (TE), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Selenium (Se), Iron (Fe), Chromium (Cr). Our aim was the evaluation of serum TE in patients who underwent PEG and its relationship with serum proteins, BMI and nature of underlying disorder. Methods - A prospective observational study was performed collecting: patient's age, gender, underlying disorder, NRS-2002, BMI, serum albumin, transferrin and TE concentration. We used ferrozine colorimetric method for Fe; Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy for Zn/Cu; Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy for Se/Cr. The patients were divided into head and neck cancer (HNC) and neurological dysphagia (ND). Results - 146 patients (89 males), 21–95 years: HNC-56; ND-90. Low BMI in 78. Low values mostly for Zn (n = 122) and Fe (n = 69), but less for Se (n = 31), Cu (n = 16), Cr (n = 7); low albumin in 77, low transferrin in 94 and 66 with both proteins low. Significant differences between the groups of underlying disease only for Zn (t140.326 = −2,642, p < 0.01) and a correlation between proteins and TE respectively albumin and Zn (r = 0.197, p = 0.025), and albumin and Fe (r = 0.415, p = 0.000). Conclusions - When gastrostomy was performed, patients display low serum TE namely Zn, but also Fe, less striking regarding others TE. It was related with prolonged fasting, whatever the underlying disease. Low proteins were associated with low TE. Teams taking care of PEG-patients should use Zn supplementation and include other TE evaluation as part of the nutritional assessment of PEG candidates.


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Systematic examination of the upper respiratory and digestive tracts (URDT) was performed in a group of 80 paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) patients submitted to post-treatment follow-up ranging from 8 months to 17 years. Mucosae of the URDT had been involved prior to specific treatment in 74 patients, distributed as follows: oropharynx, 50 (41 alone, 7 in association with the larynx, and 2 with the nasal mucosa); larynx, 30 (23 alone and 7 in association); and nasal mucosa, 3(1 alone and 2 in association). Inactive lesions were observed in all the 50 patients with lesions of the oropharynx, 3 of whom with deforming scars (1 with retraction of the tongue and 2 with narrowing of the oral orifice). One case presented a destructive lesion, with perfuration of the palate. Of the other 46 cases, examination showed nacreous white striated scars which were nearly imperceptible in some cases and in others displayed partial retraction of anatomical structures without any alteration of their features. Patients presented a high rate of missing teeth. In 3 patients with involvement of the nasal mucosa, none of whom presented active PCM lesions, 2 still had nasal voices. In 30 patients with lesions of the larynx, 1 suffered a relapse of PCM and 2 developed epidermoid carcinoma. Of the other 27 cases, none of whom had active PCM lesions, 15 presented dysphonia, 3 were tracheotomized, and 9 were asymptomatic.


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Background and aims: Dysphagic patients who underwent endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) usually present protein-energy malnutrition, but little is known about micronutrient malnutrition. The aim of the present study was the evaluation of serum zinc in patients who underwent endoscopic gastrostomy and its relationship with serum proteins, whole blood zinc, and the nature of underlying disorder. Methods: From patients that underwent gastrostomy a blood sample was obtained minutes before the procedure. Serum and whole blood zinc was evaluated using Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Serum albumin and transferrin were evaluated. Patients were studied as a whole and divided into two groups: head and neck cancer (HNC) and neurological dysphagia (ND). Results: The study involved 32 patients (22 males), aged 43-88 years: HNC = 15, ND = 17. Most (30/32) had low serum zinc, 17/32 presented normal values of whole blood zinc. Only two, with traumatic brain injury, presented normal serum zinc. Serum zinc levels showed no differences between HNC and ND patients. There was no association between serum zinc and serum albumin or transferrin. There was no association between serum and whole blood zinc. Conclusions: Patients had low serum zinc when gastrostomy was performed, similar in HNC and ND, being related with prolonged fasting and unrelated with the underlying disease. Decrease serum zinc was unrelated with low serum proteins. Serum zinc was more sensitive than whole blood zinc for identifying reduced zinc intake. Teams taking care of PEG-patients should include zinc evaluation as part of the nutritional assessment, or include systematic dietary zinc supply.


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Morbid obesity is an epidemic and complex disease which imposes a multidisciplinary approach. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy has become a frequent procedure given its effi- cacy and safety compared to other surgical options. However, it isn’t free from complications. Lax gastric fixation or incorrect positioning of the stomach during surgery can result in early gastric outlet obstruction caused by a volvulus-like mechanism by rotation of the stomach around its anatomic axes. This report refers to two cases of post sleeve gastric torsion resulting in persisting vomiting after initiating oral intake. The diagnosis was confirmed by upper gastrointestinal-contrast study and gastroscopy. In both cases, a fully covered self-expandable metallic stentwas insertedwhich prompted the gastric lumen to become permeable resulting in symptomatic resolution. The stents were removed endoscopically aftertwo and three months. Beyond more than three years offollow-up,the patients remain asymptomatic and no recurring ‘‘stenosis’’ was noticed.In these cases the use offully covered self-expandable metallic stents demonstrated to be effective and safe in the treatment of post sleeve gastric torsion.


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Flexor hallucis longus (FHL) transfer is a well-established treatment option in failed Achilles tendon (AT) repair and has been routinely performed as an open procedure. We detail the surgical steps needed to perform an arthroscopic transfer of the FHL for a chronic AT rupture. The FHL tendon is harvested as it enters in its tunnel beneath the sustentaculum tali; a tunnel is then drilled in the calcaneus as near to the AT footprint as possible. By use of a suture-passing device, the free end of the FHL is advanced to the plantar aspect of the foot. After adequate tension is applied to the construct, the tendon is fixed in place with an interference screw in an inside-out fashion. This minimally invasive approach is a safe and valid alternative to classic open procedures with the obvious advantages of preserving the soft-tissue envelope and using a biologically intact tendon.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Patients who underwent endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) present protein-energy malnutrition, but little is known about Trace Elements (TE), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Selenium (Se), Iron (Fe), Chromium (Cr). Our aim was the evaluation of serum TE in patients who underwent PEG and its relationship with serum proteins, BMI and nature of underlying disorder. METHODS: A prospective observational study was performed collecting: patient's age, gender, underlying disorder, NRS-2002, BMI, serum albumin, transferrin and TE concentration. We used ferrozine colorimetric method for Fe; Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy for Zn/Cu; Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy for Se/Cr. The patients were divided into head and neck cancer (HNC) and neurological dysphagia (ND). RESULTS: 146 patients (89 males), 21-95 years: HNC-56; ND-90. Low BMI in 78. Low values mostly for Zn (n = 122) and Fe (n = 69), but less for Se (n = 31), Cu (n = 16), Cr (n = 7); low albumin in 77, low transferrin in 94 and 66 with both proteins low. Significant differences between the groups of underlying disease only for Zn (t140.326 = -2,642, p < 0.01) and a correlation between proteins and TE respectively albumin and Zn (r = 0.197, p = 0.025), and albumin and Fe (r = 0.415, p = 0.000). CONCLUSIONS: When gastrostomy was performed, patients display low serum TE namely Zn, but also Fe, less striking regarding others TE. It was related with prolonged fasting, whatever the underlying disease. Low proteins were associated with low TE. Teams taking care of PEG-patients should use Zn supplementation and include other TE evaluation as part of the nutritional assessment of PEG candidates.


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Introduction Most studies that have evaluated the stomachs of patients with Chagas disease were performed before the discovery of Helicobacter pylori and used no control groups. This study compared the gastric features of chagasic and non-chagasic patients and assessed whether gastritis could be associated with Chagas disease. Methods Gastric biopsy samples were taken from patients who underwent endoscopy for histological analysis according to the Updated Sydney System. H. pylori infection was assessed by histology, 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) polymerase chain reaction (PCR), serology and the 13C-urea breath test. Patients were considered H. pylori-negative when all of these diagnostic tests were negative. Clinical and socio-demographic data were obtained by reviewing medical records and using a questionnaire. Results The prevalence of H. pylori infection (70.3% versus 71.7%) and chronic gastritis (92.2% versus 85%) was similar in the chagasic and non-chagasic groups, respectively; such as peptic ulcer, atrophy and intestinal metaplasia. Gastritis was associated with H. pylori infection independent of Chagas disease in a log-binomial regression model. However, the chagasic H. pylori-negative patients showed a significantly higher grade of mononuclear (in the corpus) and polymorphonuclear (PMN) (in the antrum) cell infiltration. Additionally, the patients with the digestive form of Chagas disease showed a significantly lower prevalence of corpus atrophy than those with other clinical forms. Conclusions The prevalence of H. pylori infection and of gastric histological and endoscopic features was similar among the chagasic and non-chagasic patients. Additionally, this is the first controlled study to demonstrate that H. pylori is the major cause of gastritis in patients with Chagas disease.


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Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for suspected choledocholithiasis: From guidelines to clinical practice.


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CRSLS MIS Case Reports from SLS.org.