995 resultados para embedded crack element


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Analysis of complex composite structures requires a fine contiguous mesh of threedimensional (3D) solid elements. The embedded element technique is a promising technique for predicting stiffness and stress. This paper presents a new method for enhancing the embedded element with continuum damage mechanics methods for predicting the evolution of damage in fiber reinforced composite structures. Comparison of the model prediction with experimental results reveals an excellent correlation between the tensile strength of quasi-isotropic laminate with an open hole. The embedded element technique allows the fiber reinforcement and matrix domains to be meshed independently and failure is evaluated separately in each domain. The enhanced embedded element approach allows the failure modes to be observed, specifically, the evolution of matrix cracking and fiber rupture. Compared to the traditional contiguous mesh finite element method, the present modelling technique demonstrates a clear advantage in predicting the experimentally observed failure modes and accurate characterisation of intralaminar fracture.


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In this paper, an enriched radial point interpolation method (e-RPIM) is developed the for the determination of crack tip fields. In e-RPIM, the conventional RBF interpolation is novelly augmented by the suitable trigonometric basis functions to reflect the properties of stresses for the crack tip fields. The performance of the enriched RBF meshfree shape functions is firstly investigated to fit different surfaces. The surface fitting results have proven that, comparing with the conventional RBF shape function, the enriched RBF shape function has: (1) a similar accuracy to fit a polynomial surface; (2) a much better accuracy to fit a trigonometric surface; and (3) a similar interpolation stability without increase of the condition number of the RBF interpolation matrix. Therefore, it has proven that the enriched RBF shape function will not only possess all advantages of the conventional RBF shape function, but also can accurately reflect the properties of stresses for the crack tip fields. The system of equations for the crack analysis is then derived based on the enriched RBF meshfree shape function and the meshfree weak-form. Several problems of linear fracture mechanics are simulated using this newlydeveloped e-RPIM method. It has demonstrated that the present e-RPIM is very accurate and stable, and it has a good potential to develop a practical simulation tool for fracture mechanics problems.


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This paper presents a material model to simulate load induced cracking in Reinforced Concrete (RC) elements in ABAQUS finite element package. Two numerical material models are used and combined to simulate complete stress-strain behaviour of concrete under compression and tension including damage properties. Both numerical techniques used in the present material model are capable of developing the stress-strain curves including strain softening regimes only using ultimate compressive strength of concrete, which is easily and practically obtainable for many of the existing RC structures or those to be built. Therefore, the method proposed in this paper is valuable in assessing existing RC structures in the absence of more detailed test results. The numerical models are slightly modified from the original versions to be comparable with the damaged plasticity model used in ABAQUS. The model is validated using different experiment results for RC beam elements presented in the literature. The results indicate a good agreement with load vs. displacement curve and observed crack patterns.


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Different from conventional methods for structural reliability evaluation, such as, first/second-order reliability methods (FORM/SORM) or Monte Carlo simulation based on corresponding limit state functions, a novel approach based on dynamic objective oriented Bayesian network (DOOBN) for prediction of structural reliability of a steel bridge element has been proposed in this paper. The DOOBN approach can effectively model the deterioration processes of a steel bridge element and predict their structural reliability over time. This approach is also able to achieve Bayesian updating with observed information from measurements, monitoring and visual inspection. Moreover, the computational capacity embedded in the approach can be used to facilitate integrated management and maintenance optimization in a bridge system. A steel bridge girder is used to validate the proposed approach. The predicted results are compared with those evaluated by FORM method.


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Graphical tasks have become a prominent aspect of mathematics assessment. From a conceptual stance, the purpose of this study was to better understand the composition of graphical tasks commonly used to assess students’ mathematics understandings. Through an iterative design, the investigation described the sense making of 11–12-year-olds as they decoded mathematics tasks which contained a graphic. An ongoing analysis of two phases of data collection was undertaken as we analysed the extent to which various elements of text, graphics, and symbols influenced student sense making. Specifically, the study outlined the changed behaviour (and performance) of the participants as they solved graphical tasks that had been modified with respect to these elements. We propose a theoretical framework for understanding the composition of a graphical task and identify three specific elements which are dependently and independently related to each other, namely: the graphic; the text; and the symbols. Results indicated that although changes to the graphical tasks were minimal, a change in student success and understanding was most evident when the graphic element was modified. Implications include the need for test designers to carefully consider the graphics embedded within mathematics tasks since the elements within graphical tasks greatly influence student understanding.


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The effects of crack depth (a/W) and specimen width W on the fracture toughness and ductile±brittle transition have been investigated using three-point bend specimens. Finite element analysis is employed to obtain the stress-strain fields ahead of the crack tip. The results show that both normalized crack depth (a/W) and specimen width (W) affect the fracture toughness and ductile±brittle fracture transition. The measured crack tip opening displacement decreases and ductile±brittle transition occurs with increasing crack depth (a/W) from 0.1 to 0.2 and 0.3. At a fixed a/W (0.2 or 0.3), all specimens fail by cleavage prior to ductile tearing when specimen width W increases from 25 to 40 and 50 mm. The lower bound fracture toughness is not sensitive to crack depth and specimen width. Finite element analysis shows that the opening stress in the remaining ligament is elevated with increasing crack depth or specimen width due to the increase of in-plane constraint. The average local cleavage stress is dependent on both crack depth and specimen width but its lower bound value is not sensitive to constraint level. No fixed distance can be found from the cleavage initiation site to the crack tip and this distance increases gradually with decreasing inplane constraint.


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The growth of a single cylindrical hole ahead of a blunt crack tip was studied using large deformation finite element analysis in three-point bend specimens with different precrack depth. The effect of small second phase particles was taken into account by incorporating Gurson’s constitutive equation. The effects of strain hardening and the initial distance from the hole to the crack tip were also investigated. The results show that the variation of crack tip opening displacement with load is not sensitive to constraint level. The effects of constraint on the growth of hole and ductile initiation toughness are diminished with decreasing initial distance from the hole to the blunt crack tip.


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Large deformation finite element analysis has been carried out to investigate the stress-strain fields ahead of a growing crack for compact tension .a=W D 0:5/ and three-point bend .a=W D 0:1 and 0:5/ specimens under plane stress condition. The crack growth is controlled by the experimental J -integral resistance curves measured by Sun et al. The results indicate that the distributions of opening stress, equivalent stress and equivalent strain ahead of a growing crack are not sensitive to specimen geometry. For both stationary and growing cracks, similar distributions of opening stress and triaxiality can be found along the ligament. During stable crack growth, the crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD) resistance curve and the cohesive fracture energy in the fracture process zone are independent of specimen geometry and may be suitable criteria for characterizing stable crack growth in plane stress.


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Ductile-brittle fracture transition was investigated using compact tension (CT) specimens from -70oC to 40oC for a carbon steel. Large deformation finite element analysis has been carried out to simulate the stable crack growth in the compact tension (CT, a/W=0.6), three point-point bend (SE(B), a/W=0.1) and centre-cracked tension (M(T), a/W=0.5) specimens. Experimental crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) resistance curve was employed as the crack growth criterion. Ductile tearing is sensitive to constraint and tearing modulus increases with reduced constraint level. The finite element analysis shows that path-dependence of J-integral occurs from the very beginning of crack growth and ductile crack growth elevates the opening stress on the remaining ligament. Cleavage may occur after some ductile crack growth due to the increase of opening stress. For both stationary and growing cracks, the magnitude of opening stress increases with increasing in-plane constraint. The ductile-brittle transition takes place when the opening stress ahead of the crack tip reaches the local cleavage stress as the in-plane constraint of the specimen increases.


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This research provides validated Finite Element techniques to analyse pile foundations under seismic loads. The results show that the capability of the technique to capture the important pile response which includes kinematic and inertial interaction effects, effects of soil stiffness and depth on pile deflection patterns and permanent deformations.


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This paper investigates the soil–pile interaction of a pile embedded in a deep multi-layered soil under seismic excitation considering both kinematic and inertial interaction effects. A comprehensive three-dimensional finite element model is developed and validated using existing results in the literature. The response of the pile in the deep multi-layered soil profile is investigated with respect to pile head response, deflection modes and maximum deflections along the pile. Results show that the pile exhibits complex deflection patterns and that the pile response is influenced by the properties of both the soil profile and the seismic excitation. It is also evident that kinematic interaction effects have a greater influence on the pile response than the inertial interaction effects.


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This article is concerned with the many connections between creative work and workers, and education work and industries. Employment in the education sector has long been recognised as a significant element in creative workers’portfolio careers. Much has been written, for exam- ple, about the positive contribution of ‘artists in schools’ initiatives. Australian census analyses reveal that education is the most common industry sector into which creative workers are ‘embedded’, outside of the core creative industries. However, beyond case studies and some survey research into arts instruction and instructors, we know remarkably little about in which education roles and sectors creative workers are embedded, and the types of value that they add in those roles and sectors. This article reviews the extant literature on creative work and workers in education, and presents the findings of a survey of 916 graduates from creative undergraduate degrees in Australia. The findings suggest that education work is very common among creative graduates indeed, while there are a range of motivating factors for education work among creative graduates, on average they are satisfied with their careers, and that creative graduates add significant creative-cultural and creative-generic value add through their work.


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Numerical analysis of cracked structures often involves numerical estimation of stress intensity factors (SIFs) at a crack tip/front. A newly developed formulation called universal crack closure integral (UCCI) for the evaluation of potential energy release rates (PERRs) and the corresponding SIFs is presented in this paper. Unlike the existing element dedicated forms of crack closure integrals (MCCI, VCCI) with application limited to finite element analysis, this new numerical SIF/PERR estimation technique is independent of the basic stress analysis procedure, making it universally applicable. The second merit of this procedure is that it avoids the generally error-producing zones close to the crack tip/front singularity. The UCCI procedure, based on Irwin's original CCI, is formulated and explored using a simple 2D problem of a straight crack in an infinite sheet. It is then applied to some three-dimensional crack geometries with the stresses and displacements obtained from a boundary element program.


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In this work, two families of asymptotic near-tip stress fields are constructed in an elastic-ideally plastic FCC single crystal under mode I plane strain conditions. A crack is taken to lie on the (010) plane and its front is aligned along the [(1) over bar 01] direction. Finite element analysis is first used to systematically examine the stress distributions corresponding to different constraint levels. The general framework developed by Rice (Mech Mater 6:317-335, 1987) and Drugan (J Mech Phys Solids 49:2155-2176, 2001) is then adopted to generate low triaxiality solutions by introducing an elastic sector near the crack tip. The two families of stress fields are parameterized by the normalized opening stress (tau(A)(22)/tau(o)) prevailing in the plastic sector in front of the tip and by the coordinates of a point where elastic unloading commences in stress space. It is found that the angular stress variations obtained from the analytical solutions show good agreement with finite element analysis.