97 resultados para electromagnetism
Apesar de fundamentais para a aprendizagem, o estímulo à postura ativa do aluno (versus o de apenas ouvinte), o respeito ao ritmo individual de aprendizagem, as avaliações formativas e o provimento de feedback sistemático ao aluno estão freqüentemente fora das salas de aula nas escolas e universidades. Uma estratégia para trazer tais características para as salas de aula é através do ensino individualizado. Um dos procedimentos de ensino individualizado mais documentados e aplicados é o Sistema Personalizado de Instrução (SPI) de Fred S. Keller. Intensamente usado na década de 70, milhares de artigos foram publicados sobre o SPI, provendo extensa evidência empírica sobre os seus resultados, os quais, em geral, são superiores a outras formas de ensino. Apesar disto, a aplicação do método entrou em declínio na década de 80. Dentre as razões para isto, podemos destacar a quantidade de esforço inicial necessário para se construir um curso baseado no SPI, a possível resistência por parte dos professores e educadores devido à mudança do papel do professor de transmissor do conhecimento para orientador e a logística necessária para prover feedback sistemático aos alunos. Vale ressaltar que, independente de quais fatores contribuíram para o declínio na utilização do SPI, sua eficiência é inquestionável. Neste trabalho, analisamos uma metodologia de ensino individualizado baseada no SPI de Keller, experimentada no contexto de um curso introdutório de eletromagnetismo para alunos de Física do terceiro semestre letivo da Universidade Federal do Pará. A metodologia empregou características do SPI, respeitando as características da disciplina como a presença de cálculos longos e ausência de monitores. Obtivemos indícios de que, apesar das modificações introduzidas, a aplicação desta metodologia pode trazer vários dos resultados positivos obtidos com a aplicação do SPI de Keller.
Relatamos a experiência de utilizar programação em Maple como ferramenta de aprendizagem do estudante num curso básico de teoria eletromagnética. Acreditamos que este relato possa ser útil a quem desejar utilizar o computador como instrumento pedagógico no ensino de Física.
Uma das metodologias de ensino individualizado mais usadas e documentadas na década de 70 foi o Sistema Personalizado de Instrução (SPI) de Fred Keller. Diversas pesquisas sobre essa metodologia foram publicadas, as quais proveram extensa evidência empírica de seus resultados positivos. Apesar disso, a aplicação desse sistema de ensino entrou em declínio a partir da década de 80. Dentre as razões para tal declínio, podemos destacar o maior esforço requerido para a elaboração de cursos utilizando essa metodologia e para o provimento de feedback sistemático ao desempenho dos alunos, assim como o surgimento de críticas a ela devido à abordagem comportamentalista de Keller. Mesmo sendo fundamentais para a aprendizagem, o estímulo à postura ativa do estudante, o respeito ao ritmo individual de aprendizagem, as avaliações formativas e o provimento de feedback sistemático ao aluno continuam frequentemente fora das salas de aula. Uma estratégia para suprir tais carências é o ensino individualizado. Neste trabalho, propomos várias modificações ao SPI de Keller visando uma metodologia viável de ser empregada em um curso introdutório de eletromagnetismo para estudantes de física da Universidade Federal do Pará. Dentre estas modificações, destacamos: (i) o emprego de avaliações semanais, e não em todas as aulas; (ii) a correção das avaliações e provisão de feedback feitas pelo professor, e não pelos monitores; e (iii) a manutenção parcial de aulas expositivas. Com base em uma avaliação incluindo parâmetros mensuráveis, obtivemos indícios de que, apesar das modificações introduzidas, a aplicação dessa metodologia permitiu obter vários dos resultados positivos comuns na aplicação do SPI de Keller.
Este trabalho oferece um método para a predição da intensidade de campo elétrico para TV Digital utilizando a Função de Green diádica. A Diádica é uma ferramenta matemática eficiente que tem simplicidade simbólica e robustez permitindo, assim, que algumas características do meio (como permissividade, condutividade e permeabilidade, por exemplo) sejam consideradas na elaboração do modelo de campo elétrico, bem como levar em conta a anisotropia do meio. Na maior parte dos trabalhos correlatos, que utilizam as funções de Green diádicas, estão relacionados na faixa de VHF. Este trabalho irá apresentar desde os conceitos básicos das diádicas, desenvolvendo-a para o cálculo de um modelo que permita predizer o campo elétrico para a faixa de UHF, na qual os sistemas de TV Digital se encontram. Uma explanação teórica e um desenvolvimento matemático serão feitos de forma que um entendimento claro e objetivo sejam alcançados no estudo das funções de Green diádicas, numa parte da teoria do eletromagnetismo. Testes foram realizados para confirmar a aplicabilidade da formulação sugerida, fazendo simulações que realizem uma comparação entre os dados medidos, de duas emissoras de TV situadas na cidade de Belém, e o modelo de Okumura-Hata modificado, mostrando resultados satisfatórios, tanto para frequências na faixa de VHF e UHF.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
The aim of this paper is to discuss the problematization in Physics Teaching subsidized by a methodology based on the steps of the process of psychoanalysis proposed by Santos (1998) and based in Bachelard’s epistemology. The work was developed and applied in extracurricular course and it was investigated at conceptions of students of the degree in Physics from Unesp-Bauru about the topics of the electromagnetism. The data were categorized into level of complexity and showed in tables and graphs. The results allowed us to infer the conceptual or epistemological profiles of the sample investigated.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This monograph has the inspiring theme using Comic Books in physics education. The Comic Books are objects, which are part of our current daily life, in newspaper, magazines, comics and electronic media, and providing entertainment to the readers. Beyond this property, the ludic nature and linguistics become an interesting material when applied on Education. Our goal was to research an analyze a Comic Book that could be used in a Physics class. The chosen material was Astronauta Magnetar from Danilo Beyruth. With this Comic Book, we perform a short course with students from three High School grade, where the themes of labor were Astrophysics and Electromagnetism. From the results of this short course, we prepared a lot of comments and discussions about the role of Comic Books in a classroom, as an significant instrument for Physics Education
In this work we present a didactic proposal of the use of movies and videos for the Physics teaching directed to the Basic Education and we bring a discussion about how the materials addresses this topic. For this, we selected three cinematographic works, one chapter of the TV show and videos found in the web and we analyse the physics concepts found particularly about the issue electromagnetism. We developed the activity denominated Cine - Física in a public school from Rio Claro - SP, through presentations of these movies, shows and videos. Those works were exhibited in full and then we discussed the concepts involved in these movies. With the perform of this didactic proposal we verified that is possible insert the use of movies and videos in the classroom activities, and go beyond the entertainment or using those materials as supplements of classes. Dialoguing with students was possible to realize that they visualize the effects and physical concepts in a different way than other that used to be shown in the blackboard through formulas, providing positive effects to the learning of Physics
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
In this thesis the measurement of the effective weak mixing angle wma in proton-proton collisions is described. The results are extracted from the forward-backward asymmetry (AFB) in electron-positron final states at the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The AFB is defined upon the distribution of the polar angle between the incoming quark and outgoing lepton. The signal process used in this study is the reaction pp to zgamma + X to ee + X taking a total integrated luminosity of 4.8\,fb^(-1) of data into account. The data was recorded at a proton-proton center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s)=7TeV. The weak mixing angle is a central parameter of the electroweak theory of the Standard Model (SM) and relates the neutral current interactions of electromagnetism and weak force. The higher order corrections on wma are related to other SM parameters like the mass of the Higgs boson.rnrnBecause of the symmetric initial state constellation of colliding protons, there is no favoured forward or backward direction in the experimental setup. The reference axis used in the definition of the polar angle is therefore chosen with respect to the longitudinal boost of the electron-positron final state. This leads to events with low absolute rapidity have a higher chance of being assigned to the opposite direction of the reference axis. This effect called dilution is reduced when events at higher rapidities are used. It can be studied including electrons and positrons in the forward regions of the ATLAS calorimeters. Electrons and positrons are further referred to as electrons. To include the electrons from the forward region, the energy calibration for the forward calorimeters had to be redone. This calibration is performed by inter-calibrating the forward electron energy scale using pairs of a central and a forward electron and the previously derived central electron energy calibration. The uncertainty is shown to be dominated by the systematic variations.rnrnThe extraction of wma is performed using chi^2 tests, comparing the measured distribution of AFB in data to a set of template distributions with varied values of wma. The templates are built in a forward folding technique using modified generator level samples and the official fully simulated signal sample with full detector simulation and particle reconstruction and identification. The analysis is performed in two different channels: pairs of central electrons or one central and one forward electron. The results of the two channels are in good agreement and are the first measurements of wma at the Z resonance using electron final states at proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=7TeV. The precision of the measurement is already systematically limited mostly by the uncertainties resulting from the knowledge of the parton distribution functions (PDF) and the systematic uncertainties of the energy calibration.rnrnThe extracted results of wma are combined and yield a value of wma_comb = 0.2288 +- 0.0004 (stat.) +- 0.0009 (syst.) = 0.2288 +- 0.0010 (tot.). The measurements are compared to the results of previous measurements at the Z boson resonance. The deviation with respect to the combined result provided by the LEP and SLC experiments is up to 2.7 standard deviations.
When we look at the history of electricity and electromagnetism in Spain we discover that the most important Spanish researchers are generally out of the official institutions or stable research groups until the 20th century [1] [2]. In the 20th century most of the scientific research is done in stable research institutions and universities and the most important electromagnetism research centres in Spain are located in the Faculty of Physics of the most important universities, the National Scientific Research Council (CSIC) and the School for Telecommunication Engineering created in 1923. But the greatest impulse of research in the antenna and radiowave propagation field is done after 1960 reaching the first national URSI conference in 1980. After that year, the relation between groups and the number of research groups is continuously growing and the relation to industry is also increasing. When Spain joins the European research organizations (COST, ERC...) and the European Union in 1985 the research support experience a fast growing and the participation in the European research structures. In the antenna design field, there exist some specializations although most of the groups have dome specific projects in almost all the antenna analysis and design fields. Here, we have selected the most important and characteristic area related to each of the research groups and institutions. The easiest way to classify the research work in antennas is the selection between antenna analysis, design and measurement. After that the selected frequency bands technology, the type of antennas and the related circuits can be a good criterion to describe the variety of research work and specialization between groups.
La tecnología ha cambiado el mundo, pero las consecuencias de estos cambios en la sociedad no siempre se han pronosticado bien. Las Tecnologías de la Información transformaron el método de producción industrial. La nueva industria produce ideas y conceptos, no objetos. Este cambio ha dado como resultado una sociedad dualizada, ha desaparecido gran parte de la clase media y han aumentado las diferencias entre la clase alta y la baja. Las exigencias educativas de los nuevos puestos de trabajo innovadores son superiores a los de la industria tradicional, pero inferiores en los puestos de trabajo de producción. Además, el número de puestos de trabajo disponibles de este tipo es menor que en la industria tradicional, se necesita menos mano de obra, los procesos se pueden automatizar, las tareas mecánicas se aprenden en poco tiempo y son trabajos temporales, cuyo número dependerá de la demanda global. Para que el proceso de innovación funcione, las empresas se reúnen en las zonas financieras de grandes ciudades, como Nueva York o Londres, que fueron las primeras con acceso a las redes de telecomunicación. De esta manera se producen sinergias que contribuyen a mejorar el proceso innovador global. Estas ideas y conceptos que cambian el mundo necesitan de este entorno de producción, que no puede ser replicado, y son tan importantes que su acceso está restringido para la mayor parte del mundo por distintos mecanismos de control. El despliegue de las redes de telecomunicaciones inalámbricas ha sido enorme en los últimos años. El cliente busca llamar desde cualquier lugar y llevar un acceso a Internet en teléfono móvil. Para conseguirlo, las operadoras de telefonía móvil necesitan poner antenas de telefonía móvil en las ciudades, pero la instalación cerca de edificios no está siendo fácil. Pocos quieren tener una antena cerca por los problemas de salud de las personas que padecen los que ya viven o trabajan cerca de una. Los efectos del electromagnetismo en los seres humanos no están claros y provocan desconfianza hacia las antenas. La digitalización de los contenidos, que ha sido necesaria para transmitir contenido en Internet, permite que cualquier persona con un ordenador y una conexión a Internet pueda publicar un disco, una película o un libro. Pero esa persona también puede copiar los originales y enviarlos a cualquier lugar del mundo sin el permiso del autor. Con el fin de controlar la copia no autorizada, los derechos de autor se están usando para cambiar leyes e incluir sistemas de censura en Internet. Estos sistemas permiten a los autores eliminar el contenido ilegal, pero también pueden ser usados para censurar cualquier tipo de información. El control de la información es poder y usarlo de una manera o de otra afecta a todo el planeta. El problema no es la tecnología, que es solo una herramienta, es la forma que tienen los gobiernos y las grandes empresas de usarlo. Technology has changed the world, but the consequences of these changes in society have not always been well predicted. The Information Technology transformed the industrial production method. The new industry produces ideas and concepts, not objects. This change has resulted in a society dualized, most of the middle class has disappeared and the differences between high and low class have increased. The educational requirements of new innovative jobs are higher than the ones of the traditional industry, but lower in production jobs. Moreover, the number of available jobs of this type is lower than in the traditional industry, it takes less manpower, processes can be automated, mechanical tasks are learned in a short time and jobs are temporary, whose number depends on global demand. For the innovation process works, companies meet in the business districts of large cities, like New York or London, which were the first with access to telecommunications networks. This will produce synergies that improve the overall innovation process. These ideas and concepts that change the world need this production environment, which cannot be replicated, and are so important that their access is restricted to most of the world by different control mechanisms. The deploy of wireless telecommunications networks has been enormous in recent years. The client seeks to call from anywhere and to bring Internet access in his mobile phone. To achieve this, mobile operators need to put cell towers in cities, but the installation near buildings is not being easy. Just a few want to have an antenna closely because of the health problems suffered by people who already live or work near one. The effects of electromagnetism in humans are unclear and cause distrust of antennas. The digitization of content, which has been necessary to transmit Internet content, allows anyone with a computer and an Internet connection to be able to publish an album, a movie or a book. But that person can also copy the originals and send them anywhere in the world without the author's permission. In order to control the unauthorized copying, copyright is being used to change laws and include Internet censorship systems. These systems allow authors to eliminate illegal content, but may also be used to censor any information. The control of knowledge is power and using it in one way or another affects the whole planet. The problem is not technology, which is just a tool, but the way that governments and large corporations use it.
Este proyecto se enmarca dentro de la Computación Simbólica y de los fundamentos matemáticos del Diseño Geométrico Asistido por ordenador (CAGD). Se abordara uno de los problemas principales en el ámbito del CAGD y que es la manipulación de las Curvas Concoide. La importancia del avance en la manipulación de las curvas concoide radica en el papel fundamental que desempeñan en múltiples aplicaciones en la actualidad dentro de campos de diversa índole tales como la medicina, la óptica, el electromagnetismo, la construcción, etc. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es el diseño e implementación de algoritmos para el estudio, cálculo y manipulación de curvas concoides, utilizando técnicas propias del Calculo Simbólico. Esta implementación se ha programado utilizando el sistema de computación simbólica Maple. El proyecto consiste en dos partes bien diferenciadas, una parte teórica y otra más practica. La primera incluye la descripción geométrica y definición formal de curvas concoide, así como las ideas y propiedades básicas. De forma más precisa, se presenta un estudio matemático sobre el análisis de racionalidad de estas curvas, explicando los algoritmos que serán implementados en las segunda parte, y que constituye el objetivo principal de este proyecto. Para cerrar esta parte, se presenta una pequeña introducción al sistema y a la programación en Maple. Por otro lado, la segunda parte de este proyecto es totalmente original, y en ella el autor desarrolla las implementaciones en Maple de los algoritmos presentados en la parte anterior, así como la creación de un paquete Maple que las recoge. Por último, se crean las paginas de ayudas en el sistema Maple para la correcta utilización del paquete matemático anteriormente mencionado. Una vez terminada la parte de implementación, se aplican los algoritmos implementados a una colección de curvas clásicas conocidas, recogiendo los datos y resultados obtenidos en un atlas de curvas. Finalmente, se presenta una recopilación de las aplicaciones más destacadas en las que las concoides desempeñan un papel importante así como una breve reseña sobre las concoides de superficies, objeto de varios estudios en la actualidad y a los que se considera que el presente proyecto les puede resultar de gran utilidad. Abstract This project is set up in the framework of Symbolic Computation as well as in the implementation of algebraic-geometric problems that arise from Computer Aided Geometric Design (C.A.G.D.) applications. We address problems related to conchoid curves. The importance of these curves is the fundamental role that they play in current applications as medicine, optics, electromagnetism, construction, etc. The main goal of this project is to design and implement some algorithms to solve problems in studying, calculating and generating conchoid curves with symbolic computation techniques. For this purpose, we program our implementations in the symbolic system “Maple". The project consists of two differentiated parts, one more theoretical part and another part more practical. The first one includes the description of conchoid curves as well as the basic ideas about the concept and its basic properties. More precisely, we introduce in this part the mathematical analysis of the rationality of the conchoids, and we present the algorithms that will be implemented. Furthermore, the reader will be brie y introduced in Maple programming. On the other hand, the second part of this project is totally original. In this more practical part, the author presents the implemented algorithms and a Maple package that includes them, as well as their help pages. These implemented procedures will be check and illustrated with some classical and well known curves, collecting the main properties of the conchoid curves obtained in a brief atlas. Finally, a compilation of the most important applications where conchoids play a fundamental role, and a brief introduction to the conchoids of surfaces, subject of several studies today and where this project could be very useful, are presented.