994 resultados para effect of pressure on porosity


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The performance of surface finishes as a function of the pH of the utilized plating solution was evaluated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization tests in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. In addition, the surface finishes were examined by x-ray diffraction (XRD), and the contact angle of the liquid/solid interface was recorded. NiP films on copper substrates with gold coatings exhibited their highest coating performance at pH 5. This was attributed to the films having the highest protective efficiency and charge transfer resistance, lowest porosity value, and highest contact angle among those examined as a result of the strongly preferred Au(111) orientation and the improved surface wettability.


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Voids are one of the most significant defects found within composites and have been demonstrated to reduce the performance of composite structures. The understanding of the impact of the size and distribution of voids on laminate properties is still limited because voids have proven difficult to deliberately control. This study aims to understand the mechanisms by which voids are generated within out-of-autoclave cured laminates. In this study, a process of prepreg conditioning was developed to control the level of voids within test laminates. Non-conditioned laminates highlighted signs of void growth (1.5%), while conditioned laminates showed consistently low levels of voids (<0.3%). Mass spectrometry indicated higher levels of aqueous and solvent volatiles within the non-conditioned prepreg. Finally, Mode II fracture testing revealed a 21% improvement in toughness for the non-voided laminates. A model on the effect of voids within the Mode II stress state has also been proposed.


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There is accumulating evidence that physical inactivity, associated with the modern sedentary lifestyle, is a major determinant of hypertension. It represents the most important modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, which are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality for both men and women. In addition to involving sympathetic overactivity that alters hemodynamic parameters, hypertension is accompanied by several abnormalities in the skeletal muscle circulation including vessel rarefaction and increased arteriole wall-to-lumen ratio, which contribute to increased total peripheral resistance. Low-intensity aerobic training is a promising tool for the prevention, treatment and control of high blood pressure, but its efficacy may differ between men and women and between male and female animals. This review focuses on peripheral training-induced adaptations that contribute to a blood pressure-lowering effect, with special attention to differential responses in male and female spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Heart, diaphragm and skeletal muscle arterioles (but not kidney arterioles) undergo eutrophic outward remodeling in trained male SHR, which contributed to a reduction of peripheral resistance and to a pressure fall. In contrast, trained female SHR showed no change in arteriole wall-to-lumen ratio and no pressure fall. on the other hand, training-induced adaptive changes in capillaries and venules (increased density) were similar in male and female SHR, supporting a similar hyperemic response to exercise.


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Objective To compare the cardiorespiratory changes induced by equipotent concentrations of halothane (HAL), isoflurane (ISO) and sevollurane (SEVO) before and after hemorrhage.Study design. Prospective, randomized clinical trial.Animals. Twenty-four healthy adult dogs weighing 15.4 +/- 3.4 kg (mean +/- SD).Methods. Animals were randomly allocated to one of three groups (n = 8 per group). In each group, anesthesia was maintained with 1.5 minimum alveolar concentration of HAL (1.3%), ISO (1.9%,) and SEVO (3.5%) in oxygen. Controlled ventilation was performed to maintain eucapnia. Cardiorespiratory variables were evaluated at baseline (between 60 and 90 minutes after induction), immediately after and 30 minutes after the withdrawal of 32 mL kg(-1) of blood (400% of the estimated blood volume) over a 30-minute period.Results. During baseline conditions, ISO and SEVO resulted in higher cardiac index (CI) than HAL. Heart rates were higher with SEVO at baseline. while mean arterial pressure (MAP) and mean pulmonary arterial pressure did not differ between groups. Although heart rate values were higher for ISO and SEVO after hemorrhage, only ISO resulted in a higher CI when compared with HAL. In ISO-anesthetized dogs, MAP was higher immediately after hemorrhage, and this was related to better maintenance of CI and to an increase in systemic vascular resistance index from baseline.Conclusions. Although the hemodynamic responses of ISO and SEVO are similar in normovolaemic dogs, ISO results in better maintenance of circulatory function during the early period following a massive blood loss. Clinical relevance Inhaled anesthetics should be used judiciously in animals presented with blood loss. However, if an inhalational agent is to be used under these circumstances, ISO may provide better hemodynamic stability than SEVO or HAL.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work presents a new route of preparation of zirconium ceramic foams based on the thermostimulated sol-gel process. This method produces gelled bodies with up to 90% of porosity in the wet gel and can be used to make complex-shaped components. Unfortunately, the shrinkage during the drying step allows to a catastrophic reduction (50%) of the foam porosity. To improve the foam stability we carried out a systematic study of the effect of gel foam aging on the drying process. Samples were aged in closed vessel at 25 C during different time period (from 6 to 240 h). The shrinkage and the mass loss during drying at 50 C were measured in situ, using a non-contact technique performed with a special apparatus. The results show that the total linear shrinkage decreases from 46% to 8% as the aging period increase from 6 to 240 h. This behavior is followed by a small change of total mass loss, from 42 to 54%. It indicates that by aging the structural stiffness of the foams increases due to secondary condensation reactions. Thus, by controlling the aging period, the porosity can be increased from 67 to 75% and the average size of mesopores of dried foams can be screened from 0.3 to 0.9 mum. Finally, these results demonstrate that the thermostimulated sol-gel transition provides a potential route to ceramic foams manufacture.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Crotalphine, a 14 amino acid peptide first isolated from the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus, induces a peripheral long-lasting and opioid receptor-mediated antinociceptive effect in a rat model of neuropathic pain induced by chronic constriction of the sciatic nerve. In the present study, we further characterized the molecular mechanisms involved in this effect, determining the type of opioid receptor responsible for this effect and the involvement of the nitric oxide-cyclic GMP pathway and of K+ channels. Crotalphine (0.2 or 5 mu g/kg, orally; 0.0006 mu g/paw), administered on day 14 after nerve constriction, inhibited mechanical hyperalgesia and low-threshold mechanical allodynia. The effect of the peptide was antagonized by intraplantar administration of naltrindole, an antagonist of delta-opioid receptors, and partially reversed by norbinaltorphimine, an antagonist of kappa-opioid receptors. The effect of crotalphine was also blocked by 7-nitroindazole, an inhibitor of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase; by 1H-(1,2,4) oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxaline-1-one, an inhibitor of guanylate cyclase activation; and by glibenclamide, an ATP-sensitive K+ channel blocker. The results suggest that peripheral delta-opioid and kappa-opioid receptors, the nitric oxide-cyclic GMP pathway, and ATP-sensitive K+ channels are involved in the antinociceptive effect of crotalphine. The present data point to the therapeutic potential of this peptide for the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain. Behavioural Pharmacology 23:14-24 (C) 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association between noise levels present in preschool institutions and vocal disorders among educators. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted in 2009 with 28 teachers from three preschool institutions located in the city of Sao Paulo (Southeastern Brazil). Sound pressure levels were measured according to Brazilian Technical Standards Association, with the use of a sound level meter. The averages were classified according to the levels of comfort, discomfort, and auditory damage proposed by the Pan American Health Organization. The educators underwent voice evaluation: self-assessment with visual analogue scale, auditory perceptual evaluation using the GRBAS scale, and acoustic analysis utilizing the Praat program. To analyze the association between noise and voice evaluation, descriptive statistics and the chi-square test were employed, with significance of 10% due to sample size. RESULTS: The teachers' age ranged between 21 and 56 years. The noise average was 72.7 dB, considered as damage 2. The professionals' vocal self-assessment ranked an average of 5.1 on the scale, being considered as moderate alteration. In the auditory-perceptual assessment, 74% presented vocal alteration, especially hoarseness; of these, 52% were considered mild alterations. In the acoustic assessment the majority presented fundamental frequency below the expected level. Averages for jitter, shimmer and harmonic-noise ratio showed alterations. An association between the presence of noise between the harmonics and vocal disorders was observed. CONCLUSIONS: There is an association between presence of noise between the harmonics and vocal alteration, with high noise levels. Although most teachers presented mild voice alteration, the self-evaluation showed moderate alteration, probably due to the difficulty in projection.


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Das Studium der Auflösungs- und Wachstumsprozesse an Feststoff-Flüssigkeits-Grenzflächen unter nicht-hydrostatischen Beanspruchungen ist wesentlich für das Verständnis von Defor-mationsprozessen, die in der Erde ablaufen. Unter diesen genannten Prozessen gehört die Drucklösung zu den wichtigsten duktilen Deformationsprozessen, von der Diagenese bishin zur niedrig- bis mittelgradigen metamorphen Bedingungen. Bisher ist allerdings wenig darüber bekannt, welche mechanischen, physikalischen oder chemischen Potentialenergie-Gradienten die Drucklösung steuern. I.a. wird angenommen, daß die Drucklösung durch Un-terschiede kristallplastischer Verformungsenergien oder aber durch Unterschiede der Normal-beanspruchung an Korngrenzen gesteuert wird. Unterschiede der elastischen Verformungs-energien werden dabei allerdings als zu gering erachtet, um einen signifikanten Beitrag zu leisten. Aus diesem Grund werden sie als mögliche treibende Kräfte für die Drucklösung vernachlässigt. Andererseits haben neue experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen gezeigt, daß die elastische Verformung in der Tat einen starken Einfluß auf Lösungs- und Wachstumsmechanismen von Kristallen in einer Lösung haben kann. Da die in der Erdkruste vorherrschenden Deformationsmechanismen überwiegend im elastischen Verformungsbereich der Gesteine ablaufen, ist es sehr wichtig, das Verständnis für die Effekte, die die elastische Verformung verursacht, zu erweitern, und ihre Rolle während der Deformation durch Drucklösung zu definieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Experimenten, bei denen der Effekt der mechanisch kompressiven Beanspruchung auf Lösungs- und Wachstumsprozesse von Einzelkristallen unterschiedlicher, sehr gut löslicher, elastisch/spröder Salze untersucht wurde. Diese Salze wurden als Analoga gesteinsbildender Minerale wie Quarz und Calcit ausgewählt. Der Einfluß von Stress auf die Ausbildung der Oberflächenmikrostrukturen in einer untersättigten Lösung wurde an Kaliumalaun untersucht.Lösungsrillen (20 – 40 µm breit, 10 – 40 µm tief und 20 – 80 µm Abstand) entwickelten sich in den Bereichen, in denen die Beanspruchung im Kristall am größten war. Sie verschwanden wieder, sobald der Kristall entlastet wurde. Diese Rillen entwickelten sich parallel zu niedrig indizierten kristallographischen Richtungen und sub-perpendikular zu den Trajektorien, die der maximalen, lokalen kompressiven Beanspruchung entsprachen. Die Größe der Lösungsrillen hing von der lokalen Oberflächenbeanspruchung, der Oberflächenenergie und dem Untersättigungsgrad der wässrigen Lösung ab. Die mikrostrukturelle Entwicklung der Kristalloberflächen stimmte gut mit den theoretischen Vorhersagen überein, die auf den Modellen von Heidug & Leroy (1994) und Leroy & Heidug (1994) basieren. Der Einfluß der Beanspruchung auf die Auflösungsrate wurde an Natriumchlorat-Einzelkristallen untersucht. Dabei wurde herausgefunden, daß sich gestresste Kristalle schneller lösen als Kristalle, auf die keine Beanspruchung einwirkt. Der experimentell beobachtete Anstieg der Auflösungsrate der gestressten Kristalle war ein bis zwei Größenordnungen höher als theoretisch erwartet. Die Auflösungsrate stieg linear mit dem Stress an, und der Anstieg war um so größer, je stärker die Lösung untersättigt war. Außerdem wurde der Effekt der Bean-spruchung auf das Kristallwachstum an Kaliumalaun- und Kaliumdihydrogenphosphat-Ein-zelkristallen untersucht. Die Wachstumsrate der Flächen {100} und {110} von Kalium-alaun war bei Beanspruchung stark reduziert. Für all diese Ergebnisse spielte die Oberflächenrauhigkeit der Kristalle eine Schlüsselrolle, indem sie eine nicht-homogene Stressverteilung auf der Kristalloberfläche verursachte. Die Resultate zeigen, daß die elastische Verformung eine signifikante Rolle während der Drucklösung spielen kann, und eine signifikante Deformation in der oberen Kruste verursachen kann, bei Beanspruchungen, die geringer sind, als gemeinhin angenommen wird. Somit folgt, daß die elastische Bean-spruchung berücksichtigt werden muß, wenn mikrophysikalische Deformationsmodelle entwickelt werden sollen.


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In this study, the effect of time derivatives of flow rate and rotational speed was investigated on the mathematical modeling of a rotary blood pump (RBP). The basic model estimates the pressure head of the pump as a dependent variable using measured flow and speed as predictive variables. Performance of the model was evaluated by adding time derivative terms for flow and speed. First, to create a realistic working condition, the Levitronix CentriMag RBP was implanted in a sheep. All parameters from the model were physically measured and digitally acquired over a wide range of conditions, including pulsatile speed. Second, a statistical analysis of the different variables (flow, speed, and their time derivatives) based on multiple regression analysis was performed to determine the significant variables for pressure head estimation. Finally, different mathematical models were used to show the effect of time derivative terms on the performance of the models. In order to evaluate how well the estimated pressure head using different models fits the measured pressure head, root mean square error and correlation coefficient were used. The results indicate that inclusion of time derivatives of flow and speed can improve model accuracy, but only minimally.


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Decompressive craniectomy (DC) due to intractably elevated intracranial pressure mandates later cranioplasty (CP). However, the optimal timing of CP remains controversial. We therefore analyzed our prospectively conducted database concerning the timing of CP and associated post-operative complications. From October 1999 to August 2011, 280 cranioplasty procedures were performed at the authors' institution. Patients were stratified into two groups according to the time from DC to cranioplasty (early, ≤2 months, and late, >2 months). Patient characteristics, timing of CP, and CP-related complications were analyzed. Overall CP was performed early in 19% and late in 81%. The overall complication rate was 16.4%. Complications after CP included epidural or subdural hematoma (6%), wound healing disturbance (5.7%), abscess (1.4%), hygroma (1.1%), cerebrospinal fluid fistula (1.1%), and other (1.1%). Patients who underwent early CP suffered significantly more often from complications compared to patients who underwent late CP (25.9% versus 14.2%; p=0.04). Patients with ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt had a significantly higher rate of complications after CP compared to patients without VP shunt (p=0.007). On multivariate analysis, early CP, the presence of a VP shunt, and intracerebral hemorrhage as underlying pathology for DC, were significant predictors of post-operative complications after CP. We provide detailed data on surgical timing and complications for cranioplasty after DC. The present data suggest that patients who undergo late CP might benefit from a lower complication rate. This might influence future surgical decision making regarding optimal timing of cranioplasty.


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Inspired by research in the field of behavioral economics as well as social psychology, this study aimed to explore if conformity plays a role in the occurrence of herd behavior in the financial market. Participants received one of nine different versions of a survey either online or on paper. They answered questions related to riskiness when making decisions, dependency on others when making decisions, and investment preferences among other questions. In experimental conditions, participants were told the majority of investors, either sixty percent or eighty percent, invested in a certain stock or won a game. It was predicted that individuals would conform to the group behavior in both experimental conditions with the highest level of conformity in the high pressure to conform condition. Results of experiments revealed that when the overwhelming majority of other investors behaved a certain way (80%), participants were more likely to behave that same way. Results of the third experiment supported previous research stating that emotion affects economic decision-making and facilitates herd behavior.


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PURPOSE: We assessed the effect of terazosin (Hytrin(R)) on functional bladder outlet obstruction in women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Functional bladder outlet obstruction was defined as a maximum flow rate of less than 12 ml per second combined with a detrusor pressure at maximum flow rate of more than 20 cm H2O in pressure flow studies in the absence of neurological disorders or mechanical causes. In a prospective pilot study 15 women with functional bladder outlet obstruction were treated with terazosin. Terazosin was initiated at 1 mg daily and gradually increased to the maintenance dose of 5 mg daily during 2 weeks. Symptoms and urodynamic parameters were assessed before and 3 to 4 weeks after the initiation of alpha-blocker therapy. RESULTS: While on terazosin, voiding symptoms subjectively improved greater than 50% in 10 of the 15 women (p = 0.002). Median maximum urethral closure pressure at rest decreased significantly from 98 to 70 cm H2O (p = 0.001), median maximum detrusor pressure decreased from 45 to 35 cm H2O (p = 0.008), median detrusor pressure at maximum flow decreased from 34 to 27 ml per second and median post-void residual urine decreased from 120 to 40 ml (p = 0.006 and 0.002, respectively). There was a significant increase in the median maximum flow rate from 9 to 20 ml per second and in median voided volume from 300 to 340 ml (p = 0.0005 and 0.021, respectively). Storage symptoms, functional urethral length and maximum cystometric capacity did not change significantly with alpha-blocker therapy (p > 0.05). Overall terazosin resulted in a significant improvement in symptoms and urodynamic parameters in 10 of the 15 women (67%). CONCLUSIONS: Terazosin had a significant symptomatic and urodynamic effect in two-thirds of our patients. These results suggest that terazosin may be an effective treatment option in women with voiding dysfunction due to functional bladder outlet obstruction.