129 resultados para earthworm


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[EUS] Gaur egun produktu kimiko ugari erabiltzen dira nekazaritzaren produktibitatea emendatzeko eta modu honetan nekazaritza-produktuen etekin eta kalitatea hobetzeko asmoz. Hala ere, produktu kimiko hauek ekosisteman izan ditzaketen hilgarriak ez diren eraginak askotan ez dira kontuan hartzen. Azken urteotan osagai aktibo gisa glifosatoa duten herbiziden erabilera emendatu da. Lan honetan, glifosatoak ingurunean sor ditzakeen eraginak ikertu nahi izan dira, lurzoruan oso ugaria den Eisenia fetida zizarea adierazle biologiko gisa erabiliz. Esperimentuan 10 indibiduo helduz osaturiko 4 populazio erabili ziren, zeinak 14 egunez tratamendu desberdinetan ezarri ziren (kontrola, 50, 500 eta 5000 mg glifosato/Kg lur lehor). Glifosato kontzentrazio desberdinek ez zuten zizareen hilkortasunean edo pisuaren aldaketan eraginik izan. Hala ere, digestio-hodiaren epitelioaren morfologian eta azetilkolinesterasaren jardueran aldaketak behatu ziren. Glifosato kontzentrazio baxueneko ontziko zizareetan digestio-hodiko epitelioaren altueraren uniformetasun falta behatu zen, glifosato kontzentrazio ertaineko ontziko zizareetan orokorrean epitelioaren altuera txikiagoa zen, eta glifosato kontzentrazio handieneko ontziko zizareetan digestio-hodien borobiltasuna eta epitelioaren jarraitasuna galdu zen. Azetilkolinesterasaren jardueraren murrizpena behatu zen glifosatodun lurretan egondako zizareetan. Esperimentu honetan erabilitako glifosato kontzentrazioek zizareengan hilgarriak ez diren aldaketak sortzen dituzte, aztertutako biomarkatzaileak etorkizuneko ekotoxikologia testetan erabilgarriak izan daitezkeelarik.


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在云南省澜沧县对草地、以紫茎泽兰群落以及次生林地中的土壤动物一步甲和蚯蚓群落进行动态取样调查,来探讨紫茎泽兰入侵后对群落结构、生物多样性的影响。 在紫茎泽兰和草地群落中共捕获2253头步甲,35个种,其中草地上捕获1574头步甲,28个种,紫茎泽兰样地中有679头步甲,34个种;紫茎泽兰群落中步甲个体数量少,但物种数多,多样性也比较高;草地中步甲优势物种为Harpalus indicus和Tetragonoderus arcuatus占总数的59%;而紫茎泽兰中的优势物种比较分散;紫茎泽兰群落中步甲个体体型较大,而草地中体型小的步甲所占比例较高;步甲分布与落叶层厚度、土壤全磷含量、植被高度、地上生物量及土壤pH和土壤全钾含量有一定的相关性;紫茎泽兰群落与草地中的指示物种也不同,Hyphaereon masumotoi和Cosmodiscus sp.是紫茎泽兰的指示物种,而草地的指示物种有Aephnidius adelioides,Tetragonoderus arcuatus,Harpalus indicus,Harpaliscus birmanicus,Chlaenius cambodiensi。 受紫茎泽兰入侵的林地边缘步甲群落的分布规律表明,步甲个体数量排序:林地内部>紫茎泽兰群落>林地边缘:三者步甲优势种的组成,既有交叉也有区别;三者的步甲物种数及多样性指数差异不显著,步甲群落的时间动态也相似;林地边缘、内部及紫茎泽兰群落在步甲个体体型结构上差异不大,具有指示作用的步甲种少。 在草地、紫茎泽兰及次生林地三种植被类型中,共采集到3546条蚯蚓,8个种。其中,紫茎泽兰群落有1663条蚯蚓,远高于次生林及草地。多裂远盲蚓和娇小远盲蚓是当地蚯蚓群落的优势种;紫茎泽兰入侵地的蚯蚓物种数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数大于草地及次生林地;蚯蚓数量及生物量的时间动态受月份降雨量的影响很大,体型大小不同的蚯蚓受降雨变化影响的程度不同:蚯蚓的分布与落叶层厚度、土壤全氮含量、土壤pH及有机质含量相关性较强;蚯蚓群落中只有大唇远盲蚓是紫茎泽兰样地中的指示物种。 在紫茎泽兰控制实验样地内,步甲的数量及物种数的排序是原始紫茎泽兰>半密度紫茎泽兰>去除处理。优势物种都为Anisodactylus karennius,所占比例高,其在原始紫茎泽兰群落中的分布数量远高于半密度及去除样地;步甲群落多样性指数(H’)和物种数差异不显著;三种处理的步甲群落时间动态不同,表现出不同的高峰期;Galeritula feoe和Nanodiodes piceus是原始和半密度紫茎泽兰样地中的指示物种。 总之,紫茎泽兰入侵相对单一草地后,会引起步甲个体数量下降,物种数和多样性上升,群落结构发生很大变化;紫茎泽兰入侵的林地边缘及外部草地后,林地边缘的环境变化幅度减小,林地的边际效应趋于不明显;紫茎泽兰单优群落有利于蚯蚓生存于生活,与草地及林地相比,能增加蚯蚓鲜重及多样性水平。


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An experiment was undertaken to test the effect of supplemental krill meal, earthworm meal, glycine, sucrose or mussel water on diet attractibility of Penaeus monodon. Only glycine or mussel water significantly improved diet attractibility


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下载PDF阅读器应用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对磷微蠕蚓(Microscolex phosphoreus)的体腔细胞进行观察,基于各种细胞的形态特征、胞质内细胞器和颗粒组成、伪足形状及行为特征等将其归纳为三类:黄色细胞、阿米巴样细胞、粒细胞.从外现土看,黄色细胞由几个个体较大的黄色细胞体组成,其细胞质内缺少细胞器;阿米巴样细胞呈明显球形或椭圆形的花朵状,经常可见几个至十几个细胞形成聚合体,胞质内细胞器丰富;粒细胞胞质的颗粒是其主要特征,其星状伪足常处于细胞一端,细胞质内细胞器含量比较丰富.本文将磷微蠕蚓的三类细胞与其它种蚯蚓中相关体腔细胞的形态和超微结构进行了异同比较.


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为探索土壤低浓度多环芳烃污染的生态毒性及其对土壤生物的致毒机理,本论文初步研究了菲、芘、荧蒽和苯并[a]芘等四种多环芳烃人工土壤污染在0.1mg.kg-1~10.0mg.kg-1浓度水平对赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)产卵量、体重变化、排卵激素annetocin基因和翻译控制肿瘤蛋白(translationally controlled tumor protein, TCTP)转录水平的影响,发现在相同的低浓度水平下,只有苯并[a]芘对蚯蚓annetocin前体基因和TCTP基因的表达有显著影响,故其对生物体的生殖风险和致癌风险可能最大。另一方面,低浓度苯并[a]芘对蚯蚓体重和产茧量并无显著影响,这表明基因表达水平作为污染生态监测指标比宏观观测指标更灵敏。 为进一步研究土壤PAHs污染的生态毒性效应,在上述研究基础上,我们采用SSH-PCR的方法构建了人工土壤1.0mg.kg-1苯并[a]芘胁迫下的蚯蚓与对照组蚯蚓之间的消减cDNA文库,随机挑取上调文库301个克隆及下调文库283个克隆进行测序,与NCBI蛋白数据库比对结果表明,其中有391个克隆与已知的75种蛋白质基因显著匹配(期望值< 10-5),其余克隆匹配不显著(期望值> 10-5)或找不到匹配蛋白。显著匹配的基因序列包括:一相解毒酶细胞色素P450,二相解毒酶谷胱甘肽硫转移酶,蛋白质合成所需的核糖体蛋白亚基,参与新合成肽链折叠的热休克蛋白,线粒体基因组编码的呼吸链复合酶体亚基,过氧化物还原蛋白,铁蛋白,钙结合蛋白,半胱氨酸蛋白酶等。表明低浓度苯并[a]芘胁迫引起蚯蚓的生理变化是非常复杂的,涉及污染物降解与解毒、抗氧化保护、能量代谢、蛋白质合成、金属离子调节与蛋白质降解等过程。 Real-time PCR检测验证消减文库中部分差异基因对不同剂量BaP胁迫响应结果表明,各检验基因序列受1.0 mg∙kg-1 BaP 胁迫影响均与消减结果一致,且影响程度均高于0.1 mg∙kg-1浓度水平的BaP;其中,在0.1 mg∙kg-1 BaP胁迫下,过氧化物还原酶PRDX和类似Cyp2R1的P450基因表达未见明显变化。其余的HSP70、HSP90、rpL10、COXⅡ、SCBP、Ferritin等基因在0.1 mg∙kg-1 BaP胁迫组蚯蚓中均有检测到预期表达变化,说明虽然从消减文库中获得的基因在一定的污染物浓度范围内均表现浓度效应,但各个基因对污染物的响应浓度不尽相同。 Real-time PCR检测消减文库中部分差异基因对不同PAHs胁迫响应结果表明,1.0 mg∙kg-1 浓度水平的荧蒽、菲、芘和苯并[a]芘对差异表达基因的影响不尽相同,主要有以下三种情况:(1)广谱响应型:蚯蚓线粒体编码的亚基COXⅡ、可溶性钙结合蛋白、铁蛋白等基因对荧蒽、菲、芘及苯并[a]芘的胁迫均有相似的响应;(2)随芳烃环数而变化型:热休克蛋白HSP70和过氧化物还原酶PRDX表现出响应程度随胁迫多环芳烃的环数增加而提高的现象;(3)仅在苯并[a]芘中有响应型:核糖体蛋白亚基L10和细胞色素P450(类似Cyp2R1)基因,在1.0 mg∙kg-1浓度条件下,它们仅受BaP诱导表达,而芘、菲和荧蒽却没有显示诱导作用。 上述结果表明,在土壤中的低浓度的多环芳烃污染胁迫对蚯蚓的影响是多方面的,这些影响至少涉及能量代谢、污染物降解与解毒、蛋白质合成与修复、信号转导、细胞凋亡、排卵生殖、个体发育等多方面的生理功能。目前蚯蚓基因组还未有完整测序,本文论述的多个差异表达基因是首次在蚯蚓中发现的,这些新发现的基因序列在为低浓度PAHs的生态毒性机理研究提供依据的同时,也为以蚯蚓为模式生物的土壤污染生物监测提供了备选的生物分子标记。另一方面,由于蚯蚓基因组未完整测序,本研究构建的消减文库中仍不少未知功能基因,其功能与调控有待进一步研究。


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以奥利亚罗非鱼(Oreochromis aureus)为实验对象,设计了3种不同的摄食类型,分别是鲜活饵料组、饥饿3周后饱食投喂组和人工饲料组。鲜活饵料组投喂冰冻赤子爱胜蚓,利用蚯蚓体内丰富的营养成分和活性物质,以期获得奥利亚罗非鱼良好的生长状况;饥饿后饱食组是指饥饿3周后,以人工饲料饱食投喂2周,用于研究饥饿与补偿生长获得快速生长时血液理化指标的变化情况;人工饲料组作为对照组。纯淡水条件下养殖,水温25±2℃。测定了奥利亚罗非鱼在3种摄食类型饲喂下某些血液生理生化指标变化的情况,并将指标变化情况与增重率做相关性分析,试图找出能够反映奥利亚罗非鱼生长性能的血液生理生化指标。 研究结果表明,奥利亚罗非鱼在饥饿3周后获得了补偿生长,补偿生长时的增重率和特定生长率显著高于人工饲料组(P<0.05),高于鲜活饵料组,但差别不显著;相关性分析研究表明血清总蛋白、胆固醇、四碘甲状腺原氨酸(T4)与增重率极显著相关(P<0.01),血红蛋白显著相关(P<0.05),红细胞、白细胞、碱性磷酸酶高度相关(相关系数为0.580、0.551和0.557),因此,建议血清总蛋白、胆固醇和血红蛋白可作为能够反映罗非鱼生长性能的新指标。 根据序列设计引物,PCR反应条件:变性温度:95 ℃,3 min;退火温度:57℃,20 sec;延伸温度:72℃,5 min,共36个循环,从牙鲆、黑鲪和鲈鱼中克隆出胰岛素样生长因子(IGF-Ⅰ)部分序列,首次证实了IGF-Ⅰ在3种海水鱼中的存在。 利用蛋氨酸与ZnSO4•7H2O,在pH 5.5、80℃下,反应1小时,采用蛋氨酸与硫酸锌2:1的配料比,合成出了产物蛋氨酸螯合锌,蛋氨酸螯合锌外观白色,粉状,室温下微溶于水,不溶于乙醇,并用原子吸收光谱法测定其含锌量为15%,螯合率为88.2%。


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The context: Soil biodiversity and sustainable agriculture; Abstracts - Theme 1: Monitoring and assessment: Bioindicators of soil health: assessment and monitoring for sustainable agriculture; Practical tools to measure soil health and their use by farmers; Biological soil quality from biomass to biodiversity - importance and resilience to management stress and disturbance; Integrated management of plant-parasitic nematodes in maize-bean cropping systems; Microbial quantitative and qualitative changes in soils under different crops and tillage management systems in Brazil; Diversity in the rhizobia associated with Phaseolus vulgaris L: in Ecuador and comparisons with Mexican bean rhizobia; Sistemas integrados ganadería-agricultura en Cuba; Soil macrofauna as bioindicator of soil quality; Biological functioning of cerrado soils; Hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate as a soil quality indicator in different pasture systems; Soil management and soil macrofauna communities at Embrapa Soybean, Londrina, Brazil; Soil macrofauna in a 24 - year old no-tillage system in Paraná, Brazil; Invertebrate macrofauna of soils inpastures under different forms of management in the cerrado (Brazil); Soil tillage modifies the invertebrate soil macrofauna community; Soil macrofauna in various tillage and land use systems on an oxisols near Londrina, Paraná, Brazil; Interference of agricultural systems on soil macrofauna; Scarab beetle-grub holes in various tillage and crop management systems at Embrapa Soybean, Londrina, Brazil; Biological management of agroecosystems; Soil biota and nutrient dynamics through litterfall in agroforestry system in Rondônia, Amazônia, Brazil; Soil-C stocks and earthworm diversity of native and introduced pastures in Veracruz, Mexico; Theme 2 : Adaptive management: Some thoughts on the effects and implications of the transition from weedy multi-crop to wead-free mono-crop systems in Africa; Towards sustainable agriculture with no-tillage and crop rotation systems in South Brazil; Effect of termites on crusted soil rehabilitation in the Sahel; Management of macrofauna in traditional and conventional agroforestry systems from India with special reference to termites and earthworms; Adaptive management for redeveloping traditional agroecosystems; Conservation and sustainable use of soil biodiversity: learning with master nature!; Convergence of sciences: inclusive technology innovation processes for better integrated crop/vegetation, soil and biodiversity management; Potential for increasing soil biodiversity in agroecosystems; Biological nitrogen fixation and sustainability in the tropics; Theme 3: Research and innovation: Plant flavonoids and cluster roots as modifiers of soil biodiversity; The significance of biological diversity in agricultural soil for disease suppressiveness and nutrient retention; Linking above - and belowground biodiversity: a comparison of agricultural systems; Insect-pests in biologically managed oil and crops: the experience at ICRISAT; Sistemas agricolas micorrizados en Cuba; The effect of velvetbean (Mucuna pruriens) on the tropical earthworm Balanteodrilus pearsei: a management option for maize crops in the Mexican humid tropics; The potential of earthworms and organic matter quality in the rehabilitation of tropical soils; Research and innovation in biological management of soil ecosystems; Application of biodynamic methods in the Egyptian cotton sector; Theme 4: Capacity building and mainstreaming: Soil ecology and biodiversity: a quick scan of its importance for government policy in The Netherlands; Agrotechnological transfer of legume inoculants in Eastern and Southern Africa; Agricultura urbana en Cuba; Soil carbon sequestration for sustaining agricultural production and improving the environment; Conservation and sustainable management of below-ground biodiversity: the TSBF-BGBD network project; The tropical soil biology and fertility institute of CIAT (TSBF); South-South initiative for training and capacity building for the management of soil biology/biodiversity; Strategies to facilititate development and adoption of integrated resource management for sustainable production and productivity improvement; The challenge program on biological nitrogen fixation (CPBNF); Living soil training for farmers: improving knowledge and skills in soil nutrition management; Do we need an inter-governmental panel on land and soil (IPLS)? Protection and sustainable use of biodiversity of soils; Cases Studies -- Plant parasitic nematodes associated with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and integrated management approaches; Agrotechnological transfer of legume inoculants in Eastern and Southern Africa; Restoring soil fertility and enhancing productivity in Indian tea plantations with earthworms and organic fertilizers; Managing termites and organic resources to improve soil productivity in the Sahel; Overview and case studies on biological nitrogen fixation: perspectives and limitations; Soil biodiversity and sustainable agriculture: an overview.


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A multi-disciplinary study was conducted to compare stands of ancient and secondary origin within a single wood, the Gearagh woodland, County Cork. These sites were compared with adjacent areas of grassland, which provided a reference for the former land-use (pasture) of the secondary woodland. A historical study confirmed that while the core of the Gearagh has been subject to minimal human interference, other sections have been cleared in the past for agricultural purposes. Investigations into soil structure and composition showed that soil properties in these secondary woodland areas were significantly altered by this past woodland clearance and conversion to agriculture, while the soil of the ancient woodland showed little signs of disturbance. The vegetation community also differed between the two woodland areas, partly due to altered environmental conditions. Many of the ancient woodland plant species were unable to form a persistent seed bank, while there was increased representation of species associated with more open-habitat conditions in the seed bank of the secondary woodland. While germination of woodland species was low in all sites, overall, seeds tended to germinate more successfully in the ancient woodland. The ancient woodland also provided a suitable habitat for many soil and ground detritivores, most notably enchytraeids, although earthworms were not abundant. Past agricultural use, however, changed the decomposer community considerably, with increased representation of earthworm species and a decline in the abundance of enchytraeids in the secondary stands. In conclusion, the legacies of historical agricultural activities can continue to significantly affect the structure and composition of present-day woodlands so that they may differ considerably from undisturbed ancient woodland stands, even within the same woodland. A greater understanding of the origin, development and ecological functioning of ancient woodlands should aid in determining future conservation and management requirements.


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Biological activities greatly influence the formation of many soils, especially forest soils under cool humid climates. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of vegetation and soil biota on the formation of selected soils. Field morphology, micromorphology, and carbon and organic matter analysis were determined on six Podzols (Spodosols) and two Cambisols (Inceptisols) from the eastern United States and north-east Scotland. Humification of plant material by soil fauna and fungi occurs in all organic horizons. Thick organic coatings are observed on soil peds and rock fragments from the E1 to the Bs horizon in a Haplic Podzol from Clingmans Dome Mt., TN. Thin sections reveal large accumulations of root material in different stages of decomposition in the spodic horizons of a Haplic Podzol from Whiteface Mt., NY. Organic carbon ranges from 5.4 to 8.5% in the spodic B horizons of the Whiteface Mt. Podzol. Earthworms and enchytraeids have a great effect on the structure of the surface and subsurface horizons in the Dystric Cambisols from Huntly and Clashindarroch Forests, Scotland and a Cambic Podzol from the Corrie Burn Basin, Scotland. Podzols from Speymouth Forest, Scotland (Gleyic Podzol), Cling-mans Dome Mt., and Whiteface Mt. have thick organic horizons. The Podzols from the Flatwoods in Georgia, the Pine Barrens in New Jersey, the Corrie Burn Basin, and the Cambisol from Huntly Forest have only A horizons at the surface. The Clashindarroch Forest soil has a very thin organic horizon. Warm and humid climates and sandy parent material are responsible for thick E horizons and lack of thick organic horizons in the Flatwoods (Carbic Podzol) and Pine Barrens (Ferric Podzol) soils. Earthworms and enchytraeids thrive in the Corrie Burn Basin and Huntly Forest soils due to the vegetation and the highly weathered basic parent material. The site at Clashindarroch once carried oak, and then birch forest, both of which produce a mild litter and also encourage earthworm and enchytraeids. This fauna is responsible for much mixing of the topsoil. The present conifer vegetation will eventually produce a deep litter and cause podzolization.


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Two species of earthworm, Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister and Dendrodrilus rubidus (Savigny) collected from an arsenic-contaminated mine spoil site and an uncontaminated site were investigated for total tissue arsenic concentrations and for arsenic compounds by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS). For L. rubellus, whole-body total tissue arsenic concentrations were 7.0 to 17.0 mg arsenic/ kg dry weight in uncontaminated soil and 162 to 566 mg arsenic/kg dry weight in contaminated soil. For D. rubidus, whole-body tissue concentrations were 2.0 to 5.0 mg arsenic/kg dry weight and 97 to 321 mg arsenic/kg dry weight, respectively. Arsenobetaine was the only organic arsenic species detected in both species of earthworms, with the remainder of the extractable arsenic being arsenate and arsenite. There was an increase in the proportion of arsenic present as arsenobetaine in the total arsenic burden. Lumbricus rubellus and D. rubidus have similar life styles, both being surface living and litter feeding. Arsenic speciation was found to be similar in both species for both uncontaminated and contaminated sites, with dose-dependent formation of arsenobetaine. When L. rubellus and D. rabidus from contaminated sites were incubated in arsenic-free soils, the total tissue burden of arsenic diminished. Initially, L. rubellus from the tolerant populations (from the contaminated site) eliminated arsenic in the first 7 d of exposure before accumulating arsenic in tissues, whereas nontolerant populations (from the uncontaminated site) accumulated arsenic linearly. The tolerant and nontolerant L. rubellus eliminated tissue arsenic linearly over 21 d when incubated in uncontaminated soil.


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Two arsenic and heavy metal-contaminated mine spoil sites, at Carrock Fell, Cumbria, United Kingdom, and Devon Great Consols Mine, Devon, United Kingdom, have been found to support populations of the earthworms Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister and Dendrodrilus rubidus (Savigny). Lumbricus rubellus and D. rubidus collected from the Devon site and an uncontaminated site were kept for 28 d in uncontaminated soil and in soil containing 750 mg/kg CuCl2, the state of the specimens being recorded using a semiquantitative assessment of earthworm health (condition index). The condition index remained high for all specimens except those of L. rubellus and D. rubidus from uncontaminated sites, which displayed 100% mortality. Bioavailability of Cu in the soils from one uncontaminated and two contaminated sites and in the uncontaminated soil treated with CuCl2 was determined using sequential extraction. Soils from Devon Great Consols had the greatest availability of Cu, Carrock Fell the lowest. Total tissue Cu for L. rubellus and D. rubidus from the contaminated sites did not change significantly for each species during the experiment. Total tissue concentrations of Cu for L. rubellus and D. rubidus from uncontaminated sites increased significantly during the first 7 d, after which mortality was 90%, making it impossible to continue the analysis.


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Two arsenic- and heavy metal-contaminated mine-spoil sites, at Carrock Fell, Cumbria and Devon Great Consols Mine, Devon, were found to support populations of the earthworms Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister and Dendrodrilus rubidus (Savigny). L. rubellus and D. rubidus collected from the Devon site and an uncontaminated site were kept for 28 days in uncontaminated soil and in soil containing sodium arsenate (494 mg As kg-1). The state of the specimens was recorded every 7 days using a semi-quantitative assessment of earthworm health (condition index, C. I.). The C. I. remained high for all specimens except those of L. rubellus and D. rubidus from uncontaminated sites, which displayed 60 and 10% mortality, respectively. L. rubellus collected from the Carrock Fell site, and L. rubellus and D. rubidus from an uncontaminated site, burrowed as rapidly into soil containing up to 1235 mg As kg-1 in the form of sodium arsenate as into uncontaminated soil when placed on the soil surface. When earthworms were allowed a choice between uncontaminated soil and soil contaminated with sodium arsenate in concentrations of up to 1235 mg As kg-1, the threshold concentration for avoidance of contaminated soil was lower for L. rubellus and D. rubidus from uncontaminated soil than for specimens from contaminated soil. There was no significant effect of pH on soil discrimination. The LC50 concentration of As for L. rubellus from Devon Great Consols was significantly higher (P < 0.001) than for L. rubellus from the uncontaminated site: 1510 and 96 mg As kg-1, respectively. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A utilização insustentável de pesticidas, especialmente em zonas com elevado valor ecológico constitui uma ameaça à integridade dos ecossistemas. Sendo um problema à escala mundial, e também no contexto nacional, o presente trabalho pretende ser um contributo para a avaliação dos efeitos de pesticidas em organismos não alvo terrestres e, principalmente, aquáticos, em contextos de progressiva relevância ecológica. Neste sentido, o estudo foi direccionado para áreas (A1 e A2) integradas numa zona agrícola extensa em Portugal, utilizada para a produção de milho e, principalmente, de arroz (Baixo Mondego), a qual sustenta uma elevada biodiversidade. O estudo teve início na área A1, onde a monitorização físico-química e os ensaios com amostras naturais (ensaios WET - whole effluent tests) provenientes desta área evidenciaram que, apesar da ausência de pesticidas, as amostras de água colhidas no canal que atravessava os arrozais foram as mais nocivas para o crescimento de Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata e Chlorella vulgaris. Uma vez que outras fontes de contaminação (produção de gado) actuavam em A1, o estudo prosseguiu apenas na área A2. Assim, em A2, começou-se por determinar a toxicidade individual e da mistura de dois herbicidas formulados aplicados nos campos de arroz (Viper®) e milho (Mikado®) em condições laboratoriais. Viper® foi o herbicida mais tóxico, tanto para o crescimento de P. subcapitata e C. vulgaris, como para a sobrevivência, reprodução e crescimento de Daphnia longispina e Daphnia magna. Adicionalmente, estimou-se que a mistura Viper®/Mikado® induz efeitos antagonistas no crescimento de P. subcapitata e efeitos sinérgicos no crescimento de C. vulgaris e na sobrevivência dos dafnídeos. A avaliação da toxicidade destes herbicidas formulados e seus ingredientes activos no comportamento de minhocas terrestres (Eisenia andrei), usando solos naturais, demonstrou que Viper® e penoxsulam causaram uma % de evitamento superior nos organismos expostos. Contudo, o risco para E. andrei será à partida reduzido se as taxas de aplicação dos herbicidas forem respeitadas. Ensaios WET foram novamente usados para testar amostras naturais da área A2. Verificou-se que a qualidade do sistema aquático e do arrozal diminuiu durante a estação agrícola, em paralelo com a presença de nutrientes e pesticidas. O crescimento algal foi inibido, apesar dos parâmetros de história de vida dos dafnídeos terem sido estimulados. O resultado desta avaliação subestimou, em certos casos, os impactos reais causados pela aplicação de pesticidas. A avaliação in situ simultânea à aplicação de herbicidas nos arrozais demonstrou que os efeitos registados foram de facto restritos aos pulsos de herbicidas. A inibição das taxas de alimentação de D. longispina e D. magna forneceram um sinal precoce de alterações no sistema, seguido pela diminuição da sua sobrevivência e do crescimento de P. subcapitata. Em suma, as diferentes fases da avaliação efectuada confirmaram a existência de condições desfavoráveis devido às práticas agrícolas, reforçando a necessidade de se conjugar ensaios laboratoriais com avaliações in situ de maior relevância ecológica, para reduzir o grau de incerteza aliado à determinação dos riscos.


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Urban authorities in Europe are confronted with increasing demands by urban dwellers for allotment gardens, but vacant urban soil tends to be scarce and/or polluted by past industrial activities. A possible solution for local authorities could therefore be to promote rooftop gardening. However little technical information exists on certain forms of rooftop urban agriculture, called Z-Farming. In 2012, a pilot experiment was run in Paris (France). Simple and cheap systems of rooftop gardening were tested on a rooftop using as crop substrates only local urban organic waste so as to contribute to the urban metabolism. Production levels and heavy metal contents in cropping substrates and edible vegetables were measured. Available results show (i) high levels of crop production with limited inputs compared to land professional gardening, (ii) low levels of heavy metal pollutants in the edible parts of the crops, especially for Cd and Pb with respect to EU norms for vegetables and (iii) positive influence on yields on organizing the substrate in layers and enhancing the biological activity through earthworm inoculation. These encouraging results allow us to consider that rooftop gardening is feasible and seem to have a great potential to improve urban resiliency. It will nevertheless be necessary to identify more precisely the types of roof that can be used and to assess more fully the generic result of the low level of pollution, as well as the global sustainability of these cropping systems.


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La innovación educativa y la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación también deben aplicarse en el campo de la investigación. La formación de nuevos investigadores debería aprovechar todos los recursos disponibles y basarse en las concepciones más modernas de la enseñanza. En esta comunicación se presenta un proyecto innovador para la formación de jóvenes investigadores en el campo de la biodiversidad de las lombrices de tierra (Oligoquetos), a partir del material científico procedente de proyectos de investigación y depositado en colecciones. El proyecto consiste en la edición de una página web en la que conviven los datos científicos y cursos de formación para jóvenes investigadores.