897 resultados para early-life conditions


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Aims To determine whether children with infections in early life (recorded routinely in general practice) have a reduced risk of Type 1 diabetes, as would be expected from the hygiene hypothesis.


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Aim: Intrauterine, early life and maternal exposures may have important consequences for cancer development in later life. The aim of this study was to examine perinatal and birth characteristics with respect to Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) risk. Methods: The Northern Ireland Child Health System database was used to examine gestational age adjusted birth weight, infant feeding practices, parental age and socioeconomic factors at birth in relation to CMM risk amongst 447,663 infants delivered between January 1971 and December 1986. Follow-up of histologically verified CMM cases was undertaken from the beginning of 1993 to 31st December 2007. Multivariable adjusted unconditional logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of CMM risk. Results: A total of 276 CMM cases and 440,336 controls contributed to the final analysis. In reference to normal (gestational age-adjusted) weight babies, those heaviest at birth were twice as likely to develop CMM OR 2.4 (95% CI 1.1-5.1). Inverse associations with CMM risk were observed with younger (


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We hypothesised that early life events are not routinely considered by most respiratory specialists.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Pesticide exposure during brain development could represent an important risk factor for the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. Previous studies investigated the effect of permethrin (PERM) administered at 34 mg/kg, a dose close to the no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) from post natal day (PND) 6 to PND 21 in rats. Despite the PERM dose did not elicited overt signs of toxicity (i.e. normal body weight gain curve), it was able to induce striatal neurodegeneration (dopamine and Nurr1 reduction, and lipid peroxidation increase). The present study was designed to characterize the cognitive deficits in the current animal model. When during late adulthood PERM treated rats were tested for spatial working memory performances in a T-maze-rewarded alternation task they took longer to choose for the correct arm in comparison to age matched controls. No differences between groups were found in anxiety-like state, locomotor activity, feeding behavior and spatial orientation task. Our findings showing a selective effect of PERM treatment on the T-maze task point to an involvement of frontal cortico-striatal circuitry rather than to a role for the hippocampus. The predominant disturbances concern the dopamine (DA) depletion in the striatum and, the serotonin (5-HT) and noradrenaline (NE) unbalance together with a hypometabolic state in the medial prefrontal cortex area. In the hippocampus, an increase of NE and a decrease of DA were observed in PERM treated rats as compared to controls. The concentration of the most representative marker for pyrethroid exposure (3-phenoxybenzoic acid) measured in the urine of rodents 12 h after the last treatment was 41.50 µ/L and it was completely eliminated after 96 h.


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In mice, exposure to isoflavones (ISO), abundant in soy infant formula, during the first 5 d of life alters structural and functional development of reproductive organs. Effects of longer exposures are unknown. The study objective was to evaluate whether exposure to a combination of daidzein and genistein in the first 10 compared to 5 d of life results in greater adverse effects on ovarian and uterine structure in adult mice. Thirteen litters of 8–12 pups were cross-fostered and randomized to corn oil or ISO (2 mg daidzein + 5 mg genistein/kg body weight/d) for the first 5 or 10 d of life. The 10-d protocol mimicked the period when infants are fed soy protein formula (SPF) but avoids the time when suckling pups can consume the mother’s diet. Body and organ weights and histology of ovaries and uteri were analyzed. There were no differences in the ovary or uterus weight, number of ovarian follicles, number of multiple oocyte follicles, or percent of ovarian cysts with 5 or 10 d of ISO intervention compared to respective controls. The 10-d ISO group had higher body weights from 6 d to 4 mo. of age and a higher percent of hyperplasia in the oviduct than the respective control. Lower numbers of ovarian corpus lutea and a higher incidence of abnormal changes were reported in the uteri of both ISO groups compared to their respective controls. Five- and 10-d exposure to ISO had similar long-lasting adverse effects on the structures of ovaries and uterus in adult mice. Only the 10-d ISO exposure resulted in greater body weight gain at adulthood.


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Le présent mémoire s’inscrit dans un projet, financé par le CRSH, visant l’étude des conditions de vie dans l’enfance et la survie aux grands âges L’augmentation de la longévité et de la mortalité observée dans les pays industrialisés depuis plus d’un siècle ont mené à l’émergence d’un courant de recherche visant à identifier les causes de ces progrès. Il a été soulevé que les conditions de vie dans l’enfance pourraient y jouer un rôle. L’objectif de ce mémoire est donc de mettre en lumière les déterminants qui sont en cause en étudiant la mortalité au-delà de 40 ans d’une population urbaine canadienne-française en phase d’industrialisation, soit, celle de la ville de Québec au début du 20ème siècle. Plus spécifiquement, une analyse descriptive de la population étudiée sera effectuée et suivra une analyse statistique à l’aide de modèles de risques proportionnels de Cox qui prendront en compte différentes facettes des conditions de vie. Au coeur de ce mémoire a été l’élaboration d’une base de données se basant sur le Canadian Families Project et créée à partir du recensement canadien de 1901. Cette dernière nous a permis de dresser un portrait des conditions de vie dans l’enfance, telles qu’elles étaient au tournant du 20ème siècle, de la population étudiée. Nous avons complété cette base de données en recueillant des informations sur les mariages à l’aide des fichiers de du projet BALSAC ainsi que les âges au décès des individus de l’échantillon en consultant les fiches de l’État civil. Nous avons pu mettre en lumière que les individus ayant passé leur enfance dans un ménage de type complexe affichent une mortalité moins élevée (de près de 35%) que pour les structures familiales simples. De plus, les individus qui ont grandi dans un ménage dont le chef était bilingue ou occupait un emploi qualifié ont des risques de mortalité inférieurs de près du tiers par rapport aux autres. Nous avons aussi trouvé que les résidents de la Basse-Ville courraient un risque de mortalité jusqu’à 50% plus élevé que celui de ceux provenant d’autres districts de la ville.


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Des études animales ont montré que l’exposition du foetus à l’adversité affecte le développement cérébral et la régulation d’émotions plus tard. Cette régulation serait reliée aux changements structurels cérébraux, particulièrement au circuit fronto-limbique. Cependant, ces résultats n’ont pas été entièrement répliqués chez l’humain. Le but de cette étude était de tester si l'adversité précoce conduit à des altérations structurelles des régions (orbitofrontal, préfrontal, cingulaire) fronto-limbiques, identifiées comme régions-clés dans la (de)régulation d’émotions. Les mesures principales de l’adversité étaient un poids léger à la naissance et l’hostilité maternelle puisqu’ils étaient parmi les plus prédictifs des résultats développementaux et comportementaux chez l’humain. Les mesures secondaires, incluant le tempérament difficile d’enfant et l’impulsivité en adolescence, étaient utilisées du à leur lien avec le développement cérébral et émotionnel. Les participants étaient des jumeaux identiques, membres de l’Étude des Jumeaux Nouveau-nés du Québec (ÉJNQ, N = 650 paires) suivis depuis 5 mois à 15 ans, leur âge actuel. Ceci a permis de mieux contrôler le facteur génétique et ainsi mieux isoler les effets d’environnement. Trente-sept paires ont été recrutées. La structure cérébrale de chacun, obtenue avec l’imagerie par résonance magnétique, a été analysée avec la régression linéaire. Le poids à la naissance n’a eu aucun effet. L’hostilité maternelle a prédit une réduction de l’aire du gyrus cingulaire postérieur. Tempérament difficile a prédit une réduction de l’aire du cortex orbitofrontal. L’impulsivité était associée avec l’aire et volume du cortex préfrontal réduits. Ces résultats soulignent l’importance des interventions précoces afin d’empêcher des altérations menant à la psychopathologie.


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Background: In mammals, early-life environmental variations appear to affect microbial colonization and therefore competent immune development, and exposure to farm environments in infants has been inversely correlated with allergy development. Modelling these effects using manipulation of neonatal rodents is difficult due to their dependency on the mother, but the relatively independent piglet is increasingly identified as a valuable translational model for humans. This study was designed to correlate immune regulation in piglets with early-life environment. Methods: Piglets were nursed by their mother on a commercial farm, while isolatorreared siblings were formula fed. Fluorescence immunohistology was used to quantify T-reg and effector T-cell populations in the intestinal lamina propria and the systemic response to food proteins was quantified by capture ELISA. Results: There was more CD4+ and CD4+CD25+ effector T-cell staining in the intestinal mucosa of the isolator-reared piglets compared with their farm-reared counterparts. In contrast, these isolator-reared piglets had a significantly reduced CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T-cell population compared to farm-reared littermates, resulting in a significantly higher T-reg-to-effector ratio in the farm animals. Consistent with these findings, isolator-reared piglets had an increased serum IgG anti-soya response to novel dietary soya protein relative to farm-reared piglets. Conclusion: Here, we provide the first direct evidence, derived from intervention, that components of the early-life environment present on farms profoundly affects both local development of regulatory components of the mucosal immune system and immune responses to food proteins at weaning. We propose that neonatal piglets provide a tractable model which allows maternal and treatment effects to be statistically separated.


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Background: Acquisition of the intestinal microbiota in early life corresponds with the development of the mucosal immune system. Recent work on caesarean-delivered infants revealed that early microbial composition is influenced by birthing method and environment. Furthermore, we have confirmed that early-life environment strongly influences both the adult gut microbiota and development of the gut immune system. Here, we address the impact of limiting microbial exposure after initial colonization on the development of adult gut immunity. Methodology/Principal Findings: Piglets were born in indoor or outdoor rearing units, allowing natural colonization in the immediate period after birth, prior to transfer to high-health status isolators. Strikingly, gut closure and morphological development were strongly affected by isolator-rearing, independent of indoor or outdoor origins of piglets. Isolator-reared animals showed extensive vacuolation and disorganization of the gut epithelium, inferring that normal gut closure requires maturation factors present in maternal milk. Although morphological maturation and gut closure were delayed in isolatorreared animals, these hard-wired events occurred later in development. Type I IFN, IL-22, IL-23 and Th17 pathways were increased in indoor-isolator compared to outdoor-isolator animals during early life, indicating greater immune activation in pigs originating from indoor environments reflecting differences in the early microbiota. This difference was less apparent later in development due to enhanced immune activation and convergence of the microbiota in all isolator-reared animals. This correlated with elevation of Type I IFN pathways in both groups, although T cell pathways were still more affected in indoor-reared animals. Conclusions/Significance: Environmental factors, in particular microbial exposure, influence expression of a large number of immune-related genes. However, the homeostatic effects of microbial colonization in outdoor environments require sustained microbial exposure throughout development. Gut development in high-hygiene environments negatively impacts on normal succession of the gut microbiota and promotes innate immune activation which may impair immune homeostasis.


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Objective To determine if use of paracetamol in early life is an independent risk factor for childhood asthma.
Design Prospective birth cohort study.
Setting Melbourne Atopy Cohort Study.
Participants 620 children with a family history of allergic disease, with paracetamol use prospectively documented
on 18 occasions from birth to 2 years of age, followed until age 7 years.
Main outcome measures The primary outcome was childhood asthma, ascertained by questionnaire at 6 and 7 years. Secondary outcomes were infantile wheeze, allergic rhinitis, eczema, and skin prick test positivity.
Results Paracetamol had been used in 51% (295/575) of children by 12 weeks of age and in 97% (556/575) by 2 years. Between 6 and 7 years, 80% (495/620) were followed up; 30% (148) had current asthma. Increasing frequency of paracetamol use was weakly associated with increased risk of childhood asthma (crude odds ratio 1.18, 95% confidence interval 1.00 to 1.39, per doubling of days of use). However, after adjustment for frequency of respiratory infections, this association essentially disappeared (odds ratio 1.08, 0.91 to 1.29). Paracetamol use for non-respiratory causes was not associated with asthma (crude odds ratio 0.95, 0.81 to 1.12).
Conclusions In children with a family history of allergic diseases, no association was found between early paracetamol use and risk of subsequent allergic disease after adjustment for respiratory infections or when paracetamol use was restricted to non-respiratory tract infections. These findings suggest that early paracetamol use does not increase the risk of asthma.