917 resultados para dynamic dispersion compensation


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A chuva de sementes é a dinâmica de dispersão de uma floresta, representando o que chega ao solo por meio dos agentes dispersores. Na comunidade de plantas, as síndromes de dispersão predominantes permitem entender os estádios sucessionais, estrutura e o nível de conservação da vegetação. No Brasil, a jaqueira, Artocarpus heterophyllus, é considerada uma espécie exótica invasora, que foi introduzida no período colonial. Essa invasão biológica pode comprometer a dispersão dos diásporos de espécies nativas pela chuva de sementes, já que a dispersão é influenciada pela distribuição espacial das plantas e pelas barreiras presentes no ambiente. O trabalho teve por objetivo verificar se a jaqueira, por ser uma espécie exótica invasora, influência na composição e abundância da chuva de sementes. O estudo foi realizado em floresta Atlântica, localizada no Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande, RJ. Foram utilizados para a coleta da chuva de semente 16 coletores de 1m de diâmetro, em áreas com (C) e sem (S) jaqueira, totalizando 32 coletores verificados mensalmente durante um ano de coleta. As análises estatísticas realizadas foram ANOVA, Regressão e NMDS, com o objetivo de verificar se a presença da jaqueira estaria influenciando na chuva de sementes quanto a riqueza, composição e abundância. Foram coletadas 320 amostras e contabilizadas 166.376 sementes, sendo encontrados 84 morfoespécies, 29 espécies em 25 famílias e 55 morfoespécies não identificadas. As áreas sem (S) jaqueira apresentaram maior riqueza, menor abundância e maior diversidade. Nas áreas com jaqueira (C) a abundância de sementes nativas apresentou uma relação negativa com a abundância dessa exótica nas parcelas. A composição e a abundância dos diásporos não tiveram uma separação nítida entre as áreas com e sem jaqueiras, como mostrado no NMDS. Porém, quando analisado o primeiro eixo do NMDS com a abundância de jaqueiras, a ordenação das grades mostrou ter uma relação com a abundância de jaqueiras. As principais síndromes de dispersão observadas no trabalho, referente às espécies que foram identificadas, foram à anemocoria e a zoocoria, sendo esta ultima síndrome a mais abundante entre as áreas. Os resultados mostraram que a presença das jaqueiras afeta, negativamente a chuva de sementes no Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande. Uma menor riqueza e abundância de sementes nativas alcançaram o solo nas áreas com jaqueira (C) podendo afetar a sucessão e a dinâmica da floresta.


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We report the first demonstration, to our knowledge, of the femtosecond laser operation by using a new alloyed Yb:GYSO crystal as the gain medium. With a 5 at. % Yb3+-doped sample and chirped mirrors for dispersion compensation, we obtained pulses as short as 210 fs at the center wavelength of 1093 nm. The average mode-locking power is 300 mW, and the pulse repetition frequency is 80 MHz. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America


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阐述了用光学薄膜进行色散补偿的基本原理,介绍了设计的基本过程.根据Ti:Sapphire飞秒激光器中腔内色散补偿的要求,设定了色散补偿目标,通过计算机优化,得到了一种40层的Ta2O5/SiO2介质膜系.该膜系能在720~870am范围获得大于99.5%的反射率,在510~550nm获得大于90%的透射率,在740~850nm提供较平滑的-40fs^2的群延迟色散.这样的结果经过7次反射后,可以补偿5-mm Ti:sapphire晶体产生的绝大部分群延迟色散。


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The application of electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) technology to extended-reach operation of multimode-fibre (MMF) links is considered. The essential theory is described in the context of MMF and the application of statistical techniques to predict supported link lengths for EDC-enabled MMF links is presented.


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Non-linearities in semiconductor optical amplifiers have been used to demonstrate a wide range of functions applicable to future optical networks such as wavelength conversion and optical switching. Four-wave-mixing effects in SOAs have been studied extensively in many laboratories with respect to the underlying physical processes and system applications. At BT Labs an optimization of SOAs for FWM has been achieved by altering the device active layer composition and by increasing the device length. We will review recent progress at BT Labs in dispersion compensation, wavelength conversion and demultiplexing at bit-rates of 40 Gbit/s using these devices.


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Non-linearities in semiconductor optical amplifiers have been used to demonstrate a wide range of functions applicable to future optical networks such as wavelength conversion and optical switching. Four-wave-mixing effects in SOAs have been studied extensively in many laboratories with respect to the underlying physical processes and system applications. At BT Labs an optimisation of SOAs for FWM has been achieved by altering the device active layer composition and by increasing the device length. We will review recent progress at BT Labs in dispersion compensation, wavelength conversion and demultiplexing at bit-rates of 40Gbit/s using these devices.


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A semiconductor optical amplifier monolithically integrated with a distributed feedback pump laser is used for non-degenerate four wave mixing applications. Experimental results are presented which illustrate the use of this compact device for both wavelength conversion and dispersion compensation applications at high data rates.


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Model compensation is a standard way of improving the robustness of speech recognition systems to noise. A number of popular schemes are based on vector Taylor series (VTS) compensation, which uses a linear approximation to represent the influence of noise on the clean speech. To compensate the dynamic parameters, the continuous time approximation is often used. This approximation uses a point estimate of the gradient, which fails to take into account that dynamic coefficients are a function of a number of consecutive static coefficients. In this paper, the accuracy of dynamic parameter compensation is improved by representing the dynamic features as a linear transformation of a window of static features. A modified version of VTS compensation is applied to the distribution of the window of static features and, importantly, their correlations. These compensated distributions are then transformed to distributions over standard static and dynamic features. With this improved approximation, it is also possible to obtain full-covariance corrupted speech distributions. This addresses the correlation changes that occur in noise. The proposed scheme outperformed the standard VTS scheme by 10% to 20% relative on a range of tasks. © 2006 IEEE.


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Detailed investigations are undertaken, for the first time, of the transmission performance of recently proposed novel Adaptively Modulated Optical OFDM (AMOOFDM) modems using Subcarrier Modulation (AMOOFDM-SCM) in single-channel, SMF-based IMDD links without optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. The cross-talk effect induced by beatings among subcarriers of various types is a crucial factor limiting the maximum achievable AMOOFDM-SCM performance. By applying single sideband modulation and/or spectral gapping to AMOOFDM-SCM, three AMOOFDM-SCM designs of varying complexity are proposed, which achieve >60Gb/s signal transmission over 20 km, 40 km and 60 km. Such performances are >1.5 times higher than those supported by conventional AMOOFDM modems.


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The wavelength dependent transmission performance of adaptively modulated optical OFDM (AMOOFDM) signals is investigated, for the first time, over optical amplification- and chromatic dispersion compensation-free IMDD SMF systems using semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) as intensity modulators. A theoretical SOA model describing both optical gain saturation and gain spectral dynamics is developed, based on which optimum SOA operating conditions are identified for various wavelengths varying in a broad range of 1510 nm- 1590 nm. Results show that, SOA intensity modulators operating at the identified optimum conditions enable the realization of colourless AMOOFDM transmitters within the aforementioned wavelength window. Such transmitters are capable of supporting >30 Gb/s signal transmission over 60 km SMFs.


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The fastest ever 11.25Gb/s real-time FPGA-based optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OOFDM) transceivers utilizing 64-QAM encoding/decoding and significantly improved variable power loading are experimentally demonstrated, for the first time, incorporating advanced functionalities of on-line performance monitoring, live system parameter optimization and channel estimation. Real-time end-to-end transmission of an 11.25Gb/s 64-QAM-encoded OOFDM signal with a high electrical spectral efficiency of 5.625bit/s/Hz over 25km of standard and MetroCor single-mode fibres is successfully achieved with respective power penalties of 0.3dB and -0.2dB at a BER of 1.0 x 10(-3) in a directly modulated DFB laser-based intensity modulation and direct detection system without in-line optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. The impacts of variable power loading as well as electrical and optical components on the transmission performance of the demonstrated transceivers are experimentally explored in detail. In addition, numerical simulations also show that variable power loading is an extremely effective means of escalating system performance to its maximum potential.


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Based on a comprehensive theoretical optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OOFDM) system model rigorously verified by comparing numerical results with end-to-end real-time experimental measurements at 11.25Gb/s, detailed explorations are undertaken, for the first time, of the impacts of various physical factors on the OOFDM system performance over directly modulated DFB laser (DML)-based, intensity modulation and direct detection (IMDD), single-mode fibre (SMF) systems without in-line optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. It is shown that the low extinction ratio (ER) of the DML modulated OOFDM signal is the predominant factor limiting the maximum achievable optical power budget, and the subcarrier intermixing effect associated with square-law photon detection in the receiver reduces the optical power budget by at least 1dB. Results also indicate that, immediately after the DML in the transmitter, the insertion of a 0.02nm bandwidth optical Gaussian bandpass filter with a 0.01nm wavelength offset with respect to the optical carrier wavelength can enhance the OOFDM signal ER by approximately 1.24dB, thus resulting in a 7dB optical power budget improvement at a total channel BER of 1 × 10(-3).


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7.5Gb/s real-time end-to-end optical OFDM (OOFDM) transceivers incorporating variable power loading on each individual subcarrier are demonstrated experimentally, for the first time, using a live-optimized RSOA intensity modulator having a modulation bandwidth as narrow as 1GHz. Colourless real-time 16-QAM-encoded OOFDM signal transmission at 7.5Gb/s over 25km SSMF is achieved across the C-band in simple IMDD systems without in-line optical amplification and dispersion compensation. Copyright © 2010 The authors.