988 resultados para documenting automation
Nested clade phylogeographic analysis (NCPA) is a popular method for reconstructing the demographic history of spatially distributed populations from genetic data. Although some parts of the analysis are automated, there is no unique and widely followed algorithm for doing this in its entirety, beginning with the data, and ending with the inferences drawn from the data. This article describes a method that automates NCPA, thereby providing a framework for replicating analyses in an objective way. To do so, a number of decisions need to be made so that the automated implementation is representative of previous analyses. We review how the NCPA procedure has evolved since its inception and conclude that there is scope for some variability in the manual application of NCPA. We apply the automated software to three published datasets previously analyzed manually and replicate many details of the manual analyses, suggesting that the current algorithm is representative of how a typical user will perform NCPA. We simulate a large number of replicate datasets for geographically distributed, but entirely random-mating, populations. These are then analyzed using the automated NCPA algorithm. Results indicate that NCPA tends to give a high frequency of false positives. In our simulations we observe that 14% of the clades give a conclusive inference that a demographic event has occurred, and that 75% of the datasets have at least one clade that gives such an inference. This is mainly due to the generation of multiple statistics per clade, of which only one is required to be significant to apply the inference key. We survey the inferences that have been made in recent publications and show that the most commonly inferred processes (restricted gene flow with isolation by distance and contiguous range expansion) are those that are commonly inferred in our simulations. However, published datasets typically yield a richer set of inferences with NCPA than obtained in our random-mating simulations, and further testing of NCPA with models of structured populations is necessary to examine its accuracy.
ANeCA is a fully automated implementation of Nested Clade Phylogeographic Analysis. This was originally developed by Templeton and colleagues, and has been used to infer, from the pattern of gene sequence polymorphisms in a geographically structured population, the historical demographic processes that have shaped its evolution. Until now it has been necessary to perform large parts of the procedure manually. We provide a program that will take data in Nexus sequential format, and directly output a set of inferences. The software also includes TCS v1.18 and GeoDis v2.2 as part of automation.
This paper presents the on-going research performed in order to integrate process automation and process management support in the context of media production. This has been addressed on the basis of a holistic approach to software engineering applied to media production modelling to ensure design correctness, completeness and effectiveness. The focus of the research and development has been to enhance the metadata management throughout the process in a similar fashion to that achieved in Decision Support Systems (DSS) to facilitate well-grounded business decisions. The paper sets out the aims and objectives and the methodology deployed. The paper describes the solution in some detail and sets out some preliminary conclusions and the planned future work.
With the fast development of wireless communications, ZigBee and semiconductor devices, home automation networks have recently become very popular. Since typical consumer products deployed in home automation networks are often powered by tiny and limited batteries, one of the most challenging research issues is concerning energy reduction and the balancing of energy consumption across the network in order to prolong the home network lifetime for consumer devices. The introduction of clustering and sink mobility techniques into home automation networks have been shown to be an efficient way to improve the network performance and have received significant research attention. Taking inspiration from nature, this paper proposes an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based clustering algorithm specifically with mobile sink support for home automation networks. In this work, the network is divided into several clusters and cluster heads are selected within each cluster. Then, a mobile sink communicates with each cluster head to collect data directly through short range communications. The ACO algorithm has been utilized in this work in order to find the optimal mobility trajectory for the mobile sink. Extensive simulation results from this research show that the proposed algorithm significantly improves home network performance when using mobile sinks in terms of energy consumption and network lifetime as compared to other routing algorithms currently deployed for home automation networks.
O objetivo geral desta dissertação é estudar as possibilidades de flexibilização da função de saída do Sistema Hyper-Automaton além das rígidas possibilidades utilizadas atualmente com a utilização direta do HTML, objetivando eliminar as limitações como execução de aplicações proprietárias, caracteres incompatíveis entre browsers, excesso de tráfego na rede, padronizar aplicações, incrementar recursos didáticos, melhorar o suporte a aplicações multimídia atuais e futuras, facilitar a manutenção, implementação e reuso, alterar o layout de saída no browser de maneira dinâmica, explorar outros recursos de links, estabelecer padrões de organização do material instrucional criado pelo professor e muitas outras. Tal sistema anteriormente desenvolvido e funcionando adequadamente, é baseado no formalismo de Autômatos Finitos com Saída como modelo estrutural para organização de hiperdocumentos instrucionais, em especial em cursos na Web, tornando o material hipermídia independente do controle da aplicação. O Sistema Hyper-Automaton, tornou-se portanto, um sistema semi-automatizado para suporte a cursos na Web. Com o desdobramento da pesquisa, esta procurou ir mais além e descreveu possibilidades de não só estudar os aspectos possíveis de formatação de saída do sistema, mas reestruturá-lo totalmente sobre uma linguagem de markup padrão, buscando atualizá-lo tecnologicamente definindo outras possibilidades para que significativos trabalhos futuros possam de maneira mais clara serem alcançados. Dessa maneira, esta dissertação centra-se no estudo da aplicação de formas de flexibilização do Sistema Hyper-Automaton, tanto na parte da estruturação de documentos que são conteúdos instrucionais armazenados, bem como, na forma desse material tornar-se-á disponível através de navegadores WWW compatíveis com as tecnologias propostas, possibilitando o incremento substancial de funcionalidades necessárias para cursos onde a Web é o principal meio. Esta pesquisa dá prosseguimento a dois trabalhos anteriormente concluídos no PPGC e do Curso de Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação da UFRGS no ano de 2000, na seqüência, Hyper-Automaton: Hipertextos e Cursos na Web Utilizando Autômatos Finitos com Saída, dissertação de mestrado de Júlio Henrique de A. P. Machado e Hyper-Automaton: Implementação e Uso, trabalho de diplomação de Leonardo Penczek.
This research investigated the underuse of technological tools by innovative organizations which are acknowledged for their use of and familiarity with new technologies. The research conducted an analysis of 58 institutional repositories (IRs) out of 43 educational and research institutions which are internationally renowned for excellence. The core aspect of the analysis was the use of IRs for publishing and dealing with evidence in order to legitimize and add value to scientific research. The following items were analyzed: (a) the logical structuring of scientific communication published in the IRs; (b) the metadata which describe scientific communication based on the terms of the DCMI protocol used; (c) the availability of software functions which facilitate the queries and publication of evidences. Results show that the introduction of IRs did not add value to the quality of research in\ terms of associating and publishing evidence that could back them up. A strong tendency to replicate the traditional library model of physical collections was observed. It was concluded that merely possessing good technological tools is not sufficient for fostering innovation and strategic gains in organizations, even if their implementation takes place in highly promising and favorable environments.
States that control is of the essence in cybernetics. Summarizes the dynamic equations for a flexible one-link manipulator moving in the horizontal plane. Employs the finite element method, based on elementary beam theory, during the process of formulation. Develops and instruments a one-link flexible manipulator in order to control its vibration modes. Uses a simple second-order vibration model which permits vibrations on the rod to be estimated using the hub angle. The validation of the dynamic model and the structural analysis of the flexible manipulator is reached using proper infrared cameras and active light sources for determining actual positions of objects in space. Shows that the performance of the control is satisfactory, even under perturbation action.
Previous analyses of mitochondrial (mt)DNA and allozymes covering the range of the Iberian endemic golden-striped salamander, Chioglossa lusitanica, suggested a Pleistocene split of the historical species distribution into two population units (north and south of the Mondego river), postglacial expansion into the northernmost extant range, and secondary contact with neutral diffusion of genes close to the Mondego river. We extended analysis of molecular variation over the species range using seven microsatellite loci and the nuclear P-fibrinogen intron 7 (beta-fibint7). Both microsatellites and beta-fibint7 showed moderate to high levels of population structure, concordant with patterns detected with mtDNA and allozymes; and a general pattern of isolation-by-distance, contrasting the marked differentiation of two population groups suggested by mtDNA and allozymes. Bayesian multilocus analyses showed contrasting results as populations north and south of the Douro river were clearly differentiated based on microsatellites, whereas allozymes revealed differentiation north and south of the Mondego river. Additionally, decreased microsatellite variability in the north supported the hypothesis of postglacial colonization of this region. The well-documented evolutionary history of C. lusitanica, provides an excellent framework within which the advantages and limitations of different classes of markers can be evaluated in defining patterns of population substructure and inferring evolutionary processes across distinct spatio-temporal scales. The present study serves as a cautionary note for investigations that rely on a single type of molecular marker, especially when the organism under study exhibits a widespread distribution and complex natural history. (C) 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95, 371-387.
This paper describes the implementation of a multi-interface module (I2M) for automation of industrial processes, based on the IEEE1451 standard. Process automation with I2M can communicate through either wires or using wireless communication, without any hardware or software changes. We used FPGA resources to implement the I2M functions FPGA, with a NIOS II processor and ZigBee communication system (IEEE802.15), as well as RS232 serial standard. Part of the project was done in the SOPC Builder environment, which gave the designer flexibility and speed to implement the NIOS II-based microprocessor system. To test the I2M implementation, a didactic Industrial Hydraulic Module (MHI-01) was used to simulate two industrial processes to be controlled by the system proposed.
In this article, an implementation of structural health monitoring process automation based on vibration measurements is proposed. The work presents an alternative approach which intent is to exploit the capability of model updating techniques associated to neural networks to be used in a process of automation of fault detection. The updating procedure supplies a reliable model which permits to simulate any damage condition in order to establish direct correlation between faults and deviation in the response of the model. The ability of the neural networks to recognize, at known signature, changes in the actual data of a model in real time are explored to investigate changes of the actual operation conditions of the system. The learning of the network is performed using a compressed spectrum signal created for each specific type of fault. Different fault conditions for a frame structure are evaluated using simulated data as well as measured experimental data.
This work presents challenges and solutions for the teaching and learning of automation applied to integrated manufacturing by means of a methodological approach based on techniques, tools and industrial equipment directly applicable in the industry. The approach was implemented in a control and automation engineering course divided into expositive and laboratory classes. Since the success of the approach is mainly from the practical activities, the article focus more on activities developed in laboratory than theorical classes. Copyright © 2007 IFAC.
The constant increase in digital systems complexity definitely demands the automation of the corresponding synthesis process. This paper presents a computational environment designed to produce both software and hardware implementations of a system. The tool for code generation has been named ACG8051. As for the hardware synthesis there has been produced a larger environment consisting of four programs, namely: PIPE2TAB, AGPS, TABELA, and TAB2VHDL. ACG8051 and PIPE2TAB use place/transition net descriptions from PIPE as inputs. ACG8051 is aimed at generating assembly code for the 8051 micro-controller. PIPE2TAB produces a tabular version of a Mealy type finite state machine of the system, its output is fed into AGPS that is used for state allocation. The resulting digital system is then input to TABELA, which minimizes control functions and outputs of the digital system. Finally, the output generated by TABELA is fed to TAB2VHDL that produces a VHDL description of the system at the register transfer level. Thus, we present here a set of tools designed to take a high-level description of a digital system, represented by a place/transition net, and produces as output both an assembly code that can be immediately run on an 8051 micro-controller, and a VHDL description that can be used to directly implement the hardware parts either on an FPGA or as an ASIC.