990 resultados para doctoral policy


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This paper draws on work by the author as part of a team undertaking an ARC Discovery project entitled: The Impact of Risk Management on Doctoral Research Policy and Pedagogy in Australian Universities. The team is Erica McWilliam, Peter Taylor, Terry Evans and Alan Lawson, with Eluned Lloyd and Karen Tregenza. Some of the ideas in this paper reflect our discussions, reading and other work as part of this project.

Arguably, part of any manager’s work involves the identification and assessment of risks and then working to minimise or manage them. However, never has this been more important than is the case today for the manager of doctoral studies in Australia. Partly this is related to the rising risk consciousness and risk aversion in contemporary societies, but more particularly it is related to the dangers and harms that have been infused by the Australian government into its policies on ‘research training’ (that is, principally doctoral education) and quality assurance. This article explores the consequences of these two trends, one general and one specific, on the management and nature of doctoral research in Australia.


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The major growth of doctoral education in recent decades has attracted attention from policy makers and researchers. In this article we explore the growth of doctoral education in Australia, its impact on diversity in respect of the doctoral population, shifts in disciplinary strengths, institutional concentration and award programs. We conclude that there has been both change and continuity in the provision of doctoral education with extensive variation at the level of practice in what is a reasonably stable system featuring continuing hierarchical institutional diversification. The limitations of available data and issues for further research, policy and practice are discussed.


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Programa de doctorado: Perspectivas Científicas sobre el turismo y la Dirección de Empresas Turísticas


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Clusters have increasingly become an essential part of policy discourses at all levels, EU, national, regional, dealing with regional development, competitiveness, innovation, entrepreneurship, SMEs. These impressive efforts in promoting the concept of clusters on the policy-making arena have been accompanied by much less academic and scientific research work investigating the actual economic performance of firms in clusters, the design and execution of cluster policies and going beyond singular case studies to a more methodologically integrated and comparative approach to the study of clusters and their real-world impact. The theoretical background is far from being consolidated and there is a variety of methodologies and approaches for studying and interpreting this phenomenon while at the same time little comparability among studies on actual cluster performances. The conceptual framework of clustering suggests that they affect performance but theory makes little prediction as to the ultimate distribution of the value being created by clusters. This thesis takes the case of Eastern European countries for two reasons. One is that clusters, as coopetitive environments, are a new phenomenon as the previous centrally-based system did not allow for such types of firm organizations. The other is that, as new EU member states, they have been subject to the increased popularization of the cluster policy approach by the European Commission, especially in the framework of the National Reform Programmes related to the Lisbon objectives. The originality of the work lays in the fact that starting from an overview of theoretical contributions on clustering, it offers a comparative empirical study of clusters in transition countries. There have been very few examples in the literature that attempt to examine cluster performance in a comparative cross-country perspective. It adds to this an analysis of cluster policies and their implementation or lack of such as a way to analyse the way the cluster concept has been introduced to transition economies. Our findings show that the implementation of cluster policies does vary across countries with some countries which have embraced it more than others. The specific modes of implementation, however, are very similar, based mostly on soft measures such as funding for cluster initiatives, usually directed towards the creation of cluster management structures or cluster facilitators. They are essentially founded on a common assumption that the added values of clusters is in the creation of linkages among firms, human capital, skills and knowledge at the local level, most often perceived as the regional level. Often times geographical proximity is not a necessary element in the application process and cluster application are very similar to network membership. Cluster mapping is rarely a factor in the selection of cluster initiatives for funding and the relative question about critical mass and expected outcomes is not considered. In fact, monitoring and evaluation are not elements of the cluster policy cycle which have received a lot of attention. Bulgaria and the Czech Republic are the countries which have implemented cluster policies most decisively, Hungary and Poland have made significant efforts, while Slovakia and Romania have only sporadically and not systematically used cluster initiatives. When examining whether, in fact, firms located within regional clusters perform better and are more efficient than similar firms outside clusters, we do find positive results across countries and across sectors. The only country with negative impact from being located in a cluster is the Czech Republic.


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This study examines the case of Vietnam and uses the method of process tracing to explore the sources of foreign policy choice and change. Foreign policy is derived from grand strategy, which refers to the full package of a state’s domestic and foreign policies. I argue that a state’s grand strategy results from the interaction of four factors—its society’s historical experience, social motivation, international power, and political contest among domestic groups. Grand strategies emerge as a response to perceived shifts in the balance of international economic, political, and military power. However, this is not to say that international pressures and incentives are translated into foreign policy. Rather, pressures and incentives are given meaning by worldviews, which reflect a society’s historical experiences of its place in the international system at traumatic junctures of its encounter with the outside world. Strategic changes in foreign policy follow what I call the “strategic algorithm,” which incorporates four major mechanisms—balancing against threat, bandwagoning with power, learning, and survival by transformation. This case study generates hypotheses for a theory of strategic choice, a theory of foreign policy transformation, and a theory of grand strategy emergence.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation besteht aus sechs Kapiteln und trägt zur Forschung in den Bereichen der Finanzmarktpolitik und der Geldpolitik bei. Das zweite Kapitel zeigt die Wechselbeziehung zwischen Geldmarktanspannungen und der Stabilität des Finanzsystems auf. Mittels der theoretischen Literatur werden verschiedene Einflussfaktoren einer aggregierten Liquiditätsnachfragefunktion präsentiert. Das dritte Kapitel untersucht den Informationsgehalt der Ergebnisse der Hauptrefinanzierungsgeschäfte für den europäischen Geldmarkt. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich seit der Finanzkrise der Informationsgehalt der Hauptrefinanzierungsgeschäfte in zweierlei Hinsicht verändert hat. Im vierten Kapitel untersuchen wir die Wirksamkeit der Geldpolitik während der Finanzkrise europäische Geldmarktzinssätze zu steuern. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf eine erhebliche Divergenz zwischen den Zinssätzen und den Erwartungen über die zukünftige Geldpolitik hin. Weiterhin finden wir heraus, dass die unkonventionellen Maßnahmen der EZB für einen Rückgang der Euriborsätze von bis zu 60 Basispunkten verantwortlich sind. Das fünfte Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit der Funktionsweise des besonderen geldpolitischen Instrumentariums der Schweizerischen Nationalbank.


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Since 1947, Australia has formally resettled more than 750,000 refugees. During that time, researchers have successfully completed more than 150 Masters and doctoral theses and published more than 900 articles, books and reports about issues of refugee settlement in Australia, with about half of them being published in the past 10 years. In this paper, we discuss the development of the production of knowledge about refugee resettlement. We identify trends in the literature, such as the emergence of an ethno-specific focus, and the concern with settlement's psychological and emotional impact, and relate them to policy changes. We suggest that scholars need critically to take stock of the knowledge produced so far and be more cognisant of the international scholarly debate.


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En un mercado de educación superior cada vez más competitivo, la colaboración entre universidades es una efectiva estrategia para acceder al mercado global. El desarrollo de titulaciones conjuntas es un importante mecanismo para fortalecer las colaboraciones académicas y diversificar los conocimientos. Las titulaciones conjuntas están siendo cada vez más implementadas en las universidades de todo el mundo. En Europa, el proceso de Bolonia y el programa Erasmus, están fomentado el reconocimiento de titulaciones conjuntas y dobles y promoviendo la colaboración entre las instituciones académicas. En el imparable proceso de la globalización y convergencia educativa, el uso de sistemas de e-learning para soportar cursos tanto semipresencial como online es una tendencia en crecimiento. Dado que los sistemas de e-learning soportan una amplia variedad de cursos, es necesario encontrar una solución adecuada que permita a las universidades soportar y gestionar las titulaciones conjuntas a través de sus sistemas de e-learning en conformidad con los acuerdos de colaboración establecidos por las universidades participantes. Esta tesis doctoral abordará las siguientes preguntas de investigación: 1. ¿Qué factores deben tenerse en cuenta en la implementación y gestión de titulaciones conjuntas? 2. ¿Cómo pueden los sistemas actuales de e-learning soportar el desarrollo de titulaciones conjuntas? 3. ¿Qué otros servicios y sistemas necesitan ser adaptados por las universidades interesadas en participar en una titulación conjunta a través de sus sistemas de e-learning? La implementación de titulaciones conjuntas a través de sistemas de e-learning es compleja e implica retos técnicos, administrativos, culturales, financieros, jurídicos y de seguridad. Esta tesis doctoral propone una serie de contribuciones que pueden ayudar a resolver algunos de los retos identificados. En primer lugar se ha elaborado un modelo conceptual que incluye la información del contexto de las titulaciones conjuntas que es relevante para la implementación de estas titulaciones en los sistemas de e-learning. Después de definir el modelo conceptual, se ha propuesto una arquitectura basada en políticas para la implementación de titulaciones interinstitucionales a través de sistemas de e-learning de acuerdo a los términos estipulados en los acuerdos de colaboración que son firmados por las universidades participantes. El autor se ha centrado en el componente de gestión de flujos de trabajo de esta arquitectura. Por último y con el fin de permitir la interoperabilidad de repositorios de objetos educativos, los componentes básicos a implementar han sido identificados y validados. El uso de servicios multimedia en educación es una tendencia creciente, proporcionando servicios de e-learning que permiten mejorar la comunicación y la interacción entre profesores y alumnos. Dentro de estos servicios, nos hemos centrado en el uso de la videoconferencia y la grabación de clases como servicios adecuados para el desarrollo de cursos impartidos en escenarios de educación colaborativos. Las contribuciones han sido validadas en proyectos de investigación de ámbito nacional y europeo en los que el autor ha participado. Abstract In an increasingly competitive higher education market, collaboration between universities is an effective strategy for gaining access to the global market. The development of joint degrees is an important mechanism for strengthening academic research collaborations and diversifying knowledge. Joint degrees are becoming increasingly implemented in universities around the world. In Europe, the Bologna process and the Erasmus programme have encouraged both the global recognition of joint and double degrees and promoted close collaboration between academic institutions. In the unstoppable process of globalization and educational convergence, the use of e-learning systems for supporting both blended and online courses is becoming a growing trend. Since e-learning systems covers a wide range of courses, it becomes necessary to find a suitable solution that enables universities to support and manage joint degrees through their e-learning systems in accordance with the collaboration agreements established by the universities involved. This dissertation will address the following research questions: 1. What factors need to be considered in the implementation and management of joint degrees? 2. How can the current e-learning systems support the development of joint degrees? 3. What other services and systems need to be adapted by universities interested in participating in a joint degree through their e-learning systems? The implementation of joint degrees using e-learning systems is complex and involves technical, administrative, security, cultural, financial and legal challenges. This dissertation proposes a series of contributions to help solve some of the identified challenges. One of the cornerstones of this proposal is a conceptual model of all the relevant issues related to the support of joint degrees by means of e-learning systems. After defining the conceptual model, this dissertation proposes a policy-driven architecture for implementing inter-institutional degree collaborations through e-learning systems as stipulated by a collaboration agreement signed by two universities. The author has focused on the workflow management component of this architecture. Finally, the building blocks for achieving interoperability of learning object repositories have been identified and validated. The use of multimedia services in education is a growing trend, providing rich e-learning services that improve the communication and interaction between teachers and students. Within these e-learning services, we have focused on the use of videoconferencing and lecture recording as the best-suited services to support collaborative learning scenarios. The contributions have been validated within national and European research projects that the author has been involved in.


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Includes bibliographical references.


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Electoral Rules and Leader Selection: Experimental Evidence from Ugandan Community Groups. Despite a large body of work documenting how electoral systems affect policy outcomes, less is known about their impact on leader selection. We study this by comparing two types of participatory decision making in Ugandan community groups: (i) vote by secret ballot and (ii) open discussion with consensus. Random assignment allows us to estimate the causal impact of the rules on leader types and social service delivery. Vote groups are found to elect leaders more similar to the average member while discussion group leaders are positively selected on socio-economic characteristics. Further, dropout rates are significantly higher in discussion groups, particularly for poorer members. After 3.5 years, vote groups are larger in size and their members save less and get smaller loans. We conclude that the secret ballot vote creates more inclusive groups while open discussion groups favor the already economically successful. Preparing for Genocide: Community Meetings in Rwanda. How do political elites prepare the civilian population for participation in violent conflict? We empirically investigate this question using data from the Rwandan Genocide in 1994. Every Saturday before 1994, Rwandan villagers had to meet to work on community infrastructure. The practice was highly politicized and, according to anecdotal evidence, regularly used by the political elites for spreading propaganda in the years before the genocide. This paper presents the first quantitative evidence of this abuse of the community meetings. To establish causality, we exploit cross-sectional variation in meeting intensity induced by exogenous weather fluctuations. We find that an additional rainy Saturday resulted in a five percent lower civilian participation rate in genocide violence. Selection into Borrowing: Survey Evidence from Uganda. In this paper, I study how changes to the standard credit contract affect loan demand and selection into borrowing, using a representative sample of urban micro enterprises, most with no borrowing experience. Hypothetical loan demand questions are used to test whether firm owners respond to changes in loans' contractual terms and whether take-up varies by firms' risk type and other firm owner characteristics. The results indicate that contracts with lower interest rates and less stringent collateral requirements attract less risky borrowers, suggesting that there is scope for improvement of standard financial contract terms. Credit Contract Structure and Firm Growth: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial. We study the effects of credit contract structure on firm outcomes among small and medium sized firms. A randomized control trial was carried out to distinguish between some of the key constraints to efficient credit use connected to the firms' business environment and production function, namely (i) backloaded returns (ii) uncertain returns and (iii) indivisible fixed costs. Each firm was followed for the 1-year loan cycle. We describe the experiment and present preliminary results from the first 754 out of 2,340 firms to have completed the loan cycle. Firms offered a grace period have higher profits and higher household income than firms receiving a rebate later on as well as the control group. They also increased the number of paid employees  and reduced the number of unpaid employees, an effect also found among firms that received a cash subsidy at the beginning of the loan cycle. We discuss potential mechanisms behind these effects.


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In their search for innovative policy solutions to complex social problematics, local governance practitioners will look to synergising specific policy guidance from government departments with conceptual scientific research outputs. UK academics are also now expected to emphasise the relevance of their research and to increase its utilisation by practitioners. Away from utilitarian pressures, academics from applied discipline, such as Public Administration and Local Government Studies are increasingly drawn to the benefits of co-produced research. Despite the pressure for more co-research there are few opportunities for practitioners and academics to nurture relationships that would support close collaboration. This paper looks at the opportunity for closer collaboration when practitioners undertake research degrees, in order to enhance their cognitive skills and develop greater scientific knowledge of particular policy domains. If this route to closer collaboration is to succeed, it will require academics to think differently about their relationship with practitioner-students.