213 resultados para dissolving


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An optical diagnostic system consisting of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer with the phase shift device and an image processor has been developed for the study of the kinetics of the crystal growing process. The dissolution and crystallization process of NaClO3 crystal has been investigated. The concentration distributions around a growing and dissolving crystal have been obtained by using phase-shift of four-steps theory for the interpretation of the interferograms. The convection (a plume flow) has been visualized and analyzed in the process of the crystal growth. The experiment demonstrates that the buoyancy convection dominates the growth rate of the crystal growing face on the ground-based experiment.


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The interface of a laser-discrete-quenched steel substrate and as-deposited chromium electroplate was investigated by ion beam etching, dissolving-substrate-away and using a Vickers microhardness tester, in an attempt to reveal the mechanism that the service life of the chromium-coated parts is increased by the duplex technique of laser pre-quenching plus chromium post-depositing. The laser quenching of the steel substrate can reduce the steep hardness gradient at the substrate/chromium interface and improve the load-bearing capacity of chromium electroplate. Moreover, the laser quenching prior to plating has an extremely great effect on the morphologies and microstructure of the substrate/chromium interface: there is a transient interlayer at the original substrate/chromium interface while there is not at the laser-quenchedzone/chromium interface; the near-substrate surface microstructure and morphologies of the free-standing chromium electrodeposits, whose substrate was dissolved away with nital 30% in volume, inherit the periodically gradient characteristics of the laser-discrete-quenched substrate surface. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ammonothermal growth of GaN crystals with a retrograde solubility has been modeled and simulated here using fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and heat transfer models. The nutrient is considered as a porous media bed and the flow in the porous charge is simulated using the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model. The resulting governing equations are solved using the finite volume method. For the case of retrograde solubility, the charge is put above the baffle. The temperature difference between the dissolving zone and growth zone is found smaller than that applied on the sidewall of autoclave. The baffle opening has a strong effect on the nutrient transport and supersaturation of GaN species in the growth zone.


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GaN can be used to fabricate blue/green/UV LEDs and high temperature, high power electronic devices. Ideal substrates are needed for high quality III-nitride epitaxy, which is an essential step for the manufacture of LEDs. GaN substrates are ideal to be lattice matched and isomorphic to nitride-based films. Bulk single crystals of GaN can be grown from supercritical fluids using the ammonothermal method, which utilizes ammonia as fluid rather than water as in the hydrothermal process. In this process, a mineralizer such as amide, imide or azide is used to attack a bulk nitride feedstock at temperatures from 200 - 500癈 and pressures from 1 - 4 kbar. Baffle design is essential for successful growth of GaN crystals. Baffle is used to separate the dissolving zone from the growth zone, and to maintain a temperature difference between the two zones. For solubility curve with a positive coefficient with respect to temperature, the growth zone is maintained at a lower temperature than that in the dissolving zone, thus the nutrient becomes supersaturated in the growth zone. The baffle opening is used to control the mixing of nutrients in the two zones, thus the transfer of nutrient from the lower part to the upper part. Ammonothermal systems have been modeled here using fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and heat transfer models. The nutrient is considered as a porous media bed and the flow is simulated using the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model. The resulting governing equations are solved using the finite volume method. We investigated the effects of baffle opening and position on the transport phenomena of nutrient from dissolving zone to the growth zone. Simulation data have been compared qualitatively with experimental data.


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A tese focaliza alguns dos principais poemas de João Cabral de Melo Neto desenvolvidos como crítica poética. O mote da investigação é a construção de uma lírica crítico-discursiva, uma produção artística que avalia a arte com os termos, os instrumentos da própria arte. Esta perspectiva analítica é deflagrada pelos primeiros românticos (Schlegel e Novalis) e expande-se em duas direções: tanto o poema escrito a partir de uma reflexão sobre a arte ou a natureza (crítico em sua gênese), quanto a crítica, transmutada em poesia. A abordagem comparativa de estâncias do poeta com obras picturais nelas referenciadas evidencia o constante diálogo do poeta com as poéticas da visualidade e com as concepções estéticas da modernidade, mormente com a poética de Joan Miró. Através da abordagem comparativa, materializam-se dois caminhos privilegiados de experimentação estética: o percurso do poético ao plástico, em João Cabral; o caminho inverso, na obra do pintor catalão do plástico ao poético. Para ambos os artistas, os processos de exploração das linguagens artísticas ocasionam, como consequência extrema, a dissolução do plástico e do poético, rumo ao inefável na pintura e na poesia. Para Miró, os signos plásticos são poéticos, porque guardam em si um universo de possibilidades significativas que transcendem a ordem da própria coisa em si. E o alcance das transformações que a sua poética empreende afetará a poesia de modo análogo: os signos poéticos mostram-se plenamente poéticos, ao transcenderem a forma e o sentido, no âmbito da plasticidade da palavra. Se a palavra pode se tornar matéria (passar da abstração para a concreção), a matéria pintada pode ser poesia. Integram a constelação teórica desta investigação os principais filósofos que discutem o caráter crítico da poesia, desde os filósofos do primeiro romantismo (Schlegel e Novalis), até aqueles cujo pensamento está relacionado à modernidade ou à pós-modernidade (Benjamin, Adorno, Lyotard, Blumenberg e Agamben)


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A pesquisa surgiu a partir de investigações e experiências próprias com a escuta, a produção de sonoridades, a criação de ambientes e a realização de derivas intersensoriais. A articulação se dá segundo uma perspectiva transdisciplinar e em relação a alguns trabalhos artísticos e textuais especialmente significativos. A construção do sensorial e das subjetividades e suas possibilidades de transformação e emancipação, através de uma arte vinculada à vida, são questões centrais. Os conceitos de fabulação, linhas, cartografias e desterritorializações desenvolvidos por Deleuze, a ecosofia de Félix Guattari e a noção de corpos vibráteis em Suely Rolnik são fundamentais, assim como as observações de Lygia Clark e Hélio Oiticica a respeito de suas próprias experiências. Estudos históricos e culturais dos sentidos, como os de Constance Classen e David Howes, além de observações de teóricos distintos como Karl Marx, Walter Benjamin, Michel Serres e Jacques Ranciére auxiliam a traçar um panorama inicial do constructo sensorial no Ocidente moderno e contemporâneo. Questões relativas a som, silêncio e ruído levaram à utilização de conceitos como escuta e ressonância em um sentido ampliado, que não se restringe a fenômenos sonoros ou físicos. A articulação entre escuta, intersensorialidade, imaginação e memória contribuiu para o desenvolvimento inicial do conceito de terceiro som aqui presente. A percepção do texto como ativador de sensações e devaneios, as relações entre conceito e concreto e o relato não-realista de acontecimentos levaram às ficções experimentadas. O ato da deriva relaciona-se ao desregramento de todos sentidos e implica a vivência de margens, desvios e extremos, fronteiras em dissolução, diásporas nos interstícios. Poéticas e políticas da alteridade, da diferença e do estranhamento fazem-se presentes em experiências de um ambiente-vivo, paisagem-corpo-outro. Tais questões atravessam meus trabalhos, que são realizados de diferentes maneiras, em cartografias e rituais que podem incluir sons, textos, desenhos, objetos, fotografia, vídeos, vestimentas, ações, situações, etc. A abordagem das questões presentes se dá através de algumas passagens por escritores como Rimbaud, Borges e Italo Calvino; teóricos de diferentes áreas, como Guy Brett, Douglas Kahn, De Certeau, Michel Onfray, James J.Gibson e Donna Haraway; e trabalhos e textos de diversos artistas fundamentais, como Marcel Duchamp, John Cage, Allan Kaprow, George Maciunas e o Fluxus, Yoko Ono, Laurie Anderson, Gordon-Matta-Clark, Robert Smithson, Bill Viola, Cildo Meireles e Lygia Pape, entre outros


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氢能将是主宰未来世界的主要能源之一,氢能的研究开发已经成为世界各国能源研究的重要方向。微藻光合制氢,因其无污染、可再生,成为生物制氢领域最有应用前景的研究方向之一。 本论文选取模式植物莱茵衣藻、经济藻种钝顶螺旋藻作为实验材料,对微藻光合放氢的生理生化过程调控及相关生物技术进行综合研究。获得的主要成果如下: (1)建立起微藻两步法放氢的技术平台和批次培养的回馈监控模式;同时,运用离子色谱追踪整个放氢过程中的离子变化,我们的实验结果证明对于衣藻两步法放氢而言,乙酸的存在是必要条件之一。这个结果与文献报道不尽相同,值得进一步深入地研究。 (2)筛选出一株联合固氮菌,摸索出藻菌共培养的培养基合适配置和活性控制条件;在两步法放氢的基础上,充分利用藻菌之间的优势互补,设计构建藻菌共培养放氢体系,与两步法放氢比较,该体系能提前12小时进入放氢状态,提高单位叶绿素放氢效率1倍左右,延长体系稳定时间近20小时。 (3)利用固定化技术获得高产氢效率,去固定化后持续产氢是我们设计出微藻连续放氢的一个特点。同时,摸索出衣藻放氢过程中的间歇进料进流程序,使连续放氢时间可达3周左右。 (4)实验证明两步法放氢技术,并不适用于螺旋藻;同时,在摸索建立螺旋藻的藻菌共培养放氢体系过程中,发现非致病性肺炎克雷伯氏杆菌培养液可以破碎螺旋藻细胞,这种全新的提取藻蓝蛋白的方法,具有节约成本,便于操作,温和均匀的独特优势。 (5)在连续放氢体系中加入适量蔗糖做底物和引物,剩余存活的菌可以继续利用提取藻蓝蛋白后剩余螺旋藻藻渣和放氢后死亡的衣藻进行发酵放氢,可获得更高产率的氢气,之后继续利用光合细菌进一步放氢,形成连续放氢网络,这一步还在探索之中。 作为一项应用基础研究,从三角瓶里的实验到工厂化生产还有很长的路,希望本实验的工作能为以后同类研究提供一些有用的信息和启发。


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Upon heating, hydrated magnesium carbonates (HMCs) undergo a continuous sequence of decomposition reactions. This study aims to investigate the thermal decomposition of various commercially produced HMCs classified as light and heavy, highlight their differences, and provide an insight into their compositions in accordance with the results obtained from thermal analysis and microstructure studies. An understanding of the chemical compositions and microstructures, and a better knowledge of the reactions that take place during the decomposition of HMCs were achieved through the use of SEM, XRD, and TG/differential thermal analysis (DTA). The quantification of their CO 2 contents was provided by TG and dissolving the samples in HCl acid. Results show that variations exist within the microstructure and decomposition patterns of the two groups of HMCs, which do not exactly fit into the fixed stoichiometry of the known HMCs in the MgO-CO2-H2O system. The occurrence of an exothermic DTA peak was only observed for the heavy HMCs, which was attributed to their high CO2 contents and the relatively delayed decomposition pattern. © 2013 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.


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In this paper. the undercut structures were fabricated by microtransfer printing of metal films on the surface of photoresist combined with UV exposure and photoresist film developing. The patterned metal films were used as mask to realize the selective UV exposure of photoresist Firstly. The undercut structures. which consist of the top metal films and the patterned bottom photoresist, formed in the subsequent developing process because of the lateral dissolving of photoresist at the edge of the unexposed regions. The method proposed in this paper has wider tolerance to the changing of the patterning parameters. but, without effect on patterning resolution since the metal film was used as the top layer. The undercut Structures were Used as separators to pattern passive-matrix display of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). No visible difference of the device performance was observed Compared with the OLEDs patterned by the shadow mask.


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Polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) of chitosan and phosphotungstic acid have been prepared and evaluated as novel proton-conducting membranes for direct methanol fuel cells. Phosphotungstic acid can be fixed within PECs membranes through strong electrostatic interactions, which avoids the decrease of conductivity caused by the dissolving of phosphotungstic acid as previously reported. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) shows that the PECs membranes are homogeneous and dense. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) demonstrates that hydrogen bonding is formed between chitosan and phosphotungstic acid. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) shows that the PECs membranes have good thermal stability up to 210 degrees C. The PECs membranes exhibit good swelling properties and low methanol permeability (P, 3.3 x 10(-7) cm(2) s(-1)). Proton conductivity (sigma) of the PECs membranes increases at elevated temperature, reaching the value of 0.024 S cm(-1) at 80 degrees C.


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A novel cemented carbides alloy (W0.4Al0.6)C-0.65-Co were prepared by mechanical alloying and hot-pressing sintering in this work. Hot-pressing (HP) as a common technique was performed to fabricate the bulk bodies of the hard alloys. The hardness, bending strength, density of the novel hard alloy are also tested, and it has superior mechanical properties. The hardness of (W0.4Al0.6)C-0.65-Co hard alloy was very high, and the density, operate cost of the novel material were much lower than WC-Co, more important is the aluminum dissolving is not decrease the strength compared with the WC-Co system. There is almost no eta-phase in the (W0.4Al0.6)C-0.65-Co cemented carbides system even the carbon deficient reaches the astonishing value of 35%. This novel property will give us more choice to design and gain new materials that we needed.


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One-dimensional gold/polyaniline (Au/PANI-CSA) coaxial nanocables with an average diameter of 5060 nm and lengths of more than 1 mu m were successfully synthesized by reacting aniline monomer with chlorauric acid (HAuCl4) through a self-assembly process in the presence Of D-camphor-10-sulfonic acid (CSA), which acts as both a dopant and surfactant. It was found that the formation probability and the size of the Au/PANI-CSA nanocables depends on the molar ratio of aniline to HAuCl4 and the concentration of CSA, respectively. A synergistic growth mechanism was proposed to interpret the formation of the Au/PANI-CSA nanocables. The directly measured conductivity of a single gold/polyaniline nanocable was found to be high (approximate to 77.2S cm(-1)). Hollow PANI-CSA nanotubes, with an average diameter of 50-60 nm, were also obtained successfully by dissolving the Au nanowire core of the Au/PANI-CSA nanocables.


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A novel dissolving process for chitin and chitosan has been developed by using the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium chloride ([Bmim]Cl) as a solvent, and a novel application of chitin and chitosan as substitutes for amino-functionalized synthetic polymers for capturing and releasing CO2 has also been exploited based on this processing strategy.


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The compatibilizing effect and mechanism of poly(styrene-b-4-vinylpyridine) diblock copolymer, P(S-b-4VPy), on the immiscible blend of polystyrene (PS)/zinc salt of sulphonated polystyrene (Zn-SPS) were studied. SEM results show that the domains of the dispersed phase in the blend become finer. DSC experiments reveal that the difference between the two T-g's corresponding to the phases in the blends becomes larger on addition of P(S-b-4VPy), mainly resulting from dissolving of the poly(4-vinylpyridine (P4VPy) block in the Zn-SPS phase. FTIR analysis shows that compatibility of P4VPy and Zn-SPS arises from the stoichiometric coordination of the zinc ions of Zn-SPS and pyridine nitrogens of P4VPy. SAXS analysis indicates the effect of the P(S-b-4VPy) content on the structure of the compatibilized blends. When the content of the block copolymer is lower than 4.1 wt%, the number of ion pairs in an aggregate in the Zn-SPS becomes smaller, and aggregates in ionomer in the blend become less organized with increasing P(S-b-4VPy). When the P(S-b-4VPy) content in the blend is up to 7.4 wt%, a fraction of P(S-b-4VPy) form a separate domain in the blend. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.