927 resultados para dancing club


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La propuesta CRM que se pretende ofrecer consiste en una herramienta estratégica de negocio para gestionar las relaciones con los clientes. La aplicación está desarrollada bajo un prisma Siebel para un determinado club deportivo. Esta herramienta ha de permitir estudiar todas las posibles oportunidades de negocio cubriendo la necesidad de saber en cualquier momento la circunstancia personalizada de cada cliente (socio o no socio) y de sus trámites. El objetivo fundamental del CRM es lograr la fidelización del cliente maximizando los recursos utilizados, mejorar los servicios ofrecidos en un grado óptimo y aumentar la cuenta de resultados. Para ello se plantea implantar una aplicación totalmente configurada y adaptada a las necesidades de un club deportivo.


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Aplicació per al Club Esportiu Futbol Sala Santpedor, que no només contindrà les dades referents a les competicions a on juguen els equips de l’entitat, sinó que també serà un mitjà de comunicació per transmetre informació sobre les seves activitats. L’aplicació permetrà, a través de comentaris i enquestes, millorar la interactivitat tant amb els usuaris del Web com amb els jugadors del club. Per aconseguir-ho s’utilitzaran diverses tecnologies com HTML per l’estructuració de la pàgina, CSS per al seu disseny, MySQL per a la base de dades, PHP per poder transmetre les dades i JavaScript i ActionScript per aportar més dinamisme a la pàgina.


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El projecte sorgeix per oferir als socis del Club Bellaterra un nou servei per tal que puguin sentir-se més pròxims al Club. Es tracta d'una web que es vol que sigui d’un ús simple, amigable i confortable. Es vol mantenir informat a tot visitant dels serveis i instal·lacions que ofereix el Club, a més de comunicar notícies d’interès per tal d’atreure tant a nous visitants com als socis, els quals tindran accés a zones reservades per a ells: un fòrum, un taulell d’anuncis, un sistema de reserva on-line de pistes per a pàdel i tenis i una galeria de fotografies.


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The project aims to target older peoples local needs and create awareness of health issues and healthier lifestyles in later years. Five information sessions (medicine, stress management, role of the pharmacist etc) were held with older people. The pharmacist offered 1-1 support and group work was also built into the sessions. The pharmacist is now more aware of older people's needs and the future services they can provide. Older people are now better informed about their health and wellbeing. The project has empowered them to be more independent and have a greater rapport with their pharmacist. 65 older people benefited from the project. The pharmacist is now signposting older people to the Active


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This project will work with men aged 50 and upwards on a range of health issues including physical health, healthy lifestyle, mental health etc. Other organisations will be brought into talk to the men during the sessions. The project aims to improve the health of the men and encourage them to make healthier choices.


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This intervention aims to promote: Increased fitness Participation in extra curricula activities at school Knowledge on how to make healthy food choices It aims to provide tools, knowledge and strategies to enable families to enjoy a healthier lifestyle and to target improvements to families confidence, self-efficacy and self esteem


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SureStart Shantallow are leading the way in getting parents and children involved in learning about growing and enjoying their own fresh vegetables. Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Derry/Londonderry Target Groups Children (0-4 years)


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The Wake Up, Shake Up club was first set up in February 2013. The aim of the club is to support working parents and offer an affordable alternative to local childcare options. It is also an opportunity to re-enforce school healthy eating guidelines and explore different food options with children.The club is run by staff members of Holywell Childcare. 33 children attend each morning. There is a charge of €1 per child per day to cover staff costs. A selection of cereals is served each morning along with toast, fruit and fruit juice. Children can take part in different activities after breakfast, such as crafts, games, and even yoga ! Part of theBreakfast Clubs Pilot Programme Initiative Type Breakfast Clubs Location Dublin Target Groups Children ( 4-12 years) Start 18th Feb 2013


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The Rise ‘n’ Shine club was set up in January 2013. The main aims of the club are to improve attendance, increase participation in class, and reinforce healthy eating policy in pupils. The club is run each morning by a group of volunteers which includes teachers, parents and 6th class children. The Home School Community Liaison Officer co-ordinates the club. On average, 20 – 25 girls attend each morning. A selection of cereals is served each morning along with toast and fruit juice. Different foods are served for special occasions, such as pancakes on Pancake Tuesday. This club is part of the Pilot Programme of Breakfast Clubs which is funded through Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund. Part of theBreakfast Clubs Pilot Programme Initiative Type Breakfast Clubs Location Dublin 5 Target Groups Children ( 4-12 years) Funding This club is part of the Pilot Programme of Breakfast Clubs which is funded through Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund. Start 13th Jan 2013


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The Breakfast Club was set up in January 2013. The aim of the breakfast club is to provide pupils with breakfast in a safe, structured and warm environment at the beginning of each school day so as to enhance their - Concentration- Attendance and punctuality- Nutrition- Social and personal development- Communication skills. The club is run by two parents and co-ordinated by the school principal. On average, 15 children attend the breakfast club each morning. A selection of cereals, fruit, toast and fruit juice are served each morning. All food is laid out in a buffet-style and children can serve themselves (with a little help from staff if needed). The breakfast club is part of the Pilot Programme of Breakfast Clubs which is funded through the Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund. Part of theBreakfast Clubs Pilot Programme Initiative Type Breakfast Clubs Location Dublin 7 Target Groups Children ( 4-12 years) Funding The breakfast club is part of the Pilot Programme of Breakfast Clubs which is funded through the Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund. Start 20th Jan 2013


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Aquest treball de fi de carrera es basa en el desenvolupament d'una aplicació web per tal de que jugadors de tot el mon puguin jugar a escacs on-line.


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El treball de final de carrera s'ha basat en l'anàlisi, disseny i la seva posterior implementació d'un programari web basat en una web site i una aplicació que configuren la tenda virtual que era l'objectiu final d'aquest projecte.


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Aquest treball de final de carrera vol fer una anàlisi de les necessitats de publicació de continguts i serveis a Internet d'un club d'escacs. Pel que fa a la implementació, l'objectiu es desenvolupar un portal web base, amb una tecnologia que permeti que el client pugui implementar la totalitat de les funcionalitats previstes en un futur.


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Análisis funcional y técnico para la gestión de un club de pádel. El documento recoge todos los requisitos para poder llevar un club de pádel desde una página web, tanto para los gestores del club, como para usuarios.


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Aquest projecte desenvolupa el càlcul de les instal·lacions d’un club esportiu.Un dels objectiu es poder comprovar el correcte dimensionament de les instal·lacionsactuals, degut a que les instal·lacions han sofert múltiples modificacions respecte alque es va preveure originalment. També s’ aprofita per realitzar uns plànols actualitzat de les instal·lacions