997 resultados para culturas starter
The writers report experiments performed with filtrates of old cultures od colon bacilli upon the isolated and perfused rabbit gut. According to the experiments the writers suppose to exist one or more substances in the filtrates of old cultures of colon bacilli with physiological activity upon the isolated and perfused rabbit gut. Such activity is essentially characterised by a rapid increase of the intestine tonus. When the Ringer-Tyrode solution containing the filtrate is removed and replaced by a fresh one, the increase of the tonus disappears. Liver-broth medium causes a somewhat increase of the tonus of the gut but much less in intensity.
This paper deals with experiments of propination of small doses of filtrates of old cultures of colon bacilli to normal rabbits by stomach tube. The experiments have demonstrate that the propination of the filtrates produces a decrease of weight in the animals in experience. The loss of weight just after the first propination of the filtrate to the rabbit and continues progressively leading to emaciation and death if new doses are given. If the propination was too much prolonged the animals goes to death, notwithstanding the propination of the filtrates being discontinued.
The AA. carried out experiments in the leprosarium São Roque, State of Paraná, South Brazil, to verify if the cattle tick Boophilus microplus could be experimentally infected in lepers, which was true. The AA. Tried also to be ascertained if Boophilus microplus and Amblyomma cajennense could change of hosts during their feedings which was true, both ticks continue feeding, the last species for many days, after being transferred from one to another leper. The junior A. describes in full their experiments and also a dermatites caused by tick bites. The senior A. brought to Rio de Janeiro most of the infected ticks for examination, which revealed a very high positivity. He smeared the sediments of lots of both species of ticks in Loewenstein medium and after a variable periode of incubation at 37° C. he obtained four new samples of cultures of acid-fast organisms, two from Amblyomma cajennense and two from Boophilus microplus. These cultures are being studied and will be inoculated into laboratory animals. The senior A. inoculated new batches of white rats with sediments of many ticks infected in lepers. Various hypotheses of both previous notes upon the subject now are verified facts. The A. is accumulating facts to draw the conclusions in the future. He also suggested the leprosy workers in the interior of the country to cooperate with him in such important studies, specially in the habitat of lepers in the rural zones of various States.
The A. prepared five antigens from his leprosy cultures which by analogy with ROST's product he called Leprolins. The methods of its preparation and use are given. After a few tests to prove its innocuity for man the A. in cooperation with Dr. JOSÉ MARIANO, injected all five antigens intracutaneously in 120 patients. Now the products are being tested in 17 Leper Colonies of Brazil, in Argentina by Dr. SALOMON SCHUJMAN and in two leprosaria of Colombia. As antigen for skin tests the first results obtained are more or less identical with the results with Lepromin. Its use in serology for leprosy diagnosis will be made by Dr. T. PINTO of Rio, and Prof. LUIZ PRADO BARRIENTOS, of La Paz, Bolivia. As curative means the Leprolins are being injected into resistent lesions of leprosy and also by intraven injections, whose results Dr. José Mariano will publish soon. The Leprolins Souza-Araujo are put at disposal of all leprologists interested in its use.
The A. summarises the history of his first culture of acidfast bacillus isolated directly from leprosy lesions (Sample José) and refers about two samples recovered from guinea pig and white rat inoculated with said culture. Then the A. completes his previous descriptions of four cultures of acidfast bacilli isolated by him from ticks (Amblyomma cajaennense and Boophilus microplus, two cultures from each species) infected experimentally in lepers. The A. having found specimens of two species of Triatomidae (Triatoma infestans and Panstrongylus megistus) naturally infected with HANSEN bacillus in huts habited by lepers in the State of Minas Gerais (Dec. 1942), started a series of experiments, using larvae and nymphs of T. infestans bred in laboratory at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, to infect in active cases of leprosy, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, could obtain two new samples of cultures of acid-fast bacilli (Ns. 6 and 7 of his set). In this papaer the A. studies the biological properties of said cultures, proving that Penicilin has not effect upon them, like other substances. The sulphuric and acetic acids were used to purify some of the cultures, with good results, the cultures becoming more rich and growing faster. Potassium hydroxide Sodium (10% solution) was also used with success to isolate and to purify the cultures, but it seems that it affects the bacilli in some way. In flud glycerinated media the majority of such cultures produce velum suitable for the preparation of antigens for skin tests and for therapeutical use. At last the A. says that he is becoming convinced that the HANSEN bacillus is in cause, especially after thee evidences of culturing the bacillus from one patient, in different opportunities.
São resumidas as referências encontradas na literatura sôbre infestações de acarianos em culturas de cogumelos e as dificuldades encontradas para exterminá-los. Descrevem-se com detalhes as características das culturas infestadas que permitem a suspeita e mesmo certeza de infestação pela simples observação da cultura. É feito um estudo sôbre a morfologia, evolução e hábitos dos acarianos que infestaram a micoteca do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, provávelmente Tyroglyphus longior e Tarsonemus floricolus. São descritas as experiências feitas com várias drogas no sentido de combater os acarianos. Finalmente os autores aconselham o uso do querosene em larga escala não só para matar os acarianos como também para evitar novas infestações. O querosene deverá ser pingado externamente nas rõlhas de algodão dos tubos de cultura e aplicado largamente sôbre suportes, armários, etc.; as placas de petri deverão ser colocadas sôbre papel de filtro embebido em querosene.
The A. described on December 14, 1951, his first culture of acid-fast bacillus isolated from nasal mucus of a leprous girl. in this paper the A. describes two new strains of acid-fast bacilli gotten also from nasal mucus of other two leprous girls, L3 cases. The first patient (layse S) had her mucus treated by petroff's method on December 16, 1952 and sown onto three tubes of loewenstein medium and in glycerin broth. After two weeks incubation at 37°C all three tubes of Loewenstein showed many punctiforme and pin-head yellowish colonies, whose microscopic examination proved to be of a pure acid-fast bacillus culture. This sample inoculated in rats and mice produced, after 55 days incubation, small tumors from which the culture was easily recovered. On April, 9, 1953 a new sample of nasal mucus of the same patient was sown in three tubes of Loewenstein. After two weeks incubation at 37°C all 3 tubes showed germination of small yellowish colonies of acid-fast bacilli. Within four months being gotten two samples of identical cultures in all smeared tubes of Loewenstein medium sown, proved that such cultures were not an ordinary ambient contamination. Second patient: - Maria N. After various sowing of different kinds of material from her, february 26, 1953 her nasal mucus treated by soda and sown onto Loewenstein medium, after 25 days incubation showed in only one tube, one small round colony, at first white, becoming creamy after three months. Transplants in various media grew at first slowly and after 2 or 3 generations grew faster. The "Layse" strain produced pellicle in glycerin broth and Dubos medium; the "Maria N." strain did not produce as yet. Both strains (Layse I and II, and Maria N.) gave weak positive Dubos test in half-an-hour and negative after 24 hours reading. Both were strongly positive when stained by Gram, Ziehl-Neelsen and Fontes methods. Both strains gave also positive fluoroscopy. These cultures are being studied. The A. concludes that, according to his experience, the slower growing cultures of acid-fast bacilli isolated from leprosy material, are the more suitable for experimental work. Aknowledgement. The A. thanks to Miss MARIA DE LOURDES SANTANA for her valuable collaboration in the studies of the described cultures.
Four patients with several allergic symptoms have been studied. Heist-Cohen pathogen selective method was positive in feces of all these patients for E. coli. Other causes that could be responsible for the allergic symptoms were discarded. Samplets after seeding in a medium physiologically inactive have been tested in guinea pig illea following Cohnheim-Magnus technique. It was demonstrated that all samples isolated by the Heist-Cohen technique were physiologically active.(Fig.1). Ten other strains of E. coli taken at random from the collection of I.O.C. and tried according similar technique, brought evidence that only three samples possessed such activity. This confirms the works of KOESSLER-HANKE (1922). In order to obtain a quick relief from allergic symptoms, one of us had employed in some others, identical cases an antibiotic (Teramycin, Chas Pfeizer) before the specific disesitization was done (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5). Such method were choice since LABORDE, PARROT, and URQUIA (1953) have demonstrated the importance of production of histamine, from components of the bowel's flora in the production of allergic symptoms.
El proyecto se desarrolla en el marco de un convenio entre la UAB y la empresa UNIT4 en las oficinas de UNIT4 Ibérica en Barberà del Vallès. El objetivo del proyecto es crear una nueva herramienta, denominada karat Starter Kit Reloaded, que sirva de autoformación y demostración de la plataforma de desarrollo propia utilizada en la empresa (karat) reforzando los puntos débiles de la anterior y manteniendo los puntos fuertes de los que ya disponía.