923 resultados para cranial calvarial
A técnica TightRope, que procura aperfeiçoar a estabilização extra-capsular com sutura lateral, por meio da realização de mínimas incisões e criação de túneis ósseos em pontos isométricos, que permitem a inserção de mecanismo que anula o movimento de gaveta, além de reduzir a ocorrência de complicações graves. Dessa forma, objetivou-se avaliar a modificação da técnica TightRope em joelhos de cadáveres caninos com a finalidade de disponibilizar um procedimento simples e de custo reduzido para tratamento da Ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial (RLCCr). Experimentalmente, foram utilizados 20 membros pélvicos de dez cadáveres caninos, provenientes do setor de patologia da Universidade Norte do Paraná, os quais pesavam entre 6,3 e 24kg. Para estabilização do LCCr, rompido intencionalmente, foi adotada a técnica de TightRope modificada utilizando fio de poliamida, cavilha e emprego de um parafuso ortopédico para proporcionar a fixação óssea. Comparando os valores de deslocamento obtidos durante a realização do movimento de gaveta previamente à ruptura do LCCr e após a realização do procedimento cirúrgico, observou-se que a modificação da técnica TightRope promoveu estabilidade significativa para a maioria (12 de 20) dos joelhos testados (P=0,0033). Contudo, essa estabilidade foi inferior, quando comparada à estabilidade do ligamento intacto.
Mediante esta pesquisa, estudamos os arranjos configurados pelas artérias mesentéricas cranial e caudal em 30 patos domésticos, 20 machos e 10 fêmeas. Foi realizada a injeção de látex 650 corado no sistema arterial e a seguir as peças foram fixadas em solução aquosa de formol a 10% para posteriormente serem dissecadas. A artéria mesentérica cranial nasce como um vaso ímpar da aorta descendente à altura da 6ª e 7ª costelas, em situação imediatamente caudal à artéria celíaca. Junto à junção íleo-ceco-cólica, subdivide-se basicamente em 3 ramos: o primeiro emite um vaso destinado ao colonreto, anastomosando-se com a artéria mesentérica caudal. O segundo ramo se comporta como tronco para as artérias jejunais, sendo que o número delas varia de 8 a 20. Finalmente, o terceiro ramo destina-se às porções principal e final do ceco direito e também ao íleo, vascularizando-os. No atinente ao comportamento da artéria mesentérica caudal, observamos que ela nasce como um vaso ímpar, a partir da aorta descendente, à altura das porções caudais dos rins. A artéria mesentérica caudal, na totalidade das peças examinadas, divide-se em 2 ramos: um cranial, que, por sua vez, emite 2 vasos menores para o mesorreto e um ramo caudal, que vasculariza a porção terminal do reto, bolsa cloacal e a cloaca.
Thrichomys apereoides is an echimyid rodent which ranges in distribution from north-eastern and central Brazil into Paraguay, and currently five subspecies are recognized. Recent morphometric analyses of population samples formally assignable to T. a. laurentius and T. a. inermis, which occur in north-eastern Brazil, have shown that a major group of populations including both subspecies differ in cranial shape from a single population allocated to T. a. laurentius. In this study we employed mathematical models of evolutionary quantitative genetics to assess the role that random drift and selection may have played in the evolution of cranial shape differences in T. apereoides. The hypothesis of evolution due to drift was rejected and the selective forces necessary to account for shape differences were estimated. Minimum selective mortalities of the order of 10(-3) per generation were sufficient to explain the observed morphologic differentiation.
Momotidae (motmots) is found throughout Latin America between Mexico and northern Argentina. Given the absence of detailed studies of cranial osteology of Momotidae in the literature, this article presents a comprehensive description of the variation of the cranial osteology in all nine species of Momotidae and compares the results with published studies of other families of Coraciiformes and families in other orders. In addition, the cranial structures described are related to ecological and behavioral aspects of Momotidae. The cranial osteology of Baryphthengus ruficapillus is described in detail and compared with other species of Momotidae. The results indicate the presence in Momotidae of modified cranial structures, among which the most conspicuous are the frontal, lacrimal, squamosal, orbital, and laterosphenoid regions, as well as the palatine, upper jaw, pterygoid, and mandible. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The frog species Ceratophrys joazeirensis Mercadal, 1986 is only known from the Caatinga (semi-arid savanna) and, until recently, from the type locality of Juazeiro, State of Bahia, Brazil. It has now also been found in the States of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte, in environments of hypoxerophylic Caatinga. Cytogenetic and comparative analysis of the cranial morphology of C. joazeirensis and C. aurita (Raddi, 1823) were undertaken. The karyotype of the species is also shown for the first time. The results show important differences in the cranial morphology between C. joazeirensis (8n) and C. aurita (8n), species whose areas of distribution (Caatinga and Northeast Atlantic forest, respectively) are contiguous. The chromosomes of C. joazeirensis show similar size and morphology to the ones of C. aurita (C. dorsata), C. ornata Bell, 1843 (8n) and C. cranwelli Barrio, 1980 (2n). Such data would be in agreement with the opinion of some authors who consider these species to constitute a monophyletic group. Copyright © 2006 Magnolia Press.
Objectives: Little information is available on the molecular events that occur during graft incorporation over time. The calvarial bone (Cb) grafts have been reported to produce greater responses compared with other donor regions in maxillofacial reconstructions, but the scientific evidences for this are still lacking. The objectives of this study are (1) to study the morphological pattern of Cb onlay bone grafts and compare them with the biological events through immunohistochemical responses and (2) to establish the effects of perforations in maintaining the volume and bone density of the receptor bed. Material and methods: Sixty New Zealand White rabbits were submitted to Cb onlay bone grafts on the mandible. In 30 rabbits, the receptor bed was perforated (perforated group), while for the remaining animals the bed was kept intact (non-perforated group). Six animals from each group were sacrificed at 5, 7, 10, 20 and 60 days after surgery. Histological sections from the grafted area were prepared for immunohistochemical and histological analyses. Immuno-labeling was found for proteins Osteoprotegerin (OPG), receptor activator of nuclear factor-κβ ligand (RANKL), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteopontin (OPN), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), Type I collagen (COL I) and osteocalcin (OC). The tomography examination [computerized tomography (CT) scan] was conducted just after surgery and at the sacrifice. Results: The histological findings revealed that the perforations contributed to higher bone deposition during the initial stages at the graft-receptor bed interface, accelerating the graft incorporation process. The results of the CT scan showed lower resorption for the perforated group (P≤0.05), and both groups showed high bone density rates at 60 days. This set of evidences is corroborated by the immunohistochemical outcomes indicating that proteins associated with revascularization and osteogenesis (VEGF, OPN, TRAP and ALP) were found in higher levels in the perforated group. Conclusions: These findings indicate that the bone volume of calvarial grafts is better maintained when the receptor bed is perforated, probably resulting from more effective graft revascularization and greater bone deposition. The process of bone resorption peaked between 20 and 60 days post-operatively in both groups although significantly less in the perforated group. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Maxillomandibular reconstructions are traditionally performed by means of autogenous bone grafts collected from intraoral donor areas and extraoral donor areas such as clavicle, iliac bone, rib, and tibia. The calvarial bone has been studied as an alternative donor area, with a low incidence of complications and minimal postoperative morbidity. Complications such as dural lacerations associated with cerebrospinal fluid leakage and extradural and subdural bleeding were minimized due to the use of surgical trepan, allowing the diploic layer delimitation before the osteotomy, preserving the internal calvarial cortical. The purpose of this article is to suggest a new technique for the obtainment of calvarial bone grafts with surgical trepan.
The Picini is composed of 26 species of woodpeckers from the old world that are grouped into seven genera. Given the absence of detailed studies on the cranial osteology of the Picini, the purpose of this study is to describe the cranial osteology of 14 species of Picini from six genera and to compare these species with each other, with other species of woodpeckers and with other bird groups. The results of the analysis of the bone structures of the skull of the Picini indicate that there are seven outstanding characteristic of bones involved in the functional mechanistics of the jaw apparatus. In the ossa cranii, these include the frontal overhang, the postorbital process, the extension of the parietal versus the frontal region and the temporal fossa. In the ossa faciei, these include the rostral expansion of the pterygoid, the ventral palatine fossa and the orbital process of the quadrate bone. For all of the structures associated with the cranial osteology of the investigated species, there is a clear distinction between the species of the genus Picus and the other species studied. Blythipicus rubiginosus, Chrysocolaptes lucidus, Reinwardtipicus validus, Gecinulus viridis and the species of the genus Dinopium exhibit additional particularities. © 2012 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ