957 resultados para coupling prescription
Intervalley interference between degenerate conduction band minima has been shown to lead to oscillations in the exchange energy between neighboring phosphorus donor electron states in silicon [B. Koiller, X. Hu, and S. Das Sarma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 027903 (2002); Phys. Rev. B 66, 115201 (2002)]. These same effects lead to an extreme sensitivity of the exchange energy on the relative orientation of the donor atoms, an issue of crucial importance in the construction of silicon-based spin quantum computers. In this article we calculate the donor electron exchange coupling as a function of donor position incorporating the full Bloch structure of the Kohn-Luttinger electron wave functions. It is found that due to the rapidly oscillating nature of the terms they produce, the periodic part of the Bloch functions can be safely ignored in the Heitler-London integrals as was done by Koiller, Hu, and Das Sarma, significantly reducing the complexity of calculations. We address issues of fabrication and calculate the expected exchange coupling between neighboring donors that have been implanted into the silicon substrate using an 15 keV ion beam in the so-called top down fabrication scheme for a Kane solid-state quantum computer. In addition, we calculate the exchange coupling as a function of the voltage bias on control gates used to manipulate the electron wave functions and implement quantum logic operations in the Kane proposal, and find that these gate biases can be used to both increase and decrease the magnitude of the exchange coupling between neighboring donor electrons. The zero-bias results reconfirm those previously obtained by Koiller, Hu, and Das Sarma.
This communications describes an electromagnetic model of a radial line planar antenna consisting of a radial guide with one central probe and many peripheral probes arranged in concentric circles feeding an array of antenna elements such as patches or wire curls. The model takes into account interactions between the coupling probes while assuming isolation of radiating elements. Based on this model, computer programs are developed to determine equivalent circuit parameters of the feed network and the radiation pattern of the radial line planar antenna. Comparisons are made between the present model and the two-probe model developed earlier by other researchers.
Chk1 kinase coordinates cell cycle progression and preserves genome integrity. Here, we show that chemical or genetic ablation of human Chk1 triggered supraphysiological accumulation of the S phase-promoting Cdc25A phosphatase, prevented ionizing radiation (IR)-induced degradation of Cdc25A, and caused radioresistant DNA synthesis (RDS). The basal turnover of Cdc25A operating in unperturbed S phase required Chk1-dependent phosphorylation of serines 123, 178, 278, and 292. IR-induced acceleration of Cdc25A proteolysis correlated with increased phosphate incorporation into these residues generated by a combined action of Chk1 and Chk2 kinases. Finally, phosphorylation of Chk1 by ATM was required to fully accelerate the IR-induced degradation of Cdc25A. Our results provide evidence that the mammalian S phase checkpoint functions via amplification of physiologically operating, Chk1-dependent mechanisms.
Two experiments using a temporal occlusion paradigm (the first with expert and novice participants and the second with participants of intermediate skill) were conducted to examine the capability of tennis players to predict the direction of an opponent's service in situ. In both experiments two different response conditions, reflecting differing degrees of perception-action coupling, were employed. In a coupled condition players were required to make a movement-based response identical to that which they would use to hit a return of service in a game situation, whereas in an uncoupled condition a verbal prediction of service direction was required. Experiment 1 provided clear evidence of superior prediction accuracy under the coupled response condition when ball flight was available, plus some limited evidence to suggest that superior prediction accuracy under uncoupled response conditions might hold true if only advance (pre-contact) information was available. Experiment 2 showed the former finding to be a robust one, but was unable to reveal any support for the latter. Experiment 1 also revealed that expert superiority is more apparent for predictions made under natural (coupled) than uncoupled response-mode conditions. Collectively, these findings suggest that different perceptual processes may be in operation in anticipatory tasks which depend on skill level, the type of information presented, and degree of perception-action coupling inherent in the task requirements.
Spread-F/sporadic E coupling at Chung-Li, especially for postsunset periods of sunspot maximum years
The synthesis of helium in the early Universe depends on many input parameters, including the value of the gravitational coupling during the period when the nucleosynthesis takes place. We compute the primordial abundance of helium as function of the gravitational coupling, using a semi-analytical method, in order to track the influence of G in the primordial nucleosynthesis. To be specific, we construct a cosmological model with varying G, using the Brans-Dicke theory. The greater the value of G at nucleosynthesis period, the greater the predicted abundance of helium. Using the observational data for the abundance of primordial helium, constraints for the time variation of G are established.
A numeric model has been proposed to investigate the mechanical and electrical properties of a polymeric/carbon nanotube (CNT) composite material subjected to a deformation force. The reinforcing phase affects the behavior of the polymeric matrix and depends on the nanofiber aspect ratio and preferential orientation. The simulations show that the mechanical behavior of a computer generated material (CGM) depends on fiber length and initial orientation in the polymeric matrix. It is also shown how the conductivity of the polymer/CNT composite can be calculated for each time step of applied stress, effectively providing the ability to simulate and predict strain-dependent electrical behavior of CNT nanocomposites.
This paper is devoted to the synchronization of a dynamical system defined by two different coupling versions of two identical piecewise linear bimodal maps. We consider both local and global studies, using different tools as natural transversal Lyapunov exponent, Lyapunov functions, eigenvalues and eigenvectors and numerical simulations. We obtain theoretical results for the existence of synchronization on coupling parameter range. We characterize the synchronization manifold as an attractor and measure the synchronization speed. In one coupling version, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the synchronization. We study the basins of synchronization and show that, depending upon the type of coupling, they can have very different shapes and are not necessarily constituted by the whole phase space; in some cases, they can be riddled.
Wind resource evaluation in two sites located in Portugal was performed using the mesoscale modelling system Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and the wind resource analysis tool commonly used within the wind power industry, the Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) microscale model. Wind measurement campaigns were conducted in the selected sites, allowing for a comparison between in situ measurements and simulated wind, in terms of flow characteristics and energy yields estimates. Three different methodologies were tested, aiming to provide an overview of the benefits and limitations of these methodologies for wind resource estimation. In the first methodology the mesoscale model acts like “virtual” wind measuring stations, where wind data was computed by WRF for both sites and inserted directly as input in WAsP. In the second approach, the same procedure was followed but here the terrain influences induced by the mesoscale model low resolution terrain data were removed from the simulated wind data. In the third methodology, the simulated wind data is extracted at the top of the planetary boundary layer height for both sites, aiming to assess if the use of geostrophic winds (which, by definition, are not influenced by the local terrain) can bring any improvement in the models performance. The obtained results for the abovementioned methodologies were compared with those resulting from in situ measurements, in terms of mean wind speed, Weibull probability density function parameters and production estimates, considering the installation of one wind turbine in each site. Results showed that the second tested approach is the one that produces values closest to the measured ones, and fairly acceptable deviations were found using this coupling technique in terms of estimated annual production. However, mesoscale output should not be used directly in wind farm sitting projects, mainly due to the mesoscale model terrain data poor resolution. Instead, the use of mesoscale output in microscale models should be seen as a valid alternative to in situ data mainly for preliminary wind resource assessments, although the application of mesoscale and microscale coupling in areas with complex topography should be done with extreme caution.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the patterns and legal requirements of methylphenidate consumption. METHODS We conducted a cross-sectional study of the data from prescription notification forms and balance lists of drugs sales – psychoactive and others – subject to special control in the fifth largest city of Brazil, in 2006. We determined the defined and prescribed daily doses, the average prescription and dispensation periods, and the regional sales distribution in the municipality. In addition, we estimated the costs of drug acquisition and analyzed the individual drug consumption profile using the Lorenz curve. RESULTS The balance lists data covered all notified sales of the drug while data from prescription notification forms covered 50.6% of the pharmacies that sold it, including those with the highest sales volumes. Total methylphenidate consumption was 0.37 DDD/1,000 inhabitants/day. Sales were concentrated in more developed areas, and regular-release tablets were the most commonly prescribed pharmaceutical formulation. In some regions of the city, approximately 20.0% of the prescriptions and dispensation exceeded 30 mg/day and 30 days of treatment. CONCLUSIONS Methylphenidate was widely consumed in the municipality and mainly in the most developed areas. Of note, the consumption of formulations with the higher abuse risk was the most predominant. Both its prescription and dispensation contrasted with current pharmacotherapeutic recommendations and legal requirements. Therefore, the commercialization of methylphenidate should be monitored more closely, and its use in the treatment of behavioral changes of psychological disorders needs to be discussed in detail, in line with the concepts of the quality use of medicines.
A procedure for coupling mesoscale and CFD codes is presented, enabling the inclusion of realistic stratification flow regimes and boundary conditions in CFD simulations of relevance to site and resource assessment studies in complex terrain. Two distinct techniques are derived: (i) in the first one, boundary conditions are extracted from mesoscale results to produce time-varying CFD solutions; (ii) in the second case, a statistical treatment of mesoscale data leads to steady-state flow boundary conditions believed to be more representative than the idealised profiles which are current industry practice. Results are compared with measured data and traditional CFD approaches.
We look for minimal chiral sets of fermions beyond the standard model that are anomaly free and, simultaneously, vectorlike particles with respect to color SU(3) and electromagnetic U(1). We then study whether the addition of such particles to the standard model particle content allows for the unification of gauge couplings at a high energy scale, above 5.0 x 10(15) GeV so as to be safely consistent with proton decay bounds. The possibility to have unification at the string scale is also considered. Inspired in grand unified theories, we also search for minimal chiral fermion sets that belong to SU(5) multiplets, restricted to representations up to dimension 50. It is shown that, in various cases, it is possible to achieve gauge unification provided that some of the extra fermions decouple at relatively high intermediate scales.
It has been pointed out recently that current experiments still allow for a two Higgs doublet model where the hbb¯ coupling (kDmb/v) is negative; a sign opposite to that of the Standard Model. Due to the importance of delayed decoupling in the hH+H− coupling, h→γγ improved measurements will have a strong impact on this issue. For the same reason, measurements or even bounds on h→Zγ are potentially interesting. In this article, we revisit this problem, highlighting the crucial importance of h→VV, which can be understood with simple arguments. We show that the impacts on kD<0 models of both h→bb¯ and h→τ+τ− are very sensitive to input values for the gluon fusion production mechanism; in contrast, h→γγ and h→Zγ are not. We also inquire if the search for h→Zγ and its interplay with h→γγ will impact the sign of the hbb¯ coupling. Finally, we study these issues in the context of the flipped two Higgs doublet model.