943 resultados para convention, law, wetlands, jurisdiction, legal instruments, Ramsar, sustainable development


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• Editorial remarks.-- Open discussion: Tariffs and subsidies: the current situation and trends in the region ; State-owned utilities and the flight from public law: challenges and trends ; Challenges and opportunities in access to water and sanitation in rural areas.-- Meetings: Proposals based on the Water and Environment Initiative consensuses.-- News of the Network: Peru’s Compensation Mechanisms for Ecosystem Services Act ; Ecuador’s Act on Water Resources and Water Use and Exploitation ; The environmental dynamics of groundwater in Mexico ; The Water Citizenship Programme in the province of Mendoza, Argentina.-- Internet and WWW News


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Editorial remarks.-- Open discussion: Formulation of new regulatory frameworks for water supply and sanitation services ; The problem of provision of public goods.-- News of the network: Matanza-Riachuelo River basin authority, Argentina ; Venezuelan water law.-- Meetings: Fifth Brazilian Congress on Regulation ; Experience of water management in the Southern Cone.-- Courses: Course on international investment agreements, water and public services.-- Internet and WWW news


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Editorial remarks.-- Open discussion: Regulation under the public model of service provision ; Regulatory progress and challenges in Argentina ; Twenty years of SUNASS: development, experience, lessons learned and challenges ; Possible conflict between efficiency and sustainability ; Best practices in regulating State-owned and municipal water utilities.-- News of the Network: Water use charge in the Province of Buenos Aires ; National Drinking Water and Sanitation Sector Policy of Guatemala ; Sanitation Services Modernization Law of Peru ; Internet and WWW News


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This publication was prepared with financial support from the United Nations Development Account and the project “Addressing critical socio-environmental challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean ”


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The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the 193 Member States of the United Nations at the General Assembly in September 2015, outlines a transformative vision for economic, social and environmental development and will guide the work of the Organization towards this vision for the next 15 years. This new road map presents a historic opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean, since it addresses some of the region’s most urgent priorities, such as reducing inequality in all its dimensions, promoting inclusive economic growth with decent work for all, creating sustainable cities and addressing climate change. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) associated with the Agenda help the region’s countries to gauge the starting point from which they set out towards this new, collective vision of sustainable development set forth in the 2030 Agenda and to analyse and craft the means of its implementation. The SDGs also represent a planning tool for the countries at the national and local levels. With their long-term approach, they offer support for each country on its path towards sustained, inclusive and environmentally friendly development, through the formulation of public policies and budget, monitoring and evaluation instruments. The 2030 Agenda is a civilizing agenda that places dignity and equality at the centre. At once far-sighted and ambitious, its implementation will require the engagement of all sectors of society and of the State. Accordingly, the representatives of governments, civil society, academic institutions and the private sector are invited to take ownership of this ambitious agenda, to discuss and embrace it as a tool for the creation of inclusive, fair societies that serve the citizens of today as well as future generations.


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Road accidents cause more deaths than homicides in Latin America, nevertheless it is not highlighted as a major concern by media and society. World Health Organization put this issue in high priority by releasing the Decade of Action in Road Safety that establishes five pillars to guide national road safety plans and activities. This paper addresses the drawbacks in the implementation of these actions in Latin American countries and its implications to achieve a sustainable development. The main concerns are: lack of empowerment of the road safety management organisations; lower vehicular standards; corruption related to the enforcement of traffic safety laws to and to the construction of safer roads; absence of safety vehicular inspections; vehicle fleet increase, decrease of public transportation demand; and the absence of a safety culture. Without facing these problems, sustainable development in Latin America will be impaired, once road safety is a fundamental link to achieve sustainability.


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The concept of Education for Sustainable Development, ESD, has been introduced in a period where chemistry education is undergoing a major change, both in emphasis and methods of teaching. Studying an everyday problem, with an important socio-economic impact in the laboratory is a part of this approach. Presently, the students in many countries go to school in vehicles that run, at least partially, on biofuels; it is high time to let them test these fuels. The use of renewable fuels is not new: since 1931 the gasoline sold in Brazil contains 20 to 25 vol-% of bioethanol; this composition is being continually monitored. With ESD in mind, we have employed a constructivist approach in an undergraduate course, where UV-vis spectroscopy has been employed for the determination of the composition of two fuel blends, namely, bioethanol/water, and bioethanol/gasoline. The activities started by giving a three-part quiz. The first and second ones introduced the students to historical and practical aspects of the theme (biofuels). In the third part, we asked them to develop a UV-vis experiment for the determination of the composition of fuel blends. They have tested two approaches: (i) use of a solvatochromic dye, followed by determination of fuel composition from plots of the empirical fuel polarity versus its composition; (ii) use of an ethanol-soluble dye, followed by determination of the blend composition from a Beer's law plot; the former proved to be much more convenient. Their evaluation of the experiment was highly positive, because of the relevance of the problem; the (constructivist) approach employed, and the bright colors that the solvatochromic dye acquire in these fuel blends. Thus ESD can be fruitfully employed in order to motivate the students; make the laboratory "fun", and teach them theory (solvation). The experiments reported here can also be given to undergraduate students whose major is not chemistry (engineering, pharmacy, biology, etc.). They are low-cost and safe to be introduced at high-school level.


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Se analizaron los principales cambios de uso del suelo en las unidades de paisaje (geosistemas) de la cuenca hidrográfica del río Boroa entre 1994 y 2004. Para ello se planteó la hipótesis de que los cambios en la estructura del paisaje han sido conducidos fundamentalmente por acción antrópica generando importantes alteraciones en el paisaje ecológico. Se utilizaron mapas categóricos de uso/cobertura de suelo elaborados con material cartográfico y fotografías aéreas con su posterior corrección en terreno, información que fue complementada con el análisis geomorfológico y de unidades ambientales de la cuenca. Se comprobó una fuerte variación en la superficie de plantaciones forestales (principalmente Eucalyptus spp.), con una tasa de incremento anual que varió entre 3,2 y 28%, asociado principalmente a reconversión de uso y ocupación de cordones montañosos metamórficos. A su vez, se constató la expansión de zonas de humedales en terrenos anegadizos de llanuras, todo lo cual ha reducido la superficie total con destino agrícola en 61%, transformando el paisaje en un periodo de sólo diez años. Estos cambios se discuten sobre la base de una combinación de factores económicos, legales y ambientales, concluyendo que el factor humano ha sido el principal responsable de la conducción de los cambios de uso del suelo en la cuenca del río Boroa.


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Resulta difícil definir una profesión que surge por la necesidad de adaptar los espacios de trabajo a las nuevas tendencias de las organizaciones, a la productividad, a las nuevas tecnologías que continúan modificando y facilitando desde las últimas décadas el modo y forma de trabajar. Mucho más complicado resulta definir una profesión casi invisible. Cuando todo funciona en un edificio, en un inmueble, en un activo. Todo está correcto. He ahí la dificultad de su definición. Lo que no se ve, no se valora. Las reuniones, las visitas, un puesto de trabajo, una sala de trabajo, una zona de descanso. La climatización, la protección contra incendios, la legionela, el suministro eléctrico, una evacuación. La organización, sus necesidades, su filosofía. Los informes, los análisis, las mejoras. Las personas, el espacio, los procesos, la tecnología. En la actualidad, todo se asocia a su coste. A su rentabilidad. En la difícil tarea de realizar el proyecto de un edificio, participan multitud de aspectos que deben estar perfectamente organizados. El arquitecto proyecta y aúna en el proyecto: pasado (experiencia), presente (tendencias) y futuro (perdurabilidad). Y es en ese momento, cuando al considerar el futuro del edificio, su perdurabilidad, hace que su ciclo de vida sea criterio fundamental al proyectar. Que deba considerarse desde el primer esbozo del proyecto. Para que un edificio perdure en el tiempo existen gran número de factores condicionantes. Empezando por su uso apropiado, su nivel de actividad, pasando por las distintas propiedades que pueda tener, y terminando por los responsables de su mantenimiento en su día a día. Esa profesión invisible, es la disciplina conocida como Facility Management. Otra disciplina no tan novedosa –sus inicios fueron a finales del siglo XIX-, y que en la actualidad se empieza a valorar en gran medida es la Responsabilidad Social. Todo lo que de forma voluntaria, una organización realiza por encima de lo estrictamente legal con objeto de contribuir al desarrollo sostenible (económico, social y medio ambiental). Ambas disciplinas destacan por su continuo dinamismo. Reflejando la evolución de distintas inquietudes: • Personas, procesos, espacios, tecnología • Económica, social, medio-ambiental Y que sólo puede gestionarse con una correcta gestión del cambio. Elemento bisagra entre ambas disciplinas. El presente trabajo de investigación se ha basado en el estudio del grado de sensibilización que existe para con la Responsabilidad Social dentro del sector de la Facility Management en España. Para ello, se han estructurado varios ejercicios con objeto de analizar: la comunicación, el marco actual normativo, la opinión del profesional, del facilities manager. Como objetivo, conocer la implicación actual que la Responsabilidad Social ejerce en el ejercicio de la profesión del Facilities Manager. Se hace especial hincapié en la voluntariedad de ambas disciplinas. De ahí que el presente estudio de investigación realice dicho trabajo sobre elementos voluntarios y por tanto sobre el valor añadido que se obtiene al gestionar dichas disciplinas de forma conjunta y voluntaria. Para que una organización pueda desarrollar su actividad principal –su negocio-, el Facilities Manager gestiona el segundo coste que esta organización tiene. Llegando a poder ser el primero si se incluye el coste asociado al personal (nóminas, beneficios, etc.) Entre el (70 – 80)% del coste de un edificio a lo largo de toda su vida útil, se encuentra en su periodo de explotación. En la perdurabilidad. La tecnología facilita la gestión, pero quien gestiona y lleva a cabo esta perdurabilidad son las personas en los distintos niveles de gestión: estratégico, táctico y operacional. En estos momentos de constante competencia, donde la innovación es el uniforme de batalla, el valor añadido del Facilities Manager se construye gestionando el patrimonio inmobiliario con criterios responsables. Su hecho diferenciador: su marca, su reputación. ABSTRACT It comes difficult to define a profession that emerges due to the need of adapting working spaces to new organization’s trends, productivity improvements and new technologies, which have kept changing and making easier the way that we work during the last decades. Defining an invisible profession results much more complicated than that, because everything is fine when everything works in a building, or in an asset, properly. Hence, there is the difficulty of its definition. What it is not seen, it is not worth. Meeting rooms, reception spaces, work spaces, recreational rooms. HVAC, fire protection, power supply, legionnaire’s disease, evacuation. The organization itself, its needs and its philosophy. Reporting, analysis, improvements. People, spaces, process, technology. Today everything is associated to cost and profitability. In the hard task of developing a building project, a lot of issues, that participate, must be perfectly organized. Architects design and gather/put together in the project: the past (experience), the present (trends) and the future (durability). In that moment, considering the future of the building, e. g. its perdurability, Life Cycle turn as the key point of the design. This issue makes LCC a good idea to have into account since the very first draft of the project. A great number of conditioner factors exist in order to the building resist through time. Starting from a suitable use and the level of activity, passing through different characteristics it may have, and ending daily maintenance responsible. That invisible profession, that discipline, is known as Facility Management. Another discipline, not as new as FM –it begun at the end of XIX century- that is becoming more and more valuable is Social Responsibility. It involves everything a company realizes in a voluntary way, above legal regulations contributing sustainable development (financial, social and environmentally). Both disciplines stand out by their continuous dynamism. Reflecting the evolution of different concerning: • People, process, spaces, technology • Financial, social and environmentally It can only be managed from the right change management. This is the linking point between both disciplines. This research work is based on the study of existing level of increasing sensitivity about Social Responsibility within Facility Management’s sector in Spain. In order to do that, several –five- exercises have been studied with the purpose of analyze: communication, law, professional and facility manager’s opinions. The objective is to know the current implication that Social Responsibility has over Facility Management. It is very important the voluntary part of both disciplines, that’s why the present research work is focused over the voluntary elements and about the added value that is obtained managing the before named disciplines as a whole and in voluntary way. In order a company can develop his core business/primary activities, facility managers must operate the second largest company budget/cost centre. Being the first centre cost if we considerer human resources’ costs included (salaries, incentives…) Among 70-80% building costs are produced along its operative life. Durability Technology ease management, but people are who manage and carry out this durability, within different levels: strategic, tactic and operational. In a world of continuing competence, where innovation is the uniform for the battle, facility manager’s added value is provided managing company’s real estate with responsibility criteria. Their distinguishing element: their brand, their reputation.


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Sustainable development (or sustainability) is a decision-making framework for maintaining and achieving human well-being, both in the present and into the future. The framework requires both consideration and achievement of environmental protection, social justice and economic development. In that framework, environmental protection must be integrated into decisions about social and economic development, and social justice and economic viability must be integrated into decisions about environmental quality. First endorsed by the world’s nations in 1992, this framework is intended to provide an effective response to the twin global challenges of growing environmental degradation and widespread extreme poverty. Sustainability provides a framework for humans to live in harmony with nature, rather than at nature’s expense. It may therefore be one of the most important ideas to come out of the 20th century. In the last two decades, the framework has become a touchstone in nearly every economic sector and at every level of government, unleashing an extraordinary range of creativity in all of those realms. Sustainable development is having a significant effect on the practice of law and on the way in which laws are written and implemented. Understanding the framework is increasingly important for law makers and lawyers. As sustainable development (or sustainability) has grown in prominence, its critics have become more numerous and more vocal. Three major lines of criticism are that the term is “too boring” to command public attention, “too vague” to provide guidance, and “too late” to address the world’s problems. Critics suggest goals such as abundance, environmental integrity, and resilience. Beginning with the international agreements that shaped the concept of sustainable development, this Article provides a functional and historical analysis of the meaning of sustainable development. It then analyzes and responds to each of these criticisms in turn. While the critics, understood constructively, suggest ways of strengthening this framework, they do not provide a compelling alternative. The challenge for lawyers, law makers, and others is to use and improve this framework to make better decisions.


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The question of state sustainability is highly relevant in the case of Morocco. Despite the image of a modernising and liberalising country, Morocco is undergoing a delicate phase in its development. The recent upheavals in the Maghreb and the Middle East alongside the growing problems of poor education and high unemployment are likely to bring to the surface the unsustainable elements of Morocco’s status quo. The central issues concern the quality of institutions, reforms aimed at promoting the rule of law, curbing corruption and overhauling the judiciary. This paper will argue that while institutional quality is a pre-requisite for successful and sustainable socioeconomic performance, this cannot be achieved unless major reforms in the political system are carried out. There exists a window of opportunity to accelerate reforms and to address the acute centralisation of Moroccan politics and decision-making, the lack of accountability of the monarchic institutions, as well as the fragility of representative bodies, such as parties and trade unions. Seizing this window of opportunity could spare Morocco a period of instability, while also assuring continuity in the framework of the transition that started in 1999 when the new king came to power.


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Along with the recognition of the increasing environmental and social problems stemming from globalization, the need to address these problems and to develop the relevant international framework has strengthened since the 1970s. The scope of this cooperation gradually broadened and eventually it embraced all issues, which were considered to be critical for sustainable development. The summits on sustainability, namely, the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, the “Rio+5” in 1997 and the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, wished to respond to all unsustainable processes by adopting, reinforcing and expanding a global program. This program is based on a series of important principles and includes various goals and instruments adopted by consensus; however, it also reflects delicate compromises between development related aspirations and environmental barriers, and also between the developed and the developing countries. Actually, there is a serious implementation gap and there are also new challenges. Referring to these problems, the idea of convening an extraordinary summit in 2012 was raised and it was eventually adopted but with a rather narrow mandate and agenda. It turned out that besides the “usual” conflicts between the developed and developing countries e.g. upon the common but differentiated responsibilities or international development financing, there were also diverting views on the green economy and on the ways of institutional strengthening of the international sustainable development and environmental governance. As a consequence, the 2012 Conference concluded with rather modest results.


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This paper draws on some of the preliminary findings of a small pilot study which aimed to discover what evidentiary challenges a range of practitioners with experience of different international trials faced in the cases they were involved in, and what practices were developed to deal with these challenges. The findings in this study are based on the data collected from The Hague-based institutions, the ICC, the ICTY, the ICTY and ICTR Appeals Chamber, and the Special Tribunal for the Lebanon (STL). It is argued that professionals moving from institution to institution are engaged in a process of cross-pollination which itself influences the practices that develop, although a common understanding of certain evidentiary issues in international trials remains fragmented and at times elusive.


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The Sustainable Strategies Game (SSG) is being developed as ‘edutainment’ in response to the need to understand sustainable futures and advocate sustainability within workplaces in Higher Education. SSG seeks to both deliver experiential teaching and learning for business sustainability and enhance students’ learning experiences within Worcester Business School. This paper presents findings from action research undertaken to formally investigate two aspects of SSG within edutainment for ESD: firstly, it explores the value students obtain from game playing as an approach to sustainability learning. Secondly, it establishes students’ suggestions for evolutions to SSG, e.g. game design and additional features such as social media interventions or legal challenges, to increase its value as a tool for teaching and learning. Informal feedback following sessions playing SSG suggests games generally generate positive effects on students’ learning. Students highlighted SSG offered an enjoyable alternative approach to learning and could drive changes to sustainability thinking. Introducing such gameplay offers the potential to engage participants in collaborative behaviours and encourage consideration of profitability through strategies which carry less impact on the environment; vital to create a sustainable future. This paper presents qualitative evidence from game players that can enhance SSG as a tool to further improve students’ learning experience and its value as edutainment rather than entertainment within ESD.