993 resultados para configuração urbana


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The analysis of urban conurbations demands the understanding regarding the difference between urban territorial continuity and spatial continuity. While the spatial continuity is understood due to its interrelations and established fluxes, in other words, through the spatial integration, the territorial continuity is related to the urban tissue. Therefore, the spatial continuity can manifest in a simultaneous way or associated to the territorial discontinuity. From this perspective, the main objective of this research consists on identifying and dimensioning the spatial interactions that are driven to a urban conurbation process between the municipalities of Araguari and Uberlândia/MG, besides the not continuity of the territorial urban area. The intensity of these interactions was identified from the displacements by the dwellers from both municipalities in search of job occupations, education and health assistance. So it would be able to reach the proposed objectives we used several methodological procedures, such as a bibliographic and documental researches. In order to identify the education and work fluxes we analyzed the micro data from the Demographic Census 2010. For the educational sector it was also accomplished a research, in Araguari, the place of residence of students enrolled at Instituto Master de Ensino Presidente Antônio Carlos (IMEPAC) and, in Uberlândia, the place of residence of students enrolled at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU). The identification of health fluxes was done through a research, in Uberlândia, of the inpatients' origin at Hospital de Clínicas de Uberlândia of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (HCU/UFU) and, in Araguari, of the origin of patients that are attended at the Pronto-Socorro Municipal. Semi structured interviews were also accomplished with different social actors. Another important step was the use of questionnaires with the inter-municipal public transportation users at their boarding place in Araguari and Uberlândia. This paper was organized in five chapters, while in the first one we accomplished a theoretical discussion over the concept of urban conurbation, in order to presenting the identification and classification criteria and the urban conurbation of non metropolitan criteria. The second chapter analyses the differentiation process between Araguari and Uberlândia, which is a result of the distinct territorial formation of the municipalities. The third chapter analyses the intensity and degree of the spatial interactions between the two municipalities, having as a focus the established fluxes in the work sector. The fourth chapter, on the other hand, focuses on the education and health sectors, while the last chapter accomplishes a discussion to investigate if the analyzed fluxes in the previous chapters make it able to identify if the spatial interactions established between Araguari and Uberlândia are measured through complementarities or dependence. As a result it was possible to identify that, due to the expressiveness of the established fluxes between the two municipalities, beyond the further ones of Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba in the three selected sectors, there is a configuration of a discontinuous urban conurbation process. It was also possible to conclude that, despite the fluxes between Araguari and Uberlândia being more representative than the other way around there's a coexistence dependence relationship and complementarity between the two municipalities.


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The metropolitan regions of Northeast Brazil are being gradually included in a scenario of international investments, which are motivated by the restructuring of both touristic and real-estate sectors. The new capital, real-estate developers and space configurations that result from this process indicate the need for the creation and implementation of public tools which should, at least, allow the mitigation of the urban impacts and environmental losses resulting from this situation. The effects on landscape and on the socio-spatial configuration result from the intensification caused by the dynamism of the "real estate-tourism" sector. There is a regional integration as an expression of the urban expansion of the metropolitan area of Natal. This study investigates the uniqueness of the restructuring and territorial integration of coastal areas and the strategies of the circuit of capital accumulation formed by linking the real estate to tourism. It is intended to increase the understanding about the strategies of tourism, real estate and public policy agents involved in this territorial reconfiguration and in the fund-raising needed for the investments, to understand the existing social and environmental effects and their future trends and also to understand the forms of spatial production as results from the practices of approaching the land transformation and the tourism valorization of the landscape, in a synchronous manner, first in the Northeast region and, as a focal study, in the Metropolitan Area of Natal. Likewise, it is intended to apprehend the current processes of metropolization of the eastern coast of Rio Grande do Norte, in addition to indicate its physical-territorial transformation and the types of projects/developments promoted by the market in the recent period. Based upon analysis undertaken for the Metropolitan Region of Natal RN, this piece of work presents some considerations on possible legal instruments that can be adjusted to the municipalities which are experiencing the impact of this peculiar and recent phenomenon in the region, caused by the arrival of the real estate-touristic capital. It is also intended to point out basic proposals to the forms of public intervention, in a speculative way, starting from a Metropolitan Planning project within a medium and long term


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the importance of the huts of Praia do Futuro to their users and to the city of Fortaleza in Ceará through the comprehension of relations between morphological categories - in urban and edified contexts - of the establishments and their use patterns. This place is one of the main recreation and leisure areas of the city, formed by six kilometres of waterfront, corresponding to a differentiated area through the coast. This space has beach huts with varied profiles: while some more simple huts persist, great complexes are being developed, building even water parks on the beach area. This study analyses relations between:i) spatial configuration (in geometric and mainly topological terms) based on the Social Logic of Space; ii) edified typology (analysing capacity, landscap treatment and program of the huts); and iii) use and environmental perception of the beach by its frequenters. There are consistent relations between the type of hut and their localization in the urban grid, of which were identified groups with different patterns: segregated (north, central and south) and integrated (north: more integrated. and south: less integrated). Such relations also reflect, in varied patterns of use and environmental perception. In spite of their strong economy, the beach huts find themselves in a fragile legal situation because they occupy the beach area, so that this study may come to assist the decision-making for the future of the region. For a sustainable development of the area by those responsible and managers it is necessary to evaluate the cultural importance of the huts at Praia do Futuro, understanding their occupation and uses.


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Assuming that the form of a building shell and its content the spatial form are distinct dimensions of architecture - however indivisible and interdependent -, this study focus, in the light of the Social Logic of Space (HILLIER; HANSON, 1984), on the intrinsic properties through which domestic space was structured in a sample of single-family dwellings built in João Pessoa (PB) during the 1970s - when the vocabulary of modern architecture still prevailed in Brazil though sharing the urban scene with other architectural trends -, in order to investigate regularities or divergences underlying their conception. These dwellings were originally classified (ARAÚJO, 2010a) in five categories defined according to the form of their building shells and to their prevailing construction techniques: (1) Brazilian modern legacy (considered as truly Brazilian modern style); (2) Paulista architecture (that refers to the modern production of São Paulo, Brazil, from the 1950s through the 1970s); (3) experiences of rationalization and prefabrication ; (4) experiences of adaptation to the climate (referring to a design strongly influenced by the hot and humid climate of North-eastern Brazil); and (5) hybrid (to account for a kind of stylistic hybridism that includes formal attributes, which evoke our colonial past). This study aims to determine, through the analyses of nineteen cases that represent each category, whether this taxonomy corresponds to distinct modes of spatial configuration. This research therefore proposes an approach to the classification of domestic architecture based on topological properties. The dwellings spatial organization was represented, quantified and analyzed, their spatial properties explored in consonance with one another and with the literature. Results pointed out that there is no evidence of a reciprocal relationship between the formal look of the built shells and their respective spatial structures


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The metropolitan regions of Northeast Brazil are being gradually included in a scenario of international investments, which are motivated by the restructuring of both touristic and real-estate sectors. The new capital, real-estate developers and space configurations that result from this process indicate the need for the creation and implementation of public tools which should, at least, allow the mitigation of the urban impacts and environmental losses resulting from this situation. The effects on landscape and on the socio-spatial configuration result from the intensification caused by the dynamism of the "real estate-tourism" sector. There is a regional integration as an expression of the urban expansion of the metropolitan area of Natal. This study investigates the uniqueness of the restructuring and territorial integration of coastal areas and the strategies of the circuit of capital accumulation formed by linking the real estate to tourism. It is intended to increase the understanding about the strategies of tourism, real estate and public policy agents involved in this territorial reconfiguration and in the fund-raising needed for the investments, to understand the existing social and environmental effects and their future trends and also to understand the forms of spatial production as results from the practices of approaching the land transformation and the tourism valorization of the landscape, in a synchronous manner, first in the Northeast region and, as a focal study, in the Metropolitan Area of Natal. Likewise, it is intended to apprehend the current processes of metropolization of the eastern coast of Rio Grande do Norte, in addition to indicate its physical-territorial transformation and the types of projects/developments promoted by the market in the recent period. Based upon analysis undertaken for the Metropolitan Region of Natal RN, this piece of work presents some considerations on possible legal instruments that can be adjusted to the municipalities which are experiencing the impact of this peculiar and recent phenomenon in the region, caused by the arrival of the real estate-touristic capital. It is also intended to point out basic proposals to the forms of public intervention, in a speculative way, starting from a Metropolitan Planning project within a medium and long term


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the importance of the huts of Praia do Futuro to their users and to the city of Fortaleza in Ceará through the comprehension of relations between morphological categories - in urban and edified contexts - of the establishments and their use patterns. This place is one of the main recreation and leisure areas of the city, formed by six kilometres of waterfront, corresponding to a differentiated area through the coast. This space has beach huts with varied profiles: while some more simple huts persist, great complexes are being developed, building even water parks on the beach area. This study analyses relations between:i) spatial configuration (in geometric and mainly topological terms) based on the Social Logic of Space; ii) edified typology (analysing capacity, landscap treatment and program of the huts); and iii) use and environmental perception of the beach by its frequenters. There are consistent relations between the type of hut and their localization in the urban grid, of which were identified groups with different patterns: segregated (north, central and south) and integrated (north: more integrated. and south: less integrated). Such relations also reflect, in varied patterns of use and environmental perception. In spite of their strong economy, the beach huts find themselves in a fragile legal situation because they occupy the beach area, so that this study may come to assist the decision-making for the future of the region. For a sustainable development of the area by those responsible and managers it is necessary to evaluate the cultural importance of the huts at Praia do Futuro, understanding their occupation and uses.


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Assuming that the form of a building shell and its content the spatial form are distinct dimensions of architecture - however indivisible and interdependent -, this study focus, in the light of the Social Logic of Space (HILLIER; HANSON, 1984), on the intrinsic properties through which domestic space was structured in a sample of single-family dwellings built in João Pessoa (PB) during the 1970s - when the vocabulary of modern architecture still prevailed in Brazil though sharing the urban scene with other architectural trends -, in order to investigate regularities or divergences underlying their conception. These dwellings were originally classified (ARAÚJO, 2010a) in five categories defined according to the form of their building shells and to their prevailing construction techniques: (1) Brazilian modern legacy (considered as truly Brazilian modern style); (2) Paulista architecture (that refers to the modern production of São Paulo, Brazil, from the 1950s through the 1970s); (3) experiences of rationalization and prefabrication ; (4) experiences of adaptation to the climate (referring to a design strongly influenced by the hot and humid climate of North-eastern Brazil); and (5) hybrid (to account for a kind of stylistic hybridism that includes formal attributes, which evoke our colonial past). This study aims to determine, through the analyses of nineteen cases that represent each category, whether this taxonomy corresponds to distinct modes of spatial configuration. This research therefore proposes an approach to the classification of domestic architecture based on topological properties. The dwellings spatial organization was represented, quantified and analyzed, their spatial properties explored in consonance with one another and with the literature. Results pointed out that there is no evidence of a reciprocal relationship between the formal look of the built shells and their respective spatial structures


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O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em investigar o processo de expansão horizontal urbana no município de Paulínia por intermédio de mapeamentos temáticos e análises a respeito da distribuição espacial dos diversos segmentos populacionais, bem como salientar as principais implicações sobre a atual configuração socioespacial da cidade. A metodologia utilizada fundamentou-se no emprego de tecnologias de geoprocessamento para elaboração de mapas e subsídio às análises acerca da estruturação socioespacial. A distribuição dos segmentos populacionais foi realizada a partir do tratamento estatístico-espacial de dados sociodemográficos. Ademais, trabalhos de campo e entrevistas foram realizados com o intento de conhecer e registrar informações localizadas. Evidenciou-se nos mapas temáticos o acelerado processo de expansão urbana. Já o padrão do espraiamento horizontal da área urbanizada concatenado à distribuição diferencial da população revelam o modo como vem sendo produzido este espaço urbano, o que corrobora na identificação de um cenário de crescente segregação socioespacial.


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A alteração da estrutura da paisagem para um novo estado no contexto urbano leva a modificações dos elementos naturais em função do crescimento da população e da ocupação de novos espaços. A arborização urbana participa dessa transformação, pois é um elemento qualificador das cidades. Assim, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar a relação da configuração espacial da arborização urbana em quatro bairros da cidade de Ponta Grossa – PR, a partir de dados de inventários da composição florística viária levantados nos anos de 2005 a 2008, cruzados com aspectos socioeconômicos da população apontados pelo Censo Demográfico do IBGE (2000).  


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Dourados-MS-Brasil, destaca-se como pólo regional, atraindo fluxos, comerciais e de serviços. A partir de 1970, expandiu-se na região um sistema agrícola ligado ao que Santos (1993) denominou de meio técnico-científico-informacional. Esse processo, se, por um lado, desencadeou o crescimento de segmentos socioprofissionais qualificados, também causou a expropriação dos pequenos proprietários e trabalhadores rurais, intensificando as contradições. Em face da demanda da agricultura mecanizada por produtos e serviços, a cidade também vivencia um processo de redefinição de papéis, funções e conteúdo, reforçando sua condição de principal centro urbano regional. Segundo os dados da Regic, entre 2001 e 2007, Dourados amplia sua interação regional, em um raio de mais de 200 km. A configuração geográfica do município fortalece o seu papel de centro educacional, possuindo cinco instituições de ensino superior. No setor de saúde conta 05 hospitais, atendendo várias cidades da região, outros estados (sobretudo Paraná) e até do Paraguai. Duas particularidades merecem ser destacadas: A fronteira Brasil-Paraguai, que confere especificidades à dinâmica socioespacial urbana. A presença da reserva indígena, que abriga os grupos indígenas Guarani (Ñandéva e Kaiowa) e Terena. Atualmente a cidade possui 23 áreas de ocupação “irregular” e a dificuldade de acesso a terra tem ampliado as desigualdades socioespaciais.


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O presente trabalho aborda a questão do saneamento ambiental nos municípios integrantes da Região Integrada de Desenvolvimento do Entorno do Distrito Federal e a sua configuração espacial. O processo de ocupação territorial dessa região funda-se na implantação da cidade de Brasília que encontra-se sob processo de metropolização. Tal situação é agravada pela forte atração populacional exercida pela oferta de empregos  fez com que surgissem cidades dormitórios ao redor de Brasília. Mesmo que o desenvolvimento econômico se deva em grande parte a essa população, a mesma não é beneficiada pela elevada concentração de renda e índices excelentes de infra-estrutura urbana que não chegam a suas cidades. A pesquisa analisa a questão do saneamento básico enquanto serviço inserido na noção de direito a cidade. A pesquisa resulta na identificação de territórios de tensão em nove municípios caracterizados por forte processo de degradação ambiental, pobreza urbana, violência entre outros problemas.


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El presente trabajo se realizó en la zona urbana del Municipio de Masaya, entre los meses de Agosto y Noviembre de 1998, con el objetivo de caracterizar los canales de comercialización de la carne de pollo, así como también los factores que afecten el consumo de , El estudio se basó en el análisis de 148 encuestas sobre consumo de carne de pollo, realizadas a la población consumidora así como también entrevistas semi estructuradas a agentes la cadena de intermediación. Se utilizó el método de mínimos cuadrados para analizar el efecto sobre el consumo de carne de pollo de las variables propio precio, precio de sustitutos y el ingreso percapita. Además se realizó el cálculo de las respectivas elasticidades. Para el análisis se utilizó una serie de tiempo que comprende el periodo 1992-1998. Los productos avícolas se venden en 3 presentaciones: pollo de engorde (entero congelado y cortado en pieza), ponedoras de descarte y gallinas de patio. La oferta de pollo de engorde obedece un mercado oligopólico con características de monopolio, con un sistema de comercialización centralizado. El margen bruto de comercialización de la carne de pollo de engorde varía de acuerdo al tipo de presentación oscilando entre el 29 - 30 % del valor pagado por el consumidor. Así mismo el margen bruto de comercialización para las ponedoras de descarte oscila entre 18- 22%. Los precios de la carne de pollo varían de acuerdo a la forma en que se presente la canal y al tipo de establecimiento donde se oferta dicho producto (1O -12 córdobas por libra). Con respecto a otros tipos de carne, el pollo presenta un precio relativo menor. El consumo per cápita en la zona es de 28 libras por persona por año; siendo mayor ellos estratos de ingreso más alto, pero se consume aún en los estratos de ingresos más bajos. El incremento del precio del pollo tiende a reducir la demanda. Las preferencias del consumidor son hacia un pollo con poco contenido de grasa y de textura blanda pero no flácida. El 85% de la población consume pollo de engorde principalmente en la presentación de pollo cortado en pieza. La elasticidad precio resultó altamente elástica siendo esta de 2.72. La elasticidad cruzada de cante de pollo con carne de res resultó de 0.84 la cual demuestra que la carne de pollo alcanza ser un sustituto de la carne de res, así mismo la elasticidad ingreso es de -1.33 lo que indica que el pollo es un bien normal básico.