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Nucleation is the first step of a first order phase transition. A new phase is always sprung up in nucleation phenomena. The two main categories of nucleation are homogeneous nucleation, where the new phase is formed in a uniform substance, and heterogeneous nucleation, when nucleation occurs on a pre-existing surface. In this thesis the main attention is paid on heterogeneous nucleation. This thesis wields the nucleation phenomena from two theoretical perspectives: the classical nucleation theory and the statistical mechanical approach. The formulation of the classical nucleation theory relies on equilibrium thermodynamics and use of macroscopically determined quantities to describe the properties of small nuclei, sometimes consisting of just a few molecules. The statistical mechanical approach is based on interactions between single molecules, and does not bear the same assumptions as the classical theory. This work gathers up the present theoretical knowledge of heterogeneous nucleation and utilizes it in computational model studies. A new exact molecular approach on heterogeneous nucleation was introduced and tested by Monte Carlo simulations. The results obtained from the molecular simulations were interpreted by means of the concepts of the classical nucleation theory. Numerical calculations were carried out for a variety of substances nucleating on different substances. The classical theory of heterogeneous nucleation was employed in calculations of one-component nucleation of water on newsprint paper, Teflon and cellulose film, and binary nucleation of water-n-propanol and water-sulphuric acid mixtures on silver nanoparticles. The results were compared with experimental results. The molecular simulation studies involved homogeneous nucleation of argon and heterogeneous nucleation of argon on a planar platinum surface. It was found out that the use of a microscopical contact angle as a fitting parameter in calculations based on the classical theory of heterogeneous nucleation leads to a fair agreement between the theoretical predictions and experimental results. In the presented cases the microscopical angle was found to be always smaller than the contact angle obtained from macroscopical measurements. Furthermore, molecular Monte Carlo simulations revealed that the concept of the geometrical contact parameter in heterogeneous nucleation calculations can work surprisingly well even for very small clusters.


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The present work involves a computational study of soot formation and transport in case of a laminar acetylene diffusion flame perturbed by a co nvecting line vortex. The topology of the soot contours (as in an earlier experimental work [4]) have been investigated. More soot was produced when vortex was introduced from the air si de in comparison to a fuel side vortex. Also the soot topography was more diffused in case of the air side vortex. The computational model was found to be in good agreement with the ex perimental work [4]. The computational simulation enabled a study of the various parameters affecting soot transport. Temperatures were found to be higher in case of air side vortex as compared to a fuel side vortex. In case of the fuel side vortex, abundance of fuel in the vort ex core resulted in stoichiometrically rich combustion in the vortex core, and more discrete so ot topography. Overall soot production too was low. In case of the air side vortex abundan ce of air in the core resulted in higher temperatures and more soot yield. Statistical techniques like probability density fun ction, correlation coefficient and conditional probability function were introduced to explain the transient dependence of soot yield and transport on various parameters like temperature, a cetylene concentration.


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The present work involves a computational study of soot formation and transport in case of a laminar acetylene diffusion flame perturbed by a convecting line vortex. The topology of the soot contours (as in an earlier experimental work [4]) have been investigated. More soot was produced when vortex was introduced from the air side in comparison to a fuel side vortex. Also the soot topography was more diffused in case of the air side vortex. The computational model was found to be in good agreement with the experimental work [4]. The computational simulation enabled a study of the various parameters affecting soot transport. Temperatures were found to be higher in case of air side vortex as compared to a fuel side vortex. In case of the fuel side vortex, abundance of fuel in the vort ex core resulted in stoichiometrically rich combustion in the vortex core, and more discrete soot topography. Overall soot production too was low. In case of the air side vortex abundance of air in the core resulted in higher temperatures and more soot yield. Statistical techniques like probability density function, correlation coefficient and conditional probability function were introduced to explain the transient dependence of soot yield and transport on various parameters like temperature, a cetylene concentration.


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Analytical methods provide a global context from which to understand the dynamics of stone spires, but computational and experimental methods are useful to predict more specific behavior of multiple block structures. In this paper, the spire of St. Mary Magdalene church in Waltham-on-the-Wolds, UK, which was damaged in the 2008 Lincolnshire Earthquake, is used as a case study. Both a physical model and a discrete element computational model of the spire were created and used to investigate collapse under constant horizontal acceleration, impulse base motion, and earthquake ground motion. Results indicate that the global behavior compares well with analytical modeling, but local block displacements evident in DEM and experimental results also reduce the stability of the structure. In this context, the observed damage to St. Mary Magdalene church is evaluated and discussed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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A lattice Boltzmann method is used to model gas-solid reactions where the composition of both the gas and solid phase changes with time, while the boundary between phases remains fixed. The flow of the bulk gas phase is treated using a multiple relaxation time MRT D3Q19 model; the dilute reactant is treated as a passive scalar using a single relaxation time BGK D3Q7 model with distinct inter- and intraparticle diffusivities. A first-order reaction is incorporated by modifying the method of Sullivan et al. [13] to include the conversion of a solid reactant. The detailed computational model is able to capture the multiscale physics encountered in reactor systems. Specifically, the model reproduced steady state analytical solutions for the reaction of a porous catalyst sphere (pore scale) and empirical solutions for mass transfer to the surface of a sphere at Re=10 (particle scale). Excellent quantitative agreement between the model and experiments for the transient reduction of a single, porous sphere of Fe 2O 3 to Fe 3O 4 in CO at 1023K and 10 5Pa is demonstrated. Model solutions for the reduction of a packed bed of Fe 2O 3 (reactor scale) at identical conditions approached those of experiments after 25 s, but required prohibitively long processor times. The presented lattice Boltzmann model resolved successfully mass transport at the pore, particle and reactor scales and highlights the relevance of LB methods for modelling convection, diffusion and reaction physics. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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Inflatable aerodynamic decelerators present potential advantages for planetary entry in missions of robotic and human exploration. The design of these structures face many engineering challenges, including complex deformable geometries, anisotropic material response, and coupled shockturbulence interactions. In this paper, we describe a comprehensive computational fluid-structure interaction study of an inflation cycle of a tension cone decelerator in supersonic flow and compare the simulations with earlier published experimental results. The aeroshell design and flow conditions closely match recent experiments conducted at Mach 2.5. The structural model is a 16-sided polygonal tension cone with seams between each segment. The computational model utilizes adaptive mesh refinement, large-eddy simulation, and shell mechanics with self-contact modeling to represent the flow and structure interaction. This study focuses on the dynamics of the structure as the inflation pressure varies gradually, and the behavior of forces experienced by the flexible and rigid (the payload capsule) structures. © 2011 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Neuronal migration, the process by which neurons migrate from their place of origin to their final position in the brain, is a central process for normal brain development and function. Advances in experimental techniques have revealed much about many of the molecular components involved in this process. Notwithstanding these advances, how the molecular machinery works together to govern the migration process has yet to be fully understood. Here we present a computational model of neuronal migration, in which four key molecular entities, Lis1, DCX, Reelin and GABA, form a molecular program that mediates the migration process. RESULTS: The model simulated the dynamic migration process, consistent with in-vivo observations of morphological, cellular and population-level phenomena. Specifically, the model reproduced migration phases, cellular dynamics and population distributions that concur with experimental observations in normal neuronal development. We tested the model under reduced activity of Lis1 and DCX and found an aberrant development similar to observations in Lis1 and DCX silencing expression experiments. Analysis of the model gave rise to unforeseen insights that could guide future experimental study. Specifically: (1) the model revealed the possibility that under conditions of Lis1 reduced expression, neurons experience an oscillatory neuron-glial association prior to the multipolar stage; and (2) we hypothesized that observed morphology variations in rats and mice may be explained by a single difference in the way that Lis1 and DCX stimulate bipolar motility. From this we make the following predictions: (1) under reduced Lis1 and enhanced DCX expression, we predict a reduced bipolar migration in rats, and (2) under enhanced DCX expression in mice we predict a normal or a higher bipolar migration. CONCLUSIONS: We present here a system-wide computational model of neuronal migration that integrates theory and data within a precise, testable framework. Our model accounts for a range of observable behaviors and affords a computational framework to study aspects of neuronal migration as a complex process that is driven by a relatively simple molecular program. Analysis of the model generated new hypotheses and yet unobserved phenomena that may guide future experimental studies. This paper thus reports a first step toward a comprehensive in-silico model of neuronal migration.


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Before choosing, it helps to know both the expected value signaled by a predictive cue and the associated uncertainty that the reward will be forthcoming. Recently, Fiorillo et al. (2003) found the dopamine (DA) neurons of the SNc exhibit sustained responses related to the uncertainty that a cure will be followed by reward, in addition to phasic responses related to reward prediction errors (RPEs). This suggests that cue-dependent anticipations of the timing, magnitude, and uncertainty of rewards are learned and reflected in components of the DA signals broadcast by SNc neurons. What is the minimal local circuit model that can explain such multifaceted reward-related learning? A new computational model shows how learned uncertainty responses emerge robustly on single trial along with phasic RPE responses, such that both types of DA responses exhibit the empirically observed dependence on conditional probability, expected value of reward, and time since onset of the reward-predicting cue. The model includes three major pathways for computing: immediate expected values of cures, timed predictions of reward magnitudes (and RPEs), and the uncertainty associated with these predictions. The first two model pathways refine those previously modeled by Brown et al. (1999). A third, newly modeled, pathway is formed by medium spiny projection neurons (MSPNs) of the matrix compartment of the striatum, whose axons co-release GABA and a neuropeptide, substance P, both at synapses with GABAergic neurons in the SNr and with the dendrites (in SNr) of DA neurons whose somas are in ventral SNc. Co-release enables efficient computation of sustained DA uncertainty responses that are a non-monotonic function of the conditonal probability that a reward will follow the cue. The new model's incorporation of a striatal microcircuit allowed it to reveals that variability in striatal cholinergic transmission can explain observed difference, between monkeys, in the amplitutude of the non-monotonic uncertainty function. Involvement of matriceal MSPNs and striatal cholinergic transmission implpies a relation between uncertainty in the cue-reward contigency and action-selection functions of the basal ganglia. The model synthesizes anatomical, electrophysiological and behavioral data regarding the midbrain DA system in a novel way, by relating the ability to compute uncertainty, in parallel with other aspects of reward contingencies, to the unique distribution of SP inputs in ventral SN.


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CONFIGR (CONtour FIgure GRound) is a computational model based on principles of biological vision that completes sparse and noisy image figures. Within an integrated vision/recognition system, CONFIGR posits an initial recognition stage which identifies figure pixels from spatially local input information. The resulting, and typically incomplete, figure is fed back to the “early vision” stage for long-range completion via filling-in. The reconstructed image is then re-presented to the recognition system for global functions such as object recognition. In the CONFIGR algorithm, the smallest independent image unit is the visible pixel, whose size defines a computational spatial scale. Once pixel size is fixed, the entire algorithm is fully determined, with no additional parameter choices. Multi-scale simulations illustrate the vision/recognition system. Open-source CONFIGR code is available online, but all examples can be derived analytically, and the design principles applied at each step are transparent. The model balances filling-in as figure against complementary filling-in as ground, which blocks spurious figure completions. Lobe computations occur on a subpixel spatial scale. Originally designed to fill-in missing contours in an incomplete image such as a dashed line, the same CONFIGR system connects and segments sparse dots, and unifies occluded objects from pieces locally identified as figure in the initial recognition stage. The model self-scales its completion distances, filling-in across gaps of any length, where unimpeded, while limiting connections among dense image-figure pixel groups that already have intrinsic form. Long-range image completion promises to play an important role in adaptive processors that reconstruct images from highly compressed video and still camera images.


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A computational model of visual processing in the vertebrate retina provides a unified explanation of a range of data previously treated by disparate models. Three results are reported here: the model proposes a functional explanation for the primary feed-forward retinal circuit found in vertebrate retinae, it shows how this retinal circuit combines nonlinear adaptation with the desirable properties of linear processing, and it accounts for the origin of parallel transient (nonlinear) and sustained (linear) visual processing streams as simple variants of the same retinal circuit. The retina, owing to its accessibility and to its fundamental role in the initial transduction of light into neural signals, is among the most extensively studied neural structures in the nervous system. Since the pioneering anatomical work by Ramón y Cajal at the turn of the last century[1], technological advances have abetted detailed descriptions of the physiological, pharmacological, and functional properties of many types of retinal cells. However, the relationship between structure and function in the retina is still poorly understood. This article outlines a computational model developed to address fundamental constraints of biological visual systems. Neurons that process nonnegative input signals-such as retinal illuminance-are subject to an inescapable tradeoff between accurate processing in the spatial and temporal domains. Accurate processing in both domains can be achieved with a model that combines nonlinear mechanisms for temporal and spatial adaptation within three layers of feed-forward processing. The resulting architecture is structurally similar to the feed-forward retinal circuit connecting photoreceptors to retinal ganglion cells through bipolar cells. This similarity suggests that the three-layer structure observed in all vertebrate retinae[2] is a required minimal anatomy for accurate spatiotemporal visual processing. This hypothesis is supported through computer simulations showing that the model's output layer accounts for many properties of retinal ganglion cells[3],[4],[5],[6]. Moreover, the model shows how the retina can extend its dynamic range through nonlinear adaptation while exhibiting seemingly linear behavior in response to a variety of spatiotemporal input stimuli. This property is the basis for the prediction that the same retinal circuit can account for both sustained (X) and transient (Y) cat ganglion cells[7] by simple morphological changes. The ability to generate distinct functional behaviors by simple changes in cell morphology suggests that different functional pathways originating in the retina may have evolved from a unified anatomy designed to cope with the constraints of low-level biological vision.


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A computational model of solder joint formation and the subsequent cooling behaviour is described. Given the rapid changes in the technology of printed circuit boards, there is a requirement for comprehensive models of solder joint formation which permit detailed analysis of design and optimization options. Solder joint formation is complex, involving a range of interacting phenomena. This paper describes a model implementation (as part of a more comprehensive framework) to describe the shape formation (conditioned by surface tension), heat transfer, phase change and the development of elastoviscoplastic stress. The computational modelling framework is based upon mixed finite element and finite volume procedures, and has unstructured meshes enabling arbitrarily complex geometries to be analysed. Initial results for both through-hole and surface-mount geometries are presented.


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The first phase in the sign, development and implementation of a comprehensive computational model of a copper stockpile leach process is presented. The model accounts for transport phenomena through the stockpile, reaction kinetics for the important mineral species, oxgen and bacterial effects on the leach reactions, plus heat, energy and acid balances for the overall leach process. The paper describes the formulation of the leach process model and its implementation in PHYSICA+, a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) software environment. The model draws on a number of phenomena to represent the competing physical and chemical features active in the process model. The phenomena are essentially represented by a three-phased (solid liquid gas) multi-component transport system; novel algorithms and procedures are required to solve the model equations, including a methodology for dealing with multiple chemical species with different reaction rates in ore represented by multiple particle size fractions. Some initial validation results and application simulations are shown to illustrate the potential of the model.


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The design and development of a comprehensive computational model of a copper stockpile leach process is summarized. The computational fluid dynamic software framework PHYSICA+ and various phenomena were used to model transport phenomena, mineral reaction kinetics, bacterial effects, and heat, energy and acid balances for the overall leach process. In this paper, the performance of the model is investigated, in particular its sensitvity to particle size and ore permeability. A combination of literature and laboratory sources was used to parameterize the model. The simulation results from the leach model are compared with closely controlled column pilot scale tests. The main performance characteristics (e.g. copper recovery rate) predicted by the model compare reasonably well with the experimental data and clearly reflect the qualitiative behavior of the process in many respects. The model is used to provide a measure of the sensitivity of ore permeability on leach behavior, and simulation results are examined for several different particle size distributions.


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Deshopping is rapidly turning into a modern day scourge for the retailers worldwide due to its prevalence and regularity. The presence of flexible return policies have made retail return management a real challenging issue for both the present and the future. In this study, we propose and develop a multi-agent simulation model for deshopper behavior in a single shop context. The background, theoretical underpinning, logical and computational model, experiment design and simulation results are reported and discussed in the paper.


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Severe local storms, including tornadoes, damaging hail and wind gusts, frequently occur over the eastern and northeastern states of India during the pre-monsoon season (March-May). Forecasting thunderstorms is one of the most difficult tasks in weather prediction, due to their rather small spatial and temporal extension and the inherent non-linearity of their dynamics and physics. In this paper, sensitivity experiments are conducted with the WRF-NMM model to test the impact of convective parameterization schemes on simulating severe thunderstorms that occurred over Kolkata on 20 May 2006 and 21 May 2007 and validated the model results with observation. In addition, a simulation without convective parameterization scheme was performed for each case to determine if the model could simulate the convection explicitly. A statistical analysis based on mean absolute error, root mean square error and correlation coefficient is performed for comparisons between the simulated and observed data with different convective schemes. This study shows that the prediction of thunderstorm affected parameters is sensitive to convective schemes. The Grell-Devenyi cloud ensemble convective scheme is well simulated the thunderstorm activities in terms of time, intensity and the region of occurrence of the events as compared to other convective schemes and also explicit scheme