974 resultados para comparative genomics


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Background: Tuberculosis still remains one of the largest killer infectious diseases, warranting the identification of newer targets and drugs. Identification and validation of appropriate targets for designing drugs are critical steps in drug discovery, which are at present major bottle-necks. A majority of drugs in current clinical use for many diseases have been designed without the knowledge of the targets, perhaps because standard methodologies to identify such targets in a high-throughput fashion do not really exist. With different kinds of 'omics' data that are now available, computational approaches can be powerful means of obtaining short-lists of possible targets for further experimental validation. Results: We report a comprehensive in silico target identification pipeline, targetTB, for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The pipeline incorporates a network analysis of the protein-protein interactome, a flux balance analysis of the reactome, experimentally derived phenotype essentiality data, sequence analyses and a structural assessment of targetability, using novel algorithms recently developed by us. Using flux balance analysis and network analysis, proteins critical for survival of M. tuberculosis are first identified, followed by comparative genomics with the host, finally incorporating a novel structural analysis of the binding sites to assess the feasibility of a protein as a target. Further analyses include correlation with expression data and non-similarity to gut flora proteins as well as 'anti-targets' in the host, leading to the identification of 451 high-confidence targets. Through phylogenetic profiling against 228 pathogen genomes, shortlisted targets have been further explored to identify broad-spectrum antibiotic targets, while also identifying those specific to tuberculosis. Targets that address mycobacterial persistence and drug resistance mechanisms are also analysed. Conclusion: The pipeline developed provides rational schema for drug target identification that are likely to have high rates of success, which is expected to save enormous amounts of money, resources and time in the drug discovery process. A thorough comparison with previously suggested targets in the literature demonstrates the usefulness of the integrated approach used in our study, highlighting the importance of systems-level analyses in particular. The method has the potential to be used as a general strategy for target identification and validation and hence significantly impact most drug discovery programmes.


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Using an established genetic map, a single gene conditioning covered smut resistance, Ruh.7H, was mapped to the telomere region of chromosome 7HS in an Alexis/Sloop doubled haploid barley population. The closest marker to Ruh.7H, abg704 was 7.5 cM away. Thirteen loci on the distal end of 7HS with potential to contain single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified by applying a comparative genomics approach using rice sequence data. Of these, one locus produced polymorphic co-dominant bands of different size while two further loci contained SNPs that were identified using the recently developed high resolution melting (HRM) technique. Two of these markers flanked Ruh.7H with the proximal marker located 3.8 cM and the distal marker 2.7 cM away. This is the first report on the application of the HRM technique to SNP detection and to rapid scoring of known cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers in plants. This simple, precise post-PCR technique should find widespread use in the fine-mapping of genetic regions of interest in complex cereal and other plant genomes.


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The goal of this research is to understand the function of allelic variation of genes underpinning the stay-green drought adaptation trait in sorghum in order to enhance yield in water-limited environments. Stay-green, a delayed leaf senescence phenotype in sorghum, is primarily an emergent consequence of the improved balance between the supply and demand of water. Positional and functional fine-mapping of candidate genes associated with stay-green in sorghum is the focus of an international research partnership between Australian (UQ/DAFFQ) and US (Texas A&M University) scientists. Stay-green was initially mapped to four chromosomal regions (Stg1, Stg2, Stg3, and Stg4) by a number of research groups in the US and Australia. Physiological dissection of near-isolines containing single introgressions of Stg QTL (Stg1-4) indicate that these QTL reduce water demand before flowering by constricting the size of the canopy, thereby increasing water availability during grain filling and, ultimately, grain yield. Stg and root angle QTL are also co-located and, together with crop water use data, suggest the role of roots in the stay-green phenomenon. Candidate genes have been identified in Stg1-4, including genes from the PIN family of auxin efflux carriers in Stg1 and Stg2, with 10 of 11 PIN genes in sorghum co-locating with Stg QTL. Modified gene expression in some of these PIN candidates in the stay-green compared with the senescent types has been found in preliminary RNA expression profiling studies. Further proof-of-function studies are underway, including comparative genomics, SNP analysis to assess diversity at candidate genes, reverse genetics and transformation.


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Takifugu rubripes is teleost fish widely used in comparative genomics to understand the human system better due to its similarities both in number of genes and structure of genes. In this work we survey the fugu genome, and, using sensitive computational approaches, we identify the repertoire of putative protein kinases and classify them into groups and subfamilies. The fugu genome encodes 519 protein kinase-like sequences and this number of putative protein kinases is comparable closely to that of human. However, in spite of its similarities to human kinases at the group level, there are differences at the subfamily level as noted in the case of KIS and DYRK subfamilies which contribute to differences which are specific to the adaptation of the organism. Also, certain unique domain combination of galectin domain and YkA domain suggests alternate mechanisms for immune response and binding to lipoproteins. Lastly, an overall similarity with the MAPK pathway of humans suggests its importance to understand signaling mechanisms in humans. Overall the fugu serves as a good model organism to understand roles of human kinases as far as kinases such as LRRK and IRAK and their associated pathways are concerned.


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Corynebacterium diphtheriae é um importante patógeno humano e agente causal da difteria. Embora seja observada uma redução mundial no número de casos da doença, a difteria permanece endêmica em muitos países e surtos são esporadicamente notificados. No Brasil, o último surto ocorreu no estado no Maranhão e revelou mudanças em aspectos clínico-epidemiológicos da doença. Diferentemente da maioria das cepas de difteria brasileiras, que pertencem ao biovar mitis, nesse surto dois diferentes pulsotipos de C. diphtheriae biovar intermedius foram isolados. Além disso, sinais patognomônicos da doença não foram relatados em parte dos casos. C. diphtheriae também vem sendo relacionado com quadros de infecções invasivas, apesar de ser reconhecido como patógeno tipicamente extracelular. Em conjunto, estas mudanças no perfil das infecções por C. diphtheriae sugerem a existência de outros fatores de virulência além da produção da toxina diftérica. Neste sentindo, foram realizadas análises de tipagem molecular e de genômica comparativa para avaliar a diversidade genética e o potencial de virulência de cepas de C. diphtheriae isoladas de difteria clássica e infecções invasivas. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a circulação de diferentes clones invasores no Brasil. Além disso, revelaram diferenças marcantes na presença e na composição de ilhas de patogenicidade entre as amostras, bem como nos genes sob regulação do DtxR e nas sequências dos corinefagos integradas ao cromossomo bacteriano. Uma vez que o potencial invasor bacteriano e a persistência no ambiente podem estar relacionados à tolerância ao estresse oxidativo, foram procurados nos genomas sequenciados, genes possivelmente envolvidos neste processo. Dentre estes, os genes DIP0906, predito como gene de resistência ao oxidante telurito (TeO32-), e DIP1421, codificador do regulador transcricional OxyR, foram caracterizados funcionalmente e tiveram seus papéis na patogenicidade investigados. Ensaios in vivo utilizando o nematódeo Caenorhabditis elegans demonstraram que ambos são importantes para a virulência de C. diphtheriae. Além da resistência ao TeO32, DIP0906 parece contribuir para a resistência ao peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) e para a viabilidade no interior de células respiratórias humanas. Já OxyR, além de controlar negativamente a resposta ao H2O2, parece estar envolvido com a ligação de C. diphtheriae a proteínas plasmáticas e de matriz extracelular. Adicionalmente, foi investigada resistência e a capacidade de adaptação de C. diphtheriae frente a agentes oxidantes, através da indução de resposta adaptativa e/ou resistência cruzada e da formação de biofilme. As cepas de C. diphtheriae apresentaram diferentes níveis de resistência e um comportamento heterogêneo na presença dos agentes oxidantes, o que sugere a existência de diferentes estratégias de sobrevivência e adaptação de C. diphtheriae nas condições de estresse oxidativo.


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The Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla), a representative species of the order Pholidota, has been enlisted in the mammalian whole-genome sequencing project mainly because of its phylogenetic importance. Previous studies showed that the diploid number o


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Background: Due to the advances of high throughput technology and data-collection approaches, we are now in an unprecedented position to understand the evolution of organisms. Great efforts have characterized many individual genes responsible for the interspecies divergence, yet little is known about the genome-wide divergence at a higher level. Modules, serving as the building blocks and operational units of biological systems, provide more information than individual genes. Hence, the comparative analysis between species at the module level would shed more light on the mechanisms underlying the evolution of organisms than the traditional comparative genomics approaches. Results: We systematically identified the tissue-related modules using the iterative signature algorithm (ISA), and we detected 52 and 65 modules in the human and mouse genomes, respectively. The gene expression patterns indicate that all of these predicted modules have a high possibility of serving as real biological modules. In addition, we defined a novel quantity, "total constraint intensity,'' a proxy of multiple constraints (of co-regulated genes and tissues where the co-regulation occurs) on the evolution of genes in module context. We demonstrate that the evolutionary rate of a gene is negatively correlated with its total constraint intensity. Furthermore, there are modules coding the same essential biological processes, while their gene contents have diverged extensively between human and mouse. Conclusions: Our results suggest that unlike the composition of module, which exhibits a great difference between human and mouse, the functional organization of the corresponding modules may evolve in a more conservative manner. Most importantly, our findings imply that similar biological processes can be carried out by different sets of genes from human and mouse, therefore, the functional data of individual genes from mouse may not apply to human in certain occasions.


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We constructed a high redundancy bacterial artificial chromosome library of a seriously endangered Old World Monkey, the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) from China. This library contains a total of 136 320 BAC clones. The average insert size of BAC clones was estimated to be 148 kb. The percentage of small inserts (50-100 kb) is 2.74%, and only 2.67% non-recombinant clones were observed. Assuming a similar genome size with closely related primate species, the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey BAC library has at least six times the genome coverage. By end sequencing of randomly selected BAC clones, we generated 201 sequence tags for the library. A total of 139 end-sequenced BAC clones were mapped onto the chromosomes of Yunnan snub-nosed monkey by fluorescence in-situ hybridization, demonstrating a high degree of synteny conservation between humans and Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys. Blast search against human genome showed a good correlation between the number of hit clones and the size of the chromosomes, an indication of unbiased chromosomal distribution of the BAC library. This library and the mapped BAC clones will serve as a valuable resource in comparative genomics studies and large-scale genome sequencing of nonhuman primates. The DNA sequence data reported in this paper were deposited in GenBank and assigned the accession number CG891489-CG891703.


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The human genome project has been recently complemented by whole-genome assessment sequence of 32 mammals and 24 nonmammalian vertebrate species suitable for comparative genomic analyses. Here we anticipate a precipitous drop in costs and increase in sequ


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With comparative genomics approaches, we evaluated the evolutionary characteristics of conservation of exons which are expressed abundantly, moderately or lowly in mammals. Using non-coding regions and pseudogenes as controls, sequence identity, phastCons


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Cyanobacteria are an ancient group of gram-negative bacteria with strong genome size variation ranging from 1.6 to 9.1 Mb. Here, we first retrieved all the putative restriction-modification (RM) genes in the draft genome of Spirulina and then performed a range of comparative and bioinformatic analyses on RM genes from unicellular and filamentous cyanobacterial genomes. We have identified 6 gene clusters containing putative Type I RMs and 11 putative Type II RMs or the solitary methyltransferases (MTases). RT-PCR analysis reveals that 6 of 18 MTases are not expressed in Spirulina, whereas one hsdM gene, with a mutated cognate hsdS, was detected to be expressed. Our results indicate that the number of RM genes in filamentous cyanobacteria is significantly higher than in unicellular species, and this expansion of RM systems in filamentous cyanobacteria may be related to their wide range of ecological tolerance. Furthermore, a coevolutionary pattern is found between hsdM and hsdR, with a large number of site pairs positively or negatively correlated, indicating the functional importance of these pairing interactions between their tertiary structures. No evidence for positive selection is found for the majority of RMs, e. g., hsdM, hsdS, hsdR, and Type II restriction endonuclease gene families, while a group of MTases exhibit a remarkable signature of adaptive evolution. Sites and genes identified here to have been under positive selection would provide targets for further research on their structural and functional evaluations.


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Armstead, I. P., Donnison, I. S., Aubry, S., Harper, J. A., H?rtensteiner, S., James, C. L., Mani, J., Moffet, M., Ougham, H. J., Roberts, L. A., Thomas, A. M., Weeden, N., Thomas, S., King, I. P. (2007). Cross-species identification of Mendel's/locus. Science, 315 (5808), 73. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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Robert Hasterok, Agnieszka Marasek, Iain S. Donnison, Ian Armstead, Ann Thomas, Ian P. King, Elzbieta Wolny, Dominika Idziak, John Draper and Glyn Jenkins (2006). Alignment of the genomes of brachypodium distachyon and temperate cereals and grasses using bacterial artificial chromosome landing with fluorescence in situ hybridization.Genetics, 73 (1), 349-362. Sponsorship: Royal Society / BBSRC;BBSRC RAE2008