984 resultados para commons based peer production


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Three growing systems of Arabica coffee were evaluated under the energy perspective, in the state of Espírito Santo in Brazil. The systems are conventional cultivation (CC), cultivation with good agricultural practices (CGP) and organic farming (OF). It was made a comparison of the energy flows within these three systems to show sustainable levels of each one based on production average data of several family-farming units. Therefore, we analyzed crop yield, total energy efficiency reverse (TEER), energy efficiency of ripe coffee (EERC) and non-renewable energy efficiency (NREE). OF system had values for TEER, EERC and NREE of 3.3 4.7 and 7.9 respectively. Yet CC showed values of 1.8, 1.9 and 1.6 for TEER, EERC and NREE respectively. Furthermore, CGP presented values for TEER, EERC and NREE of 0.7, 1.3 and 1.4 respectively. The highest yield was observed in CGP, reaching an amount of 1794 kg ha-1(17,455 MJ); however, this system expends more energy than it converts. Thus, over those points, OF is the most sustainable system.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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The basis of this thesis was to optimize heat pump that uses multiple heat sources to get competitive heating system for residential building when life cycle costs are considered. The objectives were to compile necessary information to calculate life cycle costs for heating system of residential building and start to compose of designing program for heat pump based heating systems. Examinations were made for the purchase energy need of residential building. Features of heat pump, considered refrigerant and potential heat sources were examined to find out heat production potential of heat pumps. Necessary information for life cycle cost calculation was also examined. Collected data was used in two case analyses to design selected heat production systems and calculate their life cycle costs. On the basis of case analyses heat pump based hybrid heat production systems are very competitive on life cycle cost comparison against district heating when residential building uses a lot of energy. New buildings use considerably less energy and achieved energy cost savings with heat pump systems may not be enough to cover the relatively high investment cost in reasonable time period compared to district heating system. The calculation method was found to require further development to at least include the cooling energy need of the building. Cooling demand will continue to grow in the future, which improves the heat pump based heat production systems competitiveness compared to other systems.


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Effective control and limiting of carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions in energy production are major challenges of science today. Current research activities include the development of new low-cost carbon capture technologies, and among the proposed concepts, chemical combustion (CLC) and chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) have attracted significant attention allowing intrinsic separation of pure CO₂ from a hydrocarbon fuel combustion process with a comparatively small energy penalty. Both CLC and CLOU utilize the well-established fluidized bed technology, but several technical challenges need to be overcome in order to commercialize the processes. Therefore, development of proper modelling and simulation tools is essential for the design, optimization, and scale-up of chemical looping-based combustion systems. The main objective of this work was to analyze the technological feasibility of CLC and CLOU processes at different scales using a computational modelling approach. A onedimensional fluidized bed model frame was constructed and applied for simulations of CLC and CLOU systems consisting of interconnected fluidized bed reactors. The model is based on the conservation of mass and energy, and semi-empirical correlations are used to describe the hydrodynamics, chemical reactions, and transfer of heat in the reactors. Another objective was to evaluate the viability of chemical looping-based energy production, and a flow sheet model representing a CLC-integrated steam power plant was developed. The 1D model frame was succesfully validated based on the operation of a 150 kWth laboratory-sized CLC unit fed by methane. By following certain scale-up criteria, a conceptual design for a CLC reactor system at a pre-commercial scale of 100 MWth was created, after which the validated model was used to predict the performance of the system. As a result, further understanding of the parameters affecting the operation of a large-scale CLC process was acquired, which will be useful for the practical design work in the future. The integration of the reactor system and steam turbine cycle for power production was studied resulting in a suggested plant layout including a CLC boiler system, a simple heat recovery setup, and an integrated steam cycle with a three pressure level steam turbine. Possible operational regions of a CLOU reactor system fed by bituminous coal were determined via mass, energy, and exergy balance analysis. Finally, the 1D fluidized bed model was modified suitable for CLOU, and the performance of a hypothetical 500 MWth CLOU fuel reactor was evaluated by extensive case simulations.


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The aim of this study was to examine how to support breastfeeding of preterm infants immediately after birth in the delivery ward, during their hospital stay in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and at home after hospital discharge. Specifically, the role of early physical contact, maternal breastfeeding attitude, and an internet-based peer support group were investigated. The delivery ward practices concerning the implementation of early physical contact between a mother and her infant admitted to a NICU were examined by a structured survey in two hospitals. An Internet-based, breastfeeding peer-support intervention for the mothers of preterm infants was developed and tested in a randomized controlled design with one year follow-up. The main outcomes were the duration of exclusive and overall breastfeeding, expressing milk, and maternal attitude. In addition, the perceptions of mothers of preterm infants were investigated by analyzing the peer-support group discussions with a qualitative approach. The implementation of early physical contact was different between the two hospitals studied and was based more on hospital routines than the physiological condition of the infant. Preterm infants, who were born before a gestational age (GA) of 32 weeks, were hardly ever allowed to have early contact with their mothers. Both, a higher GA and early physical contact predicted earlier initiation and increased frequency of breastfeeding in the NICU. A maternal breastfeeding-favorable attitude predicted increased frequency of breastfeeding in the NICU and also a longer duration of overall breastfeeding. The actual duration of breastfeeding was, however, shorter than the mothers intended in advance. The internet-based, peer-support intervention had no effect on the duration of breastfeeding, expressing milk, or maternal attitude. The participating mothers enjoyed the possibility of sharing their experiences of preterm infants with other mothers in similar situations. Some of the mothers also experienced being given useful advice for breastfeeding. Based on the mothers’ discussions, a process of breastfeeding preterm infants was created. This included some paradoxical elements in the NICU where, for example, breast milk was emphasized over breastfeeding and support in the hospital varied. Hospital discharge was a critical point, when the mothers faced breastfeeding in reality. Over time, the mothers assimilated their breastfeeding experience into part of being a mother. The care practices related to early physical contact in delivery wards need to be re-evaluated to allow more infants to have a moment with the mother. Maternal attitude could be screened prenatally and attitude-focused interventions developed. Breastfeeding support in the NICU should be standardized. Internet-based breastfeeding peer-support intervention was feasible but additional research is needed.


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Increasing amount of renewable energy source based electricity production has set high load control requirements for power grid balance markets. The essential grid balance between electricity consumption and generation is currently hard to achieve economically with new-generation solutions. Therefore conventional combustion power generation will be examined in this thesis as a solution to the foregoing issue. Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology is known to have sufficient scale to acts as a large grid balancing unit. Although the load change rate of the CFB unit is known to be moderately high, supplementary repowering solution will be evaluated in this thesis for load change maximization. The repowering heat duty is delivered to the CFB feed water preheating section by smaller gas turbine (GT) unit. Consequently, steam extraction preheating may be decreased and large amount of the gas turbine exhaust heat may be utilized in the CFB process to reach maximum plant electrical efficiency. Earlier study of the repowering has focused on the efficiency improvements and retrofitting to maximize plant electrical output. This study however presents the CFB load change improvement possibilities achieved with supplementary GT heat. The repowering study is prefaced with literature and theory review for both of the processes to maximize accuracy of the research. Both dynamic and steady-state simulations accomplished with APROS simulation tool will be used to evaluate repowering effects to the CFB unit operation. Eventually, a conceptual level analysis is completed to compare repowered plant performance to the state-of-the-art CFB performance. Based on the performed simulations, considerably good improvements to the CFB process parameters are achieved with repowering. Consequently, the results show possibilities to higher ramp rate values achieved with repowered CFB technology. This enables better plant suitability to the grid balance markets.


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As a major manufacturing hub in southern Ontario, Hamilton enjoyed considerable economic stability during the twentieth century. However, like most industrial-based cities, Hamilton’s role as a North American manufacturing producer has faded since the 1970’s. This has resulted in dramatic socio-economic impacts, most of which are centered on the inner city. There have been many attempts to revive the core. This includes Hamilton’s most recent urban renewal plans, based upon the principles of Richard Florida’s creative city hypothesis and Ontario’s Places to Grow Act (2005). Common throughout all of Hamilton’s urban renewal initiatives has been the role of the local press. In this thesis I conduct a discourse analysis of media based knowledge production. I show that the local press reproduces creative city discourses as local truths to substantiate and validate a revanchist political agenda. By choosing to celebrate the creative class culture, the local press fails to question its repercussions


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Les débats économiques au 19e siècle, loin d’être l’apanage du monde universitaire, étaient aux États-Unis un des principaux objets de contentieux entre les partis politiques et ceux-ci trouvaient écho dans la sphère publique. Les journaux étaient alors le principal moyen de communiquer les opinions des différents partis. La présente étude vise à mettre en contexte et cerner la position des écrits du plus important économiste américain de son époque, Henry Charles Carey (1793-1879), reconnu comme tel par J.S. Mill et Karl Marx en leur temps, lors de la décennie de 1850 dans le journal le plus influent de cette période, le New York Tribune. Pour ce faire, il a fallu au préalable identifier les articles non signés de Carey dans le journal, ce qui n’avait auparavant jamais été fait. Au moment d’écrire dans le principal organe américain qui défendait la protection aux États-Unis afin d’industrialiser le pays, Carey était alors le représentant le plus prééminent du système américain d’économie. Ce dernier, fondé sur les écrits d’Alexander Hamilton, prônait l’industrialisation des États-Unis et l’intervention de l’État pour défendre le bien commun, s’opposant ainsi à l’école libérale anglaise basée sur les écrits d’Adam Smith. Conceptuellement, la pensée économique de Carey se situe dans la tradition des Autres Canon, basée sur la production et l’innovation. Ceci le mena à s’opposer avec vigueur tant au malthusianisme qu’à la division internationale du travail, justifiée théoriquement par la thèse de l’avantage comparatif de Ricardo. En effet, dans son analyse, la volonté exprimée au milieu du 19e siècle par l’Angleterre de devenir l’atelier du monde et de faire du reste des nations des producteurs de matières premières sous un régime de libre-échange n’était rien d’autre que la continuation de la politique coloniale par d’autres moyens. Pour Carey, la spécialisation dans l’exportation de matières premières, notamment défendue par les planteurs du Sud des États-Unis, loin d’être bénéfique au pays, était le sûr gage de la pauvreté comme les cas de l’Irlande et de l’Inde le démontraient.


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The overall attempt of the study was aimed to understand the microphytoplankton community composition and its variations along a highly complex and dynamic marine ecosystem, the northern Arabian Sea. The data generated provides a first of its kind knowledge on the major primary producers of the region. There appears significant response among the microphytoplankton community structure towards the variations in the hydrographic conditions during the winter monsoon period. Interannually, variations were observed within the microphytoplankton community associated with the variability in temperature patterns and the intensity of convective mixing. Changing bloom pattern and dominating species among the phytoplankton community open new frontiers and vistas towards more intense study on the biological responses towards physical processes. The production of large amount of organic matter as a result of intense blooming of Noctiluca as well as diatoms aggregations augment the particulate organic substances in these ecosystem. This definitely influences the carbon dynamics of the northern Arabian Sea. Detailed investigations based on time series as well as trophodynamic studies are necessary to elucidate the carbon flux and associated impacts of winter-spring blooms in NEAS. Arabian sea is considered as one among the hotspot for carbon dynamics and the pioneering records on the major primary producers fuels carbon based export production studies and provides a platform for future research. Moreover upcoming researches based on satellite based remote sensing on productivity patterns utilizes these insitu observations and taxonomic data sets of phytoplankton for validation of bloom specific algorithm development and its implementation. Furthermore Saurashtra coast is considered as a major fishing zone of Indian EEZ. The studies on the phytoplankton in these regions provide valuable raw data for fishery prediction models and identifying fishing zones. With the Summary and Conclusion 177 baseline data obtained further trophodynamic studies can be initiated in the complex productive North Eastern Arabian Seas (NEAS) ecosystem that is still remaining unexplored.


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Pasture-based ruminant production systems are common in certain areas of the world, but energy evaluation in grazing cattle is performed with equations developed, in their majority, with sheep or cattle fed total mixed rations. The aim of the current study was to develop predictions of metabolisable energy (ME) concentrations in fresh-cut grass offered to non-pregnant non-lactating cows at maintenance energy level, which may be more suitable for grazing cattle. Data were collected from three digestibility trials performed over consecutive grazing seasons. In order to cover a range of commercial conditions and data availability in pasture-based systems, thirty-eight equations for the prediction of energy concentrations and ratios were developed. An internal validation was performed for all equations and also for existing predictions of grass ME. Prediction error for ME using nutrient digestibility was lowest when gross energy (GE) or organic matter digestibilities were used as sole predictors, while the addition of grass nutrient contents reduced the difference between predicted and actual values, and explained more variation. Addition of N, GE and diethyl ether extract (EE) contents improved accuracy when digestible organic matter in DM was the primary predictor. When digestible energy was the primary explanatory variable, prediction error was relatively low, but addition of water-soluble carbohydrates, EE and acid-detergent fibre contents of grass decreased prediction error. Equations developed in the current study showed lower prediction errors when compared with those of existing equations, and may thus allow for an improved prediction of ME in practice, which is critical for the sustainability of pasture-based systems.


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Photodynamic therapy, used mainly for cancer treatment and microorganisms inaction, is based on production of reactive oxygen species by light irradiation of a sensitizer. Hematoporphyrin derivatives as Photofrin (R) (PF) Photogem (R) (PG) and Photosan (R) (PF), and chlorin-c6-derivatives as Photodithazine (R)(PZ), have suitable sensitizing properties. The present study provides a way to make a fast previous evaluation of photosensitizers efficacy by a combination of techniques: a) use of brovine serum albumin and uric acid as chemical dosimeters; b) photo-hemolysis of red blood cells used as a cell membrane interaction model, and c) octanol/phosphate buffer partition to assess the relative lipophilicity of the compounds. The results suggest the photodynamic efficient rankings PZ > PG >= PF > PS. These results agree with the cytotoxicity of the photosensitizers as well as to chromatographic separation of the HpDs, both performed in our group, showing that the more lipophilic is the dye, the more acute is the damage to the RBC membrane and the oxidation of indol, which is immersed in the hydrophobic region of albumin.


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Foram investigados a prevalência e os fatores de risco da leptospirose bovina no Estado do Maranhão. O Estado foi dividido em quatro circuitos amostrais com base em parâmetros de produção distintos que variam conforme os diferentes sistemas de produção, as práticas de manejo, a finalidade de exploração, o tamanho médio dos rebanhos e os sistemas de comercialização. Objetivou-se estudar as características epidemiológicas da leptospirose bovina no Estado do Maranhão, de modo a determinar a prevalência em bovinos e em rebanhos, detectar as sorovariedades de Leptospira spp. presentes, identificar os fatores de risco eventualmente associados à leptospirose em bovinos e diferenciar os circuitos pecuários entre si no que se refere à prevalência de leptospirose. A pesquisa foi realizada em 136 propriedades rurais pertencentes ao circuito I, no qual 841 fêmeas bovinas com idade igual ou superior a 24 meses foram analisadas; 238 do circuito II, com 2.582 fêmeas analisadas; 122 do circuito III, com 869 fêmeas analisadas; e 77 do circuito IV, com 540 fêmeas analisadas; no total, 573 propriedades e 4.832 fêmeas foram estudadas. A presença de anticorpos contra Leptospira spp. foi verificada pela técnica de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM). Das 4.832 fêmeas bovinas analisadas, 1.904 (35,94%; IC 95% = 33,01% - 38,98%) foram reagentes. Das 573 propriedades analisadas, 380 (64,81%; IC 95% = 61,10% - 68,35%) foram consideradas positivas. As sorovariedades Hardjo e Wolffi foram as mais frequentes em todo o Estado. O circuito III foi o que apresentou menor prevalência de leptospirose em todas as comparações. As variáveis identificadas como fatores de risco de leptospirose foram: presença de equinos (p = 0,000), presença de capivaras (p = 0,034) e rebanhos bovinos com 32 ou mais fêmeas adultas (p = 0,002).


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The continuous gas lift method is the main artificial lifting method used in the oil industry for submarine wells, due to its robustness and the large range of flow rate that the well might operate. Nowadays, there is a huge amount of wells producing under this mechanism. This method of elevation has a slow dynamics due to the transients and a correlation between the injected gas rate and the of produced oil rate. Electronics controllers have been used to adjust many parameters of the oil wells and also to improve the efficiency of the gas lift injection system. This paper presents a intelligent control system applied to continuous gas injection in wells, based in production s rules, that has the target of keeping the wells producing during the maximum period of time, in its best operational condition, and doing automatically all necessary adjustments when occurs some disturbance in the system. The author also describes the application of the intelligent control system as a tool to control the flow pressure in the botton of the well (Pwf). In this case, the control system actuates in the surface control valve


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)