961 resultados para clay-humic substances
This paper characterizes humic substances (HS) extracted from soil samples collected in the Rio Negro basin in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, particularly investigating their reduction capabilities towards Hg(II) in order to elucidate potential mercury cycling/volatilization in this environment. For this reason, a multimethod approach was used, consisting of both instrumental methods (elemental analysis, EPR, solid-state NMR, FIA combined with cold-vapor AAS of Hg(0)) and statistical methods such as principal component analysis (PCA) and a central composite factorial planning method. The HS under study were divided into groups, complexing and reducing ones, owing to different distribution of their functionalities. The main functionalities (cor)related with reduction of Hg(II) were phenolic, carboxylic and amide groups, while the groups related with complexation of Hg(II) were ethers, hydroxyls, aldehydes and ketones. The HS extracted from floodable regions of the Rio Negro basin presented a greater capacity to retain (to complex, to adsorb physically and/or chemically) Hg(II), while nonfloodable regions showed a greater capacity to reduce Hg(II), indicating that HS extracted from different types of regions contribute in different ways to the biogeochemical mercury cycle in the basin of the mid-Rio Negro, AM, Brazil. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.
A method has been developed for the direct determination of Cu, Cd, Ni and Pb in aquatic humic substances (AHS) by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. AHS were isolated from water samples rich in organic matter, collected in the Brazilian Ecological Parks. All analytical curves presented good linear correlation coefficient. The limits of detection and quantification were in the ranges 2.5-16.7 mu g g(-1) and 8.5-50.0 mu g g(-1), respectively. The accuracy was determined using recovery tests, and for all analytes recovery percentages ranged from 93 - 98 %, with a relative standard deviation less than 4 %. The results indicated that the proposed method is a suitable alternative for the direct determination of metals in AHS.
Interactions between two endocrine disruptors (ED) and aquatic humic substances (AHS) from tropical rivers were studied using an ultrafiltration system equipped with a 1 kDa cut-off cellulose membrane to separate free ED from the fraction bound in the AHS. Quantification of 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol and bisphenol A was performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The times required for establishment of equilibrium between the AHS and the ED were ca. 30 min, and complexation capacities for 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol and bisphenol A were 18.53 and 2.07 mg g(-1) TOC, respectively. The greater interaction of AHS with 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol, compared to bisphenol A, was due to the presence of hydrogen in the structure of 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol, which could interact with ionized oxygenated groups of the AHS. The results indicate that AHS can strongly influence the transport and reactivity of endocrine disruptors in aquatic systems.
Improved agricultural productivity, and reduction of environmental impacts, require studies of the interactions between different soil components. Fertilizers marketed as "organic" or "natural", such as peats or humic substances (HS) extracted from peats, are enriched with macro and micronutrients that, according to the manufacturers, are released to the plant in accordance with its needs. This work investigates the complexation capacity of HS for macro and micronutrient metal species, considering the competition, for HS complexation sites, between non-essential metals (aluminium and lead), present in the soil, and the nutrients. Humic substances were found to possess strong affinities for Pb(II) and Al(III), forming stable complexes, with concomitant release of complexed nutrients. Although HS are already used commercially as organic fertilizers, further studies of methods of HS enrichment, aimed at avoiding losses, are highly desirable from environmental and economic perspectives. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this study, four leachates samples from 3 different landfills localized in the north of Portugal were characterized and fractionated, to understand the decomposition degree and to evaluate their potential as an agent for fertilization. Humic substances (HS) were extracted, quantified, chemical characterized and further fractionated in humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA). Keeping in mind the purpose to use these fractions as fertilizers, the phytotoxicity of HS, HA and FA solutions was evaluated on cress seed germination. The HS concentration was similar for all the leachates evaluated and was higher than 780 mg/L of total organic carbon. All the leachates analysed registered higher FA concentration than HA. The chemical characterization indicated that HA had a relatively higher aromatic character than the FA obtained from same sources. These results suggest that the HS from landfill leachates were in an early stage of humification, once the degree of humification increase as the landfilling age increase. Overall, the HS extracts showed absence of phytotoxicity, with germination index greater than 80% for samples treated to achieve low electric conductivity values. This suggests that the HS from the leachate may be used to produce liquid organic fertilizers.
Dark subsurface horizons, with properties similar to the sombric horizon characterized by the USA Soil Taxonomy, are frequent in Southern Brazil. The genesis of this horizon is controversial and poorly understood. This study aimed to describe the occurrence of sombric-like horizons in Ultisols in the South of Santa Catarina State, at low altitudes, and suggest possible processes of humus transference, accumulation and persistence in these horizons. Physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of four Ultisols were evaluated; three were sampled in a toposequence, and another representative one in an isolated profile (RSP). The dark subsurface horizons coincide with the AB and BA transitional genetic horizons; they are acid, low in base saturation, and have a similar clay mineralogy in all horizons. Very high amounts of Fe and Al extracted by ammonium oxalate and sodium pyrophosphate solution as well as maximum Al extracted by CuCl2 solution were observed in these dark subsurface horizons, indicating a possible migration of these elements in the form of organometallic complexes. The contents of Al plus ½ Fe extracted from the RSP soil horizons with ammonium oxalate indicated spodic materials in the sombric-like horizon, although the soil morphology was not compatible with Spodosols. Maximum contents of fine clay were also found in the sombric-like horizon, suggesting Fe and Al migration as clay-humic substances. However, the hypothesis that sombric-like horizons in these soils are a relict feature of a grass paleovegetation, different from the current dense seasonal forest, should not be discarded but investigated in further studies.
Humic substances isolated from soil organic matter had been used as stimulators of plant metabolism. Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. with only five chromosomes, short cycle and size, is an important model to evaluate the physiological effects of these substances, which are qualitatively and quantitatively influenced by morphogenesis, mineralogy and chemistry of soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ambience effects on bioactivity of humic acids. A and B horizons of four typical soils of the North Fluminense were sampled. After isolation and purification, humic acids were applied to plants in increasing concentrations. The number and length of lateral roots and main root length were evaluated and, subsequently, the concentrations of maximum stimulation were determined by dose-response curves and regression equations. The results showed that more stable humic acids isolated from soil in less advanced stages of weathering, high activity clay and high base saturation resulted in better physiological stimulants for Arabidopsis.
A comprehensive sequential extraction procedure was applied to isolate soil organic components using aqueous solvents at different pH values, base plus urea (base-urea), and finally dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) plus concentrated H2SO4 (DMSO-acid) for the humin-enriched clay separates. The extracts from base-urea and DMSO-acid would be regarded as 'humin' in the classical definitions. The fractions isolated from aqueous base, base-urea and DMSO-acid were characterized by solid and solution state NMR spectroscopy. The base-urea solvent system isolated ca. 10% (by mass) additional humic substances. The combined base-urea and DMSO-acid solvents isolated ca. 93% of total organic carbon from the humin-enriched fine clay fraction (<2 ?m). Characterization of the humic fractions by solid-state NMR spectroscopy showed that oxidized char materials were concentrated in humic acids isolated at pH 7, and in the base-urea extract. Lignin-derived materials were in considerable abundance in the humic acids isolated at pH 12.6. Only very small amounts of char-derived structures were contained in the fulvic acids and fulvic acids-like material isolated from the base-urea solvent. After extraction with base-urea, the 0.5 m NaOH extract from the humin-enriched clay was predominantly composed of aliphatic hydrocarbon groups, and with lesser amounts of aromatic carbon (probably including some char material), and carbohydrates and peptides. From the combination of solid and solution-state NMR spectroscopy, it is clear that the major components of humin materials, from the DMSO-acid solvent, after the exhaustive extraction sequence, were composed of microbial and plant derived components, mainly long-chain aliphatic species (including fatty acids/ester, waxes, lipids and cuticular material), carbohydrate, peptides/proteins, lignin derivatives, lipoprotein and peptidoglycan (major structural components in bacteria cell walls). Black carbon or char materials were enriched in humic acids isolated at pH 7 and humic acids-like material isolated in the base-urea medium, indicating that urea can liberate char-derived material hydrogen bonded or trapped within the humin matrix.
We progressively reduced the complexity of humic matter by a mild sequential removal of unbound or free components, weakly, and strongly bound molecules. The auxin-like response of residues from each step was tested using tomato (cv. Micro-Tom) seedlings expressing DR5 auxin synthetic promoter fused to the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene and the low auxin-sensitivity diageotropica (dgt) mutant. Both exogenous auxin and humic matter promoted lateral root emergence in the control, but failed to induce lateral roots in the dgt mutant. When strongly bound components were removed from humic matter by breaking the ester and ether bonds, the humic residues lost their ability to induce the DR5
The short-term effects of surface lime application and black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) residues, with or without N fertilization, were evaluated in a long-term no-till (NT) system on a sandy clay loam, a kaolinitic, thermic Typic Hapludox from the state of Parana, Brazil. The main plot treatments were: control and dolomitic lime applied on soil surface at 8 Mg ha(-1). Three treatments with crop residues were evaluated on the subplots: (i) fallow, (ii) black oat residues, and (iii) black oat residues aft er N fertilization at 180 kg ha(-1). Black oat dry biomass was not affected by the treatments during 3 yr. Surface liming increased soil pH, microbial biomass, microbial activity, and bacterial/fungal ratio at the soil surface (0-5 cm), resulting in increased amino acid turnover, water-soluble humic substances formation, and N mineralization and nitrification. While the application of black oat did increase the soil pH, overall it had much less effect on soil biological processes and C and N pools than did lime. We concluded that black oat cannot replace the need for lime to optimize crop production in these tropical NT systems. In the long term, however, black oat should aid in the amelioration of acidity and replenishment of soil organic C pools and should help reduce erosion. Overall, this study suggests that overapplication of inorganic fertilizer N may occur in some tropical NT systems. Further experiments are required in NT systems to investigate the use of slow-release N fertilizers in combination with lime and black oat as a mechanism to reduce acidification and promote sustainability.
The effect of the solid and dissolved organic matter fractions, mineral composition and ionic strength of the soil solution on the sorption behaviour of pesticides were studied. A number of soils, chosen so as to have different clay mineral and organic carbon content, were used to study the sorption of the pesticides atrazine (6-chloro-N-2-ethyl-N-4-isopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), 2,4-D ((2,4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid), isoproturon (3-(4-isopropylphenyl)1,1-dimethylurea) and paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium) in the presence of low and high levels of dissolved organic carbon and different background electrolytes. The sorption behaviour of atrazine, isoproturon and paraquat was dominated by the solid state soil components and the presence of dissolved organic matter had little effect. The sorption of 2,4-D was slightly affected by the soluble organic matter in the soil. However, this effect may be due to competition for adsorption sites between the pesticide and the soluble organic matter rather than due to a positive interaction between the pesticide and the soluble fraction of soil organic matter. It is concluded that the major factor governing the sorption of these pesticides is the solid state organic fraction with the clay mineral content also making a significant contribution. The dissolved organic carbon fraction of the total organic carbon in the soil and the ionic strength of the soil solution appear to have little or no effect on the sorption/transport characteristics of these pesticides over the range of concentrations studied. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Gladiolus is an ornamental species produced for cut flowers and propagated by corms. The early flowering and increase in the number of flower buds, besides the production of commercial corms are constant challenges to be addressed in the crop improvement. Commercial production of ornamentals is technologically accelerated by means of growth regulators. Among them, the auxins stand out for their key role in the adventitious rooting and cell elongation. Alternatively, the humic substances present in the organic matter also have biostimulating effect, which is very similar to the auxinic effect. Therefore, this work aimed to study the growth and development of gladiolus in response to application of different concentrations of humic acids (HA) isolated from vermicompost. Corms were soaked for 24 hours in solutions containing 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mmol L-1 of C from HA. The corms were planted in 10-dm³ plastic bags filled with substrate and kept in a greenhouse. Growth of shoots and roots was evaluated. The results showed that the use of HA accelerates growth, and anticipates and increases flowering of Gladiolus.
Initial performance of corn in response to treatment of seeds with humic acids isolated from bokashi
ABSTRACT The humified organic matter presents bioactivity similar to the auxinic effect. As bokashi is produced by a special process of humification, information is needed about the bioactive potential of its humic acids. The objective of this work was studying the initial performance of corn-indicator plants in response to the application of different concentrations of humic acids isolated from bokashi. The corn seeds were treated for 16 hours with solutions containing 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 80 mmol L-1 of C in the form of humic acids. Then, the seeds were planted in pots of 1 dm3 containing corrected and fertilized soil, in greenhouse. Growth characteristics of shoot and root systems were evaluated. The results showed that the humic acids extracted from bokashi had positive effects on the initial performance of corn.
Knowledge on variations in vertical, horizontal and temporal characteristics of the soil chemical properties under eucalyptus stumps left in the soil is of fundamental importance for the management of subsequent crops. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of eucalyptus stumps (ES) left after cutting on the spatial variability of chemical characteristics in a dystrophic Yellow Argisol in the eastern coastal plain region of Brazil. For this purpose, ES left for 31 and 54 months were selected in two experimental areas with similar characteristics, to assess the decomposition effects of the stumps on soil chemical attributes. Soil samples were collected directly around these ES, and at distances of 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 cm away from them, in the layers 0-10, 10-20 and 20-40 cm along the row of ES, which is in-between the rows of eucalyptus trees of a new plantation, grown at a spacing of 3 x 3 m. The soil was sampled in five replications in plots of 900 m² each and the samples analyzed for pH, available P and K (Mehlich-1), exchangeable Al, Ca and Mg, total organic carbon (TOC) and C content in humic substances (HS) and in the free light fraction. The pH values and P, K, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Al3+ contents varied between the soil layers with increasing distance from the 31 and 54-monthold stumps. The highest pH, P, K, Ca2+ and Mg2+ values and the lowest Al3+ content were found in the surface soil layer. The TOC of the various fractions of soil organic matter decreased with increasing distance from the 31 and 54-month-old ES in the 0-10 and 10-20 cm layers, indicating that the root (and stump) cycling and rhizodeposition contribute to maintain soil organic matter. The C contents of the free light fraction, of the HS and TOC fractions were higher in the topsoil layer under the ES left for 31 months due to the higher clay levels of this layer, than in those found under the 54-month-old stumps. However, highest C levels of the different fractions of soil organic matter in the topsoil layer reflect the deposition and maintenance of forest residues on the soil surface, mainly after forest harvest.
In vitro propagation of pineapple produces uniform and disease-free plantlets, but requires a long period of acclimatization before transplanting to the field. Quicker adaptation to the ex vitro environment and growth acceleration of pineapple plantlets are prerequisites for the production of a greater amount of vigorous, well-rooted planting material. The combination of humic acids and endophytic bacteria could be a useful technological approach to reduce the critical period of acclimatization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the initial performance of tissue-cultured pineapple variety Vitória in response to application of humic acids isolated from vermicompost and plant growth-promoting bacteria (Burkholderia spp.) during greenhouse acclimatization. The basal leaf axils were treated with humic acids while roots were immersed in bacterial medium. Humic acids and bacteria application improved shoot growth (14 and 102 %, respectively), compared with the control; the effect of the combined treatment was most pronounced (147 %). Likewise, humic acids increased root growth by 50 %, bacteria by 81 % and the combined treatment by 105 %. Inoculation was found to significantly increase the accumulation of N (115 %), P (112 %) and K (69 %) in pineapple leaves. Pineapple growth was influenced by inoculation with Burkholderia spp., and further improved in combination with humic acids, resulting in higher shoot and root biomass as well as nutrient contents (N 132 %, P 131 %, K 80 %) than in uninoculated plantlets. The stability and increased consistency of the host plant response to bacterization in the presence of humic substances indicate a promising biotechnological tool to improve growth and adaptation of pineapple plantlets to the ex vitro environment.