148 resultados para clam
La Fantasia Il·lustrada és un treball d’investigació entorn la fantasia lliure, gènere compositiu de la segona meitat del segle XVIII. Aprofundeix, a partir d’un extens buidatge bibliogràfic, en els coneixements sobre aquest gènere oblidat, ubicant-lo en el seu entorn musical i social, i reconeix l’empremta que va deixar en l’estètica d’aquells anys, la qual justifica la seva vàlua i el clam per reivindicar el reconeixement que es mereix. Per tal d’aconseguir aquest fi, aquest treball elabora sobre les diferents realitats estètiques de meitat de segle, sobre l’art de la jardineria, sobre Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, i sobre la pràctica improvisativa.
The neuropeptide Th1RFamide with the sequence Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-amide was originally isolated in the clam Macrocallista nimbosa (price and Greenberg, 1977). Since its discovery, a large family ofFl\1RFamide-related peptides termed FaRPs have been found to be present in all major animal phyla with functions ranging from modulation of neuronal activity to alteration of muscular contractions. However, little is known about the genetics encoding these peptides, especially in invertebrates. As FaRP-encoding genes have yet to be investigated in the invertebrate Malacostracean subphylum, the isolation and characterization ofFaRP-encoding DNA and mRNA was pursued in this project. The immediate aims of this thesis were: (1) to amplify mRNA sequences of Procambarus clarkii using a degenerate oligonucleotide primer deduced from the common amino acid sequence ofisolated Procambarus FaRPS, (2) to determine if these amplification products encode FaRP gene sequences, and (3) to create a selective cDNA library of sequences recognized by the degenerate oligonucleotide primer. The polymerase chain reaction - rapid amplification of cDNA ends (PCR-RACE) is a procedure in which a single gene-specific primer is used in conjunction with a generalized 3' or 5' primer to amplify copies ofthe region between a single point in the transcript and the 3' or 5' end of cDNA of interest (Frohman et aI., 1988). PCRRACE reactions were optimized with respect to primers used, buffer composition, cycle number, nature ofgenetic substrate to be amplified, annealing, extension and denaturation temperatures and times, and use of reamplification procedures. Amplification products were cloned into plasmid vectors and recombinant products were isolated, as were the recombinant plaques formed in the selective cDNA library. Labeled amplification products were hybridized to recombinant bacteriophage to determine ligated amplification product presence. When sequenced, the five isolated PCR-RACE amplification products were determined not to possess FaRP-encoding sequences. The 200bp, 450bp, and 1500bp sequences showed homology to the Caenorhabditis elegans cosmid K09A11, which encodes for cytochrome P450; transfer-RNA; transposase; and tRNA-Tyr, while the 500bp and 750bp sequences showed homology with the complete genome of the Vaccinia virus. Under the employed amplification conditions the degenerate oligonucleotide primer was observed to bind to and to amplify sequences with either 9 or 10bp of 17bp identity. The selective cDNA library was obselVed to be of extremely low titre. When library titre was increased, white. plaques were isolated. Amplification analysis of eight isolated Agt11 sequences from these plaques indicated an absence of an insertion sequence. The degenerate 17 base oligonucleotide primer synthesized from the common amino acid sequence ofisolated Procambarus FaRPs was thus determined to be non-specific in its binding under the conditions required for its use, and to be insufficient for the isolation and identification ofFaRP-encoding sequences. A more specific primer oflonger sequence, lower degeneracy, and higher melting temperature (TJ is recommended for further investigation into the FaRP-encoding genes of Procambarlls clarkii.
1 cardboard clam shell case with a bronze medallion in a front portal. The medallion is 6 cm. in circumference with a bust of Commodore Isaac Hull on the face. The medallion was designed by John Reich. A translation of the words inscribed on the front is: “Isaac Hull conquers in July 1812, the skilled by stratagem and in August, the strong in battle” On the back is a ship and the words “Horae Momento Victoria” which translate to “Victory in the space of an hour”. The title on the front of the box has the words “War of 1812, Jonathan Russell, Commodore Hull”. Only 126 of these medallions were estimated to be struck. Also within this collection is a poem written by Jonathan Russell and 2 messages from President James Madison.
À partir des ovocytes de la palourde Spisula solidissima, un ADNc codant un récepteur nommé Spi-OAR a été cloné et séquencé. Une analyse de la séquence en acides aminés a indiqué que ce nouveau récepteur possède une forte similarité avec les récepteurs β-adrénergiques et les récepteurs à octopamine. En effet, il est étroitement lié à la classe des récepteurs à octopamine « β-adrénergique-like » couplés à une protéine Gs. L’ADNc de Spi-OAR a été introduit dans un vecteur d'expression (pCEP4) et un épitope reconnaissable par un anticorps commercial a été ajouté au segment N-terminal. Cette construction a été transfectée dans des cellules hôtes (HEK 293) et des études d’immunofluorescence ont montré une expression efficace du récepteur au niveau membranaire. Également, des mesures d'AMPc pour les cellules exprimant Spi-OAR ont révélé une augmentation de ce messager secondaire lors de l'ajout de l'octopamine, et dans une moindre mesure, la tyramine, tandis que la dopamine, la sérotonine et l'histamine n’ont engendré aucun effet. Une légère activité constitutive de ce récepteur dans les cellules hôtes a été observée. De plus, une analyse RT-PCR avec des oligonucléotides spécifiques a révélé l'ARNm de Spi-OAR non seulement dans les ovocytes, mais aussi dans les gonades, le cœur, les muscles adducteurs, les branchies et les ganglions suggérant que ce récepteur soit exprimé de façon ubiquitaire dans divers tissus et dans différents stades embryonnaires chez la palourde. En outre, des études avec des ovocytes isolés n'ont montré aucun effet de l’octopamine sur la réactivation méiotique. Des études éventuelles pourront finalement confirmer le rôle fonctionnel de Spi-OAR.
Cette étude, qui s'intéresse aux appropriations de l'Antiquité grecque au XXe siècle, se propose d'analyser les impacts de la lecture de Platon sur le développement de la pensée politique et éthique de Hannah Arendt. Notre approche du sujet est historique et philosophique. Premièrement, nous considérerons la toile de fond biographique, intellectuelle et historique de cette lecture. La relation intellectuelle entre Hannah Arendt et Martin Heidegger reçoit une attention particulière, puisque le Platon arendtien présente parfois des similarités avec celui de Heidegger. Nous considérerons également la réception de Platon en Allemagne entre la période de Weimar et l'après-guerre : les lectures idéologiques de l'époque nazie, et le débat autour du statut de Platon en tant qu'ancêtre du totalitarisme, clamé par Karl Popper, ont assombri la réputation philosophique de Platon jusqu'à la fin du XXe siècle. Nous trouvons des échos de ce climat intellectuel particulier dans le traitement de Platon chez Arendt. Dans un deuxième temps, nous examinerons les thèmes et les motifs de la lecture arendtienne en observant minutieusement une sélection d'ouvrages, d'essais, d'ébauches d'Arendt, en plus des notes du Journal de pensée (Denktagebuch) et des extraits de dialogues de Platon sur lesquels s'appuient sa lecture. Arendt déconstruit, transforme, altère et utilise ces textes afin de démontrer que notre tradition de pensée politique s'est édifiée sur un mépris de la politique qui trouve sa source dans la pensée platonicienne. Ce mépris culmine dans la pensée de Marx et le totalitarisme. Mais les réflexions d'Arendt sur la pensée, le jugement et la conscience, et son traitement du cas Eichmann suggère qu'elle s'approprie par moments la pensée de Platon. Des comparaisons avec d'autres penseurs émigrés allemands, qui s'inspirent aussi de Platon et des Grecs pour édifier leur pensée politique, Leo Strauss et Eric Voegelin, vont nous permettre d'affiner notre compréhension du Platon d'Arendt.
The present investigation is dedicated to understanding various mechanisms of salinity tolerance in the estuarine clam V. cyprinoides var. cochinensis. Even though V. cyprinoids var. cochinensis and V. cyprinoides are found to coexist in the same area, V. cyprinoids is reported to tolerate higher salinities than variety cochinenesis. Variations in the salinity of sea water may affect the aquatic organisms through specific gravity control and variations in osmotic pressure. The specific gravity of most soft tissues is close to that of normal seawater. Many bottom living forms, both attached and motile, have very high specific gravities eg.villorita cyprinoids. Villorita spp. Occurs abundantly in the reaches of the estuary and backwaters of Kerala. In both marine and estuarine forms, it is observed that mantle employs a lesser quantity of amino acids compared to adductor and foot. The regulation of cell volume is not carried out equally in all types of tissues. The capability of salinity tolerance is an aggregate of both the capabilities of extra cellular anisosmotic and intracellular isosmotic regulations in osmoconforming animals. The ultimate aim of water regulation is to regulate the cell volume.T here are slight changes occur in cell volume even in osmoregulators. These studies can also help in revealing the changes brought about in the cellular organelles like lysosomes, which were found to have a role in the osmoregulatory process. The osmoregulatory machinery of estuarine animals is more streamlined for a successful life in the estuarine regime.
Effect of pyridoxine on growth, metabolism and cellular activity of freshwater prawn Macrobrachiuni rosenbergii was studied. Postlarvae (PL-10) of M. rosenbergii were fed with clam meat containing various concentrations of pyridoxine. After 30 days RNA and DNA of the abdominal tissues were estimated. Length, weight and RNA to DNA ratio increased significantly with increasing concentrations of pyridoxine. The effect of pyridoxine on the metabolic enzyme, malate dehydrogenase, was also studied. Vmax showed a significant decrease and the (Km) showed a significant increase in experimental groups compared to control.
In India industrial pollution has become a subject of increasing concern.Incidents of industrial pollution have been reported from many parts of the country. Cochin, the collection site of the present study, being the industrial capital of Kerela is also a harbour, is vulnerable to pollution by trace metal contaminants. In the recent times, pollutants of greatest concern in the aquatic environment are those which are persistent such as toxic heavy metals and the chlorinated hydrocarbons which include insecticides and pesticides.The animals collected from the clam bed situated on the northern side af Cochin bermouth are subject to wide fluctuations in salinity both seasonal and tidal. also; salinity is considered as an important parameter influencing the.-physiological functioning of an organism. Hence, the salinity tolerance of the animal is worked out. Considering the potential vulnerability of Cochin backwaters to heavy metal pollution, the impact of heavy metal copper (II) on the bivalve Sunetta sripta was conceived. Static bioassays were conducted for the determination of the sublethal concentrations of the metal as a preliminary step towards the toxicity studies. Oxygen consumption and filtration rate which are considered as reliable sublethal toxicity indices were employed for investigating the toxic effects of the metal. Bioaccumulation, a physiological phenomenon which can be of importance from the public health point of view, and also in the assessment of environmental quality is also dealt with.
The present scientific investigation of the effects of copper, mercury and cadmium has focussed on their effects on two commercially important marine bivalve species, Perna indica (brown mussel) and Donax incarnatus (wedge clam), conspicuous representatives of the tropical intertidal areas. The investigation centred around delineating the cause and effects of heavy metal stress, individually and in combination on these species under laboratory conditions. A clear understanding of the cause and effect can be had only if laboratory experiments are conducted employing sub-lethal concentrations of the above toxicants. Therefore, during the course of the investigation, sub-lethal concentrations of copper, mercury and cadmium were employed to assess the concentration dependent effects on survival, ventilation rate, O:N ratio and tissues. The results obtained are compared with the already available information and partitioned in sections to make a meaningful presentation.The thesis is presented in five chapters comprising INTRODUCTION, ACUTE TOXICITY, VENTILATION RATE, OXYGEN : NITROGEN RATIO and HISTOPATHOLOGY. Each chapter has been divided into various sections such as INTRODUCTION, REVIEW OF LITERATURE, MATERIAL AND METHODS, RESULTS and DISCUSSION
The thesis is Studies on the Effect or the Obganophosphorus Pesticide Ekalux(R) EC 25 on the Bacterial Flora or Villorita Cyprinoides Var.Cochinensis (Hanley). For the present investigation, the black clam Villorita gyprinoides var. cochinensis (Hanley), a most common clam genus present in this estuarine system has been selected as test organaism and Ekalux (R) EC 25 as toxicant. The aspects dealt with are 1. Total heterotrophic bacterial population, 2. Generic composition, 3. Hydrolytic enzyme producing bacteria, 4. Antibiotic resistance, 5. Heavy metal resistance, 6. The effect of pesticide concentration on the growth of the bacteria and 7. Effect of temperature, pH and sodium chloride on the growth and phosphate release of selected isolates.The samples for the experiment were collected from the Vembanad Lake, near Kumbalam Island during the period of September 1985 to May '86. The THB of the estuarine water and clams contained 6.5 x I04/ml and 2.975 x l06/g respectively, immediately after collection. Untreated water and clam samples showed enormous increase in THB from 0 hr population. The treated samples (water and clams) contained higher THB than 0 hr. In general, THB was observed to increase tremendously in the samples treated with pesticide when compared to their native flora. With reference to various concentrations of pesticides, THB recorded an increase with increase of concentration in water and clam samples.
In this thesis all these aspects are taken into consideration. Extensive studies were conducted on all aspects of processing of crabs, mussels and clams. The species taken for studies are commercially used ones namely Scylla sereta, perna viridis, and villorita cyprinoids. In Chapter 4.1 with regard to crab) the following aspects on their handling and processing are reported seasonal variation of chemical constituents, changes taking place during ice storage, freezing, canning etc. In Chapter 4._2 with regard to mussel, the relation between age (size) and chemical constituents, changes taking place during ice storage, freezing, canning etc. are reported and in Chapter 4.3 the changes taking place in clam muscle during icing and freezing are reported and the ame rebility of ice stored clams for canning purpose is reported.The interference of high concentration of glycogen in mussel and clam muscles during the colour development of ribose (Me-jbaum's method) is observed and remedial step are taken to minimise the interference.
Introducción: La morbilidad materna extrema es un término usado para definir cualquier condición obstétrica severa que amenaza la vida y requiere una intervención médica urgente con el fin de prevenir la probable muerte materna. Con el presente estudio se pretendió evaluar los factores de riesgo para morbilidad materna extrema en las gestantes del Hospital Universitario Mayor. Metodología Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles, comparando pacientes con MME y sin MME en una relación de 1:1. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio simple teniendo en cuenta 95% de la población apareadas por diagnóstico de ingreso. Resultados Se incluyeron un total de 110 pacientes (55 en cada grupo). Ambas poblaciones fueron comprables. Ser de estrato socioeconómico bajo (p 0,000), haber tenido 2 o menos partos (p 0,000), ser tipo de sangre negativo (p0.000) realizar entre 0-3 controles prenatales (p 0,000), tener antecedente de preeclampsia (p 0,000), hipotiroidismo (p 0,000), o trastorno bipolar (p 0,000), son factores de riesgo significativos para presentar MME. Entre los factores protectores están tener más de tres partos OR 0,60 (IC95%: 0,17-0,82, p=0,00) y 7 o más controles prenatales OR 0,23 (IC95%: 0,09-0,55, p=0,000). Resultados concordantes con la literatura Discusión: Es importante dar a conocer los resultados del presente estudio para promover las campañas de prevención primaria, secundaria y terciaria con el fin de evitar las altas complicaciones que se pueden presentar en las mujeres en edad fértil de nuestra población.
Hydrophobic chemicals are known to associate with sediment particles including those from both suspended particulate matter and bottom deposits. The complex and variable composition of natural particles makes it very difficult therefore, to predict the bioavailability of sediment-bound contaminants. To overcome these problems we have previously devised a test system using artificial particles, with or without humic acids, for use as an experimental model of natural sediments. In the present work we have applied this experimental technique to investigate the bioavailability and bioaccumulation of pyrene by the freshwater fingernail clam Sphaerium corneum. The uptake and accumulation of pyrene in clams exposed to the chemical in the presence of a sample of natural sediment was also investigated. According to the results obtained, particle surface properties and organic matter content are the key factors for assessing the bioavailability and bioaccumulation of pyrene by clams. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
fit the context of normalized variable formulation (NVF) of Leonard and total variation diminishing (TVD) constraints of Harten. this paper presents an extension of it previous work by the authors for solving unsteady incompressible flow problems. The main contributions of the paper are threefold. First, it presents the results of the development and implementation of a bounded high order upwind adaptative QUICKEST scheme in the 3D robust code (Freeflow), for the numerical solution of the full incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Second, it reports numerical simulation results for 1D hock tube problem, 2D impinging jet and 2D/3D broken clam flows. Furthermore, these results are compared with existing analytical and experimental data. And third, it presents the application of the numerical method for solving 3D free surface flow problems. (C) 2007 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,
fit the context of normalized variable formulation (NVF) of Leonard and total variation diminishing (TVD) constraints of Harten. this paper presents an extension of it previous work by the authors for solving unsteady incompressible flow problems. The main contributions of the paper are threefold. First, it presents the results of the development and implementation of a bounded high order upwind adaptative QUICKEST scheme in the 3D robust code (Freeflow), for the numerical solution of the full incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Second, it reports numerical simulation results for 1D hock tube problem, 2D impinging jet and 2D/3D broken clam flows. Furthermore, these results are compared with existing analytical and experimental data. and third, it presents the application of the numerical method for solving 3D free surface flow problems. (C) 2007 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,