115 resultados para cholinesterase


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The effect of fenitrothion exposure on birds was examined by measuring aerobic metabolism, blood hemoglobin content, plasma cholinesterases, and body weight for up to 21 d postdose. Peak metabolic rate was measured in a flight chamber in three-dose groups of house sparrows (Passer domesticus; 100 mg/kg = high, 60 mg/kg = medium, 30 mg/kg = low) and one-dose groups of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata; 3 mg/kg) and king quails (Coturnix chinensis; 26 mg/kg). Aerobic metabolism was measured during 1 h of exposure to subfreezing thermal conditions in low-dose house sparrows and king quails (26 mg/kg). Fenitrothion had no effect on metabolic rate during cold exposure or on blood hemoglobin at any time. By contrast, aerobic performance during exercise in sparrows was reduced by 58% (high), 18% (medium), and 20% (low), respectively, 2 d postdose. House sparrows (high) had the longest recovery period for peak metabolic rate (21 d) and plasma cholinesterase activity (14 d). House sparrows (high) and treated king quails had significantly lower myoglobin at 48 h postdose, whereas myoglobin was invariant in zebra finches and house sparrows (medium and low). Cholinesterase was maximally inhibited at 6 h postdose, and had recovered within 24 h, in house sparrows (low), king quails, and zebra finches. Exercise peak metabolic rate in zebra finches and king quails was reduced by 23% at 2 d and 3 d, respectively, despite these birds being asymptomatic in both behavior and plasma cholinesterase activities.


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There is paucity of data regarding hydrocarbon exposure of tropical fish species inhabiting the waters near oil and gas platforms on the Northwest Shelf of Australia. A comprehensive field study assessed the exposure and potential effects associated with the produced water (PW) plume from the Harriet A production platform on the northwest shelf in a local reef species, Stripey seaperch (Lutjanus carponotatus). This field study was a continuation of an earlier pilot study which concluded that there were “warning signs” of potential biological effects on fish populations exposed to PW. A 10-day field caging study was conducted deploying 15 individual fish into 6 separate steel cages set 1-m subsurface at 3 stations in a concentration gradient moving away from the platform. A battery of biomarkers were evaluated including hepatosomatic index (HSI), total cytochrome P450, bile metabolites, CYP1A-, CYP2K- and CYP2M-like proteins, cholinesterase (ChE) activity, and histopathology of liver and gill tissues. Water column and PW effluent samples was also collected. Results confirmed that PAH metabolites in bile, CYP1A-, CYP2K-, and CYP2M-like proteins and liver histopathology provided evidence of significant exposure and effects after 10 days at the near-field site (~200 m off the Harriet A platform). Hepatosomatic index, total cytochrome P450, and ChE did not provide site-specific differences by day 10 of exposure to PW. CYP proteins were shown by principal component analysis (PCA) to be the best diagnostic tool for determining exposure and associated biological effects of PW on L. carponotatus. Using a suite of biomarkers has been widely advocated as a vital component in environmental risk assessments worldwide. This study demonstrates the usefulness of biomarkers for assessing the Harriet A PW discharge into Australian waters with broader applications for other PW discharges. This approach has merit as a valuable addition to environmental management strategies for protecting Australia’s tropical environment and its rich biodiversity.


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Objective This study aimed to identify persistent morphological changes subsequent to an acute single-time exposure to sarin, a highly poisonous organophosphate, and the neurobiological basis of long-lasting somatic and cognitive symptoms in victims exposed to sarin.

Methods Thirty-eight victims of the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin attack, all of whom had been treated in an emergency department for sarin intoxication, and 76 matched healthy control subjects underwent T1-weighted and diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DTI) in 2000 to 2001. Serum cholinesterase (ChE) levels measured immediately and longitudinally after the exposure and the current severity of chronic reports in the victims were also evaluated.

Results The voxel-based morphometry exhibited smaller than normal regional brain volumes in the insular cortex and neighboring white matter, as well as in the hippocampus in the victims. The reduced regional white matter volume correlated with decreased serum cholinesterase levels and with the severity of chronic somatic complaints related to interoceptive awareness. Voxel-based analysis of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging further demonstrated an extensively lower than normal fractional anisotropy in the victims. All these findings were statistically significant (corrected p < 0.05).

Interpretation Sarin intoxication might be associated with structural changes in specific regions of the human brain, including those surrounding the insular cortex, which might be related to elevated subjective awareness of internal bodily status in exposed individuals.


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INTRODUÇÃO. O aumento da densidade de arritmia ventricular e a redução da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca estão associados com risco de morte súbita e mortalidade total em insuficiência cardíaca. A inibição colinesterásica com brometo de piridostigmina (PIR) aumenta a variabilidade da freqüência de pessoas normais, porém seu efeito em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca é desconhecido. OBJETIVOS. Testar a hipótese de que a administração a curto prazo de piridostigmina reduz a densidade de arritmia ventricular e aumenta a variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. MÉTODOS. Pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca e em ritmo sinusal participaram de um estudo duplo-cego, cruzado, randomizado para placebo e piridostigmina (30mg VO de 8 em 8 horas por 2 dias). Monitorização eletrocardiográfica ambulatorial de 24 horas foi realizada para análise de arritmia e para avaliação dos índices do domínio do tempo da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca. Pacientes foram separados em 2 grupos, de acordo com a densidade de arritmia ventricular. O grupo Arritmia (n = 11) incluiu pacientes com mais de 10 extrassístoles ventriculares por hora (ESV/h), e o grupo Variabilidade da Freqüêcia Cardíaca (n = 12) incluiu pacientes com um número de ESVs em 24 horas que não excedia 1 % do número total de intervalos RR. RESULTADOS. No grupo Arritmia, PIR resultou em uma redução de 65% no número de extrassístoles ventriculares (Placebo 266 + 56 ESV/h vs. PIR 173 + 49 ESV/h; p = 0,03). No grupo da Variabilidade da Freqüência Cardíaca, a administração de PIR resultou em um aumento do intervalo RR médio (Placebo 733 + 22 ms vs PIR 790 + 33 ms; p = 0,01), e nos índices do domínio do tempo da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca PNN50 (Placebo 3 + 1,1 % vs PIR 6 + 1,6 %; p = 0,03) e RMSSD (Placebo 21 + 2 vs PIR 27 + 3; p = 0,008). CONCLUSÃO. Em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, PIR reduziu a densidade de arritmia ventricular e aumentou a VFC, provavelmente por seu efeito colinomimético. Estudos a longo prazo com PIR em insuficiência cardíaca devem ser realizados.


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In a previous study, we showed that purified commercial esterase activity can be detected in a chemiluminescent assay based on the hydrolysis of 2-methyl-1-propenylbenzoate (MPB) to 2-methyl-1-propenol, which is subsequently oxidized by the horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-H2O2 system. The purpose of this study was to verify the applicability of this assay to human serum. The existence of an esterase activity capable of hydrolysing MPB is indicated by the fact that the MPB-scruin-HRP-H2O2 System consumes oxygen and emits light. Both signals were abolished by prior serum heat inactivation and were preserved when serum was stored at less than or equal to4 degreesC. Addition of aliesterase inhibitors, such as fluoride ion and trichlorfon or the cholinesterase inhibitor eserine, totally prevents light emission. The butyrylcholinesterase-specific substrate benzoylcholine causes a delay in both O-2 uptake and light emission, while the specific acetylcholinesterase substrate, acetyl-beta -methylcholine, had practically no effect. Purified butyrylcholinesterase, but not acetylcholinesterase, triggered light emission. The finding that butyryleholinesterase is responsible for the hydrolysis of MPB in serum should serve as the basis for the development of a specific chemiluminescent assay for this enzyme. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Background We present new findings on liver steatosis detected in a group of 20 morbidly obese patients who were reassessed shortly after bariatric surgery (BS) by assaying hepatic markers in their serum.Methods We assayed aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyl transferase (gamma-GT), cholinesterase, cholesterol, total protein, and albumin, and measured the weight and the body mass index (BMI) of patients, before and one and three months after surgery.Results There were significant reductions in BMI following surgery and also falls in transaminases and gamma-GT activities three months after BS. No changes occurred in other parameters between periods, except that cholesterol was above reference values before BS and fell to normal levels three months after BS.Conclusions We suggest that before undergoing surgery, the patients suffered from slight steatosis, while after BS the reduction in AST and gamma-GT indicated that this condition was corrected within three months. Moreover, these enzymes may be useful markers for excess fat in the liver.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dor crônica é um desafio para a Medicina atual. Novos métodos e medicamentos têm sido propostos com o intuito de controlar os sintomas álgicos. A via de administração subaracnóidea tem se mostrado como uma alternativa viável e segura, embora necessite continuamente ser objeto de estudo de muitos pesquisadores. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão dos medicamentos disponíveis no arsenal terapêutico já consagrados pelo uso e os que se mostram promissores na atualidade para a prática clínica diária. CONTEÚDO: Nesta revisão são avaliados vários fármacos que apresentam ação analgésica quando utilizada via neuroeixo. Opióides, anestésicos locais, agonistas alfa2-adrenérgicos, antagonistas dos aminoácidos excitatórios e inibitórios, acetilcolina, inibidores da acetilcolinesterase, bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio, adenosina, serotonina, antidepressivos tricíclicos e inibidores da síntese de prostaglandinas são analisados no que concerne aos seus efeitos farmacológicos, incluindo os indesejáveis. CONCLUSÕES: Muitos avanços foram registrados no controle dos sintomas álgicos após a utilização das substâncias citadas por via raquidiana, onde certamente algumas serão aproveitadas e enriquecerão o arsenal terapêutico e outras relegadas temporária ou definitivamente. Entretanto, ainda serão necessários muitos estudos clínicos e experimentais para que estes conhecimentos possam ser incorporados e utilizados com segurança pelos profissionais que lidam com o tratamento da dor crônica.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A plasmaféresis é a técnica de tratamento de escolha para pacientes com anemia hemolítica grave. Uma de suas conseqüências é a depleção de colinesterase plasmática, o que interfere na metabolização de alguns bloqueadores neuromusculares de uso corrente na prática anestesiológica. RELATO do CASO: Paciente com 26 anos, estado físico ASA IV, gestação de 30 semanas e 3 dias, portadora de anemia falciforme, traço talassêmico e alo-imunização para antígenos de alta freqüência. Apresentou crise de falcização, sendo transfundida com derivado sangüíneo incompatível. Evoluiu com hemólise maciça, sendo admitida com hemoglobina de 3 g/dL e hematócrito de 10%, icterícia intensa, taquicardia, apatia e descoramento. Na avaliação hematológica concluiu-se ser situação de inexistência de sangue compatível para transfusão. Foi tratada com corticoterapia, imunoglobulinas e plasmaféresis. No segundo dia de internação, evoluiu com insuficiência renal aguda e edema pulmonar agudo, piora do estado geral e instabilidade hemodinâmica. Indicada a resolução da gestação em decorrência do quadro clínico da paciente e do sofrimento fetal agudo que se sobrepôs. A paciente foi admitida na sala de operações consciente, dispnéica, pálida, ictérica, SpO2 de 91% em ar ambiente, freqüência cardíaca de 110 bpm e pressão arterial de 110 x 70 mmHg, em uso de dopamina (1 µg.kg-1.min-1) e dobutamina (10 µg.kg-1.min-1). Optou-se por anestesia geral balanceada, com alfentanil (2,5 mg), etomidato (14 mg) e atracúrio (35 mg) e isoflurano. Não se observou intercorrências anestésico-cirúrgicas. Ao final, a paciente foi encaminhada à UTI, sob intubação orotraqueal, e em uso de drogas vasoativas, tendo sido extubada após 3 horas. CONCLUSÕES: Este caso mostrou-se um desafio para a equipe, visto que a paciente apresentava instabilidade hemodinâmica e alteração do coagulograma, condições que contra-indicam a anestesia regional; além disto, a plasmaféresis potencialmente depleta os estoques de colinesterases plasmáticas, o que interfere na anestesia. Entretanto, o arsenal medicamentoso disponível permitiu o manuseio seguro desta situação.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O organofosforado diclorvós impregnado em coleiras plásticas é um recurso utilizado em medicina veterinária que visa ao controle de ectoparasitas de cães e gatos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do uso de coleiras plásticas impregnadas com diclorvós (8,37%) em ratas Wistar durante o período de gestação e lactação, como possível fonte de alterações comportamentais e da atividade colinesterásica cerebral dos filhotes. Na desmama, não houve diferença na atividade colinesterásica cerebral entre as mães tratadas com diclorvós e o grupo controle, bem como entre os respectivos filhotes. O tratamento com diclorvós também não influenciou no comportamento geral dos animais, avaliado no campo aberto, nem no nível de ansiedade testado no labirinto em cruz elevado, ambos aos 35 dias pós-natal.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of contaminants in the mussel Perna perna from Sao Sebastiao Channel, São Paulo, Brazil, and to evaluate the effects of these contaminants on these organisms at biochemical (catalase [CAT], glutathione-S-transferase [GST], and cholinesterase [ChE]), cellular (neutral red retention time [NRRT] assay), and physiological (cardiac monitoring) levels. Two sampling surveys were performed (winter of 2001 and summer of 2002) at six stations along the channel: Cigarras, station 1; late Clube de Ilhabela, station 2; Oil Terminal, station 3; Toque Toque, station 4; Ponta da Sela, station 5 (reference station); and Taubate, station 6. Differences in CAT activity were observed between mussels from stations 3 and 5 during the winter, but no differences were detected in the summer. No differences in GST activity were found among stations during the winter, although animals from station 3 showed higher activity during the summer. The ChE activity was significantly higher in the mussels from stations I and 2 during the winter and from stations I and 3 during the summer. Organisms from stations I through 4 showed statistically lower NRRT in both seasons. Similar heart rates were observed in the mussels from all stations. Hydrocarbons were detected in organisms from all the stations in both seasons. During the winter, higher polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) levels were observed in organisms from station 3, whereas during the summer, higher levels of metals were found in organisms from stations 1, 3, and 4. The multivariate analyses showed a strong influence of PAHs on the winter biological results, but metals showed higher influence on these responses in the summer, indicating multiple contaminant sources.


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We describe a combined stain for simultaneous demonstration of the preterminal axons and cholinesterase activity at myoneural junctions of mammalian muscles. This technique employs acetylthiocholine iodide as the substrate for cholinesterase activity and silver nitrate impregnation of preterminal axons. The procedure is rapid, simple and uses fresh muscles. Intramuscular nerves, preterminal axons and myoneural junctions are stained simultaneously brown or black with minimal background staining of connective tissue and muscle fibers.


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative pathology with severe economic and social impact. There is currently no cure, although cholinesterase inhibitors provide effective temporary relief of symptoms in some patients. Nowadays, drug research and development are based on the cholinergic hypothesis that supports the cognition improvement by regulation of the synthesis and release of acetylcholine in the brain. There are only four commercial medicines approved for treatment of AD, and natural products have played an important alternative role in the research for new acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, as exemplified through the discovery of galantamine. This profile conducts us to give in this paper an overview relating the several classes of natural products with anti-cholinesterasic activity as potential templates to the design of new selective and powerful anti-Alzheimer drugs.