153 resultados para chlorophyta
Microbiology (2009), 155, 3476–3490
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 64(2010)388 e 396
The feeding biology of Steindachnerina brevipinna (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889) is described based on specimens collected in the Ibicuí-Mirim river, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from April 2001 to March 2002. Diet description is based on the analysis of the frequency of occurrence and index of dietary importance of the ingested items. The monthly variation of stomach repletion, hepatosomatic and intestinal indexes was also analyzed. Major feeding activity occurred before (May, June and July 2001) the reproductive period, with the hepatosomatic index values showing similar variation along the year. Both the mean intestinal quotient and the analysis of the main ingested items (Bacillariophyta and Chlorophyta algae) indicate a detritivorous diet.
Estuda-se a ficoflórula do conteúdo intestinal de larvas do Simulium incrustatum, num período de 18 meses com 18 amostras, em 1983/84. A identificação até gênero, foi feita com material a fresco e material montato em lamínula. No conteúdo entérico das larvas, constataram-se 50 gêneros nas Divisões Chrysophyta (diatomáceas), Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta e Euglenophyta.
Entre el 29 de setiembre y 3 de octubre 2011, se determinó la estructura de las comunidades, en términos de abundancia relativa, riqueza y diversidad y relación con el medio ambiente de la isla Lobos de Tierra (noreste de isla Rata, El Ñopo y La Grama). En los cálculos de diversidad específi ca se usó métodos uni y multivariados para hacer comparaciones en los lugares estudiados. En la zona mesolitoral se registró alta riqueza específi ca asociada a comunidades de fondos duros destacando el noreste de isla Rata con 58 especies. El grupo dominante fue moluscos en todas las zonas de estudio, sobresaliendo Tegula corvus y Acanthopleura echinata con mayores niveles de abundancia (296 a 412 ind.m-2). El índice de diversidad (H’) promedio por estación mostró valores >1,5 bits/ind en todas las zonas, con valores de dominancia y equitatividad <1,0. En el submareal, la riqueza fue de 124 especies. Los crustáceos y poliquetos tuvieron la mayor riqueza de especies y densidad. Los principales representantes fueron Gammarus sp. (26.607 ind.m-2), Spionidae (2.227 ind.m-2) y Diopatra rhizoicola (2.073 ind.m-2). El índice de diversidad promedio fue 2,2 bits, valor considerado de alta diversidad. La fauna íctica submareal estuvo conformada por 16 especies, destacando los géneros Auchenionchus y Labrisomus y en el intermareal se registraron 7 especies destacando Tomicodon chilensis. Se detectaron 24 especies de macroalgas: Rhodophyta (16 especies), Chlorophyta (5 especies) y Phaeophyta (3 especies), predominó Caulerpa fi liformis (submareal) y Gymnogongrus furcellatus (intermareal).
Aquest treball és un intent d´actualitzar i sistematitzar les dades algològiques que es posseeixen referents al nostre país. Aquestes dades han estat obtingudes de la bibliografia existent, incloent-hi també nombroses observacions personals inèdites. La sistemàtica utilitzada ha estat, bàsicament, la proposada per PARKE i DIXON (1976). La distribució geogràfica de les espècies s'especifica en funció del reticle UTM. En aquest moment són 403 (28 Cyanophyta, 220 Rhodophyta, 69 Phaeophyta, 85 Chlorophyta i 1 Chrysophyta) les espècies que es coneixen a les costes del Principat.
Se ha estudiado la flora algal del Canal de Piragüismo de Aguas Tranquilas durante un año. Se han identificado 90 taxa (20 Cyanophyta, 25 Chlorophyta , 1 Charophyta, 9 Euglenophyta, 31Chrysophyta, 2 Cryptophyta y 2 Pirrophyta). Se aportan datos morfométricos, descripciones y fotografías de microscopio óptico de algunas de las especies. También se incluyen fotografías de diatomeas realizadas al microscopio electrónico de barrido. Se comentan los cambios observados en la composición florística en relación con la mejora de la calidad del agua del canal. También se discute el efecto del progresivo incremento de salinidad del agua sobre las poblaciones de diatomeas.
Atmophytic Cyanophyta and Algae from limestone substrata. The walls of caves and tombs support an abundant colonization of light-dependent organisms. A total of 4 liverworts, 3 mosses, 7 lichens and 28 cyanophyta and algae are reported from 3 collecting sites. The development and specific composition of these organisms is related to microclimatic parameters. Opportunistic species present in soils are found on the mouth of hypogeal niches. Light attenuation allows the development of calcifying cyanophyta following a succesional pattern, each level having a different dominant species. Communities dominated by Scytonema julianum are replaced by Herpyzonema pulverulentum and, towards the less iluminated area, by Geitleria calcarea and Loriella sp. Key words: Caves, Light attenuation, Non vascular plants, Colonization, Calcifying cyanophyta, Scytonema julianum, Herpyzonema pulverulentum, Geitleria calcarea, Chlorophyta, Diatoms, Microclimatic gradient.
Green algal species and their association with physicochemical parameters in some manmade ponds in Zaria, Nigeria were studied from November 2005 to August 2006. Phytoplankton and water samples were collected, preserved and analyzed using standard methods. A total of 27 green algal species divided into 16 families were recorded. Shannon diversity indices ranged from 1.75 to 2.39 in all ponds, dominance index from 0.14 to 0.23 and species evenness 0.56 to 0.64. Closterium sp. and Rhizoclonium hookeri Kuetz. were positively associated with the concentration of Fe, however they were negatively correlated (sensitive) to alkalinity, total dissolved solids and electrical conductivity. Stichococcus bacillaris Naegeli, Staurastrum rotula Nordst. and Sphaeroplea sp. had significant positive relationship with biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), Mn, and Mo levels in the water. Pseudouvella americana (Snow) Wille. and Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) de Bréb. showed a close positive association with alkalinity but were sensitive to Fe, BOD, Mn and Mo. The species reported here showed closed association with physicochemical factors in these ponds.
We examined the ecological distribution of macroalgal communities in streams using species groups (taxonomic units = algal phyla, and morphological = morphological types) with similar structures and functions instead of the species themselves. The study was conducted from June to July/2007 in two drainage basins located in mid-southern region of Paraná State , Brazil. Evaluations of macroalgal communities took into consideration the following spatial scales: the drainage basin (the Pedras river and Marrecas river basins), shading regime (open and shaded stream segments), mesohabitats (riffles and pools), and microhabitats (sampling units of 0.05m2). A total of 29 taxa (23 subgeneric, one generic, and five vegetative groups) were identified. On these, 12 taxa belong to Chlorophyta, 11 to Cyanobacteria, four to Heterokontophyta, and two to Rhodophyta. The proportions of morphological types were: 24% free filaments, 17.25% mats, tufts, gelatinous colonies, and gelatinous filaments, 7% crusts. In terms of spatial scales, we observed a predominance of Chlorophyta in open stream segments and Cyanobacteria in shaded stream segments, reflecting the loss of competitive advantage of green algae in sites with low energy availability. In the mesohabitats, the morphological types recorded in pools were predominantly poorly adapted to fast currents (free filaments), while those found in riffles (mats, tufts and gelatinous filaments) were highly resistant to fast water flows. As such, the use of species groupings based on algal taxonomy associated with morphological characteristics proved to be useful to understanding the distributions of these organisms in lotic environments.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de 32 espécies de algas marinhas das divisões Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta e Phaeophyta como fontes de α- e β-caroteno e α-tocoferol. Todas as clorofíceas analisadas apresentaram α- e β-caroteno. Os teores máximo e mínimo de α-caroteno foram detectados nas espécies do gênero Caulerpa e em Codium decorticatum, respectivamente; e β-caroteno foi mais baixo em Caulerpa mexicana e mais elevado em Ulva fasciata. Dentre as rodofíceas, 11 espécies apresentaram α-caroteno, com máximo em Botryocladia occidentalis. β-caroteno foi encontrado em todas as algas vermelhas analisadas com teores mínimo e máximo em Gracilaria caudata e Bryothamnion triquetrum, respectivamente. As feofíceas apresentaram apenas β-caroteno, com mínimo e máximo em Dictyopteris delicatula e Padina gymnospora, respectivamente. Na divisão Chlorophyta, α-tocoferol, foi máximo em Codium decorticatum e mínimo em Caulerpa prolifera. Na Rhodophyta, 12 espécies apresentaram α-tocoferol com teor máximo em Enantiocladia duperreyi. Na Phaeophyta, α-tocoferol foi encontrado com valores mínimo e máximo em Lobophora variegata e Dictyota dichotoma, respectivamente.
Highly dynamic systems, often considered as resilient systems, are characterised by abiotic and biotic processes under continuous and strong changes in space and time. Because of this variability, the detection of overlapping anthropogenic stress is challenging. Coastal areas harbour dynamic ecosystems in the form of open sandy beaches, which cover the vast majority of the world’s ice-free coastline. These ecosystems are currently threatened by increasing human-induced pressure, among which mass-development of opportunistic macroalgae (mainly composed of Chlorophyta, so called green tides), resulting from the eutrophication of coastal waters. The ecological impact of opportunistic macroalgal blooms (green tides, and blooms formed by other opportunistic taxa), has long been evaluated within sheltered and non-tidal ecosystems. Little is known, however, on how more dynamic ecosystems, such as open macrotidal sandy beaches, respond to such stress. This thesis assesses the effects of anthropogenic stress on the structure and the functioning of highly dynamic ecosystems using sandy beaches impacted by green tides as a study case. The thesis is based on four field studies, which analyse natural sandy sediment benthic community dynamics over several temporal (from month to multi-year) and spatial (from local to regional) scales. In this thesis, I report long-lasting responses of sandy beach benthic invertebrate communities to green tides, across thousands of kilometres and over seven years; and highlight more pronounced responses of zoobenthos living in exposed sandy beaches compared to semi-exposed sands. Within exposed sandy sediments, and across a vertical scale (from inshore to nearshore sandy habitats), I also demonstrate that the effects of the presence of algal mats on intertidal benthic invertebrate communities is more pronounced than that on subtidal benthic invertebrate assemblages, but also than on flatfish communities. Focussing on small-scale variations in the most affected faunal group (i.e. benthic invertebrates living at low shore), this thesis reveals a decrease in overall beta-diversity along a eutrophication-gradient manifested in the form of green tides, as well as the increasing importance of biological variables in explaining ecological variability of sandy beach macrobenthic assemblages along the same gradient. To illustrate the processes associated with the structural shifts observed where green tides occurred, I investigated the effects of high biomasses of opportunistic macroalgae (Ulva spp.) on the trophic structure and functioning of sandy beaches. This work reveals a progressive simplification of sandy beach food web structure and a modification of energy pathways over time, through direct and indirect effects of Ulva mats on several trophic levels. Through this thesis I demonstrate that highly dynamic systems respond differently (e.g. shift in δ13C, not in δ15N) and more subtly (e.g. no mass-mortality in benthos was found) to anthropogenic stress compared to what has been previously shown within more sheltered and non-tidal systems. Obtaining these results would not have been possible without the approach used through this work; I thus present a framework coupling field investigations with analytical approaches to describe shifts in highly variable ecosystems under human-induced stress.
The literature on species diversity of phytoplankton of tropical lakes is scarce, and for the main part comes from studies of the big lakes in Africa, or deep lakes in South America, leaving a gap in the information about small shallow tropical lakes. In the present work the phytoplankton species composition and diversity of 27 shallow lakes and ponds in Costa Rica (Central America) was studied. The species composition was found to agree with other studies of tropical lakes, with a dominance of Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, or in some cases Bacillariophyta or Euglenophyta; and a general paucity of Chrysophyta and Cryptophyta. Species richness varied considerably among the lakes, and tended to decrease with an increase in lake elevation. A low evenness in the species abundances was found, with one or more species outnumbering the rest by several orders of magnitude. Individual species abundances and species composition was found to vary with time in Rio Cuarto Lake, a meromictic lake situated in a region with low seasonal change in precipitation. In comparison with the phytoplankton of temperate lakes, the phytoplankton of the tropical lakes studied tended to have a lower evenness of species abundances, although species richness may be similar to temperate figures in some cases. Diversity indices sensitive to changes in the abundance of rare species tend to be higher in the tropical lakes studied; diversity indices sensitive to changes in the numbers of abundant species tend to be similar between the temperate and tropical lakes examined.
Admiralty Bay is located on the western side of King George Island. Although several research teams of different nationalities have carried out surveys in the region for decades, there are only two publications dealing with the seaweed flora of the bay. Here, we report on a taxonomic survey of the seaweeds we collected during the 25th Brazilian Antarctic Expedition (December 2006/November 2007). We discovered 42 species (21 Rhodophyta, 14 Phaeophyceae, and 7 Chlorophyta), corresponding to an increase of about 31% in the seaweed biodiversity hitherto known for the region. Considering that the Antarctic Peninsula, adjacent to King George Island seems to be one of the most rapidly warming spots on the planet, this kind of survey may provide a valuable tool for detecting eventual changes in seaweed biodiversity.