998 resultados para charge air


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The use of computational fluid dynamics simulations for calibrating a flush air data system is described, In particular, the flush air data system of the HYFLEX hypersonic vehicle is used as a case study. The HYFLEX air data system consists of nine pressure ports located flush with the vehicle nose surface, connected to onboard pressure transducers, After appropriate processing, surface pressure measurements can he converted into useful air data parameters. The processing algorithm requires an accurate pressure model, which relates air data parameters to the measured pressures. In the past, such pressure models have been calibrated using combinations of flight data, ground-based experimental results, and numerical simulation. We perform a calibration of the HYFLEX flush air data system using computational fluid dynamics simulations exclusively, The simulations are used to build an empirical pressure model that accurately describes the HYFLEX nose pressure distribution ol cr a range of flight conditions. We believe that computational fluid dynamics provides a quick and inexpensive way to calibrate the air data system and is applicable to a broad range of flight conditions, When tested with HYFLEX flight data, the calibrated system is found to work well. It predicts vehicle angle of attack and angle of sideslip to accuracy levels that generally satisfy flight control requirements. Dynamic pressure is predicted to within the resolution of the onboard inertial measurement unit. We find that wind-tunnel experiments and flight data are not necessary to accurately calibrate the HYFLEX flush air data system for hypersonic flight.


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X-Ray diffraction is reported from mesoporous silicate films grown at the air/water interface. The films were studied both as powdered films, and oriented on silicon or mica sheets. At early stages of growth we observe Bragg diffraction from a highly ordered cubic phase, with both long and short d-spacing peaks. We have assigned this as a discontinuous micellar Pm3n phase in which the silica is partly ordered. Later films retain only the known hexagonal p6m peaks and have lost any order both at short d-spacings and the longer d-spacing Bragg peaks characteristic of the cubic structure. The silica framework is considerably expanded from that in bulk amorphous silica, average Si Si distances are some 30% greater. Incorporation of glycerol or polyethylene glycol preserves the earlier cubic structure. To be consistent with earlier, in situ, X-ray and neutron reflectivity data we infer that both structures are produced after a phase transition from a less-ordered him structure late in the induction phase. The structural relations between the film Pm3n and p6m phase(s) and the known bulk SBA-1 and MCM-41 phases are briefly discussed.


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We have grown surfactant-templated silicate films at the air-water interface using n-alkyltrimethylammonium bromide and chloride in an acid synthesis with tetraethyl orthosilicate as the silicate source. The films have been grown with and without added salt (sodium chloride, sodium bromide) and with n-alkyl chain lengths from 12 to 18, the growth process being monitored by X-ray reflectometry. Glassy, hexagonal, and lamellar structures have been produced in ways that are predictable from the pure surfactant-water phase diagrams. The synthesis appears to proceed initially through an induction period characterized by the accumulation of silica-coated spherical micelles near the surface. All syntheses, except those involving C(12)TACl, show a sudden transformation of the spherical micellar phase to a hexagonal phase. This occurs when the gradually increasing ionic strength and/or changing ethanol concentration is sufficient to change the position of boundaries within the phase diagram. A possible mechanism for this to occur may be to induce a sphere to rod transition in the micellar structure. This transformation, as predicted from the surfactant-water phase diagram, can be induced by addition of salts and is slower for chloride than bromide counteranions. The hexagonal materials change in cell dimension as the chain length is changed in a way consistent with theoretical model predictions. All the materials have sufficiently flexible silica frameworks that phase interconversion is observed both from glassy to hexagonal and from hexagonal, to lamellar and vice versa in those surfactant systems where multiple phases are found to exist.


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A variety of adhesive support-films were tested for their ability to adhere various biological specimens for transmission electron microscopy. Support films primed with 3-amino-propyl triethoxy silane (APTES), poly-L-lysine, carbon and ultraviolet-B (UV-B)-irradiated carbon were tested for their ability to adhere a variety of biological specimens including axenic cultures of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli and wild-type magnetotactic bacteria. The effects of UV-B irradiation on the support film in the presence of air and electrostatic charge on primer deposition were tested and the stability of adhered specimens on various surfaces was also compared. APTES-primed UV-B-irradiated Pioloform(TM) was consistently the best adhesive, especially for large cells, and when adhered specimens were UV-B irradiated they became remarkably stable under an electron beam. This assisted the acquisition of in situ phase-contrast lattice images from a variety of biominerals in magnetotactic bacteria, in particular metastable greigite magnetosomes. Washing tests indicated that specimens adhering to APTES-primed UV-B-irradiated Pioloform(TM) were covalently coupled. The electron beam stability was hypothesised to be the result of mechanical strengthening of the specimen and support film and the reduced electrical resistance in the specimen and support film due to their polymerization and covalent coupling.


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We consider the electronic properties of layered molecular crystals of the type theta -D(2)A where A is an anion and D is a donor molecule such as bis-(ethylenedithia-tetrathiafulvalene) (BEDT-TTF), which is arranged in the theta -type pattern within the layers. We argue that the simplest strongly correlated electron model that can describe the rich phase diagram of these materials is the extended Hubbard model on the square lattice at one-quarter filling. In the limit where the Coulomb repulsion on a single site is large, the nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion V plays a crucial role. When V is much larger than the intermolecular hopping integral t the ground state is an insulator with charge ordering. In this phase antiferromagnetism arises due to a novel fourth-order superexchange process around a plaquette on the square lattice. We argue that the charge ordered phase is destroyed below a critical nonzero value V, of the order of t. Slave-boson theory is used to explicitly demonstrate this for the SU(N) generalization of the model, in the large-N limit. We also discuss the relevance of the model to the all-organic family beta-(BEDT-TTF)(2)SF5YSO3 where Y=CH2CF2, CH2, CHF.


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Interaction forces between protein inclusion bodies and an air bubble have been quantified using an atomic force microscope (AFM). The inclusion bodies were attached to the AFM tip by covalent bonds. Interaction forces measured in various buffer concentrations varied from 9.7 nN to 25.3 nN (+/- 4-11%) depending on pH. Hydrophobic forces provide a stronger contribution to overall interaction force than electrostatic double layer forces. It also appears that the ionic strength affects the interaction force in a complex way that cannot be directly predicted by DLVO theory. The effects of pH are significantly stronger for the inclusion body compared to the air bubble. This study provides fundamental information that will subsequently facilitate the rational design of flotation recovery system for inclusion bodies. It has also demonstrated the potential of AFM to facilitate the design of such processes from a practical viewpoint.


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The mechanism of growth of silicate films at the air/liquid interface has been investigated in situ by a series of grazing incidence diffraction experiments using a 20 x 25 cm(2) imaging plate as the detector. C(18)TAX (X = Br- or Cl-) has been used as the film templating surfactant. The formation of a layered phase, prior to growth of the hexagonal mesophase in C(18)TABr templated films. has been seen. This layered structure has a significantly shorter d spacing compared to the final hexagonal film (43 versus 48 Angstrom, respectively). The correlation lengths associated with the development of the hexagonal in-plane diffraction spots are much longer in-plane than perpendicular to the air/liquid interface (300 Angstrom versus 50 Angstrom). This implies that the film forms via the growth or aggregation of islands that are initially only a micelle or two thick. which then grow down into the solution.


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Partitioning behavior of PAHs including NAP, FLO, PHE, and PYR was investigated. A plot of experimental K-HA against log K-OW gives a good linear relationship. A somewhat similar slope and intercept it-as obtained for the hair-air system using PCB values from the literature. In comparison to K-VA values from the literature, lower values for K-VA were obtained. This may be attributed from differences in species and degradability across biota groups. K-HLA also exhibits good linear relationships with K-OA and other physical chemical properties such as W The lipid fraction has a strong influence on bioconcentration in hair from the air and water. However, hair treatments, hair length, growth dilution, photodegradation, biodegradation, temperature, seasonal variations, wet and dry depositions could alter the degree of bioconcentration of PAHs in the hair.


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Tarpon have high resting or routine hematocrits (Hct) (37.6+/-3.4%) and hemoglobin concentrations (120.6+/-7.3 g 1(-1)) that increased significantly following bouts of angling-induced exercise (51.9+/-3.7% and 142.8+/-13.5 g 1(-1), respectively). Strenuous exercise was accompanied by an approximately tenfold increase in blood lactate and a muscle metabolite profile indicative of a high energy demand teleost. Routine blood values were quickly restored only when this facultative air-breathing fish was given access to atmospheric air. In vitro studies of oxygen transport capacity, a function of carrying capacity and viscosity, revealed that the optimal Hct range corresponded to that observed in fish under routine behaviour. During strenuous exercise however, further increase in viscosity was largely offset by a pronounced reduction in the shear-dependence of blood which conformed closely to an ideal Newtonian fluid. The mechanism for this behaviour of the erythrocytes appears to involve the activation of surface adrenergic receptors because pre-treatment with propranolol abolished the response. High levels of activity in tarpon living in hypoxic habitats are therefore supported by an elevated Hct with adrenergically mediated viscosity reduction, and air-breathing behaviour that enables rapid metabolic recovery. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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The development of structure perpendicular to and in the plane of the interface has been studied for mesoporous silicate films self-assembled at the air/water interface. The use of constrained X-ray and neutron specular reflectometry has enabled a detailed study of the structural development perpendicular to the interface during the pre-growth phase. Off-specular neutron reflectometry and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction has enabled the in-plane structure to be probed with excellent time resolution. The growth mechanism under the surfactant to silicate source ratios used in this work is clearly due to the self-assembly of micellar and molecular species at the air/liquid interface, resulting in the formation of a planar mesoporous film that is tens of microns thick. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We describe a method by which the decoherence time of a solid-state qubit may be measured. The qubit is coded in the orbital degree of freedom of a single electron bound to a pair of donor impurities in a semiconductor host. The qubit is manipulated by adiabatically varying an external electric field. We show that by measuring the total probability of a successful qubit rotation as a function of the control field parameters, the decoherence rate may be determined. We estimate various system parameters, including the decoherence rates due to electromagnetic fluctuations and acoustic phonons. We find that, for reasonable physical parameters, the experiment is possible with existing technology. In particular, the use of adiabatic control fields implies that the experiment can be performed with control electronics with a time resolution of tens of nanoseconds.


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In this work, we describe the characterization of the complex [Fe(tpy-NH2)(2)](PF6)(2) (tpy-NH2 = bis[4`-(3-aminophenyl)-2, 2`:6`,2 ``-terpyridine]. The complex was oxidatively electropolymerized on glassy.-carbon electrodes in CH3CN/0.1 M tetraethylammonium perchlorate (TEAP) to generate polymer films that exhibit reversible oxidative electrochemical behavior in a wide potential range (0.0-1.6 V), as well as high conductivity and stability/durability. In situ spectrocyclic voltammetry of this modified electrode was carried out on a photodiode array spectrophotometer attached to a potentiostat, which provided UV-Vis absorption spectra of the redox species during the potential sweep. We determined charge transport parameters as a function of time and thickness of the modified electrode, and the results showed that poly-[[Fe(tpy-NH2)(2)](2+)](n) can be made to exhibit three regimes of charge transport behavior by manipulation of the film thickness and the experimental time-scale. Morphological characterization of the film was provided by atomic force microscopy. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bovine testicular hyalurphidase (BT-HAase), a tetrameric enzyme responsible for randomly hyaluronic acid, catalytic hydrolysis, was successfully immobilized on Langmuir- Blodgett films prepared with the sodium salt of dihexadacylphosphoric acid, (DHP-Zn(II)) ending with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, DPPC. Data of protein, adsorption at the air-liquid interface by means of pendant drop shipe analysis and interaction of the protein with Langmuir monolayers of DPPC, using a Langmuir trough, have provided information. about the conditions to be used in the protein immobilization. The dynamic surface pressure curves obtained from pendant drop experiments for the enzyme in buffer solutions indicate that, within the range of concentration investigated in this study, the enzyme exhibits the largest induction time at 5 mu g L(-1) attributed to diffusion processes. Nevertheless, it seems that, at this concentration, the most probable conformation should be the one which occupies the smallest area at pi -> 0. The surface pressure (pi) area curves obtained for BT-HAase and mixed DPPC- BT-HAase monolayers reveal the presence of the enzyme at the air-lipid interface up to 45 mN m(-1). Tests of enzymatic activity, using hyaluronic acid, HA, as the substrate, showed an increase of activity compared to the homogeneous medium. A simplified model of protein insertion into the lipid matrix is used to explain the obtained results.