993 resultados para cell recognition
Developmental assembly of the renal microcirculation is a precise and coordinated process now accessible to experimental scrutiny. Although definition of the cellular and molecular determinants is incomplete, recent findings have reframed concepts and questions about the origins of vascular cells in the glomerulus and the molecules that direct cell recruitment, specialization and morphogenesis. New findings illustrate principles that may be applied to defining critical steps in microvascular repair following glomerular injury. Developmental assembly of endothelial, mesangial and epithelial cells into glomerular capillaries requires that a coordinated, temporally defined series of steps occur in an anatomically ordered sequence. Recent evidence shows that both vasculogenic and angiogenic processes participate. Local signals direct cell migration, proliferation, differentiation, cell-cell recognition, formation of intercellular connections, and morphogenesis. Growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases on vascular cells are important mediators of many of these events. Cultured cell systems have suggested that basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) promote endothelial cell proliferation, migration or morphogenesis, while genetic deletion experiments have defined an important role for PDGF beta receptors and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) B in glomerular development. Receptor tyrosine kinases that convey non-proliferative signals also contribute in kidney and other sites. The EphB1 receptor, one of a diverse class of Eph receptors implicated in neural cell targeting, directs renal endothelial migration, cell-cell recognition and assembly, and is expressed with its ligand in developing glomeruli. Endothelial TIE2 receptors bind angiopoietins (1 and 2), the products of adjacent supportive cells, to signals direct capillary maturation in a sequence that defines cooperative roles for cells of different lineages. Ultimately, definition of the cellular steps and molecular sequence that direct microvascular cell assembly promises to identify therapeutic targets for repair and adaptive remodeling of injured glomeruli.
HUMAN ENDOGENOUS RETROVIRUS K AS A NOVEL TUMOR-ASSOCIATED ANTIGEN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AN OVARIAN CANCER VACCINE Publication No.________Kiera Rycaj, B.S.Supervisory Professor: Feng Wang-Johanning, Ph.D., M.D. Ovarian cancer (OC) is the fourth most common cancer in women, and the most lethal gynecologic malignancy in the United States. Adequate screening methodologies are currently lacking and most women first present with either stage III or IV disease. To date, there has been no substantial decrease in death rates and the majorities of patients relapse and die from their disease despite response to first-line therapy. Several proteins, such as CA-125, are elevated in OC, but none has proven specific and sensitive enough to serve as a screening tool or for tumor cell recognition and lysis. It has been proposed that human endogenous retrovirus sequences (HERVs) may play a role in the etiology of certain cancers. In a previous study, we showed that HERV-K envelope (env) proteins are widely expressed in human invasive breast cancer (BC) and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), and elicit both serologic and cell-mediated immune responses in BC patients. We also reported the expression of multiple HERV genes and proteins in OC cell lines and tissues. In this study, we strengthened our previous data by determining that HERV-K env mRNAs are expressed in 69% of primary OC tissues (n=29), but in only 24% of benign tissues (N=17). Immmunohistochemistry (IHC) staining revealed HERV-Kpositivecancer cells detected in endometrioid adenocarcinoma and serous adenocarcinoma but not in benign cyst or normal epithelium biopsies. Immunofluorescence staining (IFS) showed greater cell surface expression of HERV-K in OC samples compared to adjacent uninvolved samples. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) data confirmed that a humoral immune response is elicited against HERV-K in OC patients. T-cell responses against HERV-K in lymphocytes from OC patients stimulated with autologous HERV-K pulsed dendritic cells included induction of T-cell proliferation and IFN-γ production. HERV-K–specific cytolytic T cells induced greater specific lysis of OC target cells compared to benign and adjacent uninvolved target cells. Finally, upon T regulatory cell (T-reg) depletion, 64% of OC patients displayed an increase in the specific lysis of target cells expressing HERV-K env protein. These findings suggest that HERV-K env protein is a tumor-associated antigen capable of activating both T-cell and B-cell responses in OC patients, and has great potential in the development of immunotherapy regimens against OC.
The adenovirus (Ad) genome contains immunoregulatory and cytokine inhibitory genes that are presumed to function in facilitating acute infection or in establishing persistence in vivo. Some of these genes are clustered in early region 3 (E3), which contains a 19-kDa glycoprotein (gp19) that inhibits the transport of selected class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules out of the endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, the E3 region contains three protein inhibitors of the cytolytic function of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α). Because type I autoimmune diabetes destroys islets by mechanisms that involve class I MHC and TNF-α, we investigated whether the entire cassette of Ad E3 genes might prevent the onset of diabetes in a well studied lymphocytic choriomeningitis viral (LCMV) murine model of virus-induced autoimmune diabetes. In this model, a LCMV polypeptide (either glycoprotein or nucleoprotein) expressed as a transgene in the islets is a target for autoimmune destruction of β cells after LCMV infection. In this scenario the LCMV-induced immune response is directed not only against the virus but also against the LCMV transgenes expressed in the β cells. Our experiments demonstrated a very efficient prevention of this LCMV-triggered diabetes by the Ad E3 genes. This resulted from the inhibition of target cell recognition by a fully competent and LCMV-primed immune system. Unlike the results from the β-2 microglobulin gene deletion experiments, our approach shows that selective regulation at the level of the target cell is sufficient to prevent autoimmune diabetes without disrupting the function of the systemic immune response. Although the Ad genes in these experiments were provided as transgenes, recent experiments may permit the introduction of such genes through the use of viral vectors. Although the decrease in class I MHC in islets by Ad genes was demonstrated in these in vivo studies, the relative importance of this process and the control of TNF-α cytolysis must await further genetic dissection of the introduced Ad genes.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the most common autoimmune disease, is associated in families with other autoimmune diseases, including insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Its genetic component has been suggested by familial aggregation (λs = 5), twin studies, and segregation analysis. HLA, which is the only susceptibility locus known, has been estimated to account for one-third of this component. The aim of this paper was to identify new RA loci. A genome scan was performed with 114 European Caucasian RA sib pairs from 97 nuclear families. Linkage was significant only for HLA (P < 2.5⋅10−5) and nominal for 19 markers in 14 other regions (P < 0.05). Four of the loci implicated in IDDM potentially overlap with these regions: the putative IDDM6, IDDM9, IDDM13, and DXS998 loci. The first two of these candidate regions, defined in the RA genome scan by the markers D18S68-D18S61-D18S469 (18q22–23) and D3S1267 (3q13), respectively, were studied in 194 additional RA sib pairs from 164 nuclear families. Support for linkage to chromosome 3 only was extended significantly (P = 0.002). The analysis of all 261 families provided a linkage evidence of P = 0.001 and suggested an interaction between this putative RA locus and HLA. This locus could account for 16% of the genetic component of RA. Candidate genes include those coding for CD80 and CD86, molecules involved in antigen-specific T cell recognition. In conclusion, this first genome scan in RA Caucasian families revealed 14 candidate regions, one of which was supported further by the study of a second set of families.
Specific recognition of peptide/major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule complexes by the T-cell receptor is a key reaction in the specific immune response. Antibodies against peptide/MHC complexes would therefore be valuable tools in studying MHC function and T-cell recognition and might lead to novel approaches in immunotherapy. However, it has proven difficult to generate antibodies with the specificity of T cells by conventional hybridoma techniques. Here we report that the phage display technology is a feasible alternative to generate antibodies recognizing specific, predetermined peptide/MHC complexes.
Tyrosinase (EC, the key enzyme in melanin synthesis, has been shown to be one of the targets for cytotoxic T-cell recognition in melanoma patients. To develop serological reagents useful for immunophenotyping melanoma for tyrosinase, human tyrosinase cDNA was expressed in an Escherichia coli expression vector. The purified recombinant tyrosinase was used to generate mouse monoclonal and rabbit polyclonal antibodies. The prototype monoclonal antibody, T311, recognized a cluster of protein moieties ranging from 70 to 80 kDa in tyrosinase mRNA-positive melanoma cell lines and melanoma specimens as well as in L cells transfected with tyrosinase cDNA. Untransfected L cells and L cells transfected with tyrosinase-related protein 1, TRP-1(gp75), were nonreactive. Immunohistochemical analysis of melanomas with T311 showed tyrosinase in melanotic and amelanotic variants, and tyrosinase expression correlated with the presence of tyrosinase mRNA. Melanocytes in skin stained with T311, whereas other normal tissues tested were negative. The expression pattern of three melanosome-associated proteins--tyrosinase, TRP-1(gp75), and gp100--in melanoma was also compared. Tyrosinase and gp100 are expressed in a higher percentage of melanomas than TRP-1(gp75), and the expression of these three antigens was discordant. Tyrosinase expression within individual tumor specimen is usually homogenous, distinctly different from the commonly observed heterogeneous pattern of gp100 expression.
Initial studies suggested that major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted viral epitopes could be predicted by the presence of particular residues termed anchors. However, recent studies showed that nonanchor positions of the epitopes are also significant for class I binding and recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). We investigated if changing nonanchor amino acids could increase class I affinity, complex stability, and T-cell recognition of a natural viral epitope. This concept was tested by using the HLA-A 0201-restricted human immunodeficiency virus type 1 epitope from reverse transcriptase (pol). Position 1 (P1) amino acid substitutions were emphasized because P1 alterations may not alter the T-cell receptor interaction. The peptide with the P1 substitution of tyrosine for isoleucine (I1Y) showed a binding affinity for HLA-A 0201 similar to that of the wild-type pol peptide in a cell lysate assembly assay. Surprisingly, I1Y significantly increased the HLA-A 0201-peptide complex stability at the cell surface. I1Y sensitized HLA-A 0201-expressing target cells for wild-type pol-specific CTL lysis as well as wild-type pol. Peripheral blood lymphocytes from three HLA-A2 HIV-seropositive individuals were stimulated in vitro with I1Y and wild-type pol. I1Y stimulated a higher wild-type pol-specific CTL response than wild-type pol in all three donors. Thus, I1Y may be an "improved" epitope for use as a CTL-based human immunodeficiency virus vaccine component. The design of improved epitopes has important ramifications for prophylaxis and therapeutic vaccine development.
Many studies have characterized the transmembrane signaling events initiated after T-cell antigen receptor recognition of major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-bound peptides. Yet, little is known about signal transduction from a set of MHC class I recognizing receptors on natural killer (NK) cells whose ligation dramatically inhibits NK cell-mediated killing. In this study we evaluated the influence of MHC recognition on the proximal signaling events in NK cells binding tumor targets. We utilized two experimental models where NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity was fully inhibited by the recognition of specific MHC class I molecules. NK cell binding to either class I-deficient or class I-transfected target cells initiated rapid protein tyrosine kinase activation. In contrast, whereas NK cell binding to class I-deficient targets led to inositol phosphate release and increased intracellular free calcium ([Ca2+]i), NK recognition of class I-bearing targets did not induce the activation of these phospholipase C-dependent signaling events. The recognition of class I by NK cells clearly had a negative regulatory effect since blocking this interaction using anti-class I F(ab')2 fragments increased inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate release and [Ca2+]i and increased the lysis of the targets. These results suggest that one of the mechanisms by which NK cell recognition of specific MHC class I molecules can block the development of cell-mediated cytotoxicity is by inhibiting specific critical signaling events.
The pathogenic Gram-positive bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus) is the causative agent of numerous suppurative diseases of human skin. The M protein of S. pyogenes mediates the adherence of the bacterium to keratinocytes, the most numerous cell type in the epidermis. In this study, we have constructed and analyzed a series of mutant M proteins and have shown that the C repeat domain of the M molecule is responsible for cell recognition. The binding of factor H, a serum regulator of complement activation, to the C repeat region of M protein blocked bacterial adherence. Factor H is a member of a large family of complement regulatory proteins that share a homologous structural motif termed the short consensus repeat. Membrane cofactor protein (MCP), or CD46, is a short consensus repeat-containing protein found on the surface of keratinocytes, and purified MCP could competitively inhibit the adherence of S. pyogenes to these cells. Furthermore, the M protein was found to bind directly to MCP, whereas mutant M proteins that lacked the C repeat domain did not bind MCP, suggesting that recognition of MCP plays an important role in the ability of the streptococcus to adhere to keratinocytes.
Classical cadherin adhesion molecules are fundamental determinants of cell-cell recognition that function in cooperation with the actin cytoskeleton. Productive cadherin-based cell recognition is characterized by a distinct morphological process of contact zone extension, where limited initial points of adhesion are progressively expanded into broad zones of contact. We recently demonstrated that E-cadherin ligation recruits the Arp2/3 actin nucleator complex to the plasma membrane in regions where cell contacts are undergoing protrusion and extension. This suggested that Arp2/3 might generate the protrusive forces necessary for cell surfaces to extend upon one another during contact assembly. We tested this hypothesis in mammalian cells by exogenously expressing the CA region of N-WASP. This fragment, which potently inhibits Arp2/3-mediated actin assembly in vitro, also effectively reduced actin assembly at cadherin adhesive contacts. Blocking Arp2/3 activity by this strategy profoundly reduced the ability of cells to extend cadherin adhesive contacts but did not affect cell adhesiveness. These findings demonstrate that Arp2/3 activity is necessary for cells to efficiently extend and assemble cadherin-based adhesive contacts.
Class II Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules have an open-ended binding groove which can accommodate peptides of varying lengths. Several studies have demonstrated that peptide flanking residues (PFRs) which lie outside the core binding groove can influence peptide binding and T cell recognition. By using data from the AntiJen database we were able to characterise systematically the influence of PFRs on peptide affinity for MHC class II molecules.
The accurate in silico identification of T-cell epitopes is a critical step in the development of peptide-based vaccines, reagents, and diagnostics. It has a direct impact on the success of subsequent experimental work. Epitopes arise as a consequence of complex proteolytic processing within the cell. Prior to being recognized by T cells, an epitope is presented on the cell surface as a complex with a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) protein. A prerequisite therefore for T-cell recognition is that an epitope is also a good MHC binder. Thus, T-cell epitope prediction overlaps strongly with the prediction of MHC binding. In the present study, we compare discriminant analysis and multiple linear regression as algorithmic engines for the definition of quantitative matrices for binding affinity prediction. We apply these methods to peptides which bind the well-studied human MHC allele HLA-A*0201. A matrix which results from combining results of the two methods proved powerfully predictive under cross-validation. The new matrix was also tested on an external set of 160 binders to HLA-A*0201; it was able to recognize 135 (84%) of them.
Specific domains can determine protein structural functional relationships. For the Alzheimer’s Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) several domains have been described, both in its intracellular and extracellular fragments. Many functions have been attributed to APP including an important role in cell adhesion and cell to cell recognition. This places APP at key biological responses, including synaptic transmission. To fulfil these functions, extracellular domains take on added significance. The APP extracellular domain RERMS is in fact a likely candidate to be involved in the aforementioned physiological processes. A multidisciplinary approach was employed to address the role of RERMS. The peptide RERMS was crosslinked to PEG (Polyethylene glycol) and the reaction validated by FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectrometry). FTIR proved to be the most efficient at validating this reaction because it requires only a drop of sample, and it gives information about the reactions occurred in a mixture. The data obtained consist in an infrared spectra of the sample, where peaks positions give information about the structure of the molecules, and the intensity of peaks is related to the concentration of the molecules. Subsequently substrates of PEG impregnated with RERMS were prepared and SH-SY5Y (human neuroblastoma cell line) cells were plated and differentiated on the latter. Several morphological alterations were clearly evident. The RERMS peptide provoked cells to take on a flatter appearance and the cytoskeletal architecture changed, with the appearance of stress fibres, a clear indicator of actin reorganization. Given that focal adhesions play a key role in determining cellular structure the latter were directly investigated. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is one of the most highly expressed proteins in the CNS (central nervous system) during development. It has been described to be crucial for radial migration of neurons. FAK can be localized in growth cones and mediated the response to attractive and repulsive cues during migration. One of the mechanisms by which FAK becomes active is by auto phosphorylation at tyrosine 397. It became clearly evident that in the presence of the RERMS peptide pFAK staining at focal adhesions intensified and more focal adhesions became apparent. Furthermore speckled structures in the nucleus, putatively corresponding to increased expression activity, also increased with RERMS. Taken together these results indicate that the RERMS domain in APP plays a critical role in determining cellular physiological responses. Here is suggested a model by which RERMS domain is recognized by integrins and mediate intracellular responses involving FAK, talin, actin filaments and vinculin. This mechanism probably is responsible for mediating cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth on neurons.
“Seeing is believing” the proverb well suits for fluorescent imaging probes. Since we can selectively and sensitively visualize small biomolecules, organelles such as lysosomes, neutral molecules, metal ions, anions through cellular imaging, fluorescent probes can help shed light on the physiological and pathophysiological path ways. Since these biomolecules are produced in low concentrations in the biochemical pathways, general analytical techniques either fail to detect or are not sensitive enough to differentiate the relative concentrations. During my Ph.D. study, I exploited synthetic organic techniques to design and synthesize fluorescent probes with desirable properties such as high water solubility, high sensitivity and with varying fluorescent quantum yields. I synthesized a highly water soluble BOIDPY-based turn-on fluorescent probe for endogenous nitric oxide. I also synthesized a series of cell membrane permeable near infrared (NIR) pH activatable fluorescent probes for lysosomal pH sensing. Fluorescent dyes are molecular tools for designing fluorescent bio imaging probes. This prompted me to design and synthesize a hybrid fluorescent dye with a functionalizable chlorine atom and tested the chlorine re-activity for fluorescent probe design. Carbohydrate and protein interactions are key for many biological processes, such as viral and bacterial infections, cell recognition and adhesion, and immune response. Among several analytical techniques aimed to study these interactions, electrochemical bio sensing is more efficient due to its low cost, ease of operation, and possibility for miniaturization. During my Ph.D., I synthesized mannose bearing aniline molecule which is successfully tested as electrochemical bio sensor. A Ferrocene-mannose conjugate with an anchoring group is synthesized, which can be used as a potential electrochemical biosensor.
We previously generated a panel of T helper cell 1 (Th1) clones specific for an encephalitogenic peptide of myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) peptide 139-151 (HSLGKWLGHPDKF) that induces experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) upon adoptive transfer. In spite of the differences in their T cell receptor (TCR) gene usage, all these Th1 clones required W144 as the primary and most critical TCR contact residue for the activation. In this study, we determined the TCR contact residues of a panel of Th2/Th0 clones specific for the PLP peptide 139-151 generated either by immunization with the PLP 139-151 peptide with anti-B7-1 antibody or by immunization with an altered peptide Q144. Using alanine-substituted peptide analogues of the native PLP peptide, we show that the Th2 clones have shifted their primary contact residue to the NH2-terminal end of the peptide. These Th2 cells do not show any dependence on the W144, but show a critical requirement for L141/G142 as their major TCR contact residue. Thus, in contrast with the Th1 clones that did not proliferate to A144-substituted peptide, the Th2 clones tolerated a substitution at position 144 and proliferated to A144 peptide. This alternative A144 reactive repertoire appears to have a critical role in the regulation of autoimmune response to PLP 139-151 because preimmunization with A144 to expand the L141/G142-reactive repertoire protects mice from developing EAE induced with the native PLP 139-151 peptide. These data suggest that a balance between two different T cell repertoires specific for same autoantigenic epitope can determine disease phenotype, i.e., resistance or susceptibility to an autoimmune disease.