976 resultados para cell infiltration


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Although mdx mice share the same genetic defect and lack dystrophin expression as in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), their limb muscles have a high regenerative capacity that ensures a more benign phenotype and essentially normal function. The cellular pathways responsible for this enhanced regenerative capacity are unknown. We tested the hypothesis that the calcineurin signal transduction pathway is essential for the successful regeneration following severe degeneration observed in the limb muscles of young mdx mice (2–4 weeks old) and that inhibition of this pathway using cyclosporine A (CsA) would exacerbate the dystrophic pathology. Eighteen-day-old mdx and C57BL/10 mice were treated with CsA for 16 days. CsA administration severely disrupted muscle regeneration in mdx mice, but had minimal effect in C57BL/10 mice. Muscles from CsA-treated mdx mice had fewer centrally nucleated fibers and extensive collagen, connective tissue, and mononuclear cell infiltration than muscles from vehicle-treated littermates. The deleterious effects of CsA on muscle morphology were accompanied by a 30–35% decrease in maximal force producing capacity. Taken together, these observations indicate that the calcineurin signal transduction pathway is a significant determinant of successful skeletal muscle regeneration in young mdx mice. Up-regulating this pathway may have clinical significance for DMD.


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Eccentrically biased exercise results in skeletal muscle damage and stimulates adaptations in muscle, whereby indexes of damage are attenuated when the exercise is repeated. We hypothesized that changes in ultrastructural damage, inflammatory cell infiltration, and markers of proteolysis in skeletal muscle would come about as a result of repeated eccentric exercise and that gender may affect this adaptive response. Untrained male (n = 8) and female (n = 8) subjects performed two bouts (bout 1 and bout 2), separated by 5.5 wk, of 36 repetitions of unilateral, eccentric leg press and 100 repetitions of unilateral, eccentric knee extension exercises (at 120% of their concentric single repetition maximum), the subjects' contralateral nonexercised leg served as a control (rest). Biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis from each leg 24 h postexercise. After bout 2, the postexercise force deficit and the rise in serum creatine kinase (CK) activity were attenuated. Women had lower serum CK activity compared with men at all times (P < 0.05), but there were no gender differences in the relative magnitude of the force deficit. Muscle Z-disk streaming, quantified by using light microscopy, was elevated vs. rest only after bout 1 (P < 0.05), with no gender difference. Muscle neutrophil counts were significantly greater in women 24 h after bout 2 vs. rest and bout 1 (P < 0.05) but were unchanged in men. Muscle macrophages were elevated in men and women after bout 1 andbout 2 (P < 0.05). Muscle protein content of the regulatory calpain subunit remained unchanged whereas ubiquitin-conjugated protein content was increased after both bouts (P < 0.05), with a greater increase after bout 2. We conclude that adaptations to eccentric exercise are associated with attenuated serum CK activity and, potentially, an increase in the activity of the ubiquitin proteosome proteolytic pathway.


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The effects of estrogen and ovariectomy on indexes of muscle damage after 2 h of complete hindlimb ischemia and 2 h of reperfusion were investigated in female Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were assigned to one of three experimental groups: ovariectomized with a 17-estradiol pellet implant (OE), ovariectomized with a placebo pellet implant (OP), or control with intact ovaries (R). It was hypothesized that following ischemia-reperfusion (I/R), muscle damage indexes [serum creatine kinase (CK) activity, calpain-like activity, inflammatory cell infiltration, and markers of lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric-reactive substances)] would be lower in the OE and R rats compared with the OP rats due to the protective effects of estrogen. Serum CK activity following I/R was greater (P < 0.01) in the R rats vs. OP rats and similar in the OP and OE rats. Calpain-like activity was greatest in the R rats (P < 0.01) and similar in the OP and OE rats. Neutrophil infiltration was assessed using the myeloperoxidase (MPO) assay and immunohistochemical staining for CD43-positive (CD43+) cells. MPO activity was lower (P < 0.05) in the OE rats compared with any other group and similar in the OP and R rats. The number of CD43+ cells was greater (P < 0.01) in the OP rats compared with the OE and R rats and similar in the OE and R rats. The OE rats had lower (P < 0.05) thiobarbituric-reactive substance content following I/R compared with the R and OP rats. Indexes of muscle damage were consistently attenuated in the OE rats but not in the R rats. A 10-fold difference in serum estrogen content may mediate this. Surprisingly, serum CK activity and muscle calpain-like activity were lower (P < 0.05) in the OP rats compared with the R rats. Increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-1 content (P < 0.05) due to ovariectomy were hypothesized to account for this finding. Thus both ovariectomy and estrogen supplementation have differential effects on indexes of I/R muscle damage.


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In the study, we investigate whether the expressions of heat shock protein (hsp)60 (a potential autoantigen) and the stress-inducible form of cytoprotector hsp70 are correlated with the development of atherosclerotic lesions in the aortic tree of apolipoprotein E–deficient (apoE-/-) mice. The apoE-/- mouse model is advantageous because the stress-inducible form of hsp70 is not constitutively expressed in mice, unlike primates; hence, tissues under stress can be clearly defined. Both mammalian hsps were detected newly expressed (before mononuclear cell infiltration) on aortic valves and endothelia at lesion-prone sites of 3-week-old apoE-/- mice. In 8- and 20-week-old mice, they were strongly and heterogeneously expressed in early to advanced fibrofatty plaques, with levels correlating with lesion severity. Expression was markedly downregulated in advanced collagenous, acellular, calcified plaques of 40- and 69-week-old mice and was absent in control aortas of normocholesterolemic wild-type (apoE+/+) mice. Western blot analysis of tissue homogenates confirmed the temporal expression of the hsps. Double immunostaining revealed that both hsps were expressed by lesional endothelial cells, macrophages, smooth muscle cells, and CD3+ T lymphocytes. This study provides evidence that hsp60 and hsp70 are temporally expressed on all major cell types in lesion-prone sites during atherogenesis, suggesting that few cells escape the toxic environment of the atherosclerotic plaque.


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Influenza A viruses that circulate normally in the human population cause a debilitating, though generally transient, illness that is sometimes fatal, particularly in the elderly. Severe complications arising from pandemic influenza or the highly pathogenic avian H5N1 viruses are often associated with rapid, massive inflammatory cell infiltration, acute respiratory distress, reactive hemophagocytosis and multiple organ involvement. Histological and pathological indicators strongly suggest a key role for an excessive host response in mediating at least some of this pathology. Here, we review the current literature on how various effector arms of the immune system can act deleteriously to initiate or exacerbate pathological damage in this viral pneumonia. Generally, the same immunological factors mediating tissue damage during the anti-influenza immune response are also critical for efficient elimination of virus, thereby posing a significant challenge in the design of harmless yet effective therapeutic strategies for tackling influenza virus.


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O presente estudo acompanhou durante 82 dias o curso da infecção experimental com T. evansi em quatro cães, realizando a avaliação dos achados hematológicos, bioquímicos e anatomopatológicos. Os animais infectados mostraram declínio acentuado na contagem de hemácias, hematócrito e teor de hemoglobina, permanecendo anêmicos a partir da terceira semana de infecção até o final do período experimental. Leucopenia com neutropenia foram observadas entre a segunda e a quinta semanas após a infecção. Os cães inoculados desenvolveram hiperproteinemia, sendo constatada diminuição na relação albumina:globulina. As atividades séricas de alamina aminotransferase e aspartato aminotransferase aumentaram significativamente nos cães infectados em relação aos animais controle. O exame histopatológico revelou hiperplasia linfóide no baço e linfonodos e infiltrado mononuclear periportal e esteatose de padrão centrolobular no fígado de todos os cães infectados. Intenso infiltrado mononuclear foi observado no miocárdio de três cães e acúmulos de células mononucleares junto às meninges foram evidenciados em dois animais infectados.


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The tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus is a very common parasite of dogs worldwide. Dogs seem unable to acquire resistance against this tick species, whereas guinea pigs demonstrate a very strong resistance following primary infestation. We studied the inflammatory reaction at the R. sanguineus tick feeding site on dogs and guinea pigs during primary and tertiary infestations at different time intervals after attachment. Biopsies were collected after 4, 24, 48 and 96 hours. Changes that were found in all experimental groups included a cone of cement around the mouthparts of the tick, epidermal hyperplasia, edema and inflammatory cell infiltration in the dermis directly underneath the tick attachment site. Dogs reacted to ticks mainly with neutrophils, particularly after repeated exposure. Mast cells and mononuclear leukocytes were also present. Guinea pigs reacted to R. sanguineus mainly with mononuclear cells, eosinophils and basophils. These cells were particularly numerous after repeated exposure to R. sanguineus. Our results suggest that basophils and eosinophils are involved in resistance of guinea pigs to R. sanguineus and that neutrophils in dogs have little effect against this tick species.


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Venoms from Bothrops jararacussu, Bothrops asper, Bothrops atrox, Bothrops pirajai, Bothrops moojeni, Bothrops alternatus and Bothrops (Bothriopsis) bilineata were fractionated using a simplified procedure based on ion-exchange chromatography on CM-Sepharose at pH 8.0 or reverse phase HPLC. The resulting elution profiles showed important differences in the myotoxin content of these venoms. The venoms from B. alternatus, B. atrox and Bothriopsis bilineata did not contain the major myotoxin found in the other venoms. The amino acid sequence of the first 50 residues of the N-terminal region of the PLA(2)-like myotoxins showed a homology of 90-96% with other bothropic myotoxins. All of the myotoxins isolated induced rat paw edema, increased the level of plasma creatine kinase and produced myonecrosis together with polymorphonuclear cell infiltration.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Few studies are available about the effect of alcohol on the epithelium of the urinary bladder. In the present investigation we studied the ultrastructure of the vesical transition epithelium of normal rats and of rats submitted to experimental chronic alcoholism. Adult rats were submitted to experimental chronic alcoholism by the ingestion of sugar cane liquor. The vesical epithelium was examined after 60, 120, 180 and 240 days of alcohol treatment by transmission electron microscopy. Surface cells presented nuclear and cytoplasmic changes and marked cellular desquamation. There was an increase in multivesicular bodies and lysosomes suggesting cell degeneration. Mast cell infiltration was observed, possibly related to increased epithelial sensitivity. Intercellular spaces were frequently observed. The transition epithelium of the urinary bladder was found to be sensitive to the action of alcohol, as demonstrated by the changes in the components of the blood-urine barrier, the greater sensitivity to inflammation, the increase in cell desquamation and the greater recycling of the apical membrane and of the fusiform vesicles of surface cells observed in alcoholic rats.


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Skin tests were done using larval extract and excretory-secretory (ES) antigens injected intradermally in the neck area of 30, 11- to 200-day-old buffalo calves and nine 27- to 100-day postparturition buffalo cows, the skin of the buffaloes infected with Toxocara vitulorum, mainly calves, demonstrated a hypersensitive response to antigens, especially to the larval extract antigens. Skin hypersensitivity responses were characterized by the presence of dermal nodules with progressive induration and an increase of up to four times the size of the original area at 30 min (immediate type) and at 72 h (delayed type) after injection, Histological preparations of skin reactions at 72 h showed a typical mononuclear cell infiltration, with eosinophils and perivascular cuffing in most of the animals, Fecal examination of 75 animals showed that 65 (86.7%) buffalo calves (9-115 days old) were parasitized with T. vitulorum. The peak of egg output from these animals occurred when they were approximately 45 days old.


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This study was undertaken to investigate the toxic effect of Crotalaria spectabilis seeds added to the ration for commercial broilers during the final phase of growth. Ground seeds were added at different concentrations to the ration: 0.0% (control), 0.01%, 0.1% and 0.4%. Rations containing 0.4% caused symptoms of intoxication, beginning in the second week of the study. During the third week birds showed bristling, apathy, general weakness, distended abdomen and agglomeration. In the fourth week, four animals died. Necropsy revealed prominent ascites and severe lesions of liver, kidney and lung. Microscopic examination revealed necrosis of hepatocytes, inflammatory cell infiltration, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of biliary duct cells leading to atresia and cholestasis. Prominent cartilaginous and osseous nodules in the lungs were also present as well as degenerative, changes in the kidney tubules and necrosis of cells of the bursa. All the broilers receiving a ration with 0.1% of Crotalaria seeds showed ascites and slight lesions of the liver. The remaining groups showed no reduction in weight gains, lesions or clinical symptoms. It is concluded that broilers during the final phase of growth are sensitive to administrations of seeds of C. spectabilis in their ration. The presence of ascites and cartilaginous and osseous nodules in the lungs of the affected birds was also considered important.


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The authors studied the early lesions of laryngotracheal mucosa following intubation in 30 dogs who were intubated with high complacent canula during the period of 4 hours. After this period, biopsies of vocal cord, aritenois, cricoid and tracheal rings were performed. The most frequent histological findings were neutrophils and mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltration into the corion, vascular congestion and necrosis of epithelial cells. Based in these findings the authors recommend the use of canula with balonets of high complacence and the endoscopic follow up of the patients after extubation.


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The effects of chronic mild prenatal stress on leukocyte infiltration into the airways was investigated in rat offspring. The chronic prenatal stress consisted of transitory and variable changes in the rat's living conditions. Offspring at adult age were actively sensitized (day 0) and intratracheally challenged (day 14) with ovalbumin. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed in the offspring at 48 h after intratracheal challenge with ovalbumin. A significant increase in total leukocyte infiltration was observed in the non-stressed offspring group and this was associated with a marked recruitment of eosinophils without a significant effect on the influx of neutrophils and mononuclear cells. In the prenatal stressed offspring, the counts of both total leukocyte and eosinophils, as well as mononuclear cells, was increased by 50% compared to the non-stressed offspring. We provide here the first experimental evidence that chronic mild unpredictable prenatal stress produces a marked increase in the allergen-induced airway inflammation in the rat offspring.


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Both hind foot pads of BALB/c and B10.A mice strains, were inoculated with a fungal suspension of Lacazia loboi obtained from a Jorge Lobo's disease patient. The suspension had 9 × 105 cells/ml and its viability index was 45%. The animals were sacrificed at different time periods varying from 24 h to 18 months after inoculation. The BALB/c mice developed an extensive granulomatous infiltrate, similar to the disease in humans, that progressively evolved. The number of fungal elements also increased as the disease progressed, and after the seventh month of inoculation, macroscopic changes of the foot pads were evident. Although the B10.A mice developed an exuberant granulomatous infiltrate, macroscopic changes were not detected. The number of fungal cells in the infected tissues increased in number, but they were lower then the numbers found in the BALB/c strain. The viability indexes were also lower for the B10.A strain. Considering the histopathological findings, the presence of macroscopic changes and the great amount of fungal cells in the infected tissues, the authors concluded that the BALB/c mice strain was more susceptible to L. loboi infection than the B10.A strain.