964 resultados para cation transport protein


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Leaves originate from the shoot apical meristem, a small mound of undifferentiated tissue at the tip of the stem. Leaf formation begins with the selection of a group of founder cells in the so-called peripheral zone at the flank of the meristem, followed by the initiation of local growth and finally morphogenesis of the resulting bulge into a differentiated leaf. Whereas the mechanisms controlling the switch between meristem propagation and leaf initiation are being identified by genetic and molecular analyses, the radial positioning of leaves, known as phyllotaxis, remains poorly understood. Hormones, especially auxin and gibberellin, are known to influence phyllotaxis, but their specific role in the determination of organ position is not clear. We show that inhibition of polar auxin transport blocks leaf formation at the vegetative tomato meristem, resulting in pinlike naked stems with an intact meristem at the tip. Microapplication of the natural auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) to the apex of such pins restores leaf formation. Similarly, exogenous IAA induces flower formation on Arabidopsis pin-formed1-1 inflorescence apices, which are blocked in flower formation because of a mutation in a putative auxin transport protein. Our results show that auxin is required for and sufficient to induce organogenesis both in the vegetative tomato meristem and in the Arabidopsis inflorescence meristem. In this study, organogenesis always strictly coincided with the site of IAA application in the radial dimension, whereas in the apical–basal dimension, organ formation always occurred at a fixed distance from the summit of the meristem. We propose that auxin determines the radial position and the size of lateral organs but not the apical–basal position or the identity of the induced structures.


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Steroid binding proteins are an obvious choice in the search for genetic factors in plasma that might predispose to upper body obesity, a risk factor for non-insulin dependent diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The two steroid binding proteins studied by isoelectric focusing were sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), the transport protein for sex hormones and corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG), the transport protein for corticosteroids. Auto-radiography and immunoblotting on polyacrylamide gels were used to detect polymorphism in SHBG. Immunoblotting on agarose gels was used to visualize corticosteroid binding globulin. SHBG showed similar structural variation in American Caucasians, American Blacks and Canadian Indians. Two alleles (1, 2) were hypothesized with highly polymorphic frequencies in all three ethnic groups. CBG was not found to be polymorphic, but two variants were found in Caucasian male twins and in a Black individual. The finding of a good assay and a polymorphic system for SHBG are the first steps for additional studies into disease associations. ^


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The structure of the tetrameric K+ channel from Streptomyces lividans in a lipid bilayer environment was studied by polarized attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The channel displays approximately 43% α-helical and 25% β-sheet content. In addition, H/D exchange experiments show that only 43% of the backbone amide protons are exchangeable with solvent. On average, the α-helices are tilted 33° normal to the membrane surface. The results are discussed in relationship to the lactose permease of Escherichia coli, a membrane transport protein.


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It has long been assumed that the red cell membrane is highly permeable to gases because the molecules of gases are small, uncharged, and soluble in lipids, such as those of a bilayer. The disappearance of 12C18O16O from a red cell suspension as the 18O exchanges between labeled CO2 + HCO3− and unlabeled HOH provides a measure of the carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity (acceleration, or A) inside the cell and of the membrane self-exchange permeability to HCO3− (Pm,HCO−3). To test this technique, we added sufficient 4,4′-diisothiocyanato-stilbene-2,2′-disulfonate (DIDS) to inhibit all the HCO3−/Cl− transport protein (Band III or capnophorin) in a red cell suspension. We found that DIDS reduced Pm,HCO−3 as expected, but also appeared to reduce intracellular A, although separate experiments showed it has no effect on CA activity in homogenous solution. A decrease in Pm,CO2 would explain this finding. With a more advanced computational model, which solves for CA activity and membrane permeabilities to both CO2 and HCO3−, we found that DIDS inhibited both Pm,HCO−3 and Pm,CO2, whereas intracellular CA activity remained unchanged. The mechanism by which DIDS reduces CO2 permeability may not be through an action on the lipid bilayer itself, but rather on a membrane transport protein, implying that this is a normal route for at least part of red cell CO2 exchange.


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The closely related multidrug efflux pumps QacA and QacB, from the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, both confer resistance to various toxic organic cations but differ in that QacB mediates lower levels of resistance to divalent cations. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the qacB gene revealed that qacB differs from qacA by only seven nucleotide substitutions. Random hydroxylamine mutagenesis of qacB was undertaken, selecting for variants that conferred increased resistance to divalent cations. Both QacA and the QacB mutants capable of conferring resistance to divalent cations contain an acidic residue at either amino acid 322 or 323, whereas QacB contains uncharged residues in these positions. Site-directed mutagenesis of qacA confirmed the importance of an acidic residue within this region of QacA in conferring resistance to divalent cations. Membrane topological analysis using alkaline phosphatase and beta-galactosidase fusions indicated that the QacA protein contains 14 transmembrane segments. Thus, QacA represents the first membrane transport protein shown to contain 14 transmembrane segments, and confirms that the major facilitator superfamily contains a family of proteins with 14 transmembrane segments.


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Competence for genetic transformation in Streptococcus pneumoniae has been known for three decades to arise in growing cultures at a critical cell density, in response to a secreted protease-sensitive signal. We show that strain CP1200 produces a 17-residue peptide that induces cells of the species to develop competence. The sequence of the peptide was found to be H-Glu-Met-Arg-Leu-Ser-Lys-Phe-Phe-Arg-Asp-Phe-Ile-Leu-Gln-Arg- Lys-Lys-OH. A synthetic peptide of the same sequence was shown to be biologically active in small quantities and to extend the range of conditions suitable for development of competence. Cognate codons in the pneumococcal chromosome indicate that the peptide is made ribosomally. As the gene encodes a prepeptide containing the Gly-Gly consensus processing site found in peptide bacteriocins, the peptide is likely to be exported by a specialized ATP-binding cassette transport protein as is characteristic of these bacteriocins. The hypothesis is presented that this transport protein is encoded by comA, previously shown to be required for elaboration of the pneumococcal competence activator.


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Secretion of anionic endo- and xenobiotics is essential for the survival of animal and plant cells; however, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain uncertain. To better understand one such model system--i.e., secretion of bile acids by the liver--we utilized a strategy analogous to that employed to identify the multidrug resistance (mdr) genes. We synthesized the methyl ester of glycocholic acid (GCE), which readily enters cells, where it is hydrolyzed to yield glycocholic acid, a naturally occurring bile acid. The rat hepatoma-derived HTC cell line gradually acquired resistance to GCE concentrations 20-fold higher than those which inhibited growth of naive cells, yet intracellular accumulation of radiolabel in resistant cells exposed to [14C]GCE averaged approximately 25% of that in nonresistant cells. As compared with nonresistant cells, resistant cells also exhibited (i) cross-resistance to colchicine, a known mdr substrate, but not to other noxious substances transported by hepatocytes; (ii) increased abundance on Northern blot of mRNA species up to 7-10 kb recognized by a probe for highly conserved nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) sequences of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins; (iii) increased abundance, as measured by RNase protection assay, of mRNA fragments homologous to a NBD cRNA probe; and (iv) dramatic overexpression, as measured by Western blotting and immunofluorescence, of a group of 150- to 200-kDa plasma membrane proteins recognized by a monoclonal antibody against a region flanking the highly conserved NBD of mdr/P-glycoproteins. Finally, Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with mRNA from resistant cells and incubated with [14C]GCE secreted radiolabel more rapidly than did control oocytes. Enhanced secretion of glycocholic acid in this cell line is associated with overexpression of ABC/mdr-related proteins, some of which are apparently novel and are likely to include a bile acid transport protein.


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The rat glucocorticoid receptor confers hormone-dependent transcriptional enhancement when expressed in yeast, thereby enabling the genetic identification of nonreceptor proteins that function in the hormone signal-transduction pathway. We isolated a yeast mutant, lem1, with increased sensitivity to dexamethasone and triamcinolone acetonide; responsiveness to a third agonist, deoxycorticosterone, is unaffected. Cloning of wild-type LEM1 revealed a putative transport protein of the ATP-binding cassette family. Dexamethasone accumulation is increased in lem1 cells, suggesting that wild-type LEM1 decreases dexamethasone potency by exporting this ligand. LEM1 appears to affect certain steroids and not others. We propose that transporters like LEM1 can selectively modulate the intracellular levels of steroid hormones. Differential activities of such transporters in mammalian cells might regulate hormone availability and thereby hormone signaling in a cell-type specific manner.


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Nos eucariotos, a evolução dos sistemas de transporte molecular foi essencial pois seu alto grau de compartimentalização requer mecanismos com maior especificidade para a localização de proteínas. Com o estabelecimento das mitocôndrias e plastídeos como organelas da célula eucariota, grande parte dos genes específicos para sua atividade e manutenção foram transferidos ao núcleo. Após a transferência gênica, a maioria das proteínas passaram a ser codificadas pelo núcleo, sintetizadas no citosol e direcionadas às organelas por uma maquinaria complexa que envolve receptores nas membranas das organelas, sequências de direcionamento nas proteínas e proteínas citossólicas que auxiliam o transporte. A importação depende em grande parte de uma sequência na região N-terminal das proteínas que contém sinais reconhecidos pelas membranas organelares. No entanto, muito ainda não é compreendido sobre o transporte de proteínas organelares e fatores ainda desconhecidos podem influenciar o direcionamento sub-celular. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a caracterização da General Regulatory Factor 9 (GRF9), uma proteína da família 14-3-3 de Arabidopsis thaliana potencialmente envolvida no direcionamento de proteínas organelares, e a geração de um genótipo para ser utilizado na obtenção de uma população mutante para genes que afetam o direcionamento da proteína Tiamina Monofosfato Sintetase (TH-1). Após experimentos in vivo e in planta, foi observado que GRF9 interage com as proteínas duplo-direcionadas Mercaptopyruvate Sulfurtransferase1 (MST1) e a Thiazole Biosynthetic Enzyme (THI1), e com a proteína direcionada aos cloroplastos TH-1. Experimentos de deleção e interação in vivo mostraram que a região Box1 de GRF9 é essencial para a interação com THI1 e MST1. Com a finalidade de dar continuidade a caracterização da GRF9 e para realização de testes com relação a sua função no direcionamento de proteínas organelares foi gerada uma linhagem homozigota que superexpressa GRF9. Plantas expressando o transgene TH-1 fusionado a Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) em genótipo deficiente na TH-1 (CS3469/TH-1-GFP) foram obtidas para a geração de população mutante que possibilitará a descoberta de componentes genéticos ainda desconhecidos e responsáveis pelo direcionamento de proteínas aos cloroplastos.


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Centrioles organize the centrosome, and accurate control of their number is critical for the maintenance of genomic integrity. Centrioles duplicate once per cell cycle, and duplication is coordinated by Polo-like kinase 4 (Plk4). We previously demonstrated that Plk4 accumulation is autoregulated by its own kinase activity. However, loss of heterozygosity of Plk4 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts has been proposed to cause cytokinesis failure as a primary event, leading to centrosome amplification and gross chromosomal abnormalities. Using targeted gene disruption, we show that human epithelial cells with one inactivated Plk4 allele undergo neither cytokinesis failure nor increase in centrosome amplification. Plk4 is shown to localize exclusively at the centrosome, with none in the spindle midbody. Substantial depletion of Plk4 by small interfering RNA leads to loss of centrioles and subsequent spindle defects that lead to a modest increase in the rate of cytokinesis failure. Therefore, Plk4 is a centriole-localized kinase that does not directly regulate cytokinesis.


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The PotE protein is a putrescine-ornithine antiporter found in many gram-negative bacteria. It is a member of the APA family of transporters and has 12 predicted alpha-helical transmembrane spanning segments (TMS). While the substrate binding site has previously been mapped to a region near the surface of the cytoplasmic lipid layer, no structural feature within the periplasmic domains of PotE have been shown to be important for function. We examined the role of the only large outer loop, situated between transmembrane spanning segment 7 and 8, in putrescine uptake. Deletion of the highly conserved amino acids in the region closest to transmembrane spanning segment 7 produced a protein with little activity. Glycine-scanning mutagenesis of this region showed that Val(249) and Leu(254) were required for optimal transporter function. The V249G mutant transported putrescine at a lower maximal rate compared to wild-type (WT) but with the same substrate binding affinity. In contrast, the L254G mutant had a higher substrate affinity. A series of Val(249) mutants indicated that the hydrophobicity of this residue, which is located at or near the membrane surface, is important for PotE function. Secondary structure predictions of the large outer loop indicated the presence of a hydrophobic alpha-helix in the centre with a hydrophobic region at each end suggesting that the loop was not entirely exposed to the aqueous periplasmic space. The study shows that loop 7-8 is important for PotE function, possibly by forming a re-entrant loop in the channel of the transporter. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The search for orally effective drugs for the treatment of iron overload disorders is an important goal in improving the health of patients suffering diseases such as beta-thalassemia major. Herein, we report the syntheses and characterization of some new members of a series of N-aroyl-N'-picolinoyl hydrazine chelators (the H2IPH analogs). Both 1:1 and 1:2 Fe-III:L complexes were isolated and the crystal structures of Fe(HPPH)Cl-2, Fe(4BBPH)Cl-2, Fe(HAPH)(APH) and Fe(H3BBPH)(3BBPH) were determined (H2PPH=N,N'-bis-picolinoyl hydrazine; H(2)APH=N-4-aminobenzoyl-N'-picolinoyl hydrazine, H(2)3BBPH=N-3-bromobenzoyl-N'-picolinoylhydrazine and H(2)4BBPH=N-(4-bromobenzoyl)-N'-(picolinoyl)hydrazine). In each case, a tridentate N,N,O coordination mode of each chelator with Fe was observed. The Fe-III complexes of these ligands have been synthesized and their structural, spectroscopic and electrochemical characterization are reported. Five of these new chelators, namely H2BPH (N-(benzoyl)-N'-(picolinoyl)hydrazine), H2TPH (N-(2-thienyl)-N'-(picolinoyl)-hydrazine), H2PPH, H(2)3BBPH and H(2)4BBPH, showed high efficacy at mobilizing Fe-59 from cells and inhibiting Fe-59 uptake from the serum Fe transport protein, transferrin (Tf). Indeed, their activity was much greater than that found for the chelator in current clinical use, desferrioxamine (DFO), and similar to that observed for the orally active chelator, pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone (H2PIH). The ability of the chelators to inhibit Fe-59 uptake could not be accounted for by direct chelation of Fe-59-Tf. The most effective chelators also showed low antiproliferative activity which was similar to or less than that observed with DFO, which is important in terms of their potential use as agents to treat Fe-overload disease.


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Our laboratories have prepared a novel class of iron (Fe) chelators of the 2-pyridylcarboxaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (PCIH) class. This article will review the iron chelation efficacy of this series of chelators, both in cell culture and in animal models. Several PCIH analogs were shown to be effective at inducing iron mobilization and preventing iron uptake from the iron-transport protein, transferrin. Moreover, several of these ligands were effective at permeating the mitochondrion and inducing iron release. Studies in mice demonstrated that the PCIH analog, PCTH, was orally active and well tolerated by mice at doses ranging from 50 to 100 mg kg(-1) , twice daily (b.d.). A dose-dependent increase in fecal Fe-59 excretion was observed in the PCTH-treated group. This level of iron excretion was similar to that found for the orally effective chelators, pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone (PIH) and deferiprone (L1). The PCIH group of ligands clearly has the potential for the treatment of ss-thalassemia (thal) and Friedreich's Ataxia (FA).


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Efficient insulin action requires spatial and temporal coordination of signaling cascades. The prototypical insulin receptor substrate, IRS-1 plays a central role in insulin signaling. By subcellular fractionation IRS-1 is enriched in a particulate fraction, termed the high speed pellet (HSP), and its redistribution from this fraction is associated with signal attenuation and insulin resistance. Anecdotal evidence suggests the cytoskeleton may underpin the localization of IRS-1 to the HSP. In the present study we have taken a systematic approach to examine whether the cytoskeleton contributes to the subcellular fractionation properties and function of IRS-1. By standard microscopy or immunoprecipitation we were unable to detect evidence to support a specific interaction between IRS-1 and the major cytoskeletal components actin (microfilaments), vimentin (intermediate filaments), and tubulin (microtubules) in 3T3-L1 adipocytes or in CHO.IR.IRS-1 cells. Pharmacological disruption of microfilaments and microtubules, individually or in combination, was without effect on the subcellular distribution of IRS-1 or insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation in either cell type. Phosphorylation of Akt was modestly reduced (20-35%) in 3T3-L1 adipocytes but not in CHO.IR.IRS-1 cells. In cells lacking intermediate filaments (Vim(-/-)) IRS-1 expression, distribution and insulin-stimulated phosphorylation appeared normal. Even after depolymerisation of microfilaments and microtubules, insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of IRS-1 and Akt were maintained in Vim-/- cells. Taken together these data indicate that the characteristic subcellular fractionation properties and function of IRS-1 are unlikely to be mediated by cytoskeletal networks and that proximal insulin signaling does not require an intact cytoskeleton. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The transport of a group of quinolone antibiotics across the human intestinal model, Caco-2 cells, was investigated. It was found that the transport of the quinolones generally correlated with the lipophilicity of the compounds, indicating the passive diffusional transcellular processes were involved. However, it was observed that the transport in both directions apical-to-basolateral and basolateral-to-apical was not equivalent, and polarised transport occurred. For all the quinolones studied except, BMS-284756-01, it was found that the basolateral-to-apical transport was significantly greater than the apical-to-basolateral transport. This finding suggested that the quinolones underwent a process of active secretion. The pKas and logPs for the quinolones were determined using potentiometric titrations. The measured logP values were compared with those determined using theoretical methods. The theoretical methods for calculating logP including the Moriguchi method correlated poorly with the measured logP values. Further investigations revealed that there may be an active transporter involved in the apical-to-basolateral transport of quinolones as well. This mechanism was sensitive to competing quinolones, but, it was unaffected by the metabolic inhibitor combination of sodium azide (15mM) with 2-deoxy-D-glucose (50mM). The basolateral-to-apical transport of quinolones was found to be sensitive to inhibition by a number of different inhibitors. The metabolic inhibitors, sodium azide (15mM) with 2-deoxy-D-glucose (50mM) and 2,4-dinitrophenol (1mM), were able to reduce the basolateral-to-apical transport of quinolones. A reduction in temperature from 37°C to 2°C caused an 80-fold decrease in the transport of gatifloxacin in both directions, however, this effect was not sufficient to abolish the greater basolateral-to-apical secretion. As with apical-to-basolateral transport, it was found that quinolones competed with gatifloxacin for basolateral-to-apical transport, both ofloxacin (100μM) and norfloxacin (100μM) significantly (P<0.003) decreased the basolateral-to-apical transport of gatifloxacin; however, ciprofloxacin (100μM and 300μM) had no effect. A number of inhibitors of various transport systems were also investigated. It was found that the anion transport inhibitor, probenecid (100 μM) had a significant inhibitory effect on the basolateral-to-apical transport of ciprofloxacin (P=0.039), while the cation transport inhibitor cimetidine (100μM and 500μM) had no effect. The organic anion exchange inhibitor 4,4'diisothiocyanostilbene-2-2' -disulphonic acid DIDS (400μM) also had a significant inhibitory effect (P=O.O 13). The PgP inhibitor and anion exchange inhibitor verapamil (400Mμ) was able to completely abolish the basolateral-to-apical secretion of gatifloxacin and bring it into line with the apical-to-basolateral flux. In conclusion, the apical-to-basolateral and basolateral-toapical transport of quinolones involved an active component. The basolateral-to-apical secretion was abolished by a verapamil (400μM), a bisubstrate for PgP and the anion transporter.