967 resultados para catch-trays
Tagging experiments are a useful tool in fisheries for estimating mortality rates and abundance of fish. Unfortunately, nonreporting of recovered tags is a common problem in commercial fisheries which, if unaccounted for, can render these estimates meaningless. Observers are often employed to monitor a portion of the catches as a means of estimating reporting rates. In our study, observer data were incorporated into an integrated model for multiyear tagging and catch data to provide joint estimates of mortality rates (natural and f ishing), abundance, and reporting rates. Simulations were used to explore model performance under a range of scenarios (e.g., different parameter values, parameter constraints, and numbers of release and recapture years). Overall, results indicated that all parameters can be estimated with reasonable accuracy, but that fishing mortality, reporting rates, and abundance can be estimated with much higher precision than natural mortality. An example of how the model can be applied to provide guidance on experimental design for a large-scale tagging study is presented. Such guidance can contribute to the successful and cost-effective management of tagging programs for commercial fisheries.
We documented depredation by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Florida king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) troll fishery. Between March and June 2003, we conducted 26 interviews of charter and commercial fishermen in Islamorada, Florida, and 23 along Florida’s east coast from Fort Pierce south to Lake Worth Inlet. All fishermen indicated they had observed bottlenose dolphins depredating bait or catch—king mackerel being the species most often taken by dolphins. During on-board observations of depredation between March and June 2003, we found that dolphins took 6% of king mackerel caught by charter fishermen and 20% of fish caught by commercial fishermen. We concluded that depredation by bottlenose dolphin occurs commonly in this fishery and has the potential to incur a significant economic cost to king mackerel fishermen. To address this concern, we conducted preliminary tests of a gear modification designed to reduce depredation in the king mackerel fishery between December 2003 and January 2004. These tests demonstrated that a modification to the outrigger planer will successfully deter bottlenose dolphins from engaging in depredation, without causing a reduction in ca
Many modern stock assessment methods provide the machinery for determining the status of a stock in relation to certain reference points and for estimating how quickly a stock can be rebuilt. However, these methods typically require catch data, which are not always available. We introduce a model-based framework for estimating reference points, stock status, and recovery times in situations where catch data and other measures of absolute abundance are unavailable. The specif ic estimator developed is essentially an age-structured production model recast in terms relative to pre-exploitation levels. A Bayesian estimation scheme is adopted to allow the incorporation of pertinent auxiliary information such as might be obtained from meta-analyses of similar stocks or anecdotal observations. The approach is applied to the population of goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara) off southern Florida, for which there are three indices of relative abundance but no reliable catch data. The results confirm anecdotal accounts of a marked decline in abundance during the 1980s followed by a substantial increase after the harvest of goliath grouper was banned in 1990. The ban appears to have reduced fishing pressure to between 10% and 50% of the levels observed during the 1980s. Nevertheless, the predicted fishing mortality rate under the ban appears to remain substantial, perhaps owing to illegal harvest and depth-related release mortality. As a result, the base model predicts that there is less than a 40% chance that the spawning biomass will recover to a level that would produce a 50% spawning potential ratio.
Large pelagic sharks are caught incidentally in the swordfish and tuna fisheries of the Mediterranean Sea. In our study, twelve shark species were documented as bycatch over three years from 1998 to 2000. Blue shark (Prionace glauca) was the predominant species in all gears and areas examined. Shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus), common thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus), and tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus) were the next most abundant shark species—found in more than half of the areas sampled. Catch composition varied both in the areas and gears investigated. Sharks represented 34.3% in weight of total catches sampled in the Alboran Sea and 0.9% in the Straits of Sicily. Higher shark catches were observed in the swordfish longline fishery, where a nominal CPUE value reached 3.8 sharks/1000 hooks in the Alboran Sea. Size distribution by fishing gear varied significantly. Albacore longline catches consisted mainly of juveniles, whereas subadult and adult specimens were more frequent in the swordfish longline and driftnet fishery. The percentage of sharks brought onboard alive was exceptionally high; only 5.1% of the specimens died. Few discards (seven blue shark) were recorded in the Greek longline fleet during onboard sampling in the Aegean Se
The South China Sea is an important fishing area with an annual harvest of some 5 million tonnes, or 10% of the catches jointly taken by the developing nations of the world. Details are given of a model of the area describing fisheries catches and biological interactions. The area, viewed as a large marine ecosystem, was divided into 10 subsystems; each subsystem was then linked with adjacent subsystems by predatory links, and detritus flows. An analysis was then made of catch statistics for each of the subsystems. It is believed that if all systems could be harvested at around the highest efficiency, an additional 5-6 million tonnes could be taken annually from the South China Sea; however, more refined analyses are needed to further investigate these possibilities. If linked with careful studies of the economic and human aspects of fishing, such analyses will provide guidelines for integrated fisheries management advice.
Monthly catch data of bonito Sarda chiliensis from northern Chile, from 1976 to 1989, were used to obtain a series of estimates of the Z-G parameter (i.e., total mortality minus the growth coefficient in weight). This series was then used to estimate a maximum sustainable yield of 4,500 t/year through a modified version of the surplus production model of J. Csirke and J. Caddy. The status of the fishery is discussed.
There is an unusual relationship between catch per unit effort and effort in the Lake Kariba sardine (Limnothrissa miodon) fishery. This is apparently a results of ecological changes in the lake following the decline of the Salvinia mats that existed there until 1973. Predictive models based on the entire data set (1974-89) are of limited value because they are influenced by the rapid decline in catch per unit effort that took place from 1974 to 1978. A model based on the 1980-89 data indicates that the current catch could be increased substantially. Some empirical models and features of the sardine's biology suggest that it is a realistic model.
In this study, length-frequency data on Spanish sardine (Sardinella aurita) from northeastern Venezuela were analyzed for the period 1967-1989. Average growth parameters for the von Bertalanffy equation were established as L sub( infinity )= 26.6 cm (TL) and K = 1.26 year super(-1). The number of recruits to the fishing area, estimated from length-structured Virtual Population Analysis, varied from <10 super(8) in the late 1960s to >10 super(9) at the end of the 1980s. Exploited biomass estimates for the same period varied from less than 20,000 t in the first year to more than 100,000 in 1989. Both recruitment and exploited biomass showed different seasonal patterns between 1976-1983 and 1984-1988. Despite some uncertainty regarding these estimates, it is considered that major population tendencies are adequately represented by this analysis
Some problems associated with fitting surplus production models to unsuitable data are discussed. This is illustrated by an application of the Schaefer, Fox and PRODFIT models to Pacific Ocean bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus ) catch and effort data for 1952-1987, which appear to be better described by purely empirical models.
U.S. Gulf of Mexico, pink shrimp, Farfantepenaeus duorarum, catch statistics have been collected by NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service, or its predecessor agency, for over 50 years. Recent events, including hurricanes and oil spills within the ecosystem of the fishery, have shown that documentation of these catch data is of primary importance. Fishing effort for this stock has fluctuated over the 50-year period analyzed, ranging from 3,376 to 31,900 days fished, with the most recent years on record, 2008 and 2009, exhibiting declines up to 90% relative to the high levels recorded in the mid 1990’s. Our quantification of F. duorarum landings and catch rates (CPUE) indicates catch have been below the long-term average of about 12 million lb for all of the last 10 years on record. In contrast to catch and effort, catch rates have increased in recent years, with record CPUE levels measured in 2008 and 2009, of 1,340 and 1,144 lb per day fished, respectively. Our regression results revealed catch was dependent upon fishing effort (F=98.48df=1, 48, p<0.001, r2=0.67), (Catch=1,623,378 + (520) × (effort)). High CPUE’s measured indicate stocks were not in decline prior to 2009, despite the decline in catch. The decrease in catch is attributed in large part to low effort levels caused by economical and not biological or habitat related conditions. Future stock assessments using these baseline data will provide further insights and management advice concerning the Gulf of Mexic
Long-term trends in the elasmobranch assemblage of Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California, were analyzed by documenting species composition and catch per unit effort (CPUE) from 55 sport fishing derbies that occurred during May, June, and July, from 1951 until 1995. The most abundant species (bat ray, Myliobatis californica; shovelnose guitarfish, Rhinobatos productus; and leopard shark, Triakis semifasciata) were also analyzed for size-weight relationships, trends in size class distribution, stage of maturity, and sex ratios. Changes in species composition over the course of the derbies included the near complete disappearance of shovelnose guitarfish by the 1970’s and a slight increase in the abundance of minor species (mainly smoothhounds, Mustelus spp., and thornback, Platyrhinoidis triseriata) starting in the mid 1960’s. The relative abundance of bat rays in the catch steadily increased over the years while the relative abundance of leopard sharks declined during the last two decades. However the average number of bat rays and leopard sharks caught per derby declined during the last two decades. Fishing effort appeared to increase over the course of the derbies. There were no dramatic shifts in the size class distribution data for bat rays, leopard sharks, or shovelnose guitarfish. The catch of bat rays and leopard sharks was consistently dominated by immature individuals, while the catch of shovelnose guitarfish was heavily dominated by adults. There was evidence of sexual segregation in either immature or mature fish in all the species. Female bat rays and shovelnose guitarfish were larger than their male counterparts and outnumbered males nearly 2:1. Female and male leopard sharks were more nearly equal in size and sex ratio. Changes in species composition are likely due to fishing pressure, shifts in the prevailing oceanographic conditions, and habitat alteration in Elkhorn Slough. The sex ratios, stage of maturity, and size class distributions provide further evidence for the theory that Elkhorn Slough functions as a nursery habitat for bat rays and leopard sha
Fishery observers collected data from 307 tows during 96 trips aboard skimmer trawl vessels in Louisiana’s coastal waters from September 2004 through June 2005 to estimate catch rates of target and nontarget species, including sea turtles (Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae), by area and season during commercial shrimping operations. About 16,965.7 kg of total catch were recorded during 517.0 hours of fishing operations. Based on weight extrapolations from species composition samples, penaeid shrimp (Penaeidae) dominated the catch at 66%, followed by finfish at 19%, nonpenaeid shrimp crustaceans at 7%, discarded penaeid shrimp at 6%, and debris at 3%. Noncrustacean invertebrates comprised less than 1%. Catch rates in kilograms per hour by category was 21.6 for penaeid shrimp, 6.2 for finfish, 2.2 for nonpenaeid crustaceans, 1.8 for discarded penaeid shrimp, and 0.9 for debris. White shrimp, Litopenaeus setiferus, other penaeid shrimp, and Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus, were the top three dominant species by weight. Seasonally, a higher catch rate was observed from May through August 2005 for penaeid shrimp as compared with the September through December 2004 period. Conversely, the September through December 2004 period experienced a higher catch rate for finfish than during May through August 2005. No sea turtle interactions were documented.
Since 1988 regulations have required U.S. longline fishermen to release all Atlantic white marlin, Tetrapturus albidus. By the late 1990’s, approximately 99% of Atlantic white marlin caught by U.S. recreational fishermen were released. Recent studies using PSAT technology indicate that not all released fish survive and that a minor change in hook type, 0–5° offset circle hooks rather than straight-shank “J” hooks, may have a profound effect on post release mortality. Beginning in 2004, sea turtle mitigation measures have required U.S. longline fishermen to use circle hooks. Estimates of total catch, releases, and post release mortality of Atlantic white marlin caught by U.S. recreational fishermen were made in order to evaluate the potential reduction in mortality that may be realized by requiring the use of circle hooks rather than straight-shank “J” hooks by U.S. recreational fishermen. These estimates were compared to estimates of Atlantic white marlin caught by the U.S. longline fishery
During a fishing trip to record video footage of fish escaping from a by-catch reducing device located in a commercial prawn trawl, two bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, were observed to actively manipulate the codend at the seabed, removing and consuming components of catch (mostly juvenile whiting, Sillago spp.). The observed feeding pattern suggests a well established behavioral response to trawling activities and is discussed with respect to (1) the potential nutritional benefit that dolphins may derive from such activities and (2) the effects that scavenging may have on selectivity of the gear.