950 resultados para carnauba straw s powder
Segregering eller segregation är ett fenomen som kan förekomma inom olika områden av samhället. Inom samhällsvetenskaperna kan segregering definieras som det rumsliga åtskiljandet av befolkningsgrupper på urval av ras eller etniskt ursprung, kön, social härkomst, religion, ålder, yrke, osv. Segregering av befolkningsgrupper sker ofta mer eller mindre frivilligt och är motsatsen till integration. Inom partikelteknologi definieras segregering oftast som det rumsliga åtskiljandet av beståndsdelarna i en blandning av olika partiklar. Segregering sker då på urval av bl.a. partiklarnas storlek, densitet, form, elektrostatiska eller mekaniska egenskaper, och kan beskrivas som motsatsen till blandning. Segregeringsmekanismer används för att förklara hur och varför en partikelblandning segregerar samt vad slutresultatet i form av den rumsliga fördelningen av partiklarna blir till följd av att blandningen utsetts för en viss behandling. I denna avhandling har segregering av partikelblandningar och speciellt torra mineralbaserade byggmaterial (t.ex. murbruk) till följd av lagring i siloer studerats. Vid industriell produktion av mineralbaserade byggmaterial används siloer för korttidslagring av slutprodukterna precis innan förpackning. Segregering leder till kraftiga variationer i sammansättningen för partikelströmmen ut ur silon, vilket gör att slutprodukterna inte uppfyller kvalitetskraven och kan därmed inte säljas till kunder. Detta leder till arbetsam och dyr bearbetning (återcirkulation) av produkterna med påföljder för produktionsekonomin samt hållbara utvecklingen. I avhandlingen identifierades de väsentligaste segregeringsmekanismerna för torra mineralbaserade byggmaterial i siloer. Dessutom klargjordes effekterna av materialegenskaper, processbetingelser och siloparametrar. Slutligen behandlas möjliga åtgärder för minskning av partikelsegregering i siloer samt tillämpning av matematiska metoder för simulering av partikelflöden med hjälp av datorer.
For design of vertical silos walls involving the storage of bulk solids to be safe and reliable, it is important knowing the largest possible number of variables such as: flow properties, silo geometry and pattern of flow desired. In order to validate the theories of flow prediction and design of conical hoppers, the flow properties of two bulk solids were determined, the theories of Jenike's flowability and Enstad and Walker for hopper design were analyzed and the results were compared with those experimentally obtained in a reduced model of a semicircular-section silo. Results show that Enstad theory for the hopper design is adequate to occur mass flow inside the silo, and for the sizing of the discharge outlet, the Walker's theory was closer to the appropriate than Jenike's theory, which was higher around 100% than the experimental hopper outlet.
Areas under vinasse application have been associated to favorable physical conditions for root development, aeration, infiltration and water movement in soil profile. This study aimed to evaluate changes on physical attributes of soil under sugarcane straw after vinasse application in two sugarcane growing areas (Area 1 and Area 2) under mechanized management in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. In each area, the samples were collected in the 0-0.20, 0.20-0.40 and 0.40-0.60m layers of the soil, in 36 points, distributed in a 10×10m mesh, one day before and 40 days after vinasse application. The data were submitted to multivariate analysis with repeated measures and geostatistics. The vinasse application decreased soil density and increased total porosity in both Areas and increased organic matter in Area 2. In Area 1 occurred pure nugget effect for the fractions of sand, silt and clay, independent of soil layer. In Area 2, this effect was verified mostly at superficial layers, except for the fraction of clay that presented a moderate degree of spatial dependence.
Decomposing wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw and rhizosphere-infested soil were evaluated for their suppressive activity against horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum), a noxious summer weed in Pakistan. Two separate pot studies were carried out. Wheat straw was incorporated at 4, 6 and 8 g kg-1 soil five days before the sowing of horse purslane. Pots without straw incorporation were maintained as control. In a second study, soil was taken from 15 and 30 cm depths from a previously cropped wheat field immediately after its harvest and was used as growing medium. Soil from an intentionally uncropped area of the same field was used as control. Suppressive activity was measured in terms of germination dynamics, seedling growth, and biochemical attributes such as chlorophyll contents, total soluble phenolics, soluble protein and antioxidant enzymes. Germination, seedling growth, chlorophyll contents and soluble protein of horse purslane were all negatively influenced. Higher phenolics and enhanced activities of antioxidant enzymes were noticed in response to wheat residues incorporation and its rhizosphere soil. Both studies established that the phytotoxic influence of wheat straw and wheat-infested rhizosphere soil on horse purslane can further be exploited for horse purslane management as a sustainable approach.
The toxic action of aqueous wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw extracts was investigated on germination, early seedling growth, some biochemical attributes and the antioxidant enzymes of horse purslane (Trianthemaportulacastrum). Aqueous extracts of wheat straw were prepared by soaking the wheat straw in distilled water in 1:10 w/v ratio and diluted to obtain the concentrations of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. These were used as pre and post emergence in laboratory and screen house trials. Wheat aqueous extracts exhibited phytotoxicity to horse purslane by inhibiting and delaying its germination and suppressing seedling growth. Wheat phytotoxins in its aqueous extracts suppressed the chlorophyll content and soluble protein, and enhanced soluble phenolics and the activity of antioxidant enzymes as catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase in the seedlings of horse purslane compared with the control. Such inhibitory activity is believed to originate from exposure to wheat phytotoxins that are present in its aqueous straw extract. The suppressive effects of wheat straw need to be investigated further under field conditions.
The aim of this study was to assess the capacity of sulfentrazone applied in pre-emergence in controlling Ipomoea hederifolia and Ipomoea quamoclit as a function of the time interval between herbicide application and the occurrence of rain, and the presence of sugarcane straw on the soil surface. Two greenhouse experiments and one field experiment were conducted. For the greenhouse experiments, the study included three doses of sulfentrazone applied by spraying 0, 0.6, and 0.9 kg ha-1, two amounts of straw on the soil (0 and 10 t ha-1), and five time intervals between the application of herbicide and rain simulation (0, 20, 40, 60, and 90 days). In the field experiment, five herbicide treatments (sulfentrazone at 0.6 and 0.9 kg ha-1, sulfentrazone + hexazinone at 0.6 + 0.25 kg ha-1, amicarbazone at 1.4 kg ha-1, and imazapic at 0.147 kg ha-1) and two controls with no herbicide were studied. Management conditions with or without sugarcane straw on the soil were also assessed. From the greenhouse experiments, sulfentrazone application at 0.6 kg ha-1 was found to provide for the efficient control of I. hederifolia and I. quamoclit in a dry environment, with up to 90 days between herbicide application and rain simulation. After herbicide application, 20 mm of simulated rain was enough to leach sulfentrazone from the straw to the soil, as the biological effects observed in I. hederifolia and I. quamoclit remained unaffected. Under field conditions, either with or without sugarcane straw left on the soil, sulfentrazone alone (0.6 or 0.9 kg ha-1) or sulfentrazone combined with hexazinone (0.6 + 0.25 kg ha-1) was effective in the control of I. hederifolia and I. quamoclit, exhibiting similar or better control than amicarbazone (1.4 kg ha-1) and imazapic (0.147 kg ha-1).
Sorghum, pearl millet, and Brachiaria ruziziensis have similar characteristics which have led to their use for mulch formation in no-till systems. This study was carried out to evaluate the potential of these three species as straw suppliers to suppress weed emergence. Initial findings led to the conclusion that both pearl millet and Brachiaria ruziziensis have similar or superior potential as weed suppressors, compared to sorghum straw, a species with recognized allelopathic potential. Subsequently, new trials were conducted under greenhouse conditions by sowing weed species in pots, followed by covering of the soil with the straw under evaluation. Independent experiments were conducted for Euphorbia heterophylla and Bidens pilosa. In each experiment, the factors analyzed were type of straw (pearl millet and B. ruziziensis), amount of straw (equivalent to 4 and 8 t ha-1 dry mass) and irrigation method (surface and subsurface). Both pearl millet and B. ruziziensis have shown to be species that can be cultivated to produce straw with allelopathic potential. These effects were effective in suppressing the emergence or early growth of E. heterophylla and B. pilosa. There was no difference in the suppression of emergence of these species when the soil cover level was alternated between 4 and 8 t ha-1 dry mass.
Green sugarcane harvesting may promote great changes in the dynamics of herbicides in the environment. Our goal was to evaluate the influence of straw decomposition degree on leaching and weed (Ipomoea grandifolia) control efficacy by (14C) tebuthiuron and hexazinone. The presence of straw on the soil surface affected leaching, mainly for hexazinone (leaching reduced from 37 to 5% of the applied amount in the presence of straw). Overall, tebuthiuron showed more efficient control of Ipomoea than hexazinone. The straw decomposition degree affected only hexazinone efficacy that was lowest for the least decomposed straw. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effects of sugarcane straw on herbicides dissipation, particularly on volatilization and photolysis, to better predict their efficacy and environmental fate.
ABSTRACT This study aimed to understand the influence of sowing depth and the amount of sugarcane straw on the emergence of weed species Luffa aegyptiaca Miller (Cucurbitaceae); Mucuna aterrima Piper & Tracy (Fabaceae - Leguminosae) and Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae). A completely randomized design with a 5 x 4 x 3 factorial layout with four replications was used, at five sowing depths (0, 2, 4, 8 and 10 cm), four different amounts of sugarcane straw (0, 5, 10 and 15 t ha-1) and three different evaluation periods (7, 14 and 21 days after sowing). After sowing, different amounts of sugarcane straw (0, 5, 10 and 15 t ha-1) were deposited on soil. Seedling emergence was analyzed at 7, 14 and 21 days after sowing, counting the number of seedlings that had emerged. At the end of the trial, weed height (cm), leaf area (cm2) and shoot dry mass (g) were measured. In relation to emergence ability, studied species presented different responses according to sowing depth and to the amount of sugarcane straw deposited on the soil. For the L.aegyptiacaand M.aterrima, no significant difference was observed in the interaction between depth and sugarcane straw, showing the adaptation of these species to no-burn sugarcane system. For R.communis, seeds placed at 0 cm of sugar cane straw depth were observed to favor the emergence of seedlings.
ABSTRACTThe raw sugarcane harvesting system has changed the dynamics of weed tillage for this crop, changing the predominant weed species and providing a barrier between the herbicide and the soil. Thus, this study has aimed to assess the influence of precipitation and sugarcane straw in the aminocyclopyrachlor and indaziflam herbicides control efficiency for the species Ipomoea trilobaand Euphorbia heterophylla. There were two trials, one for aminocyclopyrachlor and one for the indaziflam, both in the greenhouse at the campus of Faculdade Integrado in the Brazilian city of Campo Mourão, PR. Each experiment consisted of eight treatments with four replications. The treatments consisted of the combination of the presence of straw (10 t ha-1), capillary irrigation and rainfall simulation (20 mm). Assessments of control percentage of I.triloba and E.heterophylla were carried out, as well as the number of plants per pot. The aminocyclopyrachlor and indaziflam herbicides applied directly to the soil were efficient in controlling these species. The 20 mm rainfall simulation or daily irrigation on the straw are indispensable to promote the removal of aminocyclopyrachlor and indaziflam from the straw and provide satisfactory control of I.triloba and E.heterophylla.
Laser additive manufacturing (LAM), known also as 3D printing, is a powder bed fusion (PBF) type of additive manufacturing (AM) technology used to manufacture metal parts layer by layer by assist of laser beam. The development of the technology from building just prototype parts to functional parts is due to design flexibility. And also possibility to manufacture tailored and optimised components in terms of performance and strength to weight ratio of final parts. The study of energy and raw material consumption in LAM is essential as it might facilitate the adoption and usage of the technique in manufacturing industries. The objective this thesis was find the impact of LAM on environmental and economic aspects and to conduct life cycle inventory of CNC machining and LAM in terms of energy and raw material consumption at production phases. Literature overview in this thesis include sustainability issues in manufacturing industries with focus on environmental and economic aspects. Also life cycle assessment and its applicability in manufacturing industry were studied. UPLCI-CO2PE! Initiative was identified as mostly applied exiting methodology to conduct LCI analysis in discrete manufacturing process like LAM. Many of the reviewed literature had focused to PBF of polymeric material and only few had considered metallic materials. The studies that had included metallic materials had only measured input and output energy or materials of the process and compared to different AM systems without comparing to any competitive process. Neither did any include effect of process variation when building metallic parts with LAM. Experimental testing were carried out to make dissimilar samples with CNC machining and LAM in this thesis. Test samples were designed to include part complexity and weight reductions. PUMA 2500Y lathe machine was used in the CNC machining whereas a modified research machine representing EOSINT M-series was used for the LAM. The raw material used for making the test pieces were stainless steel 316L bar (CNC machined parts) and stainless steel 316L powder (LAM built parts). An analysis of power, time, and the energy consumed in each of the manufacturing processes on production phase showed that LAM utilises more energy than CNC machining. The high energy consumption was as result of duration of production. Energy consumption profiles in CNC machining showed fluctuations with high and low power ranges. LAM energy usage within specific mode (standby, heating, process, sawing) remained relatively constant through the production. CNC machining was limited in terms of manufacturing freedom as it was not possible to manufacture all the designed sample by machining. And the one which was possible was aided with large amount of material removed as waste. Planning phase in LAM was shorter than in CNC machining as the latter required many preparation steps. Specific energy consumption (SEC) were estimated in LAM based on the practical results and assumed platform utilisation. The estimated platform utilisation showed SEC could reduce when more parts were placed in one build than it was in with the empirical results in this thesis (six parts).
The world is facing an explosive increase in the incidence of diabetes mellitus and cost-effective complementary therapies are needed. The effects of Eugenia jambolana, a household remedy for diabetes, were studied. Streptozotocin diabetic female albino Wistar rats weighing 150-200 g (N = 6) were fed E. jambolana seed powder (250, 500 or 1000 mg/kg) for 15 days. Diabetic rats fed 500 and 1000 mg/kg seed powder showed an increase in body weight on day 20 in relation to day 5 (6 ± 4.7, 9 ± 7.8 vs diabetic control -16 ± 7.1 g, P < 0.001), a decrease in fasting blood glucose (75 ± 11.9, 123 ± 14.4 vs diabetic control -34 ± 12.1 mg/dl, P < 0.001), a difference in post-treatment fasting and peak blood glucose (38 ± 11.9, 36 ± 14.2 vs diabetic control 78 ± 11.9 mg/dl, P < 0.001), and a difference in liver glycogen (50 ± 6.8, 52 ± 7.5 vs normal control 90 ± 6.6 µg/g of liver tissue, P < 0.001). Tri-terpenoids, tannins, gallic acid, and oxalic acid were the chemical constituents detected in E. jambolana seed. The best results were obtained with an oral dose of 500 mg/kg. Subacute toxicity studies with a single administration of 2.5 and 5.0 g/kg seed powder showed no mortality or abnormality. These data on the antidiabetic effect of E. jambolana seed are adequate for approval of phase 2 clinical trials to evaluate this seed powder as complementary therapy in type 2 and type 1 diabetes.
This thesis studies the advantages, disadvantages and possibilities of additive manufacturing in making components with internal flow channels. These include hydraulic components, components with cooling channels and heat exchangers. Processes studied in this work are selective laser sintering and selective laser melting of metallic materials. The basic principles of processes and parameters involved in the process are presented and different possibilities of internal channel manufacturing and flow improvement are introduced
In Brazil, the cassava leaf meal (CLM) has been used to strive against undernourishment because it is a high source of vitamins and minerals. However, the wide variation in the chemical composition of the different cultivars, as well as their antinutritional substances may be a restriction to their uses. The levels of some antinutrients in CLM from five cultivars at three ages of the plant (TAP) were investigated, in order to select the cultivars and plant ages that would be more appropriate for human consumption. The lowest contents of antinutrients were observed in the 12-month old plants, except for nitrate and hemagglutinin from which the lowest contents were found for the 17 month old ones. The cultivar IAC 289-70 had the lowest antinutrient levels, except for saponin and oxalate. Thus, the cultivar IAC 289-70 at 12 months is the most appropriate for human consumption.
Weldability of powder bed fusion (PBF) fabricated components has come to discussion in past two years due to resent developments in the PBF technology and limited size of the machines used in the fabrication process. This study concentrated on effects of energy input of welding on mechanical properties and microstructural features of welds between PBF fabricated stainless steel 316L sheets and cold rolled sheet metal of same composition by the means of destructive testing and microscopic analysis. Optical fiber diameter, laser power and welding speed were varied during the experiments that were executed following one variable at a time (OVAT) method. One of the problems of welded PBF fabricated components has been lower elongations at break comparing to conventionally manufactured components. Decreasing energy input of the laser keyhole welding decreased elongations at break of the welded specimens. Ultimate tensile strengths were not affected significantly by the energy input of the welding, but fracturing of the specimens welded using high energy input occurred from the weld metal. Fracturing of the lower energy input welds occurred from the PBF fabricated base metal. Energy input was found to be critical factor for mechanical properties of the welds. Multioriented grain growth and formation of neck at fusion zone boundary on the cold rolled side of the weld was detected and suspected to be result from weld pool flows caused by differences in molten weld pool behaviour between the PBF fabricated and cold rolled sides of the welds.